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Coaching & Skill-Building Session
November 2 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement, Student Engagement, Staff Engagement, Behavior and Discipline Approach, and Content Delivery. Our highly trained staff will coach participants in mindset, facilitation, and intervention skills as well as practice “Pro-Tips” for practical implementation and training others in your schools.

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Restorative Justice Applications and Alignment within a Multi-Tiered System of Support
November 4 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
According to the US Department of Education, a positive school culture fosters safety, promotes a positive academic, disciplinary and physical environment, and encourages trusting and caring relationships between adults and students. As different initiatives work toward a common vision of improving school climate, how can schools organize high-quality systems and practices to create consistent outcomes? In this session, we will examine how Restorative Justice fits into a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. Participants will learn how to use this structure to, a) align practices to a three-tiered framework; b) utilize teams to increase efficiency and make data-based decisions; and c) integrate practices and provide supports for ALL students.

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Restorative Justice for Staff Engagement and Wellness
November 4 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
As staff return to school communities, they will be asked to manage complex schedules including on-line and in-person instruction, facilitate the increased needs of students and families, and maintain shifting resources while balancing their own households, health needs and possible grief due to the loss of loved ones. This workshop will introduce participants to staff community building circles and trauma based restorative practices that can provide opportunities for emotional support, team building, and exploring core assumptions for working together effectively. Participants will learn strategies for self-care, conflict resolution and restorative communication in a virtual setting. The workshop is intended for educators, school administrators, and support staff. 

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Community of Practice: Resilience, Bravery, and Safety in Challenging Times
November 4 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
We invite our community to join us on for a discussion and reflection of resilience, bravery, and safety. We recognize the upcoming months will be difficult for many of us as we continue to deal with the impacts of Covid-19, uncertainty around the National Election, re-entry into our schools, and a very different holiday season. We want to give our Community an opportunity and space to reflect on feelings of personal, emotional, mental safety, and consider the personal skills and support that members need to build their personal foundations of resilience and bravery. We look forward to seeing our long-standing members and welcome new colleagues to our Community of Practice!

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Agreement Writing in Restorative Processes
November 7 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Conducting effective preventative or responsive circles requires the facilitator to be able to help the participants create meaningful agreements that address the roots of the problem and are sustainable over time.  In this workshop, we will explore how to create effective agreements between the parties involved, check for understanding and agreement, and utilize coaching skills to increase the chances for success over time. Some circles go "great" and then the behaviors or hurtful patterns come back. We will also examine the next restorative step if/when the agreements are broken. Participants will have the opportunity to practice these skills through interactive exercises and role-plays.

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Games, Engagers, and Brain Breaks
November 7 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
This two-hour training will give school staff strategies for incorporating humor, fun, connection, and energy into on-line sessions with students. Participants will be exposed to a range of activities that have been adapted for use in various on-line platforms. The session includes exploration of the role of Ice Breakers, Brain Breaks, and Student Engagers in building relationships, promoting social emotional awareness, and trauma-informed practices. These practices can be utilized as part of lesson plans, advisory sessions, and circles processes and can be tailored to various ages and abilities.

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Check out our Restorative Justice Resources and Fall schedule.
If you have any questions, please email Jessica Dulay or Restorative DC
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