
My pseuds:
I joined on:
My user ID is:



mood □ for laying                         movie: □ fav ff                         
skills □ messing up legendary             music: □ his husky voice                
english □ so so (for aliens)              food: □ despair                         
hate: □ time is a bitch                   love: □ VKC (view, kudos, comments) 
writing: □ snail steps - my goal          wish: □ to feel less dumb               
reading: □ more often that breathing      goal: □ to write all of it              
actual                                    failure: □ cook for a husband           
talking: □ yea, with my characters        anything                                
status: □ taken . . . (by my cat)         to add: □ wanna see a pic of my cat?✨️  
genre: □ the slowest of burns                                                
motto: □ bl or nothing                    __| l i n k s                    
books: □ i do ebooks                                                              
fandom(s): □ more than stars on the sky   pin @sunienlea                         
fav: □ completed 500+k words              twitter @lea n.           
time: □ we're enemies                     amino @lea noah                 
personality: □ procrastinating            deviantart @lea-noah                 
ideal type: □ knows of this profile       wattpad @lea_noah  
hobby: □ edits (oooh, and actual answer)                                          
job: □ anything for my cat and bills     👀✨️ 👉 my cat