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news page 3 




$ Fewer 


Judith Judd 

Education Editor 

A decline in GCSE examination 
entries for English and several 
other major subjects is revealed 

in results for neady 600,000 can- 
didates published today. By 
contrast, there were big in- 
creases in the numbers enter- 
ing subjects such as home 
economics, physical education 
and information technology. 

Thirteen thousand fewer 
pupils took English than last 
year, a 2 per cent decline, com- 
pared with a fall in the number 
of 16-year-olds of 13 per cent 
The proportion of top grades in 
English was also slightly lower. 

One expert suggested that 
boys, who traditionally do less 
well than girls in English, were 
voting with their feet against a 
subject that they disliked. 

English teachers said schools, 
might be entering fewer pupils 
■ because the last government’s 
decision to cutcoursework had 
made it more difficult for teach- 
ers to interest the Ie« able 
pupfls- Numbers also dropped ; 
in history, geography, humani- j 
ties, economics and French but 
increased in Spanish. 

The GCSE examination 
boards said provisional figures 
showed that the proportion of 
entries getting grades A’toC- 
d -was up by a4 percent to 54.4 
per cent. Last year's provision- 
al figure was 53.7 per cent. 

/Ban Smithers, professor of 
public policy at Brunei Univer- 
: Jsity, said: “It could be that we are 
seeing a drift away from the clas- 
sical curriculum to encompass a 
broader range of subjects.” 
Exam league tables are based on 
the proportion of pupils getting 
five A' to C grades. But they can 
be in any subject and need not 
include English, he pointed oul 

Anne Barnes, general secre- 
tary of the National Association 
for the Teaching of English, said 
less coursework in syllabuses 
left a lot of children disenfran- 
chised But Dr Kim Howells, the 
education and employment min- 
jster. said he was concerned at 
' ihe dip in performance in Eng- 
-• Hsh but believed that government 
measures on literacy and na tionaf 
targets for 1 1 -year-olds would, in 
time, lake effect 

Results, page 8 






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chance: Madk Ramprakash, the Mkkflesex captain recalled to the England side, practising in the nets at The Oval, 
where the fined Test against Australia starts today. England are 3-1 down in the Ashes series Photograph: David Ashdown 

| ‘Let the wicked be no more’, plead 
% the Concerned People of Montserrat 


Phil Davison 

•.reports from 
. pveston as the 
islanders face 
up to ‘voluntary 

It could have been a Fifties 
Pngikh film, wiih Alec Guinness 
as Ure colonial governor, but the 
aotfd in front of him was dead- 
ly serious. Above them, black 
satoke and ash billowed from 

tbeSoufriere Hills volcano- A 
■' few hundred yards offehore, 
the frigate HMS Liverpool lay 

- at anchor, ready to 

- uatc the remajmng 4,000 in- 
habitants of MontsenaL 

The volcano has gradually 
squeezed these people into a 
small area in the north of this 
: eriiish Caribbean island. The 

iwemment’s vaollation and 
. £ of clarity over whether to 
evacuate the island and, if so, 
hw »»«*. assistance they 

Sh 1Ul^y e Md frustrated over 

their emergen^ 
lions and confused ab^Jt a 
“voluntary evacuation offer. 
thev banged tong°d£ims. 
marehed to the 'Bnnsb Gover- 
nor's office and demantkd i^ 
rcsicnaiion. They blamed the 
Seen for “trampling her sub- 



t ; ?y • ~ 

Evacuation of Montserrat 

Cental ‘Buffer Zbre’ eracu^d on Satunlay. j 
Satem had become new mateshfl capfial 

Ferries ffltzte 
people a AntigraJ 

HMS Liverpool to 

martial Bvacuaam 

W^tmteofUifl 11.000 
pre-crisis pqpulalion are 
cotmed Wd too 
Northein ‘SafBZbne'.. 


'Fbrtjidclen Zcra' where Cfaices Peak 
volcano and capita! Plymouth are | 
located. First area to be evacuated 

jeds” and threatened to declare 
independence if their demands 
are not met. 

There were only 150 of them 

this time, but they were very up- 
set and they’d never done any- 
thing tike this before. They 
promised to do it again^ every 
day until their plight s im- 
proved and their number is 
likely to grow. Most Montser- 
ratians later expressed sympa- 
thy with their actions. 

Flanked by his local police 
chief from Stases in khaki colo- 
nial uniform. Governor Frank 
Savage came outinto the drive- 
way, pushed his police officere 
□side and walked into the crowd 
armed onhr with a stiff upper hp- 
As a dreadlocked rastafanan 
protester shouted out “let me 

kill the boy," Mr Savage, the 
only man on the island in a 
striped Harrods shirt and dark 
bine tie, declared: “Thank you 
for m m mg to see me today." 

The governor, who is due to 
leave the post nest month, tried 

.to placate the demonstrators, 
but with little success. He was 
relatively popular until die vol- 
cano turned serious last month, 
lrijlmg around 20 people. “Mr 
Savage, we’re not orrivd fesatfe - 
fied widi Mr Osborne {Bertrand 
Osborne, the island’s local gov- 
ernment Chief MimsrerJ, we’re 
dissatisfied with you,” said one. 
“You are not representing us 
any more. We, the people are 
representing ourselves-" 

“Resign,” came a shout from 
the crowd 

They carried placards saying: 
“"Weare not animals. Ws are hu- 
man beings" and “No more 
Iks." “We used to salute the 
Queen," shouted Julian Romeo, 
a tocal businessman behind a new 
group called The Concerned 
People of Montserrat “Let her 
respect us. Let her understand 
that either^ we are British citizens 
or she can let us gp." 

Diplomatic as ever, the gov- 
ernor thanked Mr Romeo, 
shook his hand and referred to 
him as “the moderator". Ap- 
parently forgetting that the na- 
tives speak the same tongue, he 
used that particular brand of 
special, slow-motion and extra- 
dear English which diplomats 
generally use in front of for- 
dgnere. The group presented an 

11-point proposal to the Gov- 
ernor, rejecting the voluntary 
evacuation package proposed by 
Britain at the weekend, de- 
manded restitution for their 
lost homes and businesses, in- 
sisted Monlserratians maintain 
their nationality after any evac- 
uation and called for assur- 
ances that Britain wfll develop 
the previously little-inhabited 
north of the island, considered 
the onhr safe zone left 

“In the event of a total evac- 
uation, we want to make it 
dear that we are not abandon- 
ing ourcountiy but expect to re- 
turn here when it is safe to do 
so," said group spokeswoman 
Teresa SDcott as the governor 
listened. If Britain did not re- 
spond, die said, Montserrat, one 
of a dozen British Dependent 
Territories, would demand in- 

The Governor laid out the 
package on efier. Fast, thbse^ wish- 
ing to evacuate to Britain would 
be put up in hotels tb nearby Aih 
tigua, fed three meals a day and 
transported to Britain within 
about a week at Britain'sexpense. 
Second, he suppo rted a package 
put forward by GikfMInistier .Os- 
borne the nigbt before, under 
which a family of four would re- 
ceive £27,500 over a period of 18 
months as evacuation compen- 

proposal, he said. Third, Britain 
would support anyone who re- 
mains on the island. 

Leadi ng article, page 13 


paid to shop 
the IRA 

Jason Bennetto 

Crime Correspondent 

C riminals are helping police 
with important tip-offs against 
IRA members in Britain for 
large cash rewards, the head of 
Scotland Yard’s Anti-Terrorist 
Branch has revealed. 

Commander John Grieve, 
the national anti-terrorist co- 
ordinator, said that leads pro- 
vided by underworld informers 
had been of “enormous bene- 
fit" in counter terrorism. The 
cr iminals have been motivated 
by a mixture of money, revenge, 
and self interest. 

It was also revealed that mem- 
bers of the underworld are also 
far more willing to talk to anti- 
terrorist squad officers than de- 
tectives dealing in mainstream 
crime because they are confident 
they win not be arrested. 

A reward of up to £lm was 
offered in February last year fol- * 
lowing the Docklands’ bomb in 
east London which killed two 
people and ended the IRA 
ceasefire, but until now it was 
undear how useful such finan- 
cial incentives are in attracting 

Mr Grieve told The Inde- 
pendent: “Information from 
various areas of the community, 
including the criminal commu- 
nity, has been of enormous 
benefit to those engaged in the 
counter-terrorist offensive. 

“Organised crime can be 
seen as a web work of loose al- 
liances and old hatreds. We can, 
and do, make use of this." 

He went on: “We know that 
some criminals are motivated by 
money, and will pass on useful 
information about other crim- 
inals in return for rewards. We 
have encouraged officers to ex- 
plore the potential with their in- 


High Street sales surge 
Fears of another mortgage rise 
-the fifth in as many months - 
were sparked by official figures 
showing retail sales growing at 
their fastest rates since the con- 
sumer boom of the late 1980s. 
High street sales growth hit 6 J 
per cent last month, much faster 
than expected. Page 16 

Refugee influx 

Thousands of Colombian 
refugees who have fled to 
Britain seeking asylum have 
been refused entry. The- influx 
follows fierce fighting within the 
country. Page 8 


v* w5\ // 
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formants in all criminal fields." 

The Anti-Terrorist Branch 
has targeted individuals on the 
criminal fringes, such as shady 
car dealers as well as more se- 
nior villains who are likely to 
have contact with ERA members 
looking for equipment such as 
false identification papers, 
stolen vehicles and firearms. 

The increased use of crimi- 
nal informers is understood to 
be one of the new techniques 
deployed by Mr Grieve, who 
oversees anti-terrorist investi- 
gations across the country, that 
has. helped lead to a string of 
successes against the IRA. Oth- 
er developments have been the 
growth of surveillance cam- 
eras, the police anti-terrorist 
hotline - 0800 789 321- and 
closer co-operation with MLS. 

Mr Grieve is unwilling to dis- 
cuss individual cases and cash 
rewards, but it is understood 
that information from c riminals 
has been fundamental in pro- 
viding vital break-throughs. 

Underworld figures have 
made it clear that they are less 

wary of anti-terrorist officers, 
who are considered less of a 
threat to their liberty than oth- 
er police departments. 

Mr Grieve said: “Criminals 
seem more keen to talk to the 
Anti-Terrorist Branch because 
they see us in a different light 
or put us in a different catego- 
ry, or think wc have different 
priorities from other police of- 
ficers. Perhaps this could be an- 
other examine of communities 
. defeating terrorism." 

He added: “Communities 
defeat crime, and in saying this 
I include the criminal commu- 
nity. Criminals are vulnerable to 
the risk of being informed on by 
their own kind. 

“Some of our appeals have 
been targeted at specific areas 
of the community - for exam- 
ple, the ‘dodgy’ end of the mo- 
tor vehicle trade, people who 
may have ... information about 
suspicious deals and activities 
which are of interest to the Anti- 
Terrorist Branch." 

But Dr Clive Norris, of Hull 
University, who recently com- 
pleted a two year study on the 
use of palke informers, warned 
last night of the potential dan- 
gers of using paid “grasses". 

He said: “There’s a real dan- 
ger if the police are becoming 
involved with active criminals 
that one of the unintentional 
consequences is that they may 
have to turn a blind eye to the 
criminal acts of their informers 
to keep them out of prison.” 

He said that informers pro- 
vided information for a variety 
of reasons. “Money is the best 
and clearest motive. It could 
also be to settle old scores, in 
which they case may be less in- 
terested in telling the truth, or 
clearing the field for arms and 
drug dealing." 



Business & City IB-19 

Foreign News JMl 

Home News -2*8 

Gazette tZ 

Law Report 12 

Leading articles 13 

Letters 13 

Shares 19 

Sport .21-24 



Arts Reviews .19 

Edinburgh festival 8 JB 

FBm 4-7 

Graduate + 13 

Listings .20,21 

Radio & TV .23^4 

Thomas SutcfffTe j 

Weather JS2 








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THTrR5quV9.i ATtnrigr ioo7 » THE INDEPENDENT 

significant shorts 


Coroner links CJD death 
to eating infected meat 

The poyemm ent came under renewed pressure to open a public 
inquiry into the risks posed to humans by “mad cow' 1 after 

a coroner linked a 39-year-old trainee chefs death to having «ir ftp 
BSE-infected food. 

Recording a verdict of misadventure ou Matthew Parker, of 
Doncaster, who died of die new variant of the incurable brain 
disorder Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in March, deputy 
coroner Fred Curtis said that on the balance of probabilities the 
medical evidence showed a link between the teenager’s infection 
with CJD and the consumption of BSE- infected food. He was 
to have had an appetite for burgers pies and sausages. 

The solicitor to the Parker family, David Brody, said after the 
verdict: “The link with BSE has been accepted by the coroner and 
we are pleased with that. We have suggested to the Government 
that a public inquiry is what is needednow.” 

Yesterday was the second time tbat a UK coroner has blamed a 
CJD death on BSE. Last October, a Belfast coroner linked the two 
diseases in the death of Maurice Callaghan, 30, whose wife told the 
inquest that he had eaten red meat two or three times a week. 
There have been 21 recorded cases of new variant CJD in the UK 
since it was first identified in 1995. Charles Arthur 

Fire alert shuts Channel Tunnel 

The Chan n el TUnnel was closed for more than an hour yesterday 
after two separate fire alarms went off within minutes of each other 
on board freight trains travelling in opposite directions. 

Up to 60 passengers had to be evacuated to the service tunnel 
while the cause of the alarms was investigated and the tr ains 
cleared to proceed. Two Eurostar passenger trains, carrying about 
200 people, were also held up. An investigation will be launched 
into why the two alarms were wrongly activated, but a spokesman 
for Eurotunnel said that it appeared to be “pure coincidence” th«r 
they should have gpne off so close together. Under new safety 
procedures introduced following last November's fire within the 
tunnel, the trains stopped immediately the alarms were sounded. 

Supreme victory for Motown fans 

Ttvo British lamia Motown fans 
have won a 10-year battle to 
persuade record giant Polygram to 
open their vaults and release an 
album of rare tracks. 

Chris King and Jim Stewart 
refused to take no for answer from 
the owners of the Motown 
catalogue and are sow celebrating 
the release of This Is Northern 
SouL It features 24 rarely-heard 
tracks from legendary singers from 
the mid- 60s like Marvin Gaye, 

Gladys Knight (left), Frank Witeon 

and even Motown ’s backing group the Andantes. Mr Stewart, 50, a 
CD supplier from Swanley, Kent, and Mr King, a DJ from 
Nottingham, hope to sell 12,000 copies of the compilation to 
ensure a second album is commissioned. 

Body of British diver recovered 

Rescuers yesterday recovered die body of British diver Rob Parker, 
35, who died after getting into difficulties during exploration of the 
Blue Holes undersea cavern complex in the Bahamas. A follow 
diver had tried to help him to the surface after problems developed 
while the pair were diving at a depth of 260ft, but he himself got 
into difficulties and the two men became separated. 

KiHer on mn after jail escape " 

Police are buntmg-tlre brutal killer of a mother-of-fjiree after he 
escaped from * low-security jaif with another Mutate. 

and robbed 29-year-old Gillian ‘Ellis as she walked home from a 
party in December 1984, was dangerous and violent and warned 
the public not to approach him. He was serving a life sentence. 
Jackson, 32, formerly of Burnley, Lancashire, and 22-year-old Neil 
Skinner - who was serving a three-year term for drag? offences - 
escaped from Ran by Prison, Nottinghamshire on Tuesday evening. 

Monster wasps’ nest found in attic 

The current heatwave has led to what experts believe could be the 
biggest wasps’ nest in the country being found in the attic of a 
family home. 

The nest, which measured 4ft Sins by 4ft 6ins, was found in the 
loft of a house in Lawiey Gate, Horsehay, near Tfelford, Shropshire. 
A spokesman for the Guinness Book of Records said there was no 
entry for the largest wasps’ nest in the current edition and added: 
“We would need to do some research before we could confirm 
whether or not it is the biggest one." 

Women infringed by bizarre painter 

Police are seeking a man who has covered women in paint on the 
pretence that they wifi appear as painted statues in a performance 
at the Edinburgh Fringe. 

Officers investigating the bizarre incidents say the man, who calls 
himself Steven, is known to have painted at least two women - fully 
clothed -in the past 10 days in the Leith area of Edinburgh. 

A police spokesman said “No physical harm has been done to 
any of this man’s victims, but dearly we want to find out who he is 
... We realise people may be embarrassed to come forward but we 
need to find out how many people he has come into contact with.” 


The Sign 

By Josd Angel Valerrte 
(translated by Arthur Terry) 

Scanning this tiny man-made object, 
this simple bowl of clay baked in the sun, . 

in whim the permanence of coarse material 

becomes a sign or token, . 

whose kneaded presence turns to bntueform, 
image of time or the escape from time, 
one's gaze unfolds, ■ 

slowly sokes in the delicate invention, 
all that the hand instilled into the lump 
of dumsy. living earth. 

Here, in this object 
which the shifting <ye explores, 
seeking the ads of proportion, 
our bang settles for a moment: 

thnrugfi it some other life extends us truth, 
another eye, another dream achieve 
their simplest answer: 

ji ca annual aihscrintk)nsare £ 20 from 5 Cranboume 

cSS/3bert Brid^ W London SW11 4PE. 

THE independent abroad 

Mora ....Sc mo 

Bdgutn afiflO 

Carenes . - - i J ts300 
Cypns .C£L2Q 

DennarV Dh18 

InstiRep -<Sp 

Franca fit* 

Germany . . . .DM4.5 

Greet? J*5S0 

Luentoug . . JLF90 

NTands . . . . R5.00 

KB* IA500 

Madeira . . - EM325 
Krta,... 43 cents 

Noway NW20 

ftmugal . . . Esc325 

Span PoSOO 


SMOHUnd . 3*4J0 

USA *3i» 

# oat i3 B*pa mate a* i 

Etat. tarn*. Mica md ferial 2m» 2 (ftr 

Eat an AuSBfcaa) £206.70. ft f*m tend 

UMOMmtM UindqnEM9mor«Mihw01rt- 

S388mQi««tt , ** a,Dt 
war botes 

Br* #■ MfependBt an ritt to* 

Glorious] Dustin Hoffman fright) teneara mudorat fbe pop riffiar Sting as they tahe a ther ap eutic 
mud bath In a lagooti ai DafyaByOh the Mofiananean coast of Turkey. The actor Md singer 
are sharfog a luxury yacht wtthffielr frUidGfek on a crulsk^bofiday which also took them to vfsit a . 
sea tmtie nesting home, ho BriefUBh Stings w e * K n own concern Tor wfldflfe (Photograph: Reuters) 

Elle McPherson prepares 
for model motherhood 

T he latest development in the Dfe 
of Ble MacPherson (right), the 
Australian model, may pose a 
threat to the perfectly proportioned 
figure that has earned her the nick- 
name The Body. MacPherson, 34, is 
pregnant with her first child, it 
emerged yesterday. 

Her brotha; Brendan Gow; sad that 
the baby was due In February. The 
father is Arpad "Arkfct" Busson, the 35- 
year-ofd Swiss financier who has been 
at MacPherson's side since she spilt 
up wtthKevinCostoer, the Hollywood 

Mr Gow said that the model had 
.fold. her famity about foe pregnancy 
^anjgnth^ago. .“She’s very, very hap- 
•pjfr an& it witfoe a-very welcome ad- 
dition to the family," he said. According to reports in 
Australian women's magazines, MacPherson has been 
wearing an engagement ring since March, but has told 
friends that she does not plan to get married until after 
the baby is bom. 

Her father; Peter Gow; said yesterday that she had been 
“in love for some time now”. He added: “I don't know 
about marriage. This is the 20th century.” 

In recent years, MacPherson has branched out from 

her lucrative modelling career into 
other i n t e rests, including acting. Co- 
incidentally, her. latest rote is as an 
expectant mother, complete with 
padding, in the American film Mom's 
Up On The Roof. 

MacPherson, whose previous 
credits include Batman and Robin 
and Simns, also has her own 
women's underwear label, EHe 
MacPherson Intimates, and a share 
with fellow models in the Fashion 
Cafe, a chain of theme restaurants. 

Her rataBonship wife Mr Busson fol- 
lows a string of romances with 
wealthy and high-profile men in- 
cluding Yarvn Gambtin, the French 
photographer, Tim Jefferies, the 
British multHnlirKinake art dealer, ac- 
tor Sean Penn and the rock star Michael Hutchence. 

She married a French photographer, Giles Bensimon, 
in 1986, but they separated six years later when she found 
out that he was having an affair with another model. 

MacPherson can still charge tens of thousands of 
pounds a day as a model, but there are those happy to 
report any tess-than-perfact physical attribute. One news- 
paper gleefully reported signs of cellulite when she was 
photographed on holiday fn St Tropez last month. 

BBC erased classic 
Cook and Mbcre 
archives m favour 
of local news 

Almost all of the classic Not Only 
_. But Also series by Peter Cook 
and.Dudley Moore has been wiped 
by the BBC to make space in its 
archives for local news 
programmes it was revealed 

Out of 21 episodes of the cult 
Sixties comedy series 16 were 
wiped by the BBC between 1970 
and 1974. The five that remain 
were filmed illegally from a TV 
screen at toe time of broadcast by 
the series producer who was 
scared of the tapes being lost 
The story emerges from a 
biography of Peter Cook (right) 
published today by comedy 
producer Hany Thompson. 

Mr Thompson describes the 
wiping of the. tapes as an act of 
cultural vandalism and has tried to 
find out who in the BBC's senior 
management ordered the wiping. 

tlimmy Gilbert, head of comedy 
at the time said there was no 
opposition to the order;** said Mr 
Thompson yesterday. 

“People didn't question it 
Comedy wasn't seen as a cultural 
artefact to be saved. 

“Instead the mam priority was to 
keep news programmes- Every 
single dumb local news item had 
to be kept” 

Mr Thompson met Peter Cook 
after working in the BBC's 
archives In the Eighties. He 
discovered the few remaining 
episodes and copied them onto a 

VHS tape. This he presented to Mr 
Cook and saved a copy tor 

The BBC has subsequently 
used the few tapes left in 
compilation to show a Best of Not 
Only _ But Also. “That’s why the 
so-called classic scenes from the . 
series are the only ones you ever 
see,” said Mr Thompson, "It's the 
only ones they’ve got” 

Not Only — But Also grew out of 
Cook and Moore's collaboration in 
the hit satire Beyond The fringe. 
The BBC's policy on keeping 
tapes also meant that the black 
and white episodes of Steptoe and 
Son shown by the BBC two years 
ago ware from tapes made 
illegally by a fan in Australia. The 
originals had been destroyed. 

A BBC Resources spokesman 
said “If anyone has any tapes from 
that time we would love to hear 
from them and take them back 
into the archive." 

Paul McCann 

Mother arrested 
after admitting 
crime on TV 

The mother of a former murder 
suspect was arrested yesterday 
after telling a television 
programme she ordered the 
disposal of a knife. 

Diane Ash-Smith's husband 
Aubrey is currently serving a 
12-month sentence after bung 
found guilty earlier this year of 
perverting the course of justice. 

Their son Colin has been 
questioned in the past about the 
unsolved murder of Claire Tillman, 
the teenager who was stabbed to 
death in January 1993 in an alley 
at Greenhithe, Kent He is currently 
serving a life sentence for attacks 
on two other women. 

A Kent police spokeswoman 
said yesterday that Mrs Ash-Smith 
was being questioned at 
Gravesend police station. “We can 
confirm that a woman has been 
arrested on suspicion of perverting 
the course of justice following 
comments made in a television 
programme last night,” she said. 

Mrs Ash-Smith - who has always 
believed in her son’s innocence - 
told Meridian Focus last night that 
she ordered a knife to be disposed 
of when police were questioning 

Mrs Ash -Smith, a former mayor 
of Swanscombe and Greenhithe, 
says she felt the family were being 
harassed by police. 

”1 expect I'll get arrested and put 
away now, but I said for Christ's 
sake get rid of that bloody knife, 
you know what police are like, 
they'll come and put us away.” 

Portillo steps into the television cabinet 

Michael Portillo, polMetovturned-preseriter win 
tonight prove his credentials as a broadcaster when 
he tops foe WO of a new television series. 

The former cabinet minister and darting of the Tory 
right was no stranger to publicity at the height of his 
political career. And, since losing his EnfleM 
Southgate seat to labour at the General Election, Mr 
Portillo has chosen to stay intiie Umefight 

His second television appearance, following 
BBCS?s well-received One Foot Jn ffre Past when he 
charmed his way around a stately home, focuses on 
foe politics of the 1840s and the Conservative 

in-fighting which led to the fall of a Prime Minister, 
veare of Tory opposition, and foe nse of Benjamin 
Disraeli. The programme, fitted Leviadton, charts the 
apHt in the Conservative Party, sparked by the com 

laws and the end of protectionism, through the long 
years of opposition, the biick-by-brick rebuilding of 
the party and Disraeli's ascent to power in 1874. 

Some of the parallels with today's Tory party ana 
deliberate. Mr Portillo was familiar with party divisions 
during his time in government - although, unlike 
Disraeli, he never openly challenged his leader. 

These insights and his enthusiasm for history were, 
no doubt, what drew the makers of the BBC2 
programme, which will be shown at 7.30pm, to the 
former politician. 

Mr Portillo's easy manner in front of the camera 
and his lesser-known sense of humour appear to 
have made him a popular choice for the programme 
makers. He is currently said to be considering several 
offers of broadcasting work. 


Heartbeat may prove key 
to cot-death syndrome 

Babies at risk of cot death may be identified in future by studying 
heartbeat, it emerged yesterday. ' . 

A United States mathematician has developed aw ayot 
measuring randomness that appears to offer a 
in danger. The system has already been used to prekout babies that 
have survived non-fatal episodes of Sudden Infant Death 

^emetSd^ses the possibility of screening *** 

tendency to experience periods erf unusually regular f 

Sucfa infents could be fitted with monitors to detect episodes ot 
extreme regularity and alert doctors or parents. Normally a 
heartbeat that seems on the surface to be regular actuaipr m 
a complex irregular rhythm as it responds to inarming signals from 
the brain, -muscles and digestive system. While the causes of 
cot-death are unknown, some doctors believe babies threatened by 
cot-death exhibit a strange tendency for their heartbeats to 
descend into a sinister pattern of regularity. . . 

A report in New Scientist magazine sard: “The technique doesn t 
yet offer foolproof detection, but through further refwementcwuto 
become a powerful medical tool to help save infants from SlPb. 


Asthma patients suffer needlessly 

Thousands of asthma sufferers are cond emn i ng themselves to a 
life of misery by fe'dmg to treat their condition property, it was 

^ people with asthma soars. The Which? Guide to 
Managing Asthma said many of the debilitating symptoms could be 
kept under control by using the most conventional treatments and 
self-help strategies, and that even deaths can be prevented by 
taking control of the condition. 

