Voice of Offaly Businesses: LEO Offaly Feedback Survey

Welcome to LEO Offaly feedback survey!

We highly value your insights and opinions, and your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our events and services. This survey is designed to gather your thoughts, preferences, and suggestions to ensure that Local Enterprise Office Offaly continues to provide valuable resources and events that meet your needs. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and together, we can strengthen and support our local business community.
1.What type of events do you prefer to attend? (Select all that apply)
2.How often do you attend Local Enterprise Office Offaly events?
3.What topics or areas of information are you most interested in learning more about at these events? (Select all that apply)
4.Which time of day do you prefer for attending events?
5.What type of support or resources are you particularly interested in accessing through Local Enterprise Office Offaly events? (Select all that apply)
6.How do you typically hear about Local Enterprise Office Offaly events?
7.What motivates you to attend Local Enterprise Office Offaly events? (Select all that apply)
8.Are there any specific speakers or experts you would like to see at future events? If so, please provide their names or areas of expertise.
9.What suggestions or feedback do you have to improve the quality and relevance of Local Enterprise Office Offaly events?
10.On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied), how satisfied are you with the previous Local Enterprise Office Offaly events you've attended?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered