Welcome to Zamit Student Internship! Dive into a transformative journey that hones your skills, fuels your passion, and prepares you for a dynamic future. These flexitime internships offer self-paced learning opportunities, allowing students to upskill and learn during their Summer or Winter break. Students can apply for these internships by filling out the Enquiry Form below.

Leap into Practical Learning

Zamit provides short-term and extended internships designed to enhance students' skills, preparing them for the future and enriching their portfolios with;

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    Project-integrated sessions.
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    Flexible Internship aligned with academic schedules.
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    Certification from QAI on internship completion.
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    Zamit Internship Community
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    Zamit Student Panellist ensuring fruitful learning for all the students!

As a Zamit Intern, you'll join a vibrant community of changemakers and lifelong learners. Explore coding, AI, Creative Writing, and more with young and dynamic mentors who connect with you at your level.

Turn classroom knowledge into practical expertise, innovate alongside passionate minds, and set trends instead of following them. Designed for students of Grades 5 to 11, our flexible internships fit around your academic schedule. Apply early for an advantage as seats are limited. Also, earn a certification upon completion and unlock new opportunities.

Let's upskill for the future together!

Story Telling & Creative Writing

Story Telling & Creative Writing

Students will write short stories, blogs, create their own characters or even start a collaborative story with other interns. Cover writing, presenting, voice modulation , pronunciation will be practically demonstrated.

Environmental Awareness & Sustainability

Environmental Awareness & Sustainability

Students will focus on environmental issues & conservation. Students can create awareness campaigns, design posters or initiate small community projects related to environmental sustainability.

Introduction to AI Tools That Enrich Learning

Introduction to AI Tools That Enrich Learning

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in various spheres of our life using AI tools in school education equips students with the skills needed to navigate & leverage technology effectively in their future careers. Understanding the use & advantages of AI tools creates a more dynamic, individualised & effective experience that empowers students to become proactive, adaptable and lifelong learners.
In this Internship we would introduce students to some excellent Tools that will enrich their learning out comes in Language, Mathematics, Creativity & Presentation skills. Today’s student is naturally wired to understand & use technology and this will help them focus and use tools already existing that will make them better critical thinkers that can apply their knowledge to remain ahead in the ever-changing VUCA World.

Market Research & Data Analytics

Market Research & Data Analytics

This Internship is planned to coincide with the winter break of schools in India. Market research & data analytics are powerful tools for businesses to understand their markets & customers. Market research focuses on gathering information about markets & consumers which is essential for every budding Entrepreneur. Data analytics involves processing & analysing data to extract valuable insights. Together these practices enable informed decision making, strategic planning and improved business performance & will be invaluable for students whilst they take up different career paths. Students applying for this need to be interested in understanding the dynamics of entrepreneurship & have a desire to understand commercials that drive all successful businesses.

Introduction to Digital Marketing & Navigating Social Media

Introduction to Digital Marketing & Navigating Social Media

Explore the dynamic realm of digital marketing and social media in this immersive 5-week internship. Gain hands-on experience, develop essential skills, and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing strategies

Customer Support & Satisfaction

Customer Support & Satisfaction

Dive into the world of customer advocacy, retention, and engagement during this 5-week internship. Learn strategic approaches to foster customer loyalty, enhance retention, and drive meaningful engagement for a comprehensive understanding of customer-centric practices.

Introduction To Game Design & Development

Introduction To Game Design & Development

This internship is offered at two levels.
Students may apply for the Starter Internship which will introduce students to the basics of Game Design & Development.
The Star Interns from this may then further opt to take the Advanced Programme where they will use their learning to develop their signature game which could have the privilege of being hosted on Zamit for all users !

Unleashing The Power of DataOps

Unleashing The Power of DataOps

In an increasingly data-driven world, the term "DataOps" has emerged as a vital concept that transcends industries and job sectors. DataOps, which combines data management and operations, is a set of practices that can revolutionize how students in school learn, make decisions, and prepare for future careers. Whether they pursue a profession in technology, healthcare, finance, marketing, or any other field, data is the backbone of modern business operations. DataOps empowers students to harness data effectively and drive informed decision-making.