The book, written by Mark Greenes, an asthma sirfferer tomsett, 
examines bow balancing self-help and correctly used medication 
can help people with asthnsa reclaim their quality of life - and, in 
some cases, even save it Studies suggest that eightout of ten 
asthma deaths may be .preventable- Mr Greener said asthma 
sufferers could reduce the risk of an attack by reducing the lewd of 
dost mites, a trigger factor; by washing bed linen at least once a 
week at above 60C, and pillows and blankets monthly; ami placing 
raft toys in die freezer for six hoars a week to kill the mites. 

People who are allergic to pollen should keep windows dosed on 
hot sonny days, especially in the morning and late afternoon, and, 
to avoid pollution, asthma suffers should not jog in polluted areas 
or exercise with the window open in the dty. 


Plants that look into the future 

Plants have an uncanny power to predict thunderstorms by 
detecting electricity in the air, a British expert claims. 

Andrew Goldsworthy, a botanist, believes plants developed their 
weather forecasting ability to gear up their metabolism for an 
expected downpour. It could explain what every gardener knows - 
that plants look particularly healthy after thundery weather. 

According to Goldsworthy this is an effect that cannot simply 
achieved with a sprinkler. The theory is that if plants are watered 
unexpectedly they cannot react quickly enough to gain the 
max imu m benefit. But if they could tell in advance when it was 
likely to rain, they could prepare for growth by switching on the 
necessary biochemical machinery. 

Goldsworthy has carried out experiments at Imperial College, 
London, which show that plant cells react to electric current. In 
thundery weather, even before the storm breaks, vety high voltage 
gradients build up, Goldsworthy believes plants have evolved a way 
of exploiting these conditions. He told New Scientist magazine: 
“Plants are very clever at sensing the environment and if there's 
any signal they could possibly use, my guess is they’ll use it” 


Crackdown on dangerous doctors 

Alan Mflbum, the health minister, yesterday launched a 
crackdown on temporary doctors who put patients at risk. 

A new code of practice covering the employment offocom 

tS been pu , b 1 , , ished t0 out those who are 
adangerto patients. The move follows long-term concern about 
the quality or care provided by some locuras. Within the past two 
years, there have been a number of incidents involving locum 
doctors, including a senous sexual assault by an orthopaedic 
surgeon on a child patient Mr Milbum sakfc -The existing roles 
gavtnimg the emptoyment of locom doctors are inadequate. In 

doctor* will be. screened.” Locum agencies should 

^^ nng 7* them to under go a formal health 
assessment and provide a statement of any criminal convictions 

S£^Z!riESh £"7"? form ' Mr MilSmrn said the 
Department or Health has also issued new guidelines on the 

<rf*dert letters which warn hospitals about doctors and 
dentists whose performance has caused serious conSro. 


Bumpy ride ahead for motorists 

Motorists face a bumpy ride ahead because of a “dramatic cut” i 

m ‘?£ra and - tniak - r0ai1 rcpairs ’ K was ySSSfv 

Only 13 major maintenance schemes arc* tv ™, i™. j y \ . 
1997-SWi compared with 1 50 Sree JSS « m 

Federation said, adding that just &6m^bei5g^n[ 0 n 
maintenance on major roads this financiti ° , . . 

£5 ^ r ;" If*- 95 - nw federation also 
network enhancement projects, worth less thin rrrL ^L 54 r 
been allocated in W-VrompanS 
1995-96 that allowed nearly 300 projem to «« 
were outlined by the BRF as it publiSjis 8 ?^^ 

Statistics report, which showed that there are i ■ 

vehicles on Britain's roads; car use is likelv in US! 
in the next 20 years; road isers ronlribute ^ « 

vehideand fuel lax, leaving the Treasury with TciSH^SC ^ ' 



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f e 


Why the young 
must worry 
over going grey 


-w | 

h ■ ■ »rv 


I V * f- 

— J '• 

iff / - T 

^ Gtenda Cooper 

Social Affairs Corresponden t 

Today’s thirtysomethings, nurtured 
on the “megabyte, microfibre and 
media imaging'’ culture will become 
the demanding pensioners of the 21st 

It seems hard to imagine Elizabeth 

Hutiey, doyenne of the very little 
black dress, and Diana, Princess of 
vftles, devotee of the exercise bike, 
wrapped in woolly scarves and 
clutching their pension books in 
fingerless gloves. 

But this generation of thir- 
tysomethings, who are obsessed with 

the preservation of youth, must now 
a begin the debate about old age and 
ly how they expect society to pay for ft. 

The baby boomers of the 1960s, 
who also include An thea Timer and 
Nick Leeson, are set to become the 
grey boomers of tomorrow with a 
third of the population in 2026 aged 
over 60, according to a new survey. 

Compared to previous genera- 
tions, the grey boomers will more 
likely be single, without children, and 
have a higher level of education while 
experiencing unemployment and 
early retirement. 

A decade-long baby boom began 
in 1961 during which more than 10 
million babies were bom - a larger 
population bulge than the earlier 
baby bulge cohort of the immediate 
post-Second World Whr years. Those 
bom in the 1960s are now half way 
to retirement. 

By 2021 the number of people 
Jk over current retirement age will be 
w 17 million, increasing the share of the 

“grey vote” to 34 per cent - up from 
less than a quarter today. Men will 
expect to live a further 21 years af- 
ter retirement, women a further 25 

Twelve per cent of women and 18 
percent of men from the 1960s baby 
generation will not be married or liv- 
ing with someone by the time they 
reach the age of 50 (compared with 
5 and 9 percent respectively for those 
bom in 1947). 

And among those who do. many a 
greater proportion will divorce or sep- 
arate - around 18 per cent of women 

< * 



and 15 per cent of men bora in 1961 
had already witnessed the break-up 
of their marriage or living together 
by the time they were thirty. 

The overall increase m the num- 
bers living alone will be up 10 per 
cent for women and 15 per cent for 
men; Demographers predict that 
21 per cent of sixties baby boom 
women will remain childless all their 
lives. ... _ . 

1 Most care for old people is at pre- 
sent provided by family members - 

more than 90 per cent of all people 
who have mobility problems are 
helped by relatives or other house- 
hold members. 

But for the sixties babies the 
higher incidence of divorce, famil y 
break-up and childlessness will have 
an impact- and with increasing num- 
bers of women in full-time em- 
ployment and greater geographical 
mobility it is predicted that fewer 
women (the traditional carers) will 
be available to care for older rela- 

Caring is also a long-term experi- 
ence. On average a fifth of people car- 
ing for someone in their own homes 
provide care for at least lOyeais while 
two fifths provide care for between 
one and four years. With longer life 
expectancy many sixties babies win 
experience the burden of caring for 
a very old parent as they themselves 
are approaching or entering retire- 
ment- “If current policies continue, 
baby boomers who care for older rel- 
atives can expect even lower levels of 
state support and free growing 
charges for that support,” said the 
study. 'There is a need for a state 
benefit that both provides an aver- 
age wage and protects lifetime living 
standards for those who take on full- 
time caring responsibilities.” 

The study concludes that future 
policy should aim to plan for phased 
and more flexible retirements, pro- 
vide a safety net for those with low 
retirement incomes and improve 
preventative health services, health 
promotion and screening. 

“This study is our wake-up call to 
today’s thirtysomethings who are al- 
ready half-way to retirement, 7 ’ said 
Sally Greengross, director of Age 
Concern England. “They will have 
drastically different expectations to 
old age to today's pensioners and 
more political clout - so now’s the 
time to begin the debate about the 
kind of old age they wiU expect in the 
21st century and how their society 
wflj provide for it.” - ‘ 

‘Baby boomer s, Ageing in the 21st 
Century ’ costs £14. 95 from Age Con- 
cern England, Head Office, Astral 
House, 1268 London Rd, London, 
SW16 4ER 0181-679 8000 

J 119*. 

' •* Jt 1U£? 

1 murunj; 

*\- r* ‘ : &:V •*: >" •>> • :V . ; 

!*■ ■■ : «■* v yTVT* . .* - 

Makeover: Liz Hurley as she might look when she reaches pensionable age and (inset) In her youth Photomanipulation: Jonathan Anstee 

Advertisers fail to see 
the funny side of F-word 



Melanie Rickey 

The fashion retailer French 
Connection has been ordered to 
withdraw its current advertising 
campaign from style magazines. 

The adverts which say “feuk 
advertising”, and feature no 
clothes, just the top of a mod- 
el’s head, are currently fea- 
tured in the September issues 
of The Face, Arena, Vogue, 
FHM, Sky and Marie Clone, but 
the committee of advertising 
protection, part of the Adver- 
tising Standards Authority, said 
they should not appear in the 
Nov ember issues. 

Two months ago the compa- 
nv had a similar problem with 
a previous logo, “feuk fash- 
ion”. It was used for windowdzs- 
plays, carrier bags, T-shirts and 
billboards. Strangely, 50,000 
T-shirts were sold, 100,000 bags 
given oat, but only a paltry nine 
members of the public com- 
plained about the 150ft boards. 

After the initial complaints 
French Connection replaced 
the word “fashion" with “ad- 
vertising" and inserted dots be- 
tween each letter for the 
billboards to clarify the abbre- 
viation of the compaw name, 
and reduce offence. “We are 
now using it (feuk] as a trade- 
mark, just like, say, the AA or 

feuk advertising 



Fashion statement: French Connection has been forced to change its advertisement 

RAC,” said Trevor Beatty, cre- 
ative director at GGT who 
dreamt up the advertising “It’s 
a total U-turn, the magazines 
approved the latest campaign, 
and they ran the ads.” Beatty 
was responsible for the “Hello 
Boys" Wonderbra campaign. 

The adverts can remain in 

style magazines if the word 
“advertising" is replaced with 
“advertisement", bat billboards 
with a model’s head between 
“feuk" and “advertising" have 
been approved, and will be un- 
veiled a week on Monday. 

Since the company intro- 
duced rheir play on the f-word 

into merchandising and adverts 
in February it has been ex- 
posed to 15,000 million people. 
Lilli Anderson, spokeswoman 
for the company, said: Tt’s just 
meant asa bit of fun, a play on 
words really; magazines are al- 
ways using the real F-word in 
their editorial." 

Baby died from methadone 


Stove Bogga" 


Wednesday, three days after 

swallowing me&adOTi^aS^ 

ihetic hero m substitute, at m. 
llJILotber’s home in Solihull, 

Coroner Richard Whitiingjiam 
said that the child was uncon- 

of other people “SJSn- triiSafter faffing to wake up last 

tioned ^ de ^ r ^ 1 5 ear _ 0 id §inday- He was later taken m the 
Heath- of 8 twevy in T_adv- 

nanumv-j— - — 

taka Midlands. 

Pbiice confirmed 


gjLr. Children’s Hospital last 

Tum inquea 

jjnnoay. na T t 
Children’s Hospital in Lady- 
wood but died after three days. 

His mother, Nicola Darcy, a 
veterinary nurse, and her part- 
ner Christopher Williams, wre 

understood to be too upset to 

attend ihe hearing. - 

The incident happened at the 
Daicv frmfiv home, to wheb Ms 
is understood to have re- . 
tunwd recently following a dis- 
agreement with Mr Williams. A 
Wbst Midlands spokeswoman 
confirmed that one person at 
the house in Hobs Meadow was 

a registered methadone user. 

Detective Inspector John 
Jones, the man leadi ng th e in- 
quiry, said: “I ran confirm that 
a number of persons have been 
arrested in connection with 
drug-related offences, and they 
are currently on police bail 
There is a full, on-going inves- 
tigation into tbe circumstances 
surrounding this tragic case." 

T ag month, five Lancashire 
coroners spoke out about the 
“tremendous naivety” among 
the public about the number of 
drug overdoses. One of the 
five. Andre Rebello, had talks 
with Jack Straw, the Home 
Secretary, asking him to reduce 
the weekly amount of 
methadone that chemists could 
give addicts because it created 
a market for the drug. 

In February last year, an in- 
quest recorded a verdict of ac- 
cidental death in tbe case of 
Daniel Fitzpatrick, a 15- month- 
old baby wno died after drink- 
ing methadone that belonged to 
ins mother, 19-year-old Sinead 

A three-year-old boy who 
made the same mistake last 
month Glasgow survived after 
being rushed to an intensive- 
care unit at the children's hos- 
pital in Yorkhifl, Glasgow. After 
doctors successfully fought to 
save the boy’s life, Sam Gal- 
braith, the Scottish health min- 
ister, said: “This underlines the 
great need for parents to keep 
aD drugs well out of reach of 
children. Lessons must be 


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Labour’s Scottish 
hopefuls face stiff 
test of character 

Fran Abrams 

Political Correspondent 

Labour candidates for the Scot- 
tish Parliament will undergo 
"searching scrutiny’’ before 
their names can go forward. 
Labour announced yesterday in 
the wake of the Paisley affair. 

Donald Dewar, the Secretary 
of State for Scotland, was 
launching his party's pro-devo- 
lution campaign just hours af- 
ter the suspension of a Labour 
MP who was found to have been 
involved in smearing the Pais- 
ley South MP Gordon McM as- 
ter. He committed suicide Iasi 
month though the suspended 
MP, the West Renfrewshire 
member Tommy Graham, was 
cleared of any part in his death. 

The new measures win be in 
line with proposals on West- 
minster selections which are to 
be discussed at the parly’s Oc- 
tober conference. Mr Dewar, said 
Labour was determined to en- 
sure h^h standards of debate and 
of personal behaviour. 

He told a news conference 
that candidates would be vetted 
by "individuals of standing" 
who had no personal interest in 
becoming members of the Scot- 

tish Parliament “Hie efforts of 
the vast majority of decent 
hard-working Labour Party 
members must not be under- 
mined by conduct which has 
everything to do with narrow 
self-interest and nothing to do 
with the principles for which 
Labour stands,” he said. 

Mr Dewar admitted that the 
previous few days bad been 
"bruising" and difficult. But 
they should not distract from the 
poll on 11 September. 

"A new parliament will mean 

first referendum question, on 
whether there should be a Par- 
liament, but only a narrow one 
of about S4 per cent on whether 

About 20 of the 56^Scottish 
MPs elected on 1 May were at 
the launch, but Mr Graham was 
not among them. Nor was Mo- 
hammed Sarwar, who was also 
suspended after being accused of 
trying to bribe an election rival. 

Labour’s news management 
appeared to have gone farther 
awry last night when Peter 

"The efforts of hard-working party 
members must not be undermined’ 

a new era in politics in Scotland. 
I am determined that the 
Labour Party will rise to the 
challenge," he added. "Out of 
the troubled and sad events of 
recent weeks, I am determined 
the party will emerge reformed 
and strengthened, and ready to 
help forge a new Scotland over 
the next 100 years." 

Opinion polls in Scotland 
have indicated a majority of 
about 65 per cent in favour of the 

Mandelson called for party uni- 
ty just as it emerged that Clare 
Short had called his millennium 
dome “silly". 

To make matters worse Mr 
Mandelson, who is in charge of 
the millennium project, was in 
Bolton visiting one of the com- 
panies building the dome. 

In a newspaper article aimed 
at supporting his campaign for 
a seat on Labour’s national ex- 
ecutive, Mr Mandelson had 

written that the Government 
could only succeed through 
unity. “I have no time for in- 
fighting or introspection. I lave 
my party, but I also want it to 
be modem, professional and 
well-organised," he wrote. 

Unfortunately for him, an- 
other newspaper had just 
picked up on an interview giv- 
en before the election by Ms 
Short, the Secretary of State for 
International Development, 
to a magazine run by Cafod, the 
Catholic aid charily. 

When asked bow she would 
like to celebrate the millennium, 
sbe had replied: “How much 
better than some siQy, temporary 
building in Greenwich, is a 
commitment to work with oth- 
er countries to eliminate abject 
hunger, which we could do." 

Ar the time. Labour had not 
agreed to fund the dome, nor 
was Ms Short bound by the rule 
of collective responsibiliiywhidi 
ensures that Cabinet ministers 
toe the line. Last night sbe 
issued a clarifying statement, 
saying: “As a member of the 
Cabinet I fully support the 
decision to go ahead with the 
millennium dome and I am 
sure h will be a great success." 

Lorries drive cars off the road 

Randeep Ramesh 

Transport Correspondent 

A national network of lorry 
routes, which would see private 
cars banned from key parts of 
Britain’s road system, is being 
considered by John Prescott the 
Deputy Prime Minister. 

The news comes on the same 
day that the Government pub- 
lished options for an integrat- 
ed transport policy - details of 
which wens inadvertently leaked 
by Welsh Office transport min- 
ister Peter Hain. 

The plans for the lorry routes 
were floated after ministers 
conceded that the Government 
had failed to strengthen hun- 
dreds of bridges to carry 40- 

tonne lorries and pointed out 
that congestion was adding un- 
necessary costs to business. 

Under the proposals, money 
could be spent to strengthen key 
bridges - and only allow com- 
mercial traffic to use them. It 
would also see lanes on busy 
motorways closed to cars in 
favour of lorries. 

Last week, the Commons 
transport select committee 
warned that the delayed bridge 
programme could cause serious 
hardship to companies. Many 
local authorities claim they do 
not have sufficient funds to 
carry out the repair work on at 
least 44,000 crossings. 

Ministers have already ac- 
cepted that in the short-term 

lanes on some bridges may 
have to be dosed while others 
face weight restrictions when the 
new European Union-standard 
juggernauts are introduced in 

The Road Haulage Associa- 
tion welcomed the news. A 
spokesman for the association 
said: “Given the problems we 
have with limited and dwindling 
road capacity, the priority for 
our congested road system has 
to be the movement of goods 
and services.” 

Motoring organisations ac- 
cepted that commercial traffic 
needed to be considered, but 
not always at the expense of the 
private driver. “It needs a strate- 
gic approach that is not confined 

to one aspect of traffic but 
benefits all road users," said a 
spokesman for the RAC. 

The paper offers no imme- 
diate solutions, instead opting 
for bleak statements and 
searching questions. 

Since the election, ministers 
have repeated that they wish to 
get people out of their cars and 
onto public transport. The 
document said the car remained 
“an integral part of modern so- 
ciety" but a better balance be- 
tween different transport 
inodes was needed. Asking for 
views on the best way to cope 
with congestion and pollution, 
the document said: “We may all 
have to come to terms with 
some difficult personal choices." 

Hard hat: Peter Mandelson keeps a coot head during a visit to Watsons' steel works 
In Bolton yesterday to view construction of the giant legs for the millennium dome 








A nationwide crackdown on 
hospitals was launched yester- 
day after an NHS Thtst was 
fined £4,000 for breaching safe- 
ty regulations. 

It is the first time the Health 
and Safety Executive has 
brought a case that was not 
prompted by a specific accident 
and teams have now begun vis- 
iting 40 NHS trusts around the 
country. They have warned that 
more prosecutions could follow 
if rule breaches were found 

Swindon and Marlborough 
NHS Thist admitted a single 
charge of breaking health and 
safety rules before magistrates 
in Swindon, Wiltshire, in a two 
hour hearing yesterday- 

The court heard that the 
trust had put staff and patients 
at risk through a “fundamental 
failure" to ensure proper safe- 
ty svsiems were in place. 

The case followed a routine 
inspection at the trust last Sep- 
tember which found lapses in 
policy and training in manual 
handling, the biggest single 
cause of hospital accidents, as 
well as inadequate ventilation 
for a hospital mortuary handling 
850 post mortems a year. 

The court was told the trust 
was guilty of a “fundamental 
failure" to ensure that ade- 
quate systems were in place and 
enforced. David Pokora. chair- 
man of the trust, was told this 
had ‘'placed undue risk, in par- 
ticular on members of staff 
and also for patients and mem- 
bers of the public”. 

The inspection also found 
that the trust had no system to 
clearly separate clinical waste - 
including used syringes and 
dressings - from other rubbish. 

Mr Pokora claimed that the 
difficulties had arisen from an 
inherited backlog of mainte- 
nance work costing £40 million. 

However, the King's Fund - 
an independent healthcare 
charity, said it was "not sur- 
prised" that the trust was pros- 
ecuted. Gordon Mitchell, its 
spokesman, said: “Often we 

'in place ... but these are not fol- 
lowed up.” 

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Storm brewing as the 
barred of Himbleton 
take custom elsewhere 

Chris Mowbray 

5 sounds Like a storyline from Vie 
Archers. Bur this is more than just an 
everyday tale of rural life for thera- 
“jSg!® w the Worcestershire viUage 
of Himbleton who have been banld 
from their local pub. 

Tbe displaced drinkers say that the 

licensee, Benjamin Tabary-Davies, is 
trying to attract a more up-market 
clienteles the 600-year-old Gallon 
Arms. They claim he has barred 
more than 70 regulars since talons 
over two years ago and has tried ro 
introduce table d’hote and a la carte 
menus to bring more prosperous cus- 
tomers to the mn, which features oak 
beams and has the English flag flut- 
tering outside. “ 0 

Locals say the landlord wants to get 
nd of village trade and believe that a 
blacklist is kept behind the bar of up 
to 70 locate who are no kniger welcome. 

The village cricket chib’s end-of- 
season match against regulars from 

the local pub has already been 
marred by the controversy. By the 
time it was played, several members 
of the scratch team from the Gallon 
Arms had been barred from their 

So they went into bat under the 
new name of the IBBBBB XI -/ Ve- 

Bcen- Bun ned- By-Baslard -Ben. Mr 

Tabary-Davies, who had been invit- 
ed to play, did not turn up for the 
fixture. "Virtually all the team had 
been banned so we had no choice but 
to change the name," said the 
IBBBBB skipper, Vaughan Jones, 
who Jives J00 yards from the pub. 

“J was given my marching orders 
four weeks ago when I was accused 
of swearing. Mr Tabary-Davies told 
me I was barred just as I was leav- 
ing one night. 1 thought be was jok- 
ing, but when 1 went in the next night 
the barman said he was not allowed 
to serve me. 

“The place used to be heaving on 
a Friday night, but now there are only 

half a dozen people m there. Still, I 
suppose it’s the correct half-dozen 
be wants. Just wait until the winter 
comes and he needs the local trade. 
We all still meet up somewhere else 
so who needs the village pub?" 

Mr Tabary-Davies said yesterday 
that everyone was welcome at the 
pub if they dressed nicely and were 
respectful to people there, but he 
would not tolerate bad behaviour. 
He denied that 70 regulars had 
been barred and said only a hand- 
ful of players from the pub cricket 
team had been banned. 

“ Customers are still welcome to 
come in just for a drink and I don’t 
mind if they are casually dressed - 
even in jeans and shorts. But some 
of the regulars used to come in 
straight from work on farms and 
building sites with their muddy 
boots. TTiey used to swear a lot as well 
and I will not pul up with effing and 
blinding. 1 have a business to run and 
I don’t want riff- raff,” he said. 

No chance saloon: A drinker sups outside the Galton Arms where many regulars have been banned Photograph. John Lawrence 


runs into 


at Tesco 

Branded: Siqiennaitet says AcBdas is a bad sport 

Alexandra Williams 

Customers of Britain's biggest 
supermarket chain can today 
pick up cut-price sportswear 
along with their frozen turkey 
and toilet rolls. 

To the horror of Adidas, its 
wares go on sale at 200 Tesco 
stores nationwide. Some items 
are reduced by £20 and Tesco 
predicts the £2m worth of bar- 
gain goods will be snapped up 
within two weeks. 

The whole range of .Adidas 
footwear and clothing will be 
available. The deals include a 
pair of SL96 Plus Lea running 
shoes, which usually cost £49.99 
but for which Tfesco is c h ar g i n g 
£25, and a hooded top - normal 
price £37.99 - which is going for 
£28. . 

Earlier this year, it sold 
30.000 pairs of Levi's jeans at 
40 per cent discount Like Levi 
Strauss, Adidas spends millions 
advertising its products and is 
refusing to co-operate with the 
supermarket chain. It is advis- 
ing customers to boycott the 

Anne Tvrer. spokeswomen 
for Adidas! said: “Adidas make 
high-performance, technology- 
based products and staff in the 
authentic sports retail chan- 
nels can give expert advice and 
support, for example about sta- 
bility and cushioning, at the 
point of purchase. 

-People can be assured that 

it's authentic stock and the lat- 
est range. Tesco staff do not 
have that specialist knowledge 
and customers may walk away 
with ill-fitting clothes." 

But Tesco says this is o 
excuse to keep the prices high 

and has branded the sportswear 
company a “bad sport". 

John Gildersleeve, commer- 
cial director at Tesco. said: “We 
are offering our customers big 
brands at unbeatable prices. For 
too long the brand manufac- 
turers have argued against sup- 
plying Tesco because we don’t 
fit certain image requirements. 

“Therefore brands preserve 
high profit margins resulting in 
consumers paying more than 
their American counterparts - 
Adidas are bad sports and we 
want to get our shoppers run- 
ning at a price they can afford.” 

Tesco has been backed by 
Nigel Griffiths, consumer affairs 
minister, who is examining the 
1984 Trade Marks Act which is 
being used to prevent British 
companies selling imported 
branded goods at low prices. 

Mr Griffiths said: “I want to 
cut artificially high prices for the 
British customer. Selective 
distribution hits the pockets of 
the poorest most hard. What 
Tesco is doing is good news for 
shoppers - that is my priority." 

Adidas’s refusal to supply 
Tfesco has forced tbe super- 
market to go direct to a supplier 
m North America. In anticipa- 
tion of the high demand, Tesco 
is considering limiting cus- 
tomers’ purchases. “It would be 
much easier to work directly 
with the company to ensure a 
constant supply. With the Levi s 
jeans, some stores limited cus- 
tomers to one per pair." 

This is the latest in a senes 
of assaults by supermarkets on 
goods they deem to be over- 
priced. Books, medicines, skin 
rare products and compact 
discs are other areas targeted. 

Mother of girl, 14, 

knew of pregnancy 

sparked off a 
j patient confr- 
ere nts’ right to 
their children’s 

welfare. However, Brian Web- 
sdelL chief executive of Ip- 
swich Hospital NHS Thist,said 
he believed there bad been a 

misunderstanding. “The girl 
first presented at the hospital 
with her mother on 16 May and 
a possible miscarriage was ; di- 
a^o^d,’* he said “The child 
was kept in overnight and there 
was fofiow-up care, all with the 
mother’s fovolvement- 
Al the inquest a statement 
from the parents said they had 
been “surprised" to team that 
their daughter had been preg- 
nant- *1 think that could have 
been construed as meaning to* 
were surprised to leam die had 
been havira treatment, weu, she 
hadn’t,” Mr Websdefl said. 

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Police ordered to pay 

£*®on Bennetto 

Correspond F»nf 

men received £80000 
damages yesterday after cktim- 
S® !?£* assaulted by po- 

tee officers wb° then fab^S 

eviaence against them. 

rhTte®^ £ softer blow to 
toe Metropolitan Police who 

to^^n forcedtopa y morc 
toan £Jhp in compensation 

and costs since 1986. Inthe year 

to April, the total was £2.5m. 

Lawyers representing the 
three men who received yester- 
day s pay-outs said their clients 
bad gone straight to the civil 
courts because they bad no faith 
in the police complaints proce- 
dures, which they described as 
biased and discredited. 

There is gnawing disquiet at 
toe number of people obtaining 
damages for alleged abuse by 
the police and the apparent in- 
ability of chief constables to sack 
or discipline officers. But Sir 

Paul Condon, the Commis- 
sioner of the Metropolitan Po- 
lice, has accused lawyers of 
milking the system and has 
pledged to fight more claims for 
damages. The police denied li- 
ability in the three most recent 
cases and no officer involved has 
been disciplined. The officers 
deity all the allegations. 

Mark Thomas, now 26, ac- 
cepted £30,000 after claiming 
damages for assault and injury 
and wrongful arrest. Mr 


Thomas said he was p unched in 
the face by an officer while an- 
other officer held his arms and 
racially abused him during a 
demonstration in north-west 
London in 1989. In 1990, a 
judge ordered a jury to dear Mr 
Thomas of causing grievous 
bodily harm to a police officer 
and violent disorder. 

In the case of Timothy Mur- 
phy and John Racz, who yes- 
terday accepted £30,000 and 
£20,000 respectively, they 

daimed they were felseiy arrested 
after being ejected from a pub in 
1991. Mr Murphy said he was 
forced to the ground while offi- 
cers kicked and beat him. Both 
men were later cleared in court 
of arty wrongdoing. 

Fiona Murphy, who repre- 
sents the men, said: “They 
chose to pursue civil claims 
against the police rather than 
rely on the discredited police 
complaints process.'’ 

Lawyers are opposed to po- 

lice officers mvestigatin 
officers, the higher stan 

and the lack oflegal represen- 
tation. Ms Murphy said the 
Commissioner knew of the. al- 
legations, which were aired in 
court, but failed to take any ac- 
tion against his officers. “On the 
contrary, he continues to deny 
liability, has refused to apolo- 
gise and has taken no action 
whatsoever against the pdhoe of- 
ficers, who continue to serve in 

the police force,” she added. 
Scotland Yard said m a state- 

that none of the three men 

concerned had * com- 

ptaintto the pdic^ but bad cbo- 
sen to pursue civil actions. 
“Increasingly, we are living isa 

litigiou s soriety wheiemetyera 

of the public are more inclined 
to out civil actions against 

the police rather than make a 
, i thpv stand 

is frustrating for the police who 
are unable to bring disciplinary 
charges without co-operation 

from the plaintiff. 

Yesterday’s awards are part 
of a long dispute between the 
police and members of the 
public seeking damages. In Fcb- 
ruaiy. the Court of Appeal cut 
by £185,000 a £220,000 award 
for wrongful arrest and assault, 
a nd in making the ruling placed 
a £50,000 ceiling on awards tty 
juries for police brutality. 

a high chance or-oDuum 
large financial settlement 



one at 



Louise Jury 

It was a small gesture bridging 
the religious divide. Twenty An- 
glicans, marked by their striking 
blue capes, joined nearly 1,900 
Catholics to marie 100 years of 
modern pilgrimage to the tiny 
shrine at Wusingham, Norfolk 

Their presence would have 
been unheard of in 1897 when 
40 Catholics held the first pub- 
lic pilgrimage to the village’s 
Slipper Chapel after a break of 
350 years. 

As recently as the late 1920s, 
Anglicans were not even allowed 
to enter the chapel whose name 
derives from the pilgrims' habit 
of leaving their shoes and walk- 
ing a final further mile to Wals- 
ingham's ruined priory on fooL 

But yesterday, it was as if the 
boiling sunshine had brought 
out a warm spirit of religious tol- 
erance. Fr Martin Warner, the 
administrator of a nearby An- 
glican shrine, said everything 
was going “magnificently’’. 

“This says quite dearly that 
Walsingham is a place of 
ecumenism,” be said. Whatev- 

Food for thought; A priest 
and a pilgrim enjoy lunch 
yesterday next to a 
memorial to Charlotte 
Pearson Boyd, who 
restored the Catholic 
Slipper Chapel at 
Walsingham and was one 
of the pilgrims that began 
going there in 1897 
Photograph: Andrew Buurman 

hobbled bravely on sticks or 
travelled tty wheelchair, reciting 
prayers and clutching rosary 
beads. A young Irish boy re- 
fused his brother a drink from 
his water bottle. “John Paul, it’s 
only mineral water, lei him 
have it,” said his mother. “No 
it’s not, ma,” be rep tied. “I filled 
it up with the holy water.” 

A party from St John Bosco 
church in Blackley, Manchester, 
had left home at 630am to get 
to what is regarded as Nazareth 
for Britain's Catholics, their 
most important religious site. 
Agnes Lewis, 58, a retired 
teacher, came because she has 
been recently widowed after car- 
ing for her sick husband for 
some time. “It was just something 
1 felt I wanted to do,” she said. 

Sheila Phwson, 47, a medical 
secretary, comes regularly with 
the diocese. Pauline Milling- 
ton, 50, also a medical secretary, 
was on her first visit . None had 
known the Anglicans were in- 
vited. though all thought it a 

good thing, “I think it’s good 
we’re all together,” she said. Ms 

er divisions there are in doctrine 
elsewhere, he and his counter- 
part at the Catholic shrine, Fr 
Alan Williams, work together 

Admittedly some of the 

guardians of the Anglican 
shrine have gone one step fur- 
ther - they actually converted 
to Rome. And other pilgrimages 
have faced fierce anti-Pope 
demonstrations. But yesterday 

Fr Warner insisted: “The expe- 
rience of coming to Wfolsingham 
is one of healing. I think that’s 
what motivates people to come 
here and I think that’s what they 

As pilgrims arrived with 
white cotton hats, picnic ham- 

pers, garden chairs and um- 
brellas as parasols, the 

brellas as parasols, the 
celebration had the air of a gar- 
den party rather than a religious 

service. The level of excite- 
ment at aagfiting of the former 
primate of Ireland, Cardinal Ca- 
hal Daly placed him in the mi- 
nor film star league. He led the 
open-air mass, then the pro- 

cession through the tree-lined 
lanes of Norfolk to finish the 

pilg rimag e 

As in days gone by. some pil- 
grims walked with bare feet on 
the scalding tarmac. Others 

we’re all together,” she said. Ms 
Millington agreed. “Things are 

Peter Brogan, 43, a deacon 
from Lincoln, was on holiday 
with wife Maty, 37, and three of 
their children. “I think we’ve got 
to be more ecumenical now ” he 
said. “The one important thing 
that we’ve got to realise is that 
we’re a Christian country.” 

Stealth bomber is invisible 
... as long as it doesn’t rain 

Cbaries Arthur 

Science Editor 

It is one of the most feared 
weapons in the US arsenal: an 
airplane invisible to radar, 
which can fly in and drop its 
bombs before flying elusively 

But a new US government re- 
port has put a dampener on the 
B-2 “Stealth” bomber’s repu- 
tation. If you leave the airplane 
in the ram, the report reveals, 
its special powers rapidly erode: 
the composite coating that ab- 
sorbs radar signals is destroyed 

T — Tff— •• ■? 

* •• iJS _,U 

bv water. 

'Even worse, according to 
the US Government Account- 
ing Office (GAO), the special 
plastic and metal composite 
coating the S23bn B-2 bombers 
also loses its invisibility if ex- 
posed to humidity or excess 
heaL To be functional abroad, 
B-2s would have to be kept in 
giant air-conditioned hangars - 
and even then, where mainte- 
nance crews will find themselves 
spending 39 per cent of their 
time repairing the damage 
caused to the material which 
covers the aircraft To repair 

Right of fancy: The US government has spent $43bn on the B-2 stealth bomber 

property, the material needs a 
cool, dry environment to “cure” 

■ A report, published this 
week by the GAO. which mon- 
itors public spending, notes 
that the 29 B-2 bombers or- 
dered, at a total cost of 
$44.7bcu “cannot meet their in- 
tended deployment require- 
ments because the low 
observability features are more 
sensitive to climate and mois- 
ture than expected”. 

Ideal conditions would be a 

desen - bnt even that carries 
hazards. Night temperatures 
can drop below freezing in the 
desert - and the GAO learned 
that “if moisture or water 
freezes in the B-2 it can take 24 
hours to thaw and drain”. 

So far, the US Air Force has 
spent about $43bn of the bud- 

the 21 aircraft into the sky by 
1999. But the GAO warned that 
the need for special hangars will 
drive up costs even further. 

In a response to the GAO re- 

port, the US Department of De- 
fense managed to look on the 
only bright side remaining. 

“Sheltering the plane facil- 
itates maintenance,” it said. “It 
also protects the low-observa- 
tion surfaces from damage.” It 
had no comment On the cost of 
air-conditioned hangars. 

John Nee, an analyst with die 
Federation of American Scien- 
tists, said: “At this point the B- 
2’s got an awful lot to do with 
money and politics and not 
much to do with defence.” 

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Crisis as 
flood into 

Ian Btareil 

The Government’s commit- 
ment to human rights has been 
called into question over its re- 
sponse to a sudden influx of 
Colombian refugees. 

The South American country 
is being tom apart by lighting 
between right-wing paramilitary 
groups, left-wing revolutionar- 
ies and state-controlled forces. 

The Government's first set of 
immigration statistics, revealed 
today, will show that thousands 
of Colombians have fled to 
seek asylum in Britain. Nearly 
all have been refused entry. 

Yesterday the Government 
faced further problems over 
immigration as the Campsfield 
detention centre in Oxford- 
shire erupted into violence. 

Fires were started in the 
dormitories and library as 50 
inmates, all awaiting immigra- 
tion clearance, went on the 

rampage. More than 100 police 
officers, many in riot gear, were 
called to quell the disturbance. . 

The Government is struggling 
with a backlog of 53,000 asylum 
applications and 22.000 appeals 
from rejected applicants. 

But it is the dampdown by 
immi gration officials on Colom- 
bians which has particularly 
concerned organisations work- 
ing with refugees who believe in- 
nocent people have been put at 
risk of assassination. 

By May, asylum applications 
from Colombia were up 500 per 
cent on 1996. when there were 
a record 1,005 applicants. 

Next month the Refugee 
Council will produce a report. 
Caught in the Crossfire , which 
will claim that officials have 
turned down many asylum ap- 
plications because of a lack of 
understanding of human rights ' 
issues in Colombia. 

Tony Kay, who researched 

the report, said: “They have not 
got a proper appreciation of the 
human rights violations going on 
on the ground because the sit- 
uation is changing so quickly." 

The report will show that 
members of Ml 9, once a left- 
wing guerrilla group but now a 
legitimate political party, have 
been refused asylum on the 

grounds that their legal status 
means they can now expect 
protection from the Colombian 
government Similar assurances 
were given in refusing applica- 
tions from members of the left- 
wing coalition Union Patriotica 
(UP), which has lost 3.500 ac- 
tivists to political assassinati on. 

But Juan-Cados l^-ma, of the 

London-based Colombian sup- 
port group Open Channels, 
sakfc “The feet that M19 became 
a political party does not mean 
they are not at risk. A lot of peo- 
ple want to have revenge and the 
government is too weak to give 

Claude Moraes. of the Joint 
Council for the Wdfare of Im- 






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Wed srter 


migrants, said that despite 
Labour pledges of reform, a 
“general culture of disbelief" re- 
mained among the Home Office 
officials who deal with asylum- 
seekers. The criticisms will con- 
cern Labour after its pledges to 
uphold human rights. 

Amnesty International says 
government forces have fre- 

quently co-ope rated with right- 
wing paramilitaries, who are 
responsible for a dramatic es- 
calation of “torture, political 
killings and disappearances”. 

More than 1,000 civilians 
were extrajudicially executed 
by the security forces and para- 
military groups Iasi year. This 
week protesters demonstrated 

Making a stand: 
Demonstrators gathered 
outside the Colombian 
Embassy in Kmghtsbridge, 
London, to protest about 
the country's human rights 

photograph : John Lawrence . 

outside the Colombian em- 
bassy in Knightsbridge over the 
country’s human rights record. 

The increase in violence over 
the past year has coincided with 
an exodus of refugees to Britain 
and elsewhere. But within a 
month of the election, the Gov- 
ernment c lam ped down on the 
(jiflinr by introducing a new visa 
requirement for all Colombians 
coming to Britain. 

In a speech that was unre- 
ported by the press, Mike 
O'Brien, the immigration min- 
ister, warned of the “inareaang 
and alarming” numbers of 
Colombians making “unfound- 
ed” claims for asylum. 

Since the change in the law, 
monthly asylum applications 
from Colombia have tumbled 
from nearly 250 to just 15. 

Refugee support groups said 
that people fleeing persecution 
were often among the 1 million 
displaced Colombians and were 
unable to produce evidence of 
a borne and a job, which is usu- 
ally required for a visa. 

Some members of the British 
Colombian community, num- 
bering around 50,000 and con- 
centrated in London, fear they 
are being stigmatised over police 
fears that Colombian drugs car- 
tels are targe tting Britain. 

In an attempt to improve the 
situation, the Refugee Council 
has held a series of private 
meetings with Home Office of- 
ficials in recent weeks, aimed at 
making the treatment of 
Colombians more “fair and 

GCSEs: the provisional results 

Fewer students entered 
for GCSE science sub- 
jects this year. Last year, 
an increase in entries in 
physics, chemistry and bi- 
ology raised hopes of an 
improvement in the take- 
up of science In the sixth- 
form, writes Judith Judd. 

Numbers entering for 
combined science in- 
creased. Overall, the pro- 
portion of entries awarded 
A*-C in science was up 
by 0.2 percentage points. 

Hie figure for maths 
rose by 0.6 and for 

English decreased by 0.8. 

this year's table is dif- 
ferent from last year’s be- 
cause the figures, all 
provisional, include ail 
GCSE subjects. 

Last year, only major 
subjects were included in 
foe statistics. 

David Hart general sec- 
retary of the National As- 
sociation of Head 
Teachers, attacked the 
concentration on A*-C 
grades on which school 
league tables are based. 
“The fact that 73 per 

cent of pupils achieved 
grade D or better is a suc- 
cess story which the Gov- 
ernment totally ignores by 
its insistence that GCSE 
league tables should em- 
phasise those who have 
achieved five or more A-C 
grades, thus replicating 

attitude of previous ad- 
ministrations,” he said. 

“This year’s results 
demonstrate that the per- 
petual emphasis on A-C 
grades is damaging the 
interests of the less able." 


1996flguressiiownmtosts • 

Number of Cumulative percentage of candidates paining grade or better 
candidates a + a B 

Art ft Design ..' 
Business Studies 
Classical Cnrilfeatloo 

Economics . 

• Engfisti. - 
English Literature 
German - 
Greek • 


Home Economics 

Integrated) Humanities 

lufarmatfon Systems/ 


- Music 

Physical Education 
Religions Studies 
Science: Biology 
Science: Chemistry 
Science: Physics 
Social Science 

WBish First Language 

Welsh Seared Language 

Welsh literature 
Combined Subjects 
Other Modem Languages 
Other Sciences 
Other Soda! Sciences 

AB Other Subjects 





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Silent danger lurks 
in the shadowy olive 
groves of Lebanon 

In the darkness, all five Nor- 
wegian soldiers hold out their 
right hands, one on top of the 
other. “En for alle - alle for en,” 
Lieutenant Vidar “Suns” 
Simensen mutters. “Alle mann 
tflbake.” All for one and one lor 
all - and we'll all come back to- 
gether. I am surprised how se- 
riously the men Lake this 
Alexandre Dumas routine - 
until the armoured vehicle in 
which we are entombed halts in 
the moonlight and we climb out 
on the mountainside. Until 
morning, we will not talk again. 
We will lie in wait along the in- 
filtration trails and watch 
through our night-sight binoc- 
ulars and prowl through the 
olive groves which, in the dark- 
ness, look like forests. Even the 
savage old dog Eddie, and his 
handler. Private Stian Kleppe, 
move like shadows. 

It is not an easy United Na- 
tions patroL The moon above 
the Liiam river - deep inside Is- 
rael’s south Lebanon occupa- 
tion zone - moves in and out of 
the clouds; and as our eyes be- 
come accustomed to the dark, 
its sudden appearance almost 
dazzles us. From the blackness 
of the grave, we are bathed in 
a white phosphorescence, as if 
God has turned on a light- 


goes on 
with the 
of UN Observation 
Post 4-27 

In this brilliance, I can see 
Private Tor Sandvik lying hud- 
dled beside his 11kg radio, 
whispering “Alpha One X-Ray 
Papa moving to Alpha One 
Lima." Papa is our patrol Lima 
is a little sandbagged fort over 
rbe river half a mile away, 
but it will take us an hour to 
reach it. 

Irar over the hills to the 
north, beyond an abandoned Is- 
raeli compound, there comes 
the boom of heavy firing. W* are 
lying only feet from the pale 
grey track through the olive 
grove, the trail the Hizbollah 
probably took when they 
mortared another Israeli 
fortress two weeks ago. 

Israel retaliates for Hizbollah attack 

Sidon, Lebanon — Israel's 
air force launched its; 
biggest attack into Lebanon 
for. IB months yesterday hi 
retaliation for a Hizbollah ■ 
rocket barrage against the. 
Jewish state. 

Warplanes Masted a pow- 
er line feeding south 
Lebanon's largest city and 
Hizbollah bases west of the 
border with Syria, and 
dropped bombs near a 
Lebanese Army position. 

- The three strikes, in the 
space of two hours, added 
to a spiral of violence that 
begem on Monday and has 
pushed to the brink of col- 

lapse a .1996 agreement 
not to target civilians on the 
last active Arab-lsraeli front 

The attacks were accom- 
panied by tough talk on 
both sides of toe border that 
has left many Lebanese in 
thesouth tracing for another 
cycle of bloodshed. 

Lebanese Prime Minister 
Rafik aH-tariri. accused Israel 
of fuelling instability in the 
region while his Defence 
Minister described the air 
raids as ‘terrorist" acts. 

Nazih Nakouzi 


Lying quiet in a south 
Lebanese orchard beneath a fit- 
ful moon sounded pleasant 
enough back at the platoon’s 
headquarters. But within sec- 
onds, the mosquitoes are 
shrieking in my ears. Any move- 
ment, even the silent swatting 
of these evil little aviators, is for- 

I am lying with my hands be- 
side me, until I feel my fingers 
being criss-crossed by- tiny feet 
I cannot see the insects but they 
are quietly feeding on me. So 
that, I conclude was why Private 
Morton Haagenstad offered 
me leather gloves tonight. The 
hardy Fisk, of course, had 
turned down this eminently 
sensible proposal lo my left, I 
see Sims patting silently at his 
trousers where a scorpion is at- 
tacking him. I stuff my wound- 
ed hands inside my flak jacket. 
They will torment me for days. 

Two helicopteis fly far over- 
head. Later, we will hear one of 
them firing a heavy machine- 
gun into a wadi But to our left, 
Eddie has pricked up his ears 
and is straining fcuward in the 
darkness. I like Eddie. When he 
is angry - which is often - he 
eats nodes, which is why his teeth 
have been ground down over 
eight years patrolling with the 
Norwegians. But he keeps the 
platoon's silence discipline, only 
occasionally allowing a paw to 
scrape the ground or panting 
softly in dog-like excitement. 
Sims points into the olive grove. 

A tiny light flickers in the far 

British troops block 
Bosnia police coup 

Christopher BeBamy 

Defence Correspondent 

British and Czech troops sup- 
ported by US Apache gunship 
helicopters raided police sta- 
tions in the Bosnian Serb town 
of Banja Luka yesterday morn- 
ing and seized 4500 weapons in 
an operation to smash a possi- 
ble coup against the elected Pres- 
ident Biljana Plavsic. 

Ms Plavsic has been strug- 
gling to maintain her authority 
over rivals still loyal to the in- 
dicted war criminal and ex- 
president, Radovan Karadzic. 
Yesterday’s operation succeed- 
ed and at noon she made a tri- 
umphant visit to the main police 
station where she was cheered 
by several hundred onlookers. 

The dramatic action by in- 
ternational peace-keepers was 
a result of “mutual agreement" 
with Ms Plavsic, whom they met 
late on Tuesday, and clearly de- 

signed to avert a coup against 
her. It suggests that a move to 
seize Mr Karadzic and bis 
“number two". General Ratko 
Mladic, may be imminent. 

At about 630am, 350 British 
and Czech soldiers from the 
Nato-led multinational stabili- 
sation force - S-For - in 50 ve- 
hicles sealed off the Banja Luka 
police headquarters, the police 
academy, a special police bar- 
racks and three police stations, 
while the US Apaches hovered 
overhead. Some of the Bosnian 
Serbs refused to leave and 
vowed to ‘fight to the death". 

Five minutes before S-For’s 
ultimatum expired they came 
out with their hands up. Officers 
from the International Police 
Task Force entered the police 
stations and found large num- 
bers of unauthorised weapons 
including machine-guns, rock- 
et launchers and mines, the 
force's deputy commander. 

Werner Sebum, said S-For had 
to bring in three trucks to take 
2300 weapons away. 

“S-For met no resistance. 
S-Fbr is in control We have de- 
ployed sufficient resources to 
meet any anticipated require- 
ments", its spokesman, Major 
John Blakeley, said in Sarajevo. 

Banja Lulra- the seoond dty 
of the Bosnian Serb mini-state 
- is also the headquarters of the 
British-controlled sector. On 
Sunday, a special police unit toy* 
al to Ms Plavsic raided the 
main police station after evi- 
dence emerged that the police 
were backing Ms Plavsic's rivals 
and bugging her telephones 
with a view to arresting her. 

S-For disarmed the police - 
but that left Ms Plavsic virtual- 
ly defenceless as about 100 
pro-Karadzic police moved into 
Banja Luka putting her in what 
international officials described 
as a “critical situation". 

Iran moderates win 
parliament’s backing 

Tehran (Reuter) - Iran's par- 
liament yesterday voted in all 
the ministers in the proposed 
cabinet of President Moham- 
mad Khatami giving the mod- 
erate cleric a strong start for his 
reform mandate. 

Parliamentaiy deputies vot- 
ed overwhelmingly in favour of 
all ministers despite fierce crit- 
icism from conservatives who 
had threatened to reject some 
controversial nominees. 

It had been expected that Mr 
Khatami could lose two candi- 
dates - Ayatollah Mohajerani as 
culture minister and Abdoilah 
Nouri as interior minister - 
after they came under fire in 
more than 15 hours of debate 
on Tuesday and yesterday. 

The vote confirmed Kama I 
Kharrazi, Iran’s ambassador al 
the United Nations, as the new 
foreign minister, navy com- 
mander Rear-Admiral Ali 
Shamkhani as defence minister, 
and Qorbanali Dorn Najafaba- 
dl a Shia Muslim cleric, al in- 
telligence (interna] security). 

It also confirmed Bijan Nam- 
dar Zanganeh, who was a min- 
ster in charge of electricity 
and water, as oil minister of the 
world’s third largest oil 
exporter and Hossein Namazi 
as the economy and finance 
minister, a post he first held 
from 19S2 to 1986. 

Mr Mohajerani, who had 
been sharply criticised by con- 
. servative deputies, received 144 
votes in his favour, % against 
and 20 abstentions. 

Parliament's vote of confi- 
dence on Mr Khatami’s entire 
cabinet was seen by analysts as 
a major victory for the 54-year- 
old moderate Shia Muslim cler- 
ic who was sworn into office on 
4 August after securing a land- 
slide election victory in May. 

Hie margin of votes indi- 
cated that he had won over a 
large section of the conserva- 
tive-led parliament which he has 
to work with until the next par- 
liamentary elections in 2000. 
The vote of confidence for Mr 
Mohajerani was seen as vital for 

Mr Khatami to carry out 
promises of bringing social and 
economic change to the 18-year- 
old Islamic republic. 

Conservatives had directed 
their sharpest criticism at Mr 
Mohajerani as a “liberal" threat- 
ening the future of the Islamic 
republic and Mr Nouri for 
alleged disloyalty towards Iran’s 
supreme leader. Ayatollah Ali 

Mr Mohajerani defended his 
right to be appointed to the cab- 
inet saying he was tolerant in the 
same way that Islam was toler- 
ant to different view points. “I 
disagree with almost all of the 
present practices in the culture 
ministry. We have to protect 
artists and provide an atmos- 
phere for creativity, tranquillity 
and freedom,” he told deputies. 

“Everybody who has accept- 
ed the Islamic Republic and its 
constitution must be subject to 
tolerance ... I condemn the 
burning of book shops, the beat- 
ing of university lecturers and 
attacks on magazine offices." 

away village of Bourhoz - 35 
Druze souls living in a battlefield 
— and Sims thinks as I am 
thinking (so he tells me later), 
that the village boy who was 
beaten up by the Hizbollah last 
year, is moving. The UN sokfiers 
call him “Lightman". 

Then 1 see another fight, far 
away in the abandoned Israeli 
foit on the other side of the riv- 
er. Sims believes the Israelis 
leave it on to give the impres- 
sion that it is still occupied. 

There is more distant firing, 
mortars this time, but Eddie 
concentrates on the olive grove. 
1 hear rus tling . Sims has re- 
minded us at our briefing that 
the Hizbollah could not main- 
tain silence at night. Nor could 
the Israelis if they too were in 
the UN zone. Suns’ job is to 
keep both of them out. We can- 
not move off our own “blue 
line" path - the only route 
cleared of mines - but we can 
shout “Halt - United Nations” 
(the phrase, of course, that has 
sent many a quivering Serb to 
his knees) ana hope that who- 
ever is there goes away. Five 
rifles point into the darkness in 
case it does not AH the while, 
the firing continues over the 
mountains. Then I see Sims 
turning to the soldiers. The 
sound has grown fainter. Eddie 
is back on his haunches. We win 
never know what was out there 
in the olive grove. 

Two am. The moon has fall- 
en behind the mountains. Hi gh 
on our perch at Alpha One 
Lima, we stare down into the 
valley of the litani through 
our night-sights. I can see trees 


:» J 


Open fire: Brush burning across the Litani valley, seen through night sights during the patrol Photograph: Robert Rsl- 

and clearings and tracks 
through the undergrowth, the 
trails used by Hizbollah and Is- 
raelis alike. A rock skids down 
the opposite ride of the valley. 
“Two pigs," Sims whispers; “I 
saw them." Wild boars roam 
southern Lebanon at night. 
They also, according to the 
locals, eat bodies. 

The hours pass wretchedly. 

The insects feed. And the mos- 
titoes are now air-raiding our 
i every 30 seconds. Sweat is 
creeping under my flak jacket 
and down my arms. At four am, 
Sims derides to end his patrol 
by taking a closer look at the ter- 
rain. He calls up mortar illu- 
minations and the Norwegians 
to the south shoot three flares 
high above us, the charges pop- 

ping in the darkness. They are 
fired too far lo the east and one 
of them sets off a brush fire bn 
the other ride of the river. 

Sims points his own flan.- 
pistol over the abyss and a 
snake of red light hisses from 
our fortress. Eddie snarls in rage 
and I peer down to the river 
through my night-sights. Every 
tree branch, every twig is bathed 

in our Olympian light. And m>i 
a movement do we see. But 
looking north, Sims notices that 
the light in the “abandoned" Is- 
raeli fort has been turned oil. 
“Do you think it’s abandoned 
now?” he asks in ray ear. No. i 
do not think so. As our Iasi 
flares die in the darkness belt m. 
the Israeli light flickers on 
again. Wc have nut been alone. 



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y* . 


TTTTmir-r « anrarST 1997 • THE INDEPENDENT- 

It’s summer — and 


world leaders head 
for sun, sea and a 
little state business 

Foreign Staff 


Across the globe, trouser legs 
are being rolled up and son 
cream rubbed in. It is the hol- 
iday season, for everyone - in- 
cluding world leaders. 

The world’s swankiest hotels, 
best beaches and tightest secu- 
rity are at the disposal of heads 
of government. Benjamin Ne- 
tanyahu takes a photocaE in the 
Mediterranean with his family, 
and a phalanx of bodyguards. 
Jacques Chirac chooses a trop- 
ical hotel patronised by royal- 
ty and pop stars. And Peking’s 
leaders have the best beaches at 
the popular Chinese resort of 
Beida He cordoned off for 
their private use. 

But many choose a simpler 
holiday. Informality, epitomized 
by Tbny Blair, is very much in 

Blair family leads 
in informality, 
while Jiang takes 
the whole office 
to the beach 

turned into one big photo-; 
opportunity. Bibi, Sara and 
their two sons, Yair, six, and . 
Avner, two. playing on the 
beach at Caesarea, the uproar? v 
ket Mediterranean resort where-, 
a businessman friend lent them'- 
his villa. Hizbollah, alas, spoilt 
the fun. Mr Netanyahu broke his 

tune with the holiday manners 
of the modern world leader. 

Mr Blair, polishing his Euro- 
pean credentials, has spent half 
his holiday in Tuscany and half 
in Prance, where be wul later this 
week meet with Liood Josrrin, his 

vacation on Hiesday to sympa- 
thise with the people of Kiryat 
Shmona, whose homes were hit' 
by Katyusha rockets from 

The French President, 
Jacques Chirac, has just finished . 
his holiday, and returned to 
Paris on Tuesday after three- 
weeks in the tropics. He start- 
ed in La Reunion, in the Indi- 
an Ocean, and then moved on ' 
to Mauritius, 150 miles away. 
One of the advantages of a colo- 
nial heritage is that La Reunion 
is under French control, and is 
not considered a colony, but 
rather as a French territory. Mr. 
Chirac was staying with his wife 
Bernadette, their daughter and 
their grandson, in a hotel which 
has entertained the likes of 
Princess Stephanie of Monaco 
and the singer James Brown. 

Perhaps the least relaxed 
holidaymakers are the leaders 
of the Peoples’ Republic of 
China. Fir from getting away 
from it all for his holidays. Chi- 
na’s leader lakes the office and 
all his senior colleagues with 
him for his summer break. Pres- 
ident Jiang Zemin and his en- 
tourage descend every year on 
the seaside resort of Beida He, 
about 150 miles east of Peking. 

Beida He has a lively holiday 
atmosphere -at least where the 
masses play. The town is rather 
like Blackpool, with a strange 
form of apartheid imposed upon 
it. lb the east, the public beach- 
es are thronged with state work 
units on then official holidays: 
to the west, the often-deserted 
best beach is cordoned off for 
the senior leaders and no curi- 
ous passers-by are allowed any- 
where near. ’ 

Although he has two luxuri- 
ous official residences and a 
posh Johannesburg home, when 
President Nelson Mandela takes 
his month-long summer holiday 
he heads for Qunu. Here he has 
had a replica of his old quarters 
at Victor yerster prison, a mod- 
est red-brick bungalow, built in 
the wilds of the Transkei.. 

His mother, who died during 
his 27-year incarceration, once 
lived across the road. And Mr 
Mandela has a simple explana- 
tion for his choice of destina- 
tion: “Everybody comes back to 
where they were bom.” he says. 

Socialist counterpart the French 
Prime Minister. "I know he lives 

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Pnoa tod nmrtegc refigWe. ltarc b nsagcgnm aa^cn data* -o chagc iry ip tc*< g-cc. 

nearby. We wiQ see one anoth- 
er,” said Mr Blair, as though he 
hoped to bump into Mr Jospin 
in the fresh fruit and vegetable 
section of the local hypennarchd 
Increasingly, business and leisure 
are mixed. 

The QintODS showed the com- 
mon touch by dressing in baggy 
T-shirts and running shorts. But 
they were at Martha’s Vineyard, 
that ultra-trendy haunt of the 
monied, old and new, and the 
White House press corps went 
along too, for staged photo-op- 
portunities and “impromptu” 
statements on current events. 

Russia’s Boris Yeltsin spent 
halfhfa holiday on the Volga and 
half in Kareli in the north, 
where be relaxed in a newly ren- 
ovated government dacha by a 
lake, which was closed to the 
public and filled with thou- 
sands of fish to ensure the Pres- 
ident’s success with rod and line. 

The working element of the 
holiday in Kareli was that Mr 
Yeltsin played host to the 
Finnish President, Martti Ahri- 
saari. It must have been an odd 
experience for Mr Ahtisaari to 
be a guest in Kareli, which 
used to belong to Finland un- 
til the Soviet Union seized it at 
the end of the Second World 
Wtr. Perhaps even odder, he 
found himself in a sauna being 
energetically beaten with birch 
twigs by the President of Rus- 
sia, an experience few will be 
able to record on their postcards 

In the past, Israeli prime min- 
isters did not usually take holi- 
days - or if they did. they 
frolicked so discreetly no one no- 
ticed. But Benjamin Netanyahu 
has broken the mould this sum- 
mer. He is Israel's first yuppie 
prime minister, the first to have 
grown up in the less austere di- 
mate of the US, the first to have 
small children while in office. 

Inevitably, the Netanyahus 
being the Netanyahus, the hol- 
iday he bagan last Wednesday 

DAY 8: 

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down t 

dates Arriz 


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^SlgSDAY 21 AT ir.T Byp 


Harv est of death 



as a grain store explodes 

[ tess 

i sL 

French vineyard 
owners set to reap 
a vintage harvest 

Joanna Lee 


wr^^cteLd gra ' n Siloafterit ® tp, <> d M yesterday 

Cash toll could 

in the cfty of Bbaye, in south-west France. Eleven people were 
Photograph; Fatten Cottereau/Reutere 

After two very good years for wine, 
French vineyard owners already had dol- 

look^fo^^r^ to a harvest that is like- 
ly to be even better than the last two. AO 
the signs are now indicating that 1997 
could be one of the best vintages in 

As early as 4 August grape-picking 
began in Rivesaftes, north of Perpignan; 
and on Monday the Haul Brion chateau 
near to Bordeaux announced that it 
would begin the grape harvest for white 
wine grapes on Monday, and for red wine 
at the end of the week. Grapes have not 
been ready for harvest this early since 1893. 

Jean-Bemard Delmas, the chateau's di- 
rector of commerce, explained that “the 
harvest usually takes place between 20- 
25 September ... but from die month of 
May it was clear that we would be har- 
vesting early because the grapes were al- 
ready very mature.” Bottles from the last 
early harvest, in 1990, are now selling fox 
several hundred pounds. 

Other vineyards have also announced 
that they will begin harvesting this week, 
such as Couhins-Couton, Latour Mar- 
tfllac, Fieuzal and Chevalier. All these 
chateaux are in the Graves region in Bor- 
deaux. The vineyards in the region of 
Cdtes du Rhflne are prepa ring for grape- 
picking next Monday and across France, 
wine producers are getting ready for an 
early narvest, even further north in the 
regions of the Loire. 

The maturity of this year’s crop is due 
to the very hot, sunny spring, and it not 
only promises good wine, but also m eans 

that the farmers have more lime 10 har- 
vest, which allows them to pick the grapes 
at the rig ht time. The warmer weather of 
an early harvest also means that the al- 
cohol levels are generally fairly high.. 

Even the heavy rain in July that flood- 
ed much of Eastern Europe, and made for 
a lot of wet summer holidays on the 
. Mediterranean, was not a catastrophe for 
the wine merchants. Although it did de- 
stroy some grapes, some rain was essen- 
tial to speed op the ripening process. The 
only disadvantage is for the grape -pickers, 
who will have to gp through the vines with 
greater care, getting rid of the spoilt crop. 

Some predictions are more cautious 
than others: Philippe Raymond, from the 
Wine Producers' Union in Saint Emilion, 
sai± “Only a catastrophe with the weath- 
er would pose any threat to the harvests 
now, but we shall have to wail and see if 
the sun continues to shine in the next tew 
weeks before we know if those crops 
which are not yet ready will be excep- 
tional.” likewise, Fabrice Fatin, director 
of the Wine and Iburist office in Pauil- 
lac, in the Haut-Mddoc, said: “All ex- 
ceptional vintages do come from early 
harvests, but all early harvests do not nec- 
essarily produce good vintages." 

Nevertheless, smiles are broad on the 
faces of roost of those involved in the nine 
industry. A union official from the Bor- 
deaux area said that they are “optimistic 
and relaxed” and a vineyard owner from 
Gafllac, in the South-west said be will gut 
a relatively small quantity of wine, but it 
will be of excellent quality. 

As for the weather, one vmevard own- 
er in the Loire region said: “liven if we 
could control it, we could not have done 
any better." 

‘ ♦ 

bring Mir 


down to earth 

diaries Arthur 

Science Editor 

Cm* : 

The Mir space station may fi- 
nally meet its end next year, 
brought down not by technical 
problems but the sheer cost of 
running it, Russia's deputy fi- 
nance minister has hinted. 

As the three astronauts on 
board the orbiting station pre- 
pared for a spacewalk tomorrow 
to restore power and make re- 
pairs. Vladimir Petrov, first 
deputy finance minister said: 
“The task is pressing. We must 
remove Mir from orbit. This will 
be done next year." He added, 
“You see, there have already 
been a series of breakdowns, 
one failure, another failure.” 

However, Valery Ryumin, 
who beads Russia's cooperation 
with the United States’ space 
agency, Nasa, on Mir, said: U A 
bureaucrat f Petrov] can say 
whatever nonsense he wants. 1 
don’t even want to hear this 

Mr Petrov’s comments were 
made to reporters on Tuesday 
for release last njgbi, to coincide 
with a government discussion of 

the 1998 budget, which will be 
sent to the Russian parliament 
by next Tuesday. That leaves the 
distinct possibility that the com- 
ments were part of a bargaining 
plan to try to reduce spending. 

Exact figures on Mar's oper- 
ating costs are not available, and 
observers say Russian military 
control of some aspects of the 
programme make it hard to 

But Mir does earn valuable 
foreign currency: the LTS 
agreed to pay Russia 5478m 
(£300m), mostly for A/ir- relat- 
ed activities, under a Decem- 
ber 1993 agreement to last 
until 1998. The European 
Space Agency (ESA) paid 
$50m for two joint missions in- 
volving Mir in 1994 and 1995. 

Russian space officials have 
said they intend to keep Mir in 
orbit at least until 2000, and 
leading Russian policymakers 
have not previously advocated 
its retirement 
If and when it is abandoned, 
it will eventually fall to earth. 
Though most of it should burn 
up in the atmosphere, large 
pieces are expected to survive. 

Mir, launched in 1986, is the 
last element left from the glo- 
ries of the Soviet space pro- 
gramme, which was the first to 
launch a satellite and then a 
man into orbit 
On 25 June the station ex- 
perienced the worst accident in 
its history when a supply ship 


one of ibe six modules. It has 
suffered a series of smaller fail- 
ures in recent weeks. 

“In principle we are deciding 
three problems: to create a 
(new) station, support Mr un- 
til a certain time, mat is until the 
(new) station goes into orbit 
and somewhat change the space 
complex now in orbit” Mr 
Petrov said. 

Russia is participating in the 
creation' of an international 
space station, the first segment 
of which is scheduled for a 
June 1998 Launch. 

Yesterday afternoon, ground 
control said everything on Mir 
was fine: the station had re- 
gained its precise alignment 
with the Sun, recharged its so- 
lar batteries aid switched cm its 
main oxygen generator. 

Bigger and 
than Ever! 



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rice w 

Hun Sen 

Waigel says he’s tired of 
Germany’s economy 

dent' s 




Fierce fighting continued be- 
tween rival Cambodian fac- 
tions last night amid conflicting 
reports about who controlled 
Ibe remote border town of 
CSraach, where forces loyal to 
Prince Norodom Ranariddh, 
the country's ousted co-pre- 

mfcr, have been battling to pre- 
vent their final bastion falling 
into the hands of Cambodia s 
powerful leader, Hun Sen, 
writes Matthew Chance in 

His well-armed and^ better- 
trained soldiers, backed by 1 
Gunks and artillery, have been 
steadily advancing on the roy- 
fhrWr Khmer Rouge al- 

German finance minister Theo Waigel hinted in an 
interview broadcast yesterday that he would quit after 
September 1998 federal elections at the latest 

His ministry and party played down the comments, saying 
he had never specified the date of his resamaarion. But the 
confession that he was tired of taking the neat for Germany’s 
economic problems was a damper for Chancellor Helmut 
Kohl, who is seeking re-election next year. Mr Wiigel, a loyal 
ally, has had the post since 1989. AP-Bonn 




*> ^ * 

Sikhs request Amritsar visit 



lies, since staging a woom™g 
' d'etat last month which forced 
- Ranariddh’s troops into 

. the jungles to regroup. 


, sending more 

across the acartn r border 
Thailand, where tire} , 

byysed Id cmergencyrac^ 

ga-S 3 SB 

gest that is not the ease. 

Indian Sikh leaders said that they wanted the Queen to 
visit Amritsar. Prakash Singh Badal, chief minister of the 
state of Punjab, in which Amritsar lies, said: “If the Queen 
visits Punjab but does not go to Amritsar, it win be a great 
misunderstanding.” The visit has been under a cloud of 
controversy since Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral said 
he did not want Amritsar included in the visit to avoid 
bitterness over the 1919 massacre. Reuters - Chandjgarh 






Four dead in grudge shooting 


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A man who apparently held a long-standing grudge against 
a judge killed her, two state troopers and a newspaper 
editor during a three-hour rampage in New Hampshire 
that ended when he was shot to death. The man, i den t ifi ed 
as Carl Drega, 67, was once the subject of a restraining 
order imposed by judge Vickie Bunnell AP - Cofebrook 

Rival for Saudi national airline . 

Abdul Rahman al-Jeraisy, chairman of the Saudi Council 
of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said he backed ■ 
the creation of a private domestic airline in the kingdom. 
u n.-iKona! flao carrier Saudi Arabian 

Dixons Deal 



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TmrRSDAY 21 jUrraiST 1997 ■ THE INPEPENIWr ^ 

obituaries / gazette 

Rolf Knie 

Rolf Knie was a giant of the cir- 
cus world, in more senses than 
one. A large, authoritative man, 
he was dwarfed only by his 
favourite animals, the elephants 
he trained and presented at the 
Swiss National Circus Knie. 

Among his fellow circus di- 
rectors, be was acknowier^ed as 
one of the giants of the indus- 
try in which Circus Knie reigDed 
supreme throughout Europe, 
with a world-wide reputation for 
quality and class. While 
Bertram Mills Circus in Great 
Bri tain was. from the 1920s to 
the 1960s, regarded as the finest 
here, the name of Kni e will live 
on as the most respected circus 
in the world. 

Representing the fifth gen- 
eration of a circus dynasty now 
into its seventh generation. 
Rolf Knie and his brother 
Fredy, their father Fr€d6ric 
and uncles Rodolphe, Eugfine 
and Charles, received the ulti- 
mate accolade of the circus in- 
dustry on 19 July this year with 
the induction of their names 
into the International Circus 
Hall of Fame. Rolf had retired 
from the circus ring as a per- 
former in 1969, having been Eu- 
rope’s leading elephant trainer, 
but for some SO years, from 
1941, Rolf and brother Fredy 
directed the fortunes of the Cir- 
cus Knie which became Switzer- 
land's National Circus and its 
most-loved form of entertain- 
ment; both Rolf and Fredy and 
their sons enjoyed a cult fol- 
lowing in Switzerland almost 
alrin to that accorded royalty or 

Rolf himself started his career 
as a child acrobat, but due to his 
lame physique later followed his 
father, a trainer of dogs, polar 
bears, horses and a down to 
boot into the field of animal 
training. He was pitched into the 
presentation of elephants at 
the tender age of 16, when the 
trainer of a group of Knie ele- 
phants at a Danish circus fell 
sick. He followed his unde 
Charles (who died in 1940) 
into elephant tr aining, taking 
over the big herd of Indian ele- 
phants after the departure of the 
master trainer Franz Kraml 
from Czechoslovakia at the end 
of 1939. 

In 1941 he trained the ele- 
phant “Baby" to do a sensa- 
tional feat: walking a tightrope, 
an act he later presented at the 
Scaia Theatre, Berlin, while 
his brother Fredy worked at the 

equally famous Wintergarten 
theatre there, a favourite haunt 
of the German leader Adolf 
Hitler. In 19S3, he trained an- 
other elephant, “Sabu”, to per- 
form this trick, and brought it 
to London for die second of his 
appearances in Tbm Arnold’s 
Circus at Haxringay Arena in 

His first appearance in Eng- 
land had been at Blackpool 
Tbwer Circus, during the win- 
ter of 1949, but he and his broth- 
er, probably the world’s finest 
horse trainer, also supplied 
wild animal acts, chimpanzees, 
horses and elephant numbers to 
circuses in Birmingham, Glas- 
gow and to the Bertram Mills 
Circus at Olympia, London. 
His animals were also featured 
with circuses throughout Eu- 
rope, and his efforts in the 
breeding of elephants in cap- 
tivity led to the birth of sever- 
al young Asian elephants, a 
remarkable achievement. 

In 1956, Knie acquired sev- 
en young African elephants 
from Basel Zoo, and was the 
first in Europe to present a 
group of these animals in the 
sawdust ring, this variety being 
considered generally much 
more difficult to train than the 
Indian or Asian species. 

Rolf Knie was bom in 1921 
in Wetzikon in Switzerland, 
where the Circus Knie was on 
tour at the time. The Knie 
showbusiness dynasty was 
founded in the early 19ih cen- 
tury by an Austrian, Fr6d6ric 
Knie (1784-1850), whose fam- 
ily became famous as acrobats 
and tightwire performers in the 
village squares, working al fres- 
co. It was not until Louis Knie 
(1842-1909) took his family and 
settled in Switzerland that his 
sons Rodolphe, Frederic, 
Charles and Eugene decided in 
1919 to start a cucus. Receiv- 
ing no financial assistance from 
their widowed mother, they 
obtained credit from the Swiss 
ten [makers, Geisers, who gave 
them a two-poler big top, 
enabling them to open their 
travelling show on 1 June 1919 
in Berne. 

The year 1919 was also aus- 
picious for Fr£d£ric and 
Rodolphe since they both 
married. The following year 
Fr&feric’s wife Marguerite gave 
birth to their son Frederic 
(known as Fredy) and the year 
after to Rodolphe (Rolf). Reefy 
and Rolf both followed their fa- 

ther and uncles, becoming tal- 
ented acrobats, riders and ani- 
mal trainers. Rolf eventually 
specialised in elephants and 
Fredy in horses, both of them 
the pre-eminent trainers in Eu- 
ropean circuses. 

In 1939, they decided to 
throw open their training es- 
tablishment to the public, in 
order to prove to all that cru- 
elty was not involved in the 
painstaking and loving training 
of their animals. This practice 
is still carried on at Circus Knie 
today, where daily rehearsals 

and training sessions can be 
viewed by the public at large. 

In 1950, Rolf Knie married 
Tina di Giovanni, sister of Dora 
Caroli, whose husband was the 
famous bareback rider and 
clown Enrico Caroli, who often 
appeared in England with 
Bertram Mills, Tom Arnold's 
and Billy Smart’s arcuses. Tina, 
who came from Milan, took her 
traditional place as a Knie 
spouse in the circus booking of- 
fice. Their first sou, Louis, was 
bora in 1951, and their second. 
Franca was bora, in 1954. " 

Following Rolfs retirement 
from the ring as a trainer and 
presenter in 1969, his son Louis 
succeeded him with the ele- 
phants, later fallowed by Fran- 
co. Louis also excelled asa rider 
of haute^cole (dressage), and a 
trainer of tigers, combining in 
one act tigers which rode on the 
backs of full-grown elephants. 
Following the retirement of Rolf 
and Fredy, after 50 years at the 
helm of Circus Knie, Rolf Knie 
ran for a while their delightful 
Children's Zoo in Rapperswil, 
where the circus also wintered. 

■ * .• 

In 1994, Louis Knie left the 
family concern , to launch his 
own show in Austria, under the 
ride of the Austrian National 
Circus Louis Knie, sided by his 
son, Louis Jnr. 

Rolfs younger son Franco, in 
partnership with his cousin 
Fbedy Knie Jnr, today controls 
the destiny of the Swiss National 
Circus, die most prestigious 
touring circus in the world, and 
members of die seventh gener- 
ation of Knies are among its 

In true showbusiness trad!- 

Professor John Maf tin 

John Martin was one of that 
post-war gene ration of social sci- 
entists whose work was doae, for 
the most part, in a benign cli- 
mate of social change in the 
1950s and 1960s. By the mid- 
1970s, both the social optimism 
and the public investment which 
bad been directed towards the 
improvement of British society 
began rapidly to drain away 
and, as with many of his acad- 
emic generation, Martin's later 
work was accomplished contra 

He was educated at Leighton 
Park SchooL, Reading, and af- 
ter reading English at Reading 
University, he determined on 
joining the probation service. As 
a preliminary, he arrived at 
the London School of Eco- 
nomics in 1951 to read for the 
Certificate in Social Science. 
Instead of entering the world 
of social work he underwent a 
fundamental re-orientation in 
his interests and began on a 
career in research and teach- 
ing which was to encompass the 
rest of his Life. There is no 
doubt but that the person re- 

sponsible for this was the great 
.Richard Titmuss. 

Titmuss, whose appointment 
to the Chair of Social Adminis- 
tration at LSE had been some- 
what controversial, since he was 
not thought of as an academic, 
was both a practical socialist and 
one committed to the ideals of 
a welfare state as envisaged try 
Beveridge. The strong tradi- 
tion at the School, which went 
back to its founders Sidney and 
Beatrice Webb, was for devel- 
opments in social policy to be 
made in the context, not of ab- 
stract ideology, but of the real- 
ities of social life as QJinninated 
by empirical research. Titmuss, 
who was an exceedingly shrewd 
judge of ability, opened Martin's 
eyes to wider horizons, and in 
1953 recruited him to the staff 
of his department 

Although Titmuss is re- 
membered predominantly in 
the fields of health policy and 
social security, he encouraged 
his proteges to range widely. 
Martin's first modest but 
thoughtful publication had been 
an article on nursery schools. It 

was to be the first work in what 
was to be a prodigious output 
of writing. In 1957 Sodal Aspects 
of Prescribing appeared; not 
merely to be favourably re- 
viewed but to be discussed in a 
Times leader - a notable 
achievement in those days for 
one still barely 30. It revealed 
the facts about the uneven 
quality of healthcare in gener- 
al practice, flluminating the in- 
equalities of region and class still 
with us 40 years later. 

In 1959 Martin was recruit- 
ed by that other great academ- 
ic entrepreneur of the day, the 
legendary Leon Racfcmowrcz, to 
become Assistant Director of 
Research at the newly founded 
Institute of Criminology in 
Cambridge. He was elected a 
Fellow of King's College, 
Cambridge, in 1964. At Cam- 
bridge he produced his Offend- 
ers as Employees (1962) and 
became responsible for the 
supervision erf graduate research 
at the Institute. By 1967 it had 
become time to move on, to a 
chair of Sociology and Social 
Administration (later Social 

Martin: radical social research 

Fblicy) at Southampton which he 
held until his early “retirement" 
in 1989, remaining, with the de- 
partment as Research Professor 
until he left for Manchester in 
1992 where be characteristical- 
ly formed a connection with the 
university's Department of Social 
Policy as a Visiting Professor. 

While at Southampton he 
served as a member of the Isle 
of Wight Health Authority and 
on the Board of Visitors at Al- 
bany Prison. He contributed sig- 

nificantly to the work of the Jel- 
licoe Committee on Boards of 
Visitors which reported in 1975. 

In all he did be folkmed in the 
tradition of radical social re- 
search to which he had been in- 
troduced at LSE. Upon him, as 
on a. whole generation of acad- 
enucs, Titmuss made his imprint 
and Martin was numbered 
among those who, come the long 
winter of Thatcherism, or the po- 
litical cataract of New Labour, 
beld fast to that precious com- 
bination of commitment to a just 
society resourced by patient 
and painstaking research. Al 
Southampton University, al- 
though not the titular head of de- 
partment, he shouldered many 
of its administrative burdens 
andis remembered with great af- 
fection as a generous, wise and 
just administrator and the most 
patient of teachers. Few pro- 
fessors have commanded 
greater respect from their col- 
leagues and students. 

Married first in 1951 to 
Sheila Feather, with whom he 
bad three sons, all of whose con- 
siderable achievements brought 

him great pleasure, he married 
in 1983 Professor Joan Higgins, 
with whom the last years of his 
life were a time of great hap- 
piness. Voyaging was Martin's 
great love, and be was a small 
boat sailor of no mean compe- 
tence. He used to say that the 
best thing about sighting the 
French coast was the thought of 
the food and the wine that 
awaited ashore. He was a skil- 
ful photographer, producing 
pictures that would have graced 
any exhibition. A true bricokur, 
he was a keen woodworker, at- 
tending evening classes for 
mare than 25 years; a talented 
cabinet maker, be passed his 
City and Guilds examination 
only this summer. 

His father having lived to a 
great age - notwithstanding a 
shell fragment from the Somme 
lodged ra his head for over 60 
years- John Martin had hoped 
for a similarly long life. Fit and 
lithe of body, he loved (he out- 
door life and had plans as yet 
incomplete when cancer was 
discovered. That he was a fine 
scholar in his generation is a 

mark of distinction; that he 
was so good and generous a 
man was enough to earn him the 
enduring regard of those who 
knew him. who worked with him 
and who loved him. 

Terence Morris 

John Powell Martin, social sci- 
entist : bom 22 December 1925 ; 
Lecturer, London School of Eco- 
nomics 1953-59; Assistant Di- 
rector of Research, Institute of 
Criminology, Cambridge Uni- 
versity 1961-66; Fellow, King's 
College, Cambridge 1964-67; 
Professor of Sociology and Social 
Administration (later Social Pol- 
icy), Southampton University 
I967-ti9 (Emeritus), Research 
Professor 1989-92; Hill Foun- 
dation Visiting Professor, Uni- 
versity of Minnesota 1973; 
Visiting Fellow, Yale Law School 
1974; Visiting Professor. Depart- 
ment of Social Policy and Social 
Work. Manchester University 
1992-97; married 1951 Sheik 
Feather f marriage dissolved 
198); three sons), 1983 Joan 
Higgins; died Manchester 17 
August 1997. 

Phil Appleyard 

Phil Appleyard was the man who 
brought hockey to the British 
putalic when, one weekend in Oc- 
tober 1986, over six million peo- 
ple switched on their television 
sets to see the dosing stages of 
the hockey World Cup, held In 
London to mark the centenary 
of the Hockey Association. 

Appleyard had been ap- 
pointed chairman of the or- 
ganising committee to oversee 
the event at WDlesden. The 
tournament attracted more 
spectators than any previous 
World Cup. There were “house 
fair notices, a black market fin- 
tickets, and the BBC, at short 
notice, substituted hockey for its 

planned Saturday afternoon 

By profession Appleyard was 
an international fisheries con- 
sultant, who liked to refer to 
himself as “a Grimsby fish mer- 
chant". In reality he spent most 
of his working life dealing with 
governments and international 
agencies rather than the house- 
wives of Grimsby. In his 
younger days, when he could 
fin d the time, he had kept goal 
in hockey for Grimsby and was 
ca ptain of their team between 
1950 and 1960. 

In 1981, Appleyard had just 
returned from a United Nations 
fisheries project in Korea when 

the Hockey Association, tasked 
with the running of the World 
Cup five years later and realis- 
ing that they were being asked 
to stage die most expensive 
World Cup ever, decided that 
they could not tackle an event 
of such magnitude within their 
own very limited resources. 
They invited Appleyard to take 
charge of the whole thing. He 
tadded the task with enthusiasm 
and very considerable com- 
mercial expertise and organised 
what is still considered by many 
to be the most successful world 
hockey event ever staged. 

In 1985, during the build-up 
period to the World Cup, ne 

also took on the equally’ daunt- 
ing role of President of the 
Hockey Association and con- 
tinued in office until 1995. Af- 
ter the World Cup be set about 
revitalising English hockey. For 
the tournament, a drab wBlcs- 
den Stadium had been trans- 
formed temporarily into an 
attractive welcoming arena for 
world hockey, only to be re- 
turned to its original stale after 
two weeks. Appleyard vowed 
then to create a national head- 
quarters for the game and with 
it a national stadium. His dream 
finally came true last year with 
the opening of the £9m-phis sta- 
dium at Milton Keynes. 

Appleyard worked cease- 
lessly for the Hockey Associa- 
tion, promoting the game and 
English and Great British hock- 
ey in every aspect. He was nev- 
er happier than when talking 
about his beloved game, 
whether it was to television 
chiefs or potential sponsors or 
guests at a small club function. 
There can be few in hockey who 
at some time had not heard his 
favourite words: “Things don't 
just happen" but they did when 
he was around. He brought to 
the game a professionalism and 
commercial approach it badly 
needed. It was his initial drive 
which only last June brought 

about the merging of the Men’s, 
Women's and Mixed Hockey 

Appleyard represented Eng- 
land on the Council of the In- 
ternational Hockey Federation 
from 1992 and took over the 
role of Honorary Treasurer in 
1994. He immediately started to 
reorganise the Federation's fi- 
nancial housekeeping and took 
on the task of chairing an ad hoc 
committee to recommend the 
structure necessary to bring 
the management of world hock- 
ey into the 21st century. 

Bill Colwill 
Walter Pitilip Appleyard, busi- 

ErapatB loading atapltant tram; 1945: Knie Crttfit} taught elephants to walk the tfgtfrapo and opened hta tnrinfng sessions to tte prtHc to show ■» cruaUy was Involved Photograph: AFP 

tion, Curtis Knie did not inter- 
rupt its schedule on hearing of 
the death of Rolf Knie, its ad- 
ministrative director of 50 years, 
but continued to play to packed 
audiences in the Swiss capital, 

D. Nevil 

Rodolphe Knie, elephant trainer 
and circus director bom Wet- 
zikon. Switzerland 23 November 
1921; married 1950 Tina di Gio- 
vanni ( two sons); died Rapper- 
swill, Switzerland 18 August 

van den 

When he died, Hendrik van 
den Bergh had been a fanner 
for almost two decades, quiet- 

§ r raising broiler chickens. Bat 
uring tiie 1960s and 1970s, 
“Lang Hendrik 77 (“Tall Hen; 
drik”), as the 6ft 5m poEoe chief 
was known, was probably the .,.} 
most feared man. in South 
Africa; the oppressive power 
behind the governments first of 
Hendrik Verwoerd, the archi- 
tect of apartheid, and later,' 
John Vorster. 

In 1963 van den Bergh 
ed South Africa’s first 
intelligence-gathering opera- 
tion. the precursor to the dread- 
ed Bureau of State Security 
(Boss), witich he started in 1969. 
Boss was responsible for the 
apartheid regime’s worst ex- . 
cesses, during a period when the 
Cold War provided the Nation- . 

al Party with a front - the 
combating of international 

fYwnmnniam — for its true mis-_ ■ ■ 
son, the prevention of blade ma- i 
jority rule in South Africa. 

Van den Bergh will be re- 
membered as the sanctioner of - 
assassinati on and torture in de- 
fence of the apartheid state and. 
as a consummate blackmailer / ^ 
through his vast network ofsf»es * 
and informers. Almost anyone 
who was not a rampant Afrikan- 
er was the enemy and he cast his 
formidable shadow far beyond 
South Africa’s borders, seeking 
out anti-apartheid activists. He ; 
is believed to have been behind i 
the downfall of the British lib- 
eral leader Jeremy Thorpe and 
Peter Ham's apparent framing' 
for a British bank robbery. 

Van den Bergh ’s other main 
claim to fame still seemed to 
thrill him in old age. In the ear- 
ly 1960s his investigations led to 
tiie Rivonia trial which led to 
Nelson Mandela's life impris- 
onment. As recently as last 
month van den Bergh was in- 
sisting that Boss did not oper- 
ate bit squads. But in the late ^ 
1970s be told a government^;, 
commission investigating covert * 
operations: “I have enough 
men to commit murder if I tell 
them to kdL I don't care who the 
prey is. These are the type of 
men I have." 

Van den Bergh was bora in 
1914 into an Afrikaner farming 
family, and was a lifelong 
Afrikaner nationalist. His for- 
tunes became inextricably linked 
with John Vorster's during the 
Second Wbrid War when they 
both joined the pro-Nazi 
Ossewa-Brandwag (OB).apara- 
miliatry movement which used 
terrorist tactics to oppose South 
Africa's siding with the Allies in 
Europe. The British concentra- 
tion camps of the Boer War -in 
which tens of thousands of 
Afrikaner women and children^ 
died - provided the emotional jp 
bedrock of their opposition to ' 
taking Britain’s side. The OB’s 
members wore storm trooper- 
style uniforms and adoptee the 
Nazi salute. Vbrster and van den 
Bergh were interned under 
wartime security Jaws. 

After the war van den Bergh 
was already part of tiie Afrikan- 
er intelligentsia poised to take 
power in South Africa, and 
rose quickly through police 
ranks under Verwoerd and 
Vorster. His political downfall 
came in 1979 when he and 
Voreier were casualties of a po- 
litical scandal after h was dis- 
covered that state funds were 
being used to spread disinfor- 
mation and propaganda. 

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oftonspi r 

•RtSlDcjk- - 
***■£ . 

Appleyard: revitalised hockey 

nessman and hockey adminis- 
trator. bom Cleethorpes, Lin- 
colnshire 22 July 1923; QBE 
1987; married (one daughter); 
died 16 August 1997. 

When Hendrik van den 
Bergh died many secrets went 
with him. He boasted that he 
was the only man alive to know 
who shopped Nelson Mandela. 
When he retired he said he 
would never give up what he 
knew. But two years ago a man- 
uscript came to li ght which sug- 
gested he may have suffered 
from the old spymaster’s vani- 
ty. There had in fact been a book 
under way. but it was apparently 
abandoned in 1985 after oppo- 
sition from the National Fhrty. 
In his manuscript van den Beigb 
warned that division would be 
the death of Afrikanerdom. He 
blamed poor political leadership 
and warned that “white survival" 
was more important than the 
settling of political scores. 

Mary Braid 

Hendrik Johan van den Bergjh, 
Police officer bom Vredefort Or- 
ange Free State 27 November 
twice married; died 
Bronkhorstpmit, Pretoria 16 
August 1997. 


& Deaths 


I T JFR: Prudence Ann (d&: Lyne), 
ied peacefully in ber sleep at borne 
i Bencnden, 18 August- Cremation 
t Charmg on Watoesday 27 August 

1 noon, fiuuily flowers only. DotUr 
oos to the Hospice in the Weald, 

unbridge WeOs. 

ATHS, please telephone 0171-2S3 

2 or tax to 0171-293 2018. Charges 
ALSO a line (VAT extra). 


Princess Margaret, 67; Mr John 
Anstin -Walker MP. 53; Dame Janet 
Baker, mezzo-soprano, 64; Mr 
Christopher Brasher, athlete and 
newspaper columnist, 69; Mr Don- 
ald Dewar MP, Secretaxy of State for 
Scotland, 60; Sir Ronald Garrick, 
managing director and chief execu- 
tive, the Weir Group, 57; Mr Tbny 
Girling, president, the Law Society, 
54; Mr David Heywood, ch a irm a n , 

Remrioy, 60. Miss Anne Hobbs, ten- 
nis player, 3S; Sir James Hotaum, 
High Court judge, 50; The Hon 
Gerald LasceUes, president, British 
Racing Drivers* Gub, 73; Mr Dou- 
glas Lowndes, former director, the 
Newspaper Society, 77; Dr Tliotnas 
McLean, former director. Atomic 
Weapons Research Esta blish ment, 

67; Mr Barry Norman, broadcaster, 
64; Mr Kenny Rogers, country and 
western singer, 56; Mr Sam T try, for- 
mer chairman, Ford Motor Co. 74; 
Lt-Gen Sir Richard Vickers, a Gen- 
tleman Usher to the Queen, 69. 


Births: Philip D (Philip- Augustus ) , 
King of France. 1 165; St Frands de 
Sales, bishop, 1567; Jean- Baptiste 
Greuze, painter, 1725; Asher Brown 
Durand, painter and engraver, 1796; 
Jules Michelet, historian. 1798; An*, 
guste BouinonviUe, dancer and 
choreographer, 1805; Sir Francis 
Hastings Doyle Bt, poet. lSltk 
Gustave -Adolphe Him, physicist 
and meteorologist, 1815; WiDiam 
“Count" Basie, jazz pianist and 

bandleader, 1904. Deaths: Richard 
Clasbaw, poet, 1649; Lady Mary 
Wortky Montagu, writer, 1762: Con- 
rad Martens, painter, 1 87S; Charles 
Joseph Kickham, novelist and pocL 
1882; Sir Aston Webb, architect. 
1930; Leonard Constant Lambert, 
composer, 1951; Sir Jacob Epstein, 
sculptor, 1959. On this day: Marshal 
Jean-Baptiste Bernadette was se- 
lected as Crown Prince of Sweden. 
1810; the Mona Lisa was stolen 
from the Louvre. 1911; the Dumb- 
arton Oaks canferencestarted. 1944: 

Hawaii became the 50th of the Unit- 
ed States, 1959; it was announced in 
the Soviet Union that the coup had 

failed and that President Mikhail 
Gorbachev had been reinstated, 
1991. Tbday is the Feast Day of St 

Abraham of Smolcnst Saint« Bcbb> 

sus and Maximum. Saints Luxorius, 
G&eJlus and Camcrinus, St Pius X. 
pope and St Sidanius Apoltinaxis. 


National Gallery: Jacqueline Anscll. 
“Tall, Dark and Handsome? (iii):M>- 
mni. Portrait of a Gentleman (‘It 
Gen/it Cavalien lpm. 

British Mnseum: George Han, “Im- 
pacts on Egypt Akhena ten", IJSpm. 

British Academy 

"Die foQowing elections have been an- 
nounced by the British Academy: 

FlmMcBt: Sir Tony Wngley. Vkv^Pmidcae 
rn^cmocMM McGoiraa. Damn: Mr J.S 
Flemming FMp Xecnurji! Pnifeunr BJL 
Suppk; PaMicatlwa Sxrrary. Profcvuir 
Fti li. Millar. Umbra! of Ubr CranKlcr aa 

Academy tneaidi PntftctE Phrfwnr RJR. 
Daici StdirltBiM ftntanrK TiEiRl(lar- 
murij London Unirerqijj. Social l'*jtdhUn- 
g» CamsponiKaR FclkM Pmlcssor W 
Hovhn (Germany). Medieval SUnhn: Piu- 
fL-w LR. Hmfitrd | USA). ArthacuJnjjy: Pro- 
reuui K. Boudon ( Trance 1, Sociology. 
Pnrfcui it W.M. Carden (USA). Economic*: 
Ptofcwnr A. Grafton (USA). HUUny: Pn>- 
fcw i-P. Greene (USA), Hsiniy: Dr MX 
Hmhcii (Dcnmarll. Ctesdcs OofcMw J.A.W. 
Kamp (Germany >. Linpiluia: Dr H. Kou 
(Germany). L.y»; PmIcvw E. Uriilunherg- 
cr (Austria). Geography; PnHoanr IJ. Lin/ 
(USA). CidhteU Studies Profeaw L Kwi 
(Itolyt EitKtuo Studies I ’rotator tM. Scan- 
Ion Jr (USAi. PhiluMipfiv. Prohmir F. Sour- 
bd (Cud Repuhlkl. I Inury. Pnifcmnr J.D. 
Spence (USA). Hinory. Hmomy KdknwSir 
EfcMd Co« Sir Kenneth Durham. Kdkmv l*in- 
revw RJ. Bart leu (l inherstfy uf Si Andrew), 
llsiniy. PrornMv R.W. Btomfcll lllmveni- 
i» Cnlkfsc UdhXtiL Economics Professor V.U. 
BogUaftnr (Otinn] Umvotiry), I'utiuuil Slud- 
k% I'mfesMir A.E- EkOnnr. H jrohxlgi? Uni- 
VCISLV I. Uwr. PiUchv H n.Chut (UrmtsUtv 

College London). Geography; I'nrcMir S. 
Cohen (Luod.’ti Mmol o{ Economics) So- 
ciology. Pnrfosor O G, Corhcn (Surrey Um- 
jmojy ). U^irwex Profe^nr M J. reunion 
(UnKrcnuiy (..dlcgc Linulr.ii], Hjn..w Pm- 
fo*nr kJi> Dwoc (Bradford Uiwewtv). Rv 
Ulicul Studhn; Dr D.N. Pall, on ( Mnncheucr 
University), Minkulugi- Prnle-wr D.P. Far- 
rington fCdmhndjK Lfnwervilr). Sociolan- 
IVoicv-y PPonap ( Unnwiijr;^: l. m ' 
don), Dr UJ Heal (OuDbrirfce 

Uruverulyl, Ptuhisuphy; Pitiletuir BG He- 
(MIAS., Umverarv). Lmgue^e 
Mr X GIL Midmc. ipmaic schnljr). Lner- 
rturc: The ttev I) r W. Hurhoiy ftiunbnjp. 
Theology; Pr^sot T Id*S 
IManebcucr UntverJly). Sicial AmhmrvL 
J " V (l-ondon Bum kL 
.T? l ’ ,n,i:s - hu f« u »» U.S. Mariuru. 
r» « Wind UrniMMyi. Law. lJrJ.NJ.Muen. 
hmer HXIoid Unneraivi. Ecrniomiiv 
rioreNwr A£. Nuftall (Odord Uiiwe 
Umrarna- PmJcv^ n J. l^rvnQiWd U^.' 
wndyl . laieraiwc, D, M. S.h„ii c | d ({-i|n . 
hndfie Unrscnilyl. CUw. Pr.iievor (G 
Srmm. ms ( I hirhom linwcrsiiy i, Gcugrapi^ 

ProfeMor a. Siepan (Oxtnrd Uimeracyj, 
Rjlureal Studies; Pror«sor WJ_ TVrinmg 
(Univeisily Cnllege Loudon ).Lw; Protesor 
PM. Warren (Bridal UnnenUy). Arctecol- 
ojOT Prorewir T. Winiarmon (Edirfmrsb 
University). Philosophy: Professor A^. W *- 
«n (Suvsei University), HaJory. 

royal engagements ' 

Princess Alexandra attends a service is 
Norwich CaihedraJ Tor those in N«r*Ik 
evlehraiing (heir Golden Weckfing in the 
year m (he Oueen and tiie Duke of 

Changing of the Guard 
The King's Troop Royal Hone ArtB«y 
«i» nnts the Queen's Life Guard at &*** 
C«a nt*. l lam; f Company Sews Gmnb 
mourn* (he Queen's Guard, «SndiW 
^ l)jQa m . h Bi 1 dpR^dedl9. , * B 

Sens Guardx 

St’;- ■. 




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21 AUGUST 1997 


at > aj* 

e %l 

the leader pag e 

Dereliction of duty in the shadow of a volcano 

A h ^hp k>. I. _ _ 

; i 


A ^ea^iT' deman ^ made 

shed moZ 

upon this govera- 

possessions, but still mm. 5^' flu ng 

« to- thcTXL-e^ 

beneficiaries of British rule 
inhabitants of Montserrat, foreed^o 
abandon their island becauK rf 1? 
cantc activity, have taken ,o the 

»«“* the British govern- 
ment of political inactivity. 

And, of course, they are right w** 

a mJureoK! 
t gnomic circumstance 

and pohtit^ 1 deadJocfc, a number of 
what n calls Dependent Territories, 
and we are not always vety good at 
—g them W e owe the^opie of 
Montserrat a better deal. 

The Montserratians, whose island 
is now all but uninhabitable, are dis- 
mayed with the small amount of 
moaqr they are being offered to relo- 
cate. Most want to go to Britain, not 
to Guadeloupe or Antigua, which is 
what they have been offered. Those 
who will stay want proper emergency 
accommodation, not die ramshackle 
and poorly organised shelters they 
have been given so far. 

These are all reasonable demands. 
They are demands made upon their 
government in Montserrat; but by 
extension, since Britain is the 
responsible power, they 



The last Conservative j 
cannot be blamed for the eruption 
of volcanoes, but it can be blamed 
for a lot of other things. That gov- 
ernment had a responsibility for the 
well-being of the people of Montser- 
rat. Its ministers were well aware 
that the volcano was threatening to 
blow again, and they could have 
acted earlier to secure the lives of the 
islanders. This they signally failed to 
do. The present government is work- 
ing hard to catch up, but the over- 
all impression is that there is little 
tune and less concern for Montser- 
rat in Whitehall. This has upset the ’ 
Montserratians, irritated the neigh- 
bouring islands, who now have to 
bear the burden, and angered the 
many people of Afro-Caribbean ori- 
gin who think they smell racism. 

They quite possibly do. This coun- 
try was prepared to spend billions of 
pounds and lay down lives for the 
Falklanders, and a good thing too. 
But it is not, apparently, ready to do 
much more than send a ship and a 
few million pounds to the people of 
Montserrat. It has also, by the by, 
allowed the Falklanders to have 
British passports, something that is 
denied to all the other Dependent 

. , ■ of bow to accommodate colonies in 

wanttobemdependent,andwul ® jt-coJonia! era, Whitehall is 

n’t survive on its own. The ifleaor tr . .. d ^ There is a 

pressing need for Labour to develop 

Caribbean dependencies) failed a plot, 
almost at its inception. _ 

Colonial rule, in the absence or 
better solutions, still has its attrac- 
tions. TWo of the Comoros Islands in 
the Indian Ocean have decided they 
want to reverse their independence 
and rejoin Fiance. The Marquesa 

This Government has, so far, 
only one idea: it wants to call the 
Dependent Territories something 
else, on the basis that the title is 
patronising. Name-changing will 
solve nothing. We are talking about 
only 130,000 dependent people in 

TELEPHONE 0171-293 2000 / 0171-345 2000 FAX 0171-293 3405 / 0171-345 2435 

revi^ tfaev m- 


when we refused to extend that 

Behind all this lies a much larger 
structural problem. We have what 
still amount to colonies in a post- 
colonial era; now that Hong Kong 
has gone, what do we do about those 
that remain? It’s not only Montser- 
rat that’s unhappy. The 5,000 peo- 
ple of St Helena, stripped of their 
British passports, have been dispos- 
sessed of their histoiy and their 
rights. Other colonies have also felt 
unloved, or maladministered. The 
remaining colonies represent an 
administrative burden for the For- 
eign and Commonwealth Office 

which it is ill-equipped to handle, 
and for which our diplomats in Lon- 
don receive little thanks and plenty 
of brickbats. We must, for instance, 
ensure that anti-money-laundering 
legislation in the Caribbean depen- 
dencies is up to scratch, while fend- 
ing off complaints of interference 
from local residents. 

To misty-eyed liberals and hard- 
edged realists alike, the solution to 
this problem may seem simple: give 
these people the independence 
which they must sorely crave. But it’s 
not that simple. Montserrat doesn’t 


nomically they think it makes sense. 
The advantages outweigh the dis- 

This may seem like a one-sided 
deal for Britain, but there is no alter- 
native for the moment. While 
Montserrat remains a dependency, 
we have heavy moral obligations 
towards it We owe the islanders an 
apology, and action. Britain may 
not have the resources, the expertise 
or the will to run these places, but 
it has, in most cases, no choice. 

privilege to the people of Hong 
Kong. This is a bizarre piece of For- 
eign Office logic: how will it help 
Hong Kongers to leave St Helen- 
ians in the lurch? 

We need to accept that the Depen- 
dent Territories are British, and will 
be for the foreseeable future. We 
have a responsibility, not merely a 
hazy debt of history, but a practical, 
political, here-and-now responsibil- 

Both the Foreign Office and the ity, towards people who live under 
Department for International our flag; Montserratians should be 

Development have tried to move fast 
to help Montserrat, but the machin- 
ery seems to have been pretty inef- 
ficient. And on the broader question 

treated with the same respect and 
care as our citizens living in Mon- 
mouth, or Manchester, or 


Cars: how to 
combat road 

Sin There is a broad consensus 
which supports the measures 
adv ocated by Christian Wolmar 
(“You, your car and how to end the 
affair n ,"l9 August) for improving 
public transport, extending 
pedestrianisation and encouraging 
cycling within urban areas as in 
many other European countries. 

One of the reasons that these 
have been possible in each of the 
examples quoted by Mr Wolmar - 
Groningen. Nuremberg and Zurich 
- is that all arc surrounded by 
networks of high-quality roads 
which keep through and suburban 
traffic out of the central areas. In 
the case of Zurich, motorway links 
to the north, west and south reach 
almost to the city centre providing 
a further opportunity to segregate 
longer distance traffic that starts or 
ends its journey in the city. 

Furthermore, in Groningen and 
Nuremberg there are plans for 
improving those road networks by 
widening the most heavily 
trafficked sections. 

The Government’s proposals for 
integrated transport are eagerly 
awaited. They should recognise 
that where these policies have been 
adopted successfully they have 
involved improving ail the modes 
of transport. However, it is worth 
recording that despite the 
investments made in public 
transport, cycling and walking in 
Germany and the Netherlands, the 
national level of road traffic has 
crown faster in both of those 
countries than in the UK over the 
JasLfive years. The crucial point is 
that, as a result of the multi-modal 
approach to investment being 
followed in both countries 
congestion on both urban and 
inter-urban routes is far less 
extensive than in this country. 
Director and Chief Executive 
British Road Federation 
London SEl 


ngust) criticising the lacs or a 
iherent national transport policy, 
inch was made of the need to 
since car use. But no mention was 

ade of the prospect that there will 

: more cars to use: tins. August is 
faelv to see over 500,000 new car 
«<; n nc rmd it is Dredicted th 

S^n if we use our cars 20 per 
,1 less, a target that ^transport 
icy has yet even aimed for, let 
oe achieved, the sheer number 
stra cars on the road must 
«««.> traffic densities, 
ian of the answer must be to 

sssssiffissr 11 r 

• ,h,* manufacture or 


r dvervsaie oi a new uu^-But 
jowrnnient would have the 

el- to do any of this. 



s. British cities are 20yea« 
j their European 
.nmru in dealing wit 

Our problem is that we don’t 
have genuine dty government m 
Britain. Our dries have neither the 
power to raise capital nor the 
authority to use it to regenerate 
public transport or to manage the 
car. _ 

City Councillor 

Sin The Government’s willingness 
to consider restricting vehicular 
access on the most congested parts 
of the trunk road network to 
strategic traffic (“Drivers face car- 
ban on busy M-ways” , 15 August), 
highlights the increasing concern 
atoutthe relentlessrise in traffic 

ie ^Edh*urgh we are allocating 
road space away from pri vate c ars, 
which have an average occupancy 

of 1 . 2 , and giving it to modes or 

transport which use space more 
efficiently. This month saw the 
implementation of the first _ 

- -intensive bus priority 

and i 

on radial roads. , 

Restricting access to motorways 
could simply divert traffic on to 
already congested local roads. Tb 
avoid thistbe Government is ngbt 
to be considering direcL charging 
for road use. 

Councillor DAVID BE GG 
Convenor of Transportation ■ 


Sin I welcome plans to reduce car 
traffic, but we must be carefid that 
we do not create an ehnst society 
where only the very nch have cars. 

A lower-income family with 

several children is more m need or 

a cariban a high-earning buaness 

person who drives in to London 

Say day rather than usmgthe 

train, but it is these families who 

wiB be targeted by policies which 
(ax car ownership and use. 

Fkr more effective would be the 
taxing of businesses per employee 
who drives to work, and 
encouraging those businesses to 
offer incentives to employees who 
switch to public transport. Another 
huge reduction in car traffic would 
be gained Ity more incentives for 
people to work from home using 
computer, modem and fax. 
MUion Keynes, Buckinghamshire 

Sin Your photograph (“You, your 
car and how to end the affair", 19 
August) of a young man cycling 
along a deserted path in Regent’s 
Park eloquently demonstrates why 
more people do not cycle to work in 
London -what he is doing is illegaL 
London NW6 

Counselling can 
be effective 

Sin Your account (“ C ou ns elli n g 
loses face in NHS review” ,18 
August) of the NHS Centre for 

Reviews and Disseminations 
Report concentrated on its 
concerns about the limited 
usefulness of counselling. Yet the 

evidence fra- the efficacy of 
psychological approaches in 
workingwith such varied client 
groups as newly unemployed 
people, bereaved children and 
,t women. 

is that counselling 

should not be regarded as a panacea 
but as one form of psychological 
treatment among many. It needs to 
be offered in the contest of a 
complete range of psychological 
treatments offered by mental health 
professionals such as chartered 
psychologists so that people can be 
sure they will only receive 
counselling in situations where it 
has been shown to be effective. This 
approach also has the advantage of 
making it more likely that diems 
win receive the social support that is 
often vital to the success of 
treatment programmes. Many NHS 

tiding my own, employ 
counsellors as part of the treatment 

The worrying case history that 
accompanies your account 
emphasises the folly of allowing 
people to set themselves up as 
“counsellors" or “psychologists” 
with no legal safeguards for the 
public. Representatives of the - 
British Psychological Society are to 
meet Paul Boateng, the junior 
health minis ter, to urge him to 
bring in statutory control for the 
profession. Such control, which 
already exists for doctors, dentists 
and pharmacists, would do much to 
protect the public against 
unscrupulous or incompetent 

Chartered. Clinical Psychologist 
Harrogate Health Care 
NHS Trust 

The writer is Vice-Chair, Division of 
Clinical Psychology, British 
Psychological Society 

Take the profit 
out of drugs 

Sin I entirely agree with Jack 
Girfing’s suggestion (19 August) 
that there should be a blanket 
legislation of hallucinatory drugs. 

As an insurance loss adjuster, I 
have seen burglary claims multiply 
over the past sa or seven years in ■ 
what seems to be direct correlation 
with reported increases in drug 
abuse. The public is suffering as a 
result of spin-off crimes such as 
these. The message is simple. 
Supply hard drugs at cost price to 
whoever. wants them and take all 
the profit out of the industry. This 
not only cuts out the gang warfare 
associated with this seedy business 
but also eradicates the need for 
users to make £100 or more per day 
out of petty crime in order to feed 
their habits. 

Having said tins, the idea erf 
dispensing these drags through 
GPs and chemists is misguided- ■ 
There is already a system of drug 
prescription for existing addicts 
through these outlets, what the 
system does not cater for is the 
persOD taking drugs for the fir^t 
tune. No doctor worth his or her 
salt is ever going to give a “rubber 
stamp” prescription to a non- 
addict who just wants to have a go. 
Mr Girling fails to recognise that 
this will create anew, albeit 
smaller, market for the embryonic 
user, who will not be able to obtain 
repeat doses in the same way a 
hardened addict could and does. 
The drug barons would still be in 
business, but this time more 

Posi letters to Letters to the Editor; and include a daytime telephone number. Fax: 0171-293 2056; 
e-mezL- E-mail correspondents are asked to give a postal address. Letters may be 
edited for lengh mid clarity. Wc rrgrei we Ore unable to acknowledge unpublished letters. 

viciously in pursuit of a shrinking 
“client” base. 

Consequently, whilst the “corner 
shop” supplier is not the answer, a 
relaxed system, such as that used by 
the needle exchange, would be 
ideaL It’s got to be all or nothing. 
Part legalisation will create its own, 
perhaps worse, problems. 
Chartered Insurance Practitioner 
Stockport, Cheshire 

Smeared lty 

Sir. What will devolution do (Let- 
ters, 20 August)? It win make gov- 
ernment more open, more 
accountable, and more ready to lis- 
ten to ordinary people. It is part of 
a process of reform long overdue in 
our political culture. We live in a 
state which is one of the most cen- 
tralised and secretive in the world. 

The “No” campaign has relied 
on innuendo and fear to bolster its 
case. It is completely within char- 
acter that it refused to reveal the 
amount donated Ity the nonagenar- 
ian tax exile. Sir Julian Hodge 
(“Welsh rivals squabble over cam- 
paign cash", 19 August). Over the 
next month the same tired smears 
about “cost” and “break up of the 
UK” will be trotted out. 

The real issues, however, are 
about openness and accountability 
in government. In 1990, after the 
fall of the Communist regime, Va- 
clav Havel proclaimed to die 
Czech people “your government 
has returned to you”; on 18 Sep- 
tember the people of Wales have 
the opportunity to make that hap- 
pen here. 

Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan 

Bright future 
of ‘Britannia’ 

Sin hi the early Fifties the future 
far Britain looked bright. It could 
hardly be otherwise, considering 
the terrible previous decade. There 
was a purposeful advance in 
commerce and industry and of 
course shipbuilding. In particular 
the building of Britannia on the 
Clyde was a fine example of British 
maritime excellence. She was new, 
state-of-the-art and filled with 
purpose - a symbol of a bright 
future for her country and a new. 
young monarch. 

But what now? The future, the 
confidence, the uncertainty all 
muddled and clouded. What good 
could come out of her now? What 
symbolic gesture could she make? 
Will she be scrapped? Will she be 
added to all the other attractions at 
Greenwich or Portsmouth? 

Or could Britannia be 
responsible for the creation of 600 
jobs, the resurrection and security 
of a listed dry-dock, the 
regeneration of a run-down and 
depressed area, the creation of a 
Maritime Heritage Centre and a 
magnificent return to the Clyde, 
where she was built, to be one of 
Britain’s finest examples of 
Symbolic maritime engineering to 
be m a in ta in ed in perpetuity for the 
benefit of future generations? I 
think so. 


Stranded in 

Sin The fact that Ffcul VaUel/s 
substitute coach service from 
Dumfries arrived at Stranraer half 
an hour before his (just) missed rail 
connection from Carlisle (“A 
Journey around the Whole Island 
of Great Britain”, 15 August) is a 
sad reminder of one of the less than 
far-sighted acts of the Beeching era. 

The 54-mile long direct rail link 
between Dumfries and Stranraer 
via Castle Douglas and Newton 
Stewart (the so-called “Port 
Road") was closed in June 1965, 
and, as Paul Valle ly intimated, rail 
travellers from the south have to 
follow a 135-mile long diversion 
through Kilmarnock and Ayr. 

Cottingham, East Yorkshire 

History of stars 
and stripes 

Sin Trevor Phillips ("The Union 
Flag has had its day in the sun", 16 
August) claims the Union Flag is 
junior to Old Glory. True, the first 
American flag (1777) appeared 24 
years before the current Union Flag 
(1801). However, that is not to 

compare like with like. 

The first version of the Union 
Flap appeared in 1606, the cross of 
St Patrick being added in 1801. The 
first version of the American flag 
displayed just 13 stars in the 
canton, probably in a circle. As 
more states joined, the number of 
stripes and stars increased In 1818 
the Dag reverted to 13 stripes. The 
current version dales from 1960, 
when Hawaii became the 50th 

Harrow. Middlesex 

Sin IfTievor Phillips wants to de- 
sign and fly his own flag in the gar- 
den - like a lot of Americans - let 
him get on with it As for myself, 
the flag is distinctive and colour- 
ful; quite nice really. 

Conwy, Gwynedd 





Freed from 

T he firsi lime I ever 
visited Britain, a 
"visit" that was to 
last several years as 
it turned out some 
relatives I was meeting in their 
home kindly offered me a glass 
of beer. I did not particularly 
want it, but they insisted. "Go 
on, we got it in especially,” they 
said. "That’s what you drink in 
Australia, isn't it?" 

Later a British colleague had 
an equivalent experience when 
she visited Australia to write a 
book about the country. The 
reaction was suspicious, even 
hostile: “We don’t want any 
more Poms coming here, telling 
us what they think." 

Both images were classic 
stereotypes of the way the 
British and Australians have 
long viewed each other, the 
Australian male incapable of 
appreciating any social bever- 
age other than beer, and the 
lofty Pom coming out to lord it 
over the locals. Few countries 
have had such close links over 
the past 200 years, yet have 
simultaneously been driven 
apart by crudely caricatured 
images of the other. This year, 
both countries have jointly 
embarked on an initiative to 
start 3 fresh - a campaign called 
New Images that seeks to mod- 
ernise the perceptions of Brit- 
ain in Australia, and vice versa. 

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Whingeing Barns and upbeat 
Australians? If anything it’s the 
reverse these days. Old images 
are being replaced by new 
realities, says Robert Milliken 

The campaign is a tie-in with 
the 50th anniversary of the 
opening of the British Council's 
office in Sydney. Cultural over- 
haul is its most visible aspect, 
but it goes far beyond tossing 
out the tired old cliches of hats 
with dangling corks and slob- 
bering Sir Les Patterson in 
Britain, and of lost empire and 
warm beer in Australia (the lat- 
ter were among the two most 
enduring impressions of Britain 
that emerged in a survey con- 
ducted earlier this year by the 
British High Commission in 

Britain is pouring about £3m 
into its New Images campaign 
with Australia, the most inten- 

sive venture of its type with any 
country. By the end of this 
year, there will have been ISO 
projects designed to bring 
together scientists, students, 
artists, writers, teachers and 
actors from both countries. 

For example, a party of 
Welsh teachers bas just toured 
the outback talking to Aborig- 
ines about common problems 
in preserving native languages. 
Both groups will join an Inter- 
net programme that already 
links about 100 British and 
Australian schools. A big exhib- 
ition of modem British art will 
open in Sydney next week, 
coinciding with the publication 
of a book that looks at the way 
British and Australian writers 
have described each other's 
country over two centuries. 

What lies behind all this is a 
realisation in both London and 
Canberra that an old relation- 
ship long infected by prejudices 
has been undergoing an inter- 
esting metamorphosis. The 
governments of the two 
countries have had very little to 
do with it - they have largely 
turned their backs on each 
other in recent decades, as they 
pursued new regional identities 
in Europe or Asia. But Britain 
and Australia can be useful to 
each other again. The forces 
driving this idea are a cultural 
revolution, a new commercial 
dynamism, the Blair govern- 
ment and Australia's drift 
towards republicanism. 

When the British Council 
arrived in Sydney in 1947, Aus- 
tralia was white, Anglo -Celtic 
and stultifyingly conformist. 
"We are a British community in 
the South Seas," said John 
Curtin, Australia’s wartime 
prime minister. “We regard 
ourselves as the trustees of the 
British way of life in a part of 
the world where it is of the 
utmost significance ..." 

Boatloads of Australia’s best 
creative minds heading for 
Britain passed boatloads of 
“£10 Pom" immigrants going 
the other way. Any young film 
maker who wanted to make a 
film about his own country bad 
to go to London. The Ealing 
studios, in particular, made a 
series of 'Australian” films dur- 
ing the Fifties, invariably set in 
the outback and starring the 
rugged Chips Rafferty, the Paul 
Hogan of his day. At their most 
extreme, British images of Aus- 
tralia tended to reflect those of 
writers such as Jan Morris, who 
reminded her readers in 1962 
that Australia “was founded 
by the scum of England, only six 
generations ago". In the Seven- 
ties, the writings of Australian 
expatriates such as Germaine 
Greer, dive James and Barry 
Humphries, aided and abetted 
by the British media, helped to 
reinforce these old stereotypes. 

But in the Nineties, the one- 
way cultural sea lane has been 
replaced by a superhighway of 
curious young thing s travelling 

in both directions, lb the 
twentysome things of multi- 
cultural Australia, Curtin's 
words must seem like those 
from another planet The cul- 
tural cringe - the old notion 
that nothing Australian was 
any good untu it had succeeded 
in the northern hemisphere - 
has been replaced by an almost 
myopic cultural nationalism. 


Orris such as Stricdy Ball- 
room and WUSam Shake- 
speare's Romeo and 
Juliet, both made by the Aus- 
tralian director Baz Luhrmann, 
not to mention Grundy Tele- 
vision’s Neighbours phenome- 
non, have helped redefine a 
modem cultural image of Aus- 
tralia. Though it may not suit an 
older generation, young people 
in Britain and Australia see the 
cultural relationship now as 
one of equality; so much so that 
the University of Wales 
announced last week Ihai it was 
starting Britain’s first degree 
course in Australian studies. It 
will focus on Australian culture, 
history, society and literature - 
aspects of the country that 
many British writers refused, 
izntQ quite recently, to take 
seriously. Or, as Les Murray, 
the Australian poet who won 
iheTS Biot Prize this year, put 
it in his book. Subhuman Red- 
neck Poems: “A short history 
gets you imperial scom/main- 
tained by hacks after the 
empire is gone." 

This cultural sea change has 
been matched in trade and 
investment. British investment 
in Australia trebled in the 
decade to 1995. Britain is the 
second biggest investor in Aus- 
tralia after the United States, 
and the biggest investor in Aus- 
tralian manufacturing. Few 
people realise that, concom- 
itantly, Australia is the fifth 
biggest investor in Britain, just 
after France and Germany and 
well ahead of Japan and South 
Korea. By 1994, 33 British firms 
had set up regional bases in 
Australia for trade into Asia 
and the Pacific. In the last 
three years this figure has 
exploded to 130 British 

Even before he became 
prime minister, Tbny Blair took 
.aa interest in tins British- 
Australian economic and cul- 
tural renaissance. His election 
means that both countries are 
likely to pursue their revived 
relationship more vigorously. 

Mr Blair is the sort of British 
political leader Australians can 
understand. He is young, 
forward-looking and commit- 
ted to constitutional change. 
He bears none of the aloof 
stereotypes of many former 
British leaders. Over the past 
two years there has been an 
unprecedented exchange of 
policy ideas between the British 
Labour and the Australian 
Labor parties. 

When Mr Blair met Paul 

Keating, his former Australian 
counterpart, as a guest of 
Rupert Murdoch on an island 
off the Queensland coast two 
years ago, be took back to 
Britain a blueprint of bow Aus- 
tralian Labor had transformed 
itself into a modern political 
force that won four elections in 
a row. Now that Labor is back 
in opposition down under, Kim 
Beazley, its new leader and a 
contemporary of Mr Blair's at 
Oxford, is performing a similar 
exercise. Mr Blair and Mr 
Beazley recently had four hours 
of talks: Mr Beazley was keen 
to hear how New Labour went 
jnuch further than its Aus- 
tralian counterpart ever dared 
to in distancing itself from 
unions, particularly by privatis- 
ing its binding arrangements. 

Australia's moves towards 
becoming a republic can only 
enhance this new relationship. 
The British monarch as Aus- 
tralia’s head of state is the Iasi 
and greatest symbol of the col- 
onial era in the country's con- 
stitutional arrangements. As 
long as this increasingly bizarre 
arrangement remains, it will he 
a source of prickliness among 
Australians and diffidence 
among Britons in their official 
dealings with each other. Mr 
Blairwould welcome Australia 
becoming a republic because it 

would put both countries on a 
truly equal footing constit- 
utionally, as they have become 
in all other respects. 

O ddly enough, all this 
mqmentum towards 
modern image-building 
Is taking offal a time when Aus- 
tralia is led by a prime minister, 
John Howard, who is firmly 
wedded to old images. Mr 
Howard, leader of the conserv- 
ative Liberal Party, is a Fifties 
man. a monarchist and an 
admirer of the old British Aus- 
tralia. when the relationship 
was more lopsided than it has 
become. He is uncomfortable 
with Australia’s new Asian 
identity, and with what he secs 
as a politically correct revis- 
ionist view of Australian histoty 
that highlights former racist 
immigrationpoliciesand injus- 
tices to Aborigines from the era 
of Anglo-Cellic ascendancy. 

To Mr Howard, this Is an 
uncalled-for “black armband" 
view of history or - as he put it 
recently - "a belief that most 
Australian history since 17S8 
has been little more than a dis- 
graceful story of imperialism, 
exploitation, racism, sexism and 
other forms of discrimination". 
Notwithstanding opinion polls 
that show that more than half 
of all Australians want to he 

done with the monarchy, Mr 
Howard has done his best to 
shut down the republican 

So old images may prove 
harder to shake off, however 
much the modem reality may 
have changed. Others have 
simply been transformed out of 
sight. The prosperous, upbeat 
mood of Mr Blair’s Britain 
means you don't hear much- ; 
about the “whingeing Pam'Jk, j 
these days. The species, some*> : 
would argue, has transmog- , 
rifled into the “whingeing Aus- 
tralian". Political debate in Mr 
Howard's Australia bas become 
a carping affair. Despite low 
inflation, low interest rates, 
economic growth, sunshine, 
space, excellent food and high 
quality wine, most Australians 
feel they have never had it so 
bad, according to a market 
research poll published the 
other day. 

Even film star Mel Gibson's 
father got in on the act. Speak- 
ing from his multimillionaire 
son's farm in southern New 
South Wales. 79-year-old Hut- 
ton Gibson said Australia was £ 
a “paradise” when he moved* 
his family there from America 
in 1 968. "Now it's gone to econ- 
omic rack and ruin." That 
sounds more like a sound-bite 
from Britain 20 years ago. 

Hcscw:. - 
I iiittaff"- 








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Exclusive: secrets of the Major years 

I have never been involved 
in ghost-writing a major 
political autobiography 
before, so my recent stint 
devoted to helping John 
Major to write The Major 
Years has introduced me to 
several problems new to me. 

One of them was trying to 
get Mr Major to remember 
anything at all about his years 
in office. 

“Perhaps we could turn to 
the night that Britain left the 
ERM," I said one day, “the 
night remembered by so 
many as Black Thursday." 

“1 don’t remember much 
about that," said Mr Major. 
“What 1 do remember is that 
Norman was in charge. He 
made a complete mess of it 
He had to go. I told him to 
go. 0 that is not responsible 
anri direct action I don't know 
what is. I am sure Norman 
tells a very different story. AD 
I can say is. take everything^ 
he says with a pinch of salL" 
“Mr Major,” I said, “I shall 
not be talking to Mr LamonL 
I am not writing an article. I 
am domgwur book. I am 
writing down your words." 

“Ah!" said Mr Major. “My 
words, eh? So I can say what r 
like about Norman?" 

“Oh. yes." 

“So I can tell the truth?" 

I was about to remark that 
saying what you like is not 
always the same as telling the 
truth, when he carried 
straight on: 

“In that case, f can 
remember exactly what 
happened on the night of 
Black Thursday." 

He then told me a version 
which I could not possibly 
print. The way he told the 
story. reminded me of the 
rumour that Mr Major had a 
fine sense of humour which 
he showed only in private, 
and I later asked him if be 
bad deliberately decided to 
present a humourless face as 
Prime Minister. 

“Oh, yes," he said. “Part of 
Margaret Thatcher's secret of 
success was her total lock of 
humour. She didn't know 
when she was being 
ridiculous, so she was not 
scared of it. I thought T could 
emulate that on purpose." 

“I always thought she must 
have a secret sense of 
humour," I said. “Only a 
person with a gift for comedy 
could declare war to get an 
island like the Falklands back, 
then proceed to give a place 
like Hong Kong away." 

Mr Major looked grove. 



"Extraordinary, isn't iu 
how that woman is still 
remembered for the 
Falkland* ^^hr ... I wonder 
what my period of office will 
be remembered for?" 

I could not help noticing 
that when Mr Major referred 
to his own time at No 10. it 
was always as his "period of 
office", but when ii came to 
Margaret Thatcher it was her 
“stint" or “tenure”, or even 
“reign". Perhaps it was his 
sense of humour. 

"Black Thursday?" 1 
suggested. “Mad cow disease? 
The Scot! report?" 

His face tightened and all 
traces of humour vanished. 

“It may not he within the 
gift of politicians to choose 
what li.i he rememlx-red for." 
he snapped, “but at least they 
may lie allowed to nominate' 
other things than unfortunate 
accidents. Is there anything 
disastrous that happened that 
ean really he blamed on me. 
and not on Douglas Hong?" 

“Yes," I said.""The 
continued presence at the 
Home Office of Michael 
Howard, possibly the must 
dislikeabic man 'in British 
politics. You appointed him. 
You stood by while he ranted 
about prisons, and was 
condemned by British 
judges, and sacked people 
instead of taking 
responsibility for anything, 
and looked so smug ..." 

I paused, suddenly aware 
that 1 might have overstepped 
the privileges of a ghost- 
writer. But to my surprise he 
was smiling. 

"My dear fellow." he 
said." You must alwuvs have 
someone like Michael 
Howard in your cahincl. 
someone nulsinndinglvsmun 
and easy to hale, so that * 
everyone else ean see the fink 
directed towards him and 
away from them. Oh, no. he 
was invaluable.” 

"At last, something 
interesting to put in our 
hook!” I said. 

“You can't put that in," 
said Mr Major. “In any case, 1 
want to avoid personalities 
and cono:n irate on our very 
real achievements in office.” 

“You may wish to do that," 
I said, “but nobody will wish 
to buy such a book.” 

He threw me a baleful 
glance and turned on the TV 
news, a thing he still did out 
of habit every few hours to 
see what was being said about 
him. There was only yet more 
coverage of our departure 
from Hong Kong, with 
pictures of Chris Patten 
talking and smiling. With an 
unexpected oath, John Major 
turned it off again. 

"That man!" he said. 

He had nothing against 
Patten personally. It was just 
the deeply felt hu milia tion of 
leaving No 10 to a chorus of 
silence, at a time when 
cheers, hurrahs and media 
attention were going to the' 
man leaving Hong Kong. 

This, I fear, will also not be 
mentioned in our book. 

‘The Major Year;' will be 
published earh in 1998 and 
remaindered soon afterwards* 

Hi.. *• 



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the commentators 



Labour’s slippery 

offering to the 

people of Scotland 



OW Will you vole?” 

Don’t know yet. 

T , You?” “Not sure.” 

I heard - and had - the same 

conversation more times than 1 

S ran now recall last weekend in 

traVeUins from one 
side of the country to the other 
meeting Wends, famfly and 
^an^is. The good news is that 
mere is a debate going on about 
the Digest constitutional shake- 
up since 1707. 

JUeis tocoiinffag for the 
Scotland Forward campaigners 
is the degree of uncertainty 
among voters, while opponents 
of the proposed legislation are- 
danng to look around, finding 
there are more of them than 
they thought 

So what's the problem? Is the 
electorate experiencing a form 
of pre-nuptial nerves - gazing 
into a devolved future with chilly 
apprehension, as the foil force 
of the implications of going it 
alone strike home? Not exactly. 

The full implications are not 
available. By choosing to hold a 
referendum before, rather than 
after, the White Paper propos- 
als have been debated in Par- 
liament, the Government has 
short-changed the people of 
Scotland twice over. 

First, the vital pith and detail 
of how a devolved Scotland's 
parliament and institutions wiO 
work is not being offered or dis- 
cussed. Instead, the Govern- 
ment has sent out illustrated 
pamphlets which they claim will 
answer all possible queries. 

They do not, as the 
unquenchably inconvenient 
member for Linlithgow, lam 

4 Dalye!l, demonstrated to a 

. packed public meeting in Perth this week. 

He selected a detail in the pamphlet with sig- 
nificant implications for the majority of voters 
in Scotland - under a devolved tax system, “sav- 
ings and dividends will not be affected”. What 
exactly does that mean, Dafyell asked? What 
about rental income from an investment prop- 
erty? What about personal pensions or annu- 
ity schemes? What about a widow’s income 
from the trust fund established by her husband 
to ensure lifelong security? 

These questions hardly resonate beside the 
intoxicating “Wha’s like us?” rhetoric of 
younger and louder campaigners, but they rep- 
resent the kind of burrs and thorns that may 
soon impede the smooth progress of legislation 
introduced on the dubious mandate of a puta- 
tive Yes- Yes vote on U September. 

Tam Dalyell's own resistance to devolution 
is well recorded. From his dissident position, 
he now campaigns for a new dispensation that 
will endure and last. If it must be, he argues, 

# let it be good. If it is not good and not seen to 
be good, he says, frustration with a poor par- 
liament will lead straight to the slippery slope 
to foil independence that Labour’s strange new 
bed-mate, the Scottish National Party, devoutly 
hopes for and quietly expects. But the detail 
he asks for wfQ not be forthcoming before the 
referendum vote. The Government’s focus is 
now on achieving its desired Yes-Yes vote. And 
therein lies the second betrayal of respect for 
and trust in the people of Scotland. 



detail is 
a kind of 
deceit It 
a lack of 
trust in 
the voters 




Instead of considered policy proposals, 
hammered out on the anvil of 

. >< tr of parliamentary 

scrutiny, voters are being offered the kind of 

iteeusoadept at mounting. So the Scottish Sec- 

retary, Donald Dewar, probably 
the only member of the Cabinet 
who commands equal respect in 
London and in Scotland 
(notwi thstanding the serious jolt 
to his equilibrium from the 
McMaster/Graham affair), sees 
no harm in dressing up in a 
donkey-jacket and hard hat to 
promote the Yes- Yes camp aign 
- presumably hoping to appeal 
to Scotland’s work-hungry con- 
struction workers. 

Should we now look forward 
to Harriet Harman dressed as a 
tax-inspector, Peter Mandelson 
as a fisherman (without port- 
folio) and Mr Blair himself in a 
headmaster’s mortar, wielding 
chalk (and tawse?), each wooing 
the targeted constituency that 
focus groups have indicated 
need that personal nudge to get 
them to foe ballot box in die 
right mood? 

We are becoming familiar 
with Labour's presentation tech- 
niques. The apparent openness 
of policy-making was repre- 
sented by The Road to the Mani- 
festo document. The member- 
ship endorsement of that glossy 
booklet was defined as a “mand- 
ate” for subsequent policy inno- 
vations not made explicit in the 
original document - the intro- 
duction of tuition fees, for 
instance, and the Bank of Eng- 
land's enhanced control over 
interest rates. 

In themselves, such unadver- 
tised polity changes may or may 
not be welcomed. What matters 
is that they were not dearly 
explained in advance of the 
May poD. The suspicion that all 
manner of unforeseen changes 
to the contents of the White 
Paper Scotland 's Paiiiament will be introduced 
on the back of the referendum resali “man- 
date”, is well-founded. 

Omitting detail is a kind of deceit. However 
worthy the cause, it represents a lack of trust 
in the voters that encourages reciprocal mis- 
trust, lb embark an the greatest shin in the gov- 
ernance of the United Kingdom without a 
whole-hearted accord between government and 
the people hints at albatross days ahead. 
Mutual trust must be the order of the day. So, 
when the member for Renfrewshire West is 
suspended for. among other sins, working 
with “a known opponent of the Labour forty” 
on the same day that Mir Dewar shares a Yes- 
Yes campaign launch platform with the leader 
of the Scottish National Party, the voters of 

Scotland can be forgiven for raising an eyebrow. 

For long-standing home rule supporters, the 
abandonment of the late John Smith’s com- 
mitment to devolution by the introduction of 
a referendum was seen as a betrayal. In fact, 
winning the support of the people via a refer- 
endum may well be the best way of testing the 
“settled will” of the people of Scotland. 

But askin g the voters to support untested 
proposals- an exercise unprecedented among 
the civilised Western democracies- smacks of 
the kind of manipulation that this Government 
practised so effectively in opposition. And 
reducing the debate to the level of simplistic 
photo-opportunities and, worse, a black-and- 
white, lory-bashing duel of slogans, risks pro- 
moting apathy in the short term, and disillusi on 

How am I going to vote? I don't know. yet. 
And this campaign is not helping me to 

H ow was it, do you 
think, for 
travellers, in the 
days before Fast 
Track and 

Concorde? Did they 
experience, in the slow 
accumulation of miles, a 
greater sense of adventure 
than we do? Did they feel 
awestruck about the 
landscape they were crossing, 
in a way we wouldn't notice? 
Was there a spiritual journey 
implicit in voyaging to a new 
place, one that we hollow 
sophisticates cannot feel 
because, frankly, we are in 
the duty free shop with the 
atomiser of I’Airdu Temps 
and the litre of Bailey’s Irish 

I’ve been wondering about 
this since last week, when I 
took the longest commercial 
flight currently available to 
human beings, and went First 
Gass. It was a curious 
mixture of opulence and 
wildness, sybaritism and 
panic, claustrophobia and its 
stay-at-home sister ... It was, 
in short, London to Sydney 
with stopovers in Vienna and 
Singapore. Twenty-two hours 
in foe air phis ban ging round 
airport lounges, phis late 
starts, plus foe eight- or nine- 
hoar zonal adjustments which 
mean that, somewhere above 
foe Iranian steppes, you lose 
foe last vestiges of Greenwich 
Mean Time. 

A shaggy dog story with a deference? 

I was flying in foe Amadeus 
of Lf 

Lounge of Lauda Air, a posh 
divirion of Lufthansa owned 
' foe retired Austrian racing 
r, Niki Lauda. Being 
only one vowel away from 
flying with Lada Air, 1 
experienced a few worries (22 
hours in an airborne skip?) 
but prejudice melted away 
once I was cocooned in foe 
world's most luxurious flying 
lounge. The seats are 
enormous thrones whose 
arm-rests conceal little 
television sets. They have flat 
screens and extendable aims 
and hover before your eyes 
like foe virions of kingship in 
Macbeth. They showed 
Wallace and Gromit in A 
Close Shave , old black-and- 

Futt as Strasbourg 

white movies with Burt 
Lancaster and Frank Sinatra 
and foe genteel bookers in 
From Here to Eternity, and 
modem stuff like The Saint. 
Your in-flight survival pack 
features, thoughtfully, an in- 
flight condom. The food is, 
for an airline, exceptional. 
Inside an opera programme 
foe approximate size of a 
duvet cover, several menus 
promise, inter alia , a lunch 
that’s eight courses long and 
written m Joycean 
portmanteau words 
(“Babytuibot on dijon- 
mustard sauce with fresh 
thyme & tomato cubes, 
broccoli, rice”. “Fillet of beef 

gooselivercroquettes, haricots 
verts”). Stewardesses in tight 
denims and cheeky little red 
caps poor out unfeasible 
amounts of Kremser 
Rheinriesling '95. They're 
always beside you, cooing in 
your ear, offering you one 
more plate of exotische 
Fruchte ... 

Then you look out of foe 
window as the plane crosses 
over foe Great Sandy Desen 
What should, by rights, be the 
featureless wastes of foe 
outback are full of unearthly, 
phantasmagoric life. The 
landscape beneath you is 
phenomenally, weirdly.' 
excitingly whorled and 
striated with what seem to be 
vast fingerprints. Gigantic 
fractal blooms extend across 
your vision. Storm-blasted 
sand ridges and their shadows 
resolve before your eyes into 
huge cartoon faoes. Mountain 
ranges stick up like vertebrae 
across foe flesh-coloured 
plain. It is too much for foe 
mind to comprehend and you 
look away. You close your 
eyes and have a little snooze, 
as foe cabin staff come by, 
offering more Riesling, more 
bread, more passion-fruit 
sorbet. Five minutes later, 
you sneak another look down 
below, and it's all changed. 

It’s now a black and blue 
mass of gnarly rock, 
segmented and glutinous like 
a colossal brain, like foe mind 
of God, flattened and spread 
out for hundreds of miles. If s 
an overwhelming sight. The 
supper trolley comes by. 
Would you like the cannelloni 
or foe yellow chicken curry? 
You can’t eat any more (it’s 
3am, or possibly 7pm) but you 
do anyway, feeling like a 
Strasbourg goose. On your 
little television set, Burt and 
Deborah Km are snogging in 

foe surf. You sneak another 
look out of foe window. The 
steam-rollered brain has 
gone, and in its place a great 
orange tarpaulin has been 
thrown over a milli on miles of 
bumps, hills and machinery. 
Fee ling queasy, you settle into 
your extending seat, eye- 
patched, socked and 
somnolent. And between foe 
lunar weirdness of the 
outride, and foe pampered 
weirdness of the inside, your 
dreams come like monsters, 
full of mountain ranges of 
goose-liver croquettes, a 
desert plain with foe face of 
Gromit the dog, a fear that 
you’ll fall out of the first-class 
lounge into massive strato- 
cumuli of boiling towels, the 
Star Ride from 2001: A Space 
Odyssey accompanied by an 
indefatigably smiling Austrian 
blonde in a red racing cap ... 

I woke up sweating, 
that 2’c 

convinced foat I’d bad an 
insight into how they’d felt, 
foe ancient travellers. 
Dehumanised by luxury, 
pampered almost to death, 
given every possible thing to 
distract me from foe journey, 
Fd still been traumatised by 
the grandeur of foe great 
unknown. The late 20th 
century and the timeless 
outback wrestled for mastery 
inside me, and foe outback 
won. I saL, strapped in, 
dyspeptic and cross, foe 
image of the modem traveller 
- but silent, upon a peak in 

S haggy and Spotty are not. 
as you might imagine 
them to be, a pair of hip- 
hop exponents living in 
Bristol. They pre two dogs of 
strikingly unprepossessing 
appearance and a fondness 
for funfairs, and they’re foe 
latest creation (pub fished in 
November) to come from foe 
magic pen of Ted Hughes, foe 
poet laureate. Possibly 
because of Mr Hughes’s tragic 
past (foe suicide of his wife, 
Sylvia Plafo). possibly due to 
his thunderous brow and 
saturnine demeanour, possibly 
because of the barking 
peculiarity of bis studies of 
Shakespeare and folklore, but 
mostly because of foe feral 
nature of his adult subject 
matter, there’s always been 
something a little sinister 
about Hughes’s writings for 
kids, as if anything he creates, 
however innocent or 
cuddlesome it seems, might 
turn at any moment into a 
carrion crow, a slavering 

Cumbria’s farmers have the Belgian Blues 

was wrong with my 
scones?” Mrs Rowson 

— v — 

V V asked. Perhaps there 

wasn't enough cheese in them, her 
friend suggested. Mrs 
looked so forlorn that I ventured to 

chip in- “I prefer 

much cheese,” I confided. Mrs Row- 
son looked grateful in a passing sort 
of wav. but she was unconvmcea 
Welcome to the Cockennouth 
AcriaiJairal Show. I had come a long 


amongUlster’s w*-®; 

r ' dovfaa more abject tSKJSS 
among foe homeless on foe streets 

'Sfes!I 33 S== 

wi* and fu^fy cm- 

'*> mendeds for everything from ban- 
' JSsto Belted Gafloways .The rate- 

g*™* showed r^pert f 


seemed to rest upon them, masking 
hidden places, beckoning like a for- 
eign country. Here in foe mam ring, 
between foe hired marquees. John 
Hah had finis hed judging the Belgian 
Bines. He lingered to watch the next 
judge reach his verdict on foe Best 
in Show in all cattle categories. 

The farmer was only 54, but ms 
face was weathered like red granite. 
He explained to me the basics of 
show judging: “A dairy caw wants 
sharp features, good top lines, good 
locomotion and foe right teat place- 
ment. With a Charolais or Simmen- 
ial you look for medium conform- 
ation, not extreme in the 

.1 _ — Dalmon RlllP shOUld SaOV* 

The Whole 
Island of 


**= mctei and 

It* skill in cross-sun-* ■__. a 


■biucdsarroentto-a^. mad- 

■tanhk T^^nVof flowers 
?„ C a the decor- 

m mass on a sou*-™ hfc _,i ts _ 

at ion of iw dl j!j2fSjeak 0 f the past. 
If the calcgon*^^ 1 ^^ 

itsrattlheep 10 , moS! *50 years 

founded. agriculture 

ago, was , rajher foan a way 


vidua! muscles use a wcigm- 
lifter," be said. It did not seem 
profitable to probe a 11 this too 

Sosely. The judgern the nngjiad 

made his decision- gone for ihe 

cow. I would have, too.” 

Patches of sawdust tittered foe 
rough grass of foe wide field, mark- 
She spots where the Lnnousms, 
Hcrdwicks, fell ponies, showjraapers 
and heavy working horses had per- 

Beride foer^d,vm- 
taSTngines and tractors chided 
bronchitfeiUy. in 

tent, which mysrenously mduded 

the WTs damson jam ami home 

bSing sale, an ecotogrcal funuture 

tSS named Danny Fro* was 
exhibiting fine bowls, tables and 
dressers made from windWown elm 
Sdcheny trees. ^ “Please wfc «[ 
foe counter-cultural notice beside bis 

<K S lhere were three activity in 
... rinsL A sheepdog was herd- 

Now there were three actwroes m 

=gS 3 s 3 s= s 

isos! chil .. Lc.ictv ■ur-^i.i^oflfli'ascallingouttiKCum- 

i wrestlers. 

gins back four millennia. To foe out- 
sider it looks like Sumo wrestling for 
slimmere - all sudden fells, nifty trips 
and posture-striking. After nearly 
dying out in foe Sixties, it is making 
a comeback. ' “Fifty years ago a 
wrestler could earn a week’s wages 
in about. Tbday we play for the same 
money,” said Aif. But there were 
heartening numbers of under- 12s in 
the ring. “It’s still a community sport 
- friendly, like,” said Alf, with what 
I would have romantically described 
as a farmer’s burr, except foat he is 
an accountant. “But it's in foe blood, 
you see." 

John Hall courteously invited me 
to lunch in the judges’ tent Inside 
they were farmers to a man. They 
were tightening foe slurry regul- 
ations, I learnt at a trestle of raid 
meats, salad and teatime fancies. 
Soon it would be as bad as Holland. 
It was terrible getting a herdsman 
these days: they wanted £I&0OO to 
£20,000, almost double foe old rates. 
No one was doing agriculture at col- 
lege now; it was all equestrianism and 
leisure. “Tm thinking about early 
retirement,” said one rubicund fel- 
low in his forties. 

Was he joking, I asked John HalL 
Sadly, not. “Most fanners have an 
average working week of 70 hours - 
10 hours a day, seven days a week. 
During calving we’re up all ni ght and 
catch a couple of hours' sleep in the 
afternoon. Yet foe return on capital - 
is now only between 1 and 2 per cent 
You can have a million-pound farm 
and not make £20,000 a year.” 

. foe black 
bonZOI l k ^r of foe Lake 
‘ iouds 



The moaning fanner & a popular 


Tfaixu — — .. • 

This ancient spon can trace its on- 

stereotype. But it has, said John Hall, 
gpne. beyond that “Farming is caught 
in the pressures between foe con- 
sumer, foe taxpayer and the bureau- 
craL BSE is only a metaphor for what 
was happening anyway. The public 
today want cheaper food, and then 

object to foe intensive farming that 
produces it” 

The agricultural show is a good 
place to air all this. “It’s one of those 
events foat keep foe community 
together. Agriculture is a lonely job, 
especially for a small fanner. You're 
isolated a lot of foe time. Most will 
go to 10 or 12 shows in foe summer. 
It’s extraordinary how supportive it 
is.” Before foe event there is foe 
preparation - winter committee 
meeting, foe dinner dance, fund- 
raising, the ladies' social evening. 

The show is glue for foe wider 
community, too. Bade on foe field 
foe fire brigade was demonstrating 
foe right and, more spectacularly, the 
wrong ways to put out a chip fire. The 
Cockennouth Mountain Rescue 
team had its logbooks out to prove 
that they bring branded sheep, cattle 
and hounds down from foe fell tops, 
as well as feckless townies. The local 
feed merchants were offering their 
annual hospitality. “Most farmers 
round here run small, mixed farms,” 
said Jim Peet. of Jim Feet Api- 
culture. “With harvest, hay, sflage, 
minting, lambing, they always have a 
lot on their minds when you go to see 
them at the farm. People are more 
relaxed here.” His generosity is 
profitable: at a time when foe 
national feed merchants are 30 per 
cent down, be is doing very well. 

At foe dose of foe day, before 
dismantling began, members of the 
S4-strong show committee gathered 
in foe secretary’s tent for a glass of 
sweetish white wine. “You meet 
people, and thars what it’s all about,” 
said Bob, one of foe chief stewards. 
The secretary. Mis Nonna Boyes of 
Middlegfll Farm, smiled vaguely. 
She was already thinking about next 
year’s show. 

Tomorrow; Buxton. 

The characters 

in Ted Hughes’s 

new children^ 
bock have a 
high old time 
... what can 
it att mean? 

© David Lucas 

predator or a dead pig. 

Shaggy and Spotty aren’t 
like that, however. They are 
not out to rink their fangs 
into anyone, to rip out organs 
or gouge out eyes. They are 
merely little doggies who like 
going on carousels ... or are 
they? Only someone blind to 
the subtleties of Hughes's 
dark internal landscape could 
ignore foe fact that this 
supposedly harmless work is 
stuffed with references to 
drugs, homosexuality, 
satyriasis and death. 

The first thing they hear at 
foe funfair is “The booming 
voice: ‘Roll up, roll up!’ and 
the music, foe music, the 
music”. Beyond this invitation 
to cake hashish while listening 
to “sounds”, what they really 
want, says Hughes 
shamelessly, is “a ride” on foe 
“roundabout”. We all know 
Hughes’s friend Thom 
Gunn’s poem comparing gay 
sex to a see-saw ride. But this 
... “Easter and faster they 
go,” we’re told, “until 
whoosh, WHOOSH" - Joyce 
himself would hesitate about 
such orgasmic frankness. 
There follows a repetitious 
theme of flying up in the sky 
and falling down to earth- a 
dear invitation to try 
“uppers” and “downers" - 
along with references to 
harder drugs (“the dogs shoot 
up up up”). As for foe four 
strong men who jerk foe dogs 
into the sky, foe less said the 
better. The dogs end up flying 
(to comment would surely be 
otiose), and narrowly miss 
being foot by the “farmer”, a 
wholly bogus authority figure 
who instead gives them “a big 
bone”. I confess I ended this 
farrago of coded salacity full 
of concern for foe state of Mr 
Hughes's moral health. Pray 
God it doesn’t fell into foe 
hands of impressionable 
children. Or dogs. 

very well for the others 
(Ronnie Wood just gets more 
and more like the “Celeb” 
cartoon in Private Eye, Jagger 

trots out his skinny white 
?d his scboolfc 

T-shirts and his schoolboy 
grin, while Keith Richards, 
Marlboro permanently 
clamped to lower lip - well, 
pretty soon, youli took up foe 
word’ “incorrigible'’ in the 
Concise Oxford and find a 
photo of Keith instead of a 
definition), but Charlie just 
isn’t wearing it weQ. That 
hand, snaking uncertainly into 
foe pocket of his double- 
breasted suit, says it all. He’s 
starting to resemble a 
diffident politirian-turned- 
statesman, a Cement Attlee 
in foe Lords, a national icon 
who's desperate to retire but 
isn’t allowed to. 

Or am 1 thinking of another 
figure, on whose face you see 
foe same look every year, foat 
says: “Yes, this is quite nice, 
but do I have to do h again 
and again for ever?” Charlie 
Watts - foe Queen Mum of 

W hat is to become of 
Charlie Witts? Look 
at foe photographs of 
foe Rolling Stones under 
Brooklyn Bridge, lannrhiwjy 
their newest world tour, and 
you're looking at a desperate 
man. That line of Mick 
Jagger’s about rock’n’roll 
touring being “a perpetual 
adolescence thing" may be all 

HRH Charlie Watts 


£30 can 
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Severe flooding - and 
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In the nurseries and 
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Children's Aid Direct 
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Financial Journal 


Business news desk: tel 0171-293 2636 fax 0171-293 2098 


. P 

Regulator backs down 

on electricity price cuts 

Chris Godsmarfc 

Business Correspondent 

to the Monopolies and Met- 
ers Commission, a move which 

The fall in electricity bills next 
year looks set to be much 
smaller than previously pre- 

dicted, after the industry regu- 
lator yesterday softened his 

price control proposals in the 
face of intense criticism from 
electricity companies. 

Professor Stephen Littlechild 
said domestic charges could 
drop by between £15 and £25 
over the two years from next 

could have delayed competition. 

Professor Littlechild said he 
had accepted the REG* claim 
that introducing competition 
would mean high er administra- 
tive costs, with the likelihood of 
a much larger volume of cus- 
tomer queries. But he launched 
a defence of the competition ex- 
periment, insisting it would 
mean bigger savings in the long 
term. "You can’t deliver by 

April, a fall of 7.5-10 per cent 
on an average £270 bill exclud- 

price restraint what you can de-' 
liver from competition/’ he said. 

on an average £270 bill exclud- 
ing VAT The new proposals 
compared with a forecast cut of 
12 per cent in his previous con- 
sultation paper last month, 
worth £32 off bills in just one 
year and more over two years. 

The climbdown followed 
claims by the regional electric- 
ity companies (REG) that the 
price controls would plunge 
their supply businesses into tne 
red, discouraging new entrants 
into the market when domestic 
competition is introduced from 
April 199S. Some RECs had 
threatened to take the dispute 

liver from competition,” he said. 

He claimed the new plans had 
probably averted the possibili- 
ty of an MMC referral by the 
companies. “I don’t t hink 
there's a justifiable basis for a 
company to go to the MMC. If 
it did, we’ve got a good case.” 

The price proposals related 
to the REG’ supply businesses, 
including administrative and 
h illing systems, which account 
for about 7 per cent of domes- 
tic bills. The REG’ distribution 
divisions, responsible for 30 
per cent of bills and most of 
their profits, are already subject 
to tough price cuts. 

Professor Littlechild denied 
he had softened the price cuts 
after intervention from John 
Battle, the Industry Minister. In 
an unusual step, the Electricity 
Association had written to com- 
plain directly to Mr Battle, who 
has put himself in overall charge 
of delivering competition. “I 
haven’t had any ministerial 
pressure brought to bear,” said 
Professor Littlechild. 

The power watchdog. Offer, 
gave other significant conces- 
sions to the REG on the cost 
of introducing competition. The 
proposals raised the estimate of 
the costs which the industry 
could pass through to customer 
bills, from £383m over five years 
to £500m- However the figure 
re main ed well below the £8S0m 
suggested by the companies. 

The cost of competition, 
which covers the introduction of 
complex new computer sys- 
tems to track customers as they 
switch supplier, will now be 
£2.60 a year for each household, 
or I per cent of bills, a figure 
included in the overall esti- 
mate for bills. Offer’s original 
projection was for customers to 

Company- 'V 

Eastern ■' f-' ; •' 

East ta‘btaric&. -• 
London ! vV .v - 


. Midlands:: - i-:-: ’-. a. : 

Northern . • ; : >•' 

.Nonweb V’i 
Seeboard v ; ' 

Southern vr / 

Swalec •■••• ' v 
South Western - 
Ybrfcshire : 

ScottishPower j 
Hydro-Electric y. • 

Geurwratirtgid^^ htat>gteneraffr^eosts ^ 

;rny&3%r': •-* 

pay just £1 towards the cost 

Consumer groups gave the 
proposals a cautious welcome, 
despite the prospect of smaller 
cuts in charges. Ken Prior, from 
the Electricity Consumers’ 
Committees, said: “It's a prag- 
matic solution. On this basis 
competition will happen.” 

Tne biggest change in the 
fifth consultation document 
yesterday was in Offer’s pro- 
jections for generation costs, 
which account for almost 60 per 
cent of bills and are not price 

The plans suggest a drop of 
6-10 per cent in generating 
costs next year, largely because 
hig h price coal contracts expire 
from ApriL The previous pro- 
posals envisaged reductions of 
up to 12 per cent, with big cuts 
in the profit mar gin earned by 
the generators over the price in 
the wholesale power market, the 
Electricity PboL 

Shares in the generating com- 
panies soared on the conces- 
sions, which have effectively 
removed the threat of back- 
door price regulation. National 
Power shares rose 23p to 
516.5p, while FowerGen gained 
35p to 761-5p. 

Other electricity company 
shares also rose, with Southern 
Electric, the last remaining in- 
dependently quoted REC, 
adding 7p to 46 lp and Scottish- 
Power rising lip to 4313p. 

Simon Flowers, bead of util- 
ity research at NaTOfest Securi- 
ties, said : “The reductions in 
consumer bills will now largely 
come from the reductions in the 
coal contracts which were go- 
ing to happen anyway next year, 
rather than the regulator forc- 
ing down contract prices between 
thegenerators and the REG.” 

The latest proposals have 
added to the gloom for RJB 
Mining, the company which 
bought most British Coal pits 
at privatisation and this week 
announced the closure of the 
UK’s newest mine. 



k l 


Sameena Ahmad 

Rentokil Initial, the pest control 
to plant hire group, yesterday 
just managed to meet itsgoaBf 
20 per cent annual earni^ 
' growth, after a £24m hit from 
the strong pound. 

Speaking at the group’s half- 
year results, Sir Clive Thomp- 
son, chief executive of RentokO, 
admitted that without BET the 

In the teeth of the City: A lone construction worker maker his. way up the concrete 
and steel emergency stairwell of the new UK headquarters for the Dutch bank 
ABN-Amro in Spftalfietds, London . . Photograph: Greg Bos/Reuters 

for £2.1bn last year, (he com- 
pany would have struggled to 
reach its growth target 

“Nothing grows at 20 per 
cent forever. lithe company had 
remained as it was, it vrouid 
have slowed. But that’s not 
earth-shattering. Every busi- 
ness needs to change to grow,’’ 
he said. 

Earnings per share rose-2K& 
per cent to S9p m thesa months 
to June, the first set of figures 
to include a full contribution 
from BEL 

Sir Give said that the group 
was poised to sell periphery 
BET and Rentokil businesses, 
including timber preserving and 
industrial production. Howev- 
er, he dismissed criticisms that 
keeping BETs plant hire busi- 
nesses exposed the company to 
cyclical markets: “Our view is 
that if we can add value to these 
businesses, run them better 
and generate cash, we w3I keep 

Analysis said Sir dive's earn- 
ings target had become a. noose 
around the companies 1 neck, 
and predicted earnings growth ; 
would slow to around 16 p£r 
cent over the next few yearfifc- 

Andrew Ripper at Menu 
Lynch said tne City was 
frustrated at the lack of trans- 
parency in the group’s figures, 
which included full six 
months’ contribution from BEL 
against two months last time. 

“It is very difficult to make 
sense of the divisional split,” he 

Investment column, page 18 



High street boom renews rate fears Surge in windM spending to 

Tom Stevenson there was evidence that the of windfall money being paid after an economist warned that was not a sign of a slowdown but O0COH10 10 OV <^l^L/L^XX2jTl. 

Financial Editor nnwninn hiYim rv».n tf»H in ill if co hnrfopfpH frrr fWc 1h»> ivnrnnni uac in Hanopr nf on inHvviHnn flint flv> ivwvimv 0/ 

Ik 0/..-V 

do !w- 

High street sales are growing 
faster than at any time since the 
economic boom of the late 
1980s, official figures showed 

yesterday. An unexpectedly 
large jump in retail sales growth 

large jump in retail sales growth 
stoked fears that interest rates 

stoked fears that interest rates 
might have to rise again, but 
economists cautioned that the 
figures were nothing like as 
alarm Lag as they appeared at 
first sighL 

According to the Office of 
National Statistics, retail sales 
growth hit 6.5 per cent last 
month, up from 5.6 per cent in 
June and higher than expecta- 
tions in the Gly of around 5.9 
per cent. 

The surge in spending was 
driven by building society wind- 
falls, which sent sales of house- 
hold goods to a record high, but 

there was evidence that the 
conversion boom peaked in 
June and was falling away quite 

Sales of household goods, 
which include big ticket items 
such as domestic and electrical 
appliances, rose 7.4 per cent in 
the three months to July, com- 
pared to the previous quarter, 
the highest growth since 1986. 
On an annualised basts, sales 
were 15.8 per cent higher, in- 
dicating the extent to wtuch 
windfalls have found their way 
onto the high street 

But Geoffrey Robinson, the 
Paymaster General, played 
down fears that inflationary 
pressures were budding in the 
economy. He said strong retail 
sales were no surprise and com- 
petition on the high street was 
keeping prices down. 

He added: “It was entirely ex- 
pected. We know there is a lot 

of windfall money being paid 
out.. .so we budgeted for this 
and the market was also ex- 
pecting iL” 

People were also saving some 
of their windfalls, Mr Robinson 
continued. “At present, people 
are having a good time, they’re 
enjoying themselves, they’re 
also saving a lot of it so the sit- 
uation is mat for the moment 
it's as we expected it and we will 
review it as the situation de- 

He was speaking after figures 
from the Building Societies As- 
sociation showed savers had 
deposited a record amount of 
cash into societies. 

The association said the in- 
flux of £l.S58bn was due to car- 

windfall, combined with in- 
vestors looking for a good in- 
terest rate. 

The sales figures came a day 

after an economist warned that 
the economy was in danger of 
repeating the boom-bust cycle 
of the late 1980s as a European 
Commission survey showed 
consumer confidence was back 
at the record levels of 1987. 

Ben Sanderson, of Notting- 
ham Trent University, said: 
“Consumers are showing un- 
canny parallels with their be- 
haviour during the Lawson 

City economists were divided 
on whether the figures meant in- 
terest rate rises were more 
likely. David Bloom, at HSBC 
James Cape I, said: “It is un- 
possble to believe the Bank will 
be comfortable with annual re- 
tail sales running at 65 percent, 
the highest level since July 1988 
and the highest in the world at 

He said this month’s lower- 
than-expected 03 per cent rise 

was no t a sign of a slowdown but 
an indication that the economy 
was tailing off before enjoying 
another surge. “If this month's 
rise is such a soft patch, one 
quakes in anticipation when 
ales actually restart their pow- 
erful monthly trend.” 

Simon Briscoe, ofNikko Eu- 
rope, said this backed up last 
week’s Bank of England warn- 
ing that there was an “upside 
risk that larger-Lhan-expectcd 
proportion of the payouts will 
be spent during the year”. 

Andrew Cates, of UBS, was 
more sanguine: “The fact that 
windfall spending seems to have 
moderated may provide some 
comfort to the members of the 
Bank’s monetary committee." 

But be said the growth in the 
money supply - which yesterday 
came in at 1 1.8 percent, above 
City forecasts - was “wonyingly 

Tom Stevenson 

Financial Editor 

Windfall spending is running 
out of steam fast, according to 
official figures released yes- 
terday Shares from the am- 
verting building societies have 
swelled shoppers' wallets over 
the past six months but the rate 
of windfall-related spending 
halved last month, an estimate 
from the Office of National 
Statistics showed. 

Economists said a redaction 
in windfall spending in July to 
£l00ra from June's £200m 
showed the consumer boom 
was flagging as qukkiy as it blew 
up in the first half of the year. 

They believe farther cash 
may trickle into the shops 
through the autumn, but say the 
apparent need to jack up in- 

terest rates to dampen demand 
is now less urgent 
Clive Vaughan, at the retail 
consultant Verdict, said: “The 
surge that came through, par- 
ticularly in June, does seem to 
be a bit calmer now But we 
could still see some win dfall 
spending filtering through un- 
til the beginning of next yean” 
The latest retail sales data 
showed growth up 03 percent 
in July after a 0.8 per cent rise 
in May and a 13 per cent in- 
crease in May 
Analysis attributed the surge 
in retail sales in May and June 
to higher spending financed by 
windfall cash, which mostly 
went on large household items. 

A survey of households con- 
ducted by consumer research 
group Mintel and investment 
bank Robert Fleming and pub- 

lished this weekeonduded that 
less than 25 per cent of fee 
windfall cash bad been, ft, 
would be. spent with nearly 77 
per cent saved or used to repay 
debt. That would amount to 
£83 bn of extra spending pow- 
er this year. 

Peter Warburton, economic 
adviser at Robert Fleming Se- 
curities, said the latest figures 
chimed with his firm’s survey 
which was published earlier in 
the week: The surge in con- 
sumer confidence, which has oo 
curred during the past six 
months as these win dfall pay- 
ments have been eagerly await- 
ed, is likely to be reversed quite 
rapidly this autumn.’' 

Mr Vhogban said there was 
little evidence the luge payouts 
had permanently affected cotyf) 
Somers’ spending habits. 

wotn:*. ■ 
bn Cm-.-- -- 
frkifcrji’ -- 

friLife: • - 

aiifck-.- . _ 
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: ■Map. .. 

, - 

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i, ' ‘ 



^ • 

Cockbum walks out early I Casino chief stays quiet on writ 

Nigel Cope 

City Correspondent 

Bili Cockbum, the WH Smith 
chief executive whose shock de- 
cision to quit the ailing retailer 
was announced in June, has al- 
ready left the business. Mr Cock- 
burn was supposed to remain at 
the company until October, 
when he joins BT as head of its 
domestic operations. But Mr 
Cockbum left at the beginning 
of August. He was entitled to a 
ftifl month of holiday but wiD not 
return during September. 

Insiders say the absence of a 
chief executive, even one who 
was about to leave, has left the 

company without strategic di- 
rection. ft has left the four in- 
ternal candidates for Mr 
Cockb urn’s post jockeying for 
position as factions form behind 
each of them. 

Jeremy Hardie, WH Smith’s 
chairman, has been running 
the company. The search for a 
new chief executive has been led 
by the nominations committee, 
which consists of three of the 
group's non-executive direc- 
tors - Martin Ihylor, chief ex- 
ecutive of Barclays Bank, 
Marjorie Scardino, chief exec- 
utive of Pearson, and Patrick 
Lupo, an American who is 
chairman of DHL Worldwide. 

The company will not make 
an announcement about Mr 
Cock bum’s replacement at its 
full -year results meeting next 
Wednesday. However, it is 
thought the successful candidate 
will be named next moatfa. 

Insiders are expecting an in- 
ternal appointment. They say 
Alan Giles, head of the Water- 
stones books business, has 
emerged as a late front runner 
ahead of finance director Keith 
Hamm ill The other internal 
candidates are Richard Hand- 
over, who runs WH Smith’s 
news distribution business, and 
John Hancock, head of the 
group’s American operations. 

Nigel Cope 

Kenneth Thompson, the former 
acting chief executive of casinos 
operator Capital Corporation, 
who is being sued by the com- 
pany for “conspiracy to injure” 

the group, has been advised by 
his lawyers not to hold a press 

his lawyers not to hold a press 
conference this week to present 
further details of his case. 

Mr Thompson's legal repre- 
sentatives declined to comment 
further on the writ, which was 
issued against Mr Thompson 
and two other former employ- 
ees on Tuesday beyond saying 
they would “resist the charges 

Capital Corporation said Mr 
Thompson and the other two 
employees cited in the writ 
would be making a “serious mis- 
take" if they made any further 
allegations. Mr Thompson, Des 
Pereira, the former company 
secretary, and Guy Hutchinson, 
the former head of purchasing 
for the food and beverage op- 
erations, are accused in the 
writ of bringing the company 
into disrepute and spreading 
damaging allegations about the 
business to the press. 

The three men have seven 
days to receive the posted writ 
and a further 14 to acknowledge 
it. Capital Corporation can 

then file a detailed statement of 
claim. Mr Pereira. Mr Thomp- 
son and Mr Hutchinson then 
have 14 days to offer their de- 
fence though it is likely their i 
lawyers will ask for more time. ( 
It is understood Mr Thomp- 
son has already incurred sub- 
stantial legal fees relating to his 
time as a director of the com- 
pany. Capital is seeking dam- 
ages. the return of ail 
confidential information and 
an injunction preventing farther 
disclosures. It claims that “the 
selective use” of papers in the 
press has created “a false and 
misleading” impression as to the 
true value of the business. 

Thailand seeks 
extra $3bn to 
stave off crisis 

tenua.'- -l " ‘ 


■ ’ ' 

Tom Stevenson 

Financial Editor 


to j 

The Bank for International Set- 
tlements, lender to the world’s 

central banks, was fast night ex- 
pected to add its weight to the 

forced to devalue its currency 
after persistent attacks by spec- 
ulators in the foreign exchange 

Several South-east Asian cur- 


Short sterling’ 

- A ■! » / *r . 

■ V«&, a*** , 

UK medium gilt' _ 

iir.- i-' ■^v=3GrV--Wr Jf; 

, _ 


FTSE250 __ 
FTSE350 _ 

i +79.20 
i *16.80 
l +32-50 
i -i.11.t1 
1 +30.43 

n-rTO axmiM Thaw 

Kowy Market Bates taO 

Mb 1W Iter \m*rn 





SiLontel_J..8Ma_-9J7C__1 J 5483._ 
0*JlWfani.2^_+J. 40 bL 2.332L 

S 1016 +_Q,3__B5.0_ 

tetortn twrUp. 

EiUmdon} .O.6Z26_jfc0.18._QJ4S9_ 

£ftt MM— --0.03 0.6461 _ 

y-AowtonUl 8J55+Y0 455_t07,®a_ 
mL_>05 96.3 

7Qifl.ltl +114.74 





gnMI.07 17303.65 
1667337 12055.1 7_ 

443BB 3 2848.77 IJbT 

Soured- FT Information 

fee fth»wcfa»a 

PhtflahHrCtni p 301 17. 

WMgggt — 

samtanl tamefgn044 47J 




MBtW S 19J7 +014 a.8B 

Gobs _m05_ 

GoUE 201.12 +071 250.14 

Ufa TrOg rnmiatHp 

^ 1575 +0.QDC 1 52.4 (BS eP 

1SJL 4-3.4 B 1Q 9.1 21 flue 

Baseftte 7C0pc - 5.75 

international attempt to shore 
up Thailand’s crisis-torn econ- 
omy. The BIS was understood 
to have agreed a further $33bn 
loan to add to the S16.7bn al- 
ready pul up hy a range of Asian 
countries led by Japan. 

Officials from the Bank 
declin ed to comment on state- 
ments from the Thai government 
that it would be calling for the 
extra loan. The extra assistance 
which would be used to bolster 
foreign reserves and help cover 
a balance of payments shortfall, 
would bring in fands form the 
US Federal Reserve and Euro- 
pean central banks. 

That would widen the geo- 
f ra P“ 1c .. s P rea,J of assistance 
for Thailand, which has so far 
included contributions from 
countries in the Asia-Pacific 
region as well as the Interna- 
tional Monetary Fund. World 
Bank and Asian Development 
Bank. The IMF was meeting 
yesterday in Washington to 
prove its own $4bn contribution. 

The package is designed to 
bail out Thailand, which was 

rencies have fallen victim tr^p, 
speculation in recent months.^ r ‘ 

speculation in recent months.* ' 
with the Hong Kong dollar’s peg 
to the US dollar coining under 
fire most recently. 

The BIS is a global centre for 
co-operation among central 
bankers and provides a wide ar- 
ray of financial services to these 
banks. This includes short-term , 
bridge financing in the event 
that a country & facing a iiq- ( 
uidity crunch. . 

In 1995 the BIS arranged for 4 
a SlObn short-term faculty for ( 
Mexico as part of an interna- ^ 
bona! package that included . 
S20bn from the United States , 
and $ 17.8bn from the IMF. 

Bankers said Thailand's re- j, 
course to the BIS was aa indi- i 
cation it may have difficulty 1 
keeping its international re- ^ 
serves above a $23bn level pre- . 
scribed by the IMF. Those 
worries kept downward pitfflure % 
on the baht, which has lost .* 
more than 20 per cent of its vai- £ 
ue since it was floated on 2 Jui?> uj 
Thailand has foreign debt of 
nearly $89bn. around half of 
which is held by Japanese A 
hanks. rN 

■t : 


■ V : 


~cv -.-r 

1 )* yft (y liSio 

i*' ■“'i ■ 

t> USa, 





s a 


‘If the incumbent 
supplier remains 
untouched by 
competition, the 
consumer will suffer 
over the longer term, 
it’s worth paying a 
short-term price for 
the introduction of 
competition, is 

basically the 



Customers pay cost of electricity competition 

PtSvremhtSf h U S^? d ’ the elec " “ act0 ^ a y onl y 7 per cent of the totaL Most 
the U-turn 1 ^ h£r • be ? ome a “aster of of the cuts in bills next year were going to 
distribution chaSi^hr^ 6 ™ ° f eIe S tricit y happen anyway because of new, cheaper coal 
it so boneJe«Fv he S ot contracts and the Profs existing distribution 

a comoIetT^ !S3 li S t he foTXxd “to price controls. In fact bills would have gone 
I fullv to Even tfae “ he fafled down further in the short term but for the 

tricitv s? 0 ?* re gional elec- introduction of competition, 

and was much fl ^ generation The electricity regulator has also aban- 

have been. " kinder to them dtan he might doned his attempt to introduce price con- 
PerharK u, «... frols OD generators via the back door - 

this rime ^ence, the Prof one of the elements that made up the more 
and is now kJ„Tr “r “ the other direction ambitious £30 cut in bills he originally pro- 
5ta Si£?. S, l? d 10 ,^ klra '* on the posed. His first set of proposals atteipted 
petnive <ninniv^i^ b f^?E ,i 5 d ^ the com_ to curb the premium generators can charge 
^^ iSffi^ arket ^ 0m ^ ri,199aHe ’ d over the pobl price. That’s now gone, 
bv £30 nt*n Hr* W0uId hel P 001 bills So who’s got the better end of the deal - 

from ihf opr?!' After screams of protest the consumer or the shareholder? This is 
eci ci c he s settled for a more mod- one of those cases where we will all have to 

Thr> . e P£poing on where you live, just wait and see. The Prof may be right that 

down J vf l !S Cat i2. n ,® or **** climb- competition will eventually bring significant 

Professor littlechild benefits but it does take somefemg of a leap 
rn m rv »» - tbe costs , °* “trodudng of faith. So far the newcomers have hardly 
- n ' Qu,te a Paradox, this, since if been battering the doors down in their 

tririni^. apprcC ? ate lhe ^PC regional elec- 
tricity com pa rues have for rash generation 

iST" .o tom aJSSB 

Stun s by diis emerience, the Prof 

^ “e other direction 

andis now being forced to backtrack on fee 
pnce restraints to be applied in fee com- 
petrnve supply market from April 199a He’d 
hoped these new curbs would help cut bills 
o. n ^. year ' Aft er screams of protest 

St £ I he ’ s ^ed f or a moi? rnod- 

esi it s to £_5, depending on where you live, 
the mam justification for this climb- 

down seems to be that Professor Littlechild 

underestimated the costs of introducing 

incumbent supplier remains untouched by , ■. » , , 

competition, the consumer will suffer over BG S HOWlS OI protest 

were over nothing 

uon. is basically the argument. /^ould British Gas really be so brazen as 

me only problem is that the part of an v^to announce a £lbn to £2bn share buy- 
electricity bill being opened to competition back with its interim results next month? Af- 

ter all fee carping about how the regulator's 
new price controls were going to destroy the 
company, such a move would seem a bit of 
a cheek. "Only kidding,” BG would in effect 
be saying about all those howls of pain so 
vocally expressed over the last year. After 
such an about turn, could anyone take what 
it says seriously ever again? 

Actually fee shares have been indicating 
for some little while now that things at BG 
are not nearly as ted as the company was 
saying during its attempt to water down fee 
regulator's proposals. The shares kept on ris- 
ing strongly right through publication of fee 
Monopolies & Mergers Commission report . 
which largely backed Clare Spottiswoode’s 
demands. Many analysts are saying they have 
further to go. 

Now along comes Simon Flowers of 
NatWest Securities, and others, to say the 
balance sheet would be easily capable of tak- 
ing on an extra £2bn to £3bn of debt. Fac- 
tor in the £5 13m BG has to pay for the Wind- 

Flowers points out. feat's nothing excep- 
tional for a utility with long life assets. More- 
over, cash interest cover would remain 
comfortably above 6 times for the foresee- 
able future, which compares favourably 
with many other utilities. 

So just what was BG complaining about 
when it challenged Ms Spottiswoode 

. . „ OTowfe has slowed markedly since May 

through fee MMC? lb be fan, there's * “ fjune, when fee bulk of fee building soci- 
world of difference between fee effedtqt ana took e ffecL 
tough new controls on revenue generation y a good story, of course, but 

and refeaping fee balance sheet by swapg“g nossibility feat consumers have not 
equity for debt For fee time being, .. cash windfalls fundamentally 

^.*25?. mSi to change their sp^pdfiig and saving halnte 

seem a sensible thing for BG to do. Most 
people won't see it that way, however. To 
them fee act of returning a couple of billion 
to shareholders is strong evidence feat, far 
from being too tough on BG, fee regulator 
wasn’t nearly tough enough- . 

Despite all this, if BG can afford to do it, 

it probably should. Lord knows, the company 
has had to weather worse publicity than a 
share buy-back is likely to generate. After 
the traumas of the past few years, long-suf- 
fering shareholders deserve a bonus. 

Bank settles back for 
some quiet reflection 

looks more persuasive than it was. The new 
«>tnp of chase fee windfall has presumably 
distorted fee figures to an extent, but fee 
hieh levels of building society deposils 
announced separately yesterday suggesl 
many people are content to stash their wind- 
falls away. . . ... 

It all chimes pretty well wife a survey this 
week from Robert Fleming which estimated 
only a quarter of fee £35bn of handouts 
would actually be spent. One forecast pre- 
dicts the windfall boost to consumption 
could be as little as just 025 per cent this 
year far less than most have expected. 

Of course, fee real picture is impossible 
to predict as no-one knows how much of 

.. t. r ^ former 

1980s looked suspiciously like Boom Boom 
Britain again and the Bank of England's will- 
ingness to hold fire on further interest rate 
rises was starting to look cavalier. 

Actually a closer look at fee figures sug- 
gests fee underlying picture is rather less 
alarming. Household goods are still walking 
out of Dixons at a fair old lick, but fee rate 

drawer. „ . , 

On balance, however, fee Bank s mone- 
tary policy committee appears to have got 
it about righL It jacked up rates to the level 
Ken Clarke would or should have if he 
hadn’t had an eye on the election. Now it is, 
rightly, trying some calm reflection. 


i nd ^ 

>:!bn ! 

niff < ri ' 

h v-.v*- - 

*&•- Veil 

Responsibility for digitial broadcasting is awkwardly split between the regulators Don Cruickshank and Robin Biggam and ministers Chris Smith and Margaret Beckett 

Watchdogs do battle for digital TV 

The Government is pressing 
ahead with plans to create a 
super-regulator forjbe comm- 
" unirations industry. The move 
wQl intensify fee battle between 
Don Cruickshank, director- 
general of Oftel, the telecoms 
regulator, and fee Independent 
Television Commission (ITC), 
fee television watchdog lead by 
Sir Robin Biggam. 

The Department of Trade 
^ and Industry is to issue u consul- 
ts' ration document in the autumn, 

• asking for comments on its 
proposals to form a joint broad- 
cast and telecoms regulator, 
provisionally entitled Ofcom. 

A DTI spokesman said the 
department was liaising with the 
Department of Culture, Media 
and Sport (DCMS). He said: 
“The Government is committed 
,. .to having a look at this issue due 

to the convergence of fee tele- 
coms and broadcasting indus- 
tries. A document will be going 

out to the industry and inter- 
- csted parties far consultation in 
fee autumn.” 

The idea of merging Oftel 
and fee ITC to form Ofcom was 
’ first mooted two years ago. 
.Although the details have not 
“ been fleshed out, there is a 
growing conviction in the 

mlustrv feat present regulatory 

The industry has welcomed Ofcom in principle. But Oftel and 
the ITC are resisting merger, writes Cathy Newman 

arrangements are ill-equipped 
for fee convergence of telecoms 
companies and broadcasters. 

For example, the ban which 
prevents BT from broadcasting 
is likely to be lifted within 
months. BT is also indirectly 
involved with broadcasting 
through its stake in British In- 
teractive Broadcasting, the in- 
teractive television service. 

If the ITC and Oftel do 
merge, the burning question is 
which will come out on top? 
Their most recent - and most 
public -spat occurred after fee 
ITC awarded three digital 
terrestrial television licences 
to British Digital Broadcasting. 
BSkyB was forced to pull out of 
fee consortium - now jointly 
owned by Carlton Communi- 
cations and Granada Group — 
after competition worries. But 
the satellite broadcaster secured 
a long-term programme supply 
deal wife BDB. Mr Cruick- 
shank issued a strongly worded 
statement criticising fee ITC’s 
decision, saying BSkyB’s pro- 
gramming deal still “raised sub- 
stantial competition concerns” . 


flock to B&B 

d-higgest building son of the way,” he said. 

John Wglcock 

. r _ Bradford & Bingley, Britain^ 
second-biggest building «xn- 
: «v. enjoyed an inflow of £3gm 
- in retail savings during fee firet 
.a , half of the year, partly due to 

ft rarpetb^gefaopeni^aOTMints 

V ; in the hope of a 
. “There has been a lot of car 

petbagger acuvih 1 . saul 

- • societvs finance director, John 
-. Smith", vesicrday as it uw-wW 

l half-year pr^ x 
; v "£47.7m, down from i52-7m last 

were W* “““S 1 
• fee Nationwide Buddifg SMj 
■ rtv vote (not to demutuatejl 

. would ff > IlK * 1 1 

. Smith, stressing Bradford &- 
' Biferfev was as strongly op- 
: pn&i, eonvereion to pic sta- 

aStar been b«u-S^ 
■- taaibtsmthc hope of*™;" 

i .Vfee society converts io bunk sra 

i Staith said 

- wwd Hus lat^t UJ«SS 
: ~ mania- as a 4,nc ^ “ ni L husi- 
V-'.oppnrttini^ -t° 9,10 n 

loyally scheme. bcs u nls to 
: :- to distribute a pari of P"» IIS 

die down now uic 
voteisoutoftheway, be said. 

The society's assets grew cy 
16 per cent to jnst under 
£18.9bn. reflecting new resi- 
dential mortgage loans ot 
£927m in fee first half and fee 
acquisition of Mortgage Ex- 
press in May. It ssid i| ^tanned 
to securitise part offee Mort- 
cace Express loan book later 
§2 year, reducing on balance 

sheet assets by up to ilpn. 

The fiist-balf results includ- 
ed a £5.8m charge to cover fee 

costs of an ongoing recu^ 
sation programme and mew 
,.; e£v said the second-half 

figures would include a 

.-taTTC. It also made 


& Biogleysarngfrom str^ 

to strength as a mutual, 
i he chief executive, Christo- 
SSrigues. “We have re- 
C hL Jm^ns. increased 

~ flti ? ued 10 bnns 

d0 M r SSigms said its 'e^- 
. M the difference be- 

‘"^t^rtgage and dqwsit 

Mr Cruickshank’s interveo- 
tion illustrated fee problem 
caused by the blurring trf the two 
watchdogs' roles. Before digital 
television reared its head Oftel 
and fee ITC had clearly sepa- 
rate functions. The ITC was 
charged with ensuring fair and 
effective competition in the 
television industry, while mak- 
ing certain broadcasters pro- 
vided a wide range of services. 
Oftel was to look after “traffic 
over networks” and control 
“access to these networks”. 

At the moment, regulation of 
digital broadcasting is awk- 
wardly split between the two 
bodies. The ITC bad, for ex- 
ample, hoped to regulate con- 
ditional access, the encryption 
technology used to decode dig- 
ital television signals. But Of- 
tel was given responsibility for 
conditional access in the 1996 
Broadcasting AcL The recent 
decision that interactive services 
should also come under Offal's 
remit has increased the watch- 
dog's power in this field. 

Although fee ITC has taken 
fee initiative with its extended 

shares dive 
on relisting 

H unting don life Sciences, fee 
controversial drug testing com- 
pany which faces fee loss of its 
operating licence, saw its shares 
slump from 54p to 46.5p_ yes- 
terday after they were relisted 
following their suspension late 
last month. 

Huntingdon said at the be- 
ginning of the month that it was 
confident erf completing changes 
demanded by fee Home Office 
of practices relating to its treat- 
ment of animals. 

The Government has threat- 
ened to revoke the group’s li- 
cence to conduct experiments 
on animals, saying there ted 
been “extremely serious” fail- 
ures and emissio ns at its plant. 

The company announced a 
first-half loss' after tax of 
£30SJX)0 at the beginning of fee 
month, compared with a £2m 
profit last time. This was after 
fee company incurred costs of 
fl.lm after disrupti on follo w- 
ing fee Home Office iuvestiga- 
. tion into annual cruelty- A 6per 
cent fall in sales daring the first 
six months of the year to £34.5m 
was »lvn partly blamed on such 
disruption- 'Ministers have 
threatened to withdraw Hunt- 
ingdon’s licence, with the loss 
of 1,400 jobs, unless it can sat- 
isfy 16 conditions by fee end of 

consultation on the “bundling” 
of cable and satellite channels, 
it has been forced to share 
with Oftel control over elec- 
tronic programme . guides 
(EPGs), which will enable con- 
sumers to navigate digital tele- 
vision channels. 

Senior industry figures are vir- 
tually unanimous in their belief 
feat, if a super-regulator is cre- 
ated, Oftel is in a better posi- 
tion to take fee leading role. 
One senior television executive 
delivered an acerbic judgement 
of fee ITC, saying: ,i They have 
consistently proved themselves 
to be inconsistent. The DCMS 
does not hold the ITC in par- 
ticularly high regard.” 

City analysts agreed. Derek 
Temngton, media analyst at . 
leather & Greenwood, said: 
“Oftel has the greater status and 
fee technological spin on every- 
thing. The ITC, which seems to 
beemne mote archaic day by day, 
tes surety got a shrinking remit.’’ 

The warring watchdogs are 
unlikely to thank the Govern- 
ment if it decides to throw 
them into bed together. The 

ITC yesterday reiterated its be- 
lief that a single content regu- 
lator could be created for the 
broadcasting industry, but re- 
sisted a merger with Oftel. “We 
don't believe telecoms and 
broadcasting regulation fit to- 
gether. Broadcasting regula- 
tion is too important to be put 
in with something as large as 
telecoms,” a spokeswoman said. 

Oftel was just as keen to resist 
getting any closer to the ITC. 
“There is a need for regulatory 
streamlining, but not necessarily 

through a merger of Oftel and 
the ITC,” a spokesman for fee 
telecoms regulator said. 

Despite the amount of in- 
terest, and antagonism, Ofcom 
is already generating, the com- 
munications super-regulator is 
unlikely to get fee all-clear for 
some while yet. It is thought de- 
tailed plans for Ofcom may be 
put on hold until after fee re- 
sults of a review of utility reg- 
ulation, launched last month by 
Margaret Beckett President of 
the Board of Trade, are known. 
The blueprint for fee commu- 
nications regulator may also 

Centrica ends links 
with British Gas 

Chris Godsmark 

Business Correspondent 

Centrica is cutting one of its last 
remaining ties wife the old 
British Gas since this year’s 
landmark demerger, by moving 
! to new offices dose to one of 
, London’s most exclusive shop- 
i ping districts. 

Though Cfentrica has already 
moved its head office to Slough, 

on a building in Clifford Street 
in the 'West End of London, just 
round fee corner from Regent 
Street and fee clothes shops on 
Saville Row. 

The move to Clifford Street 
brings to an end the much crit- 
icised decision by the old British 
Gas to take over part of fee 
palatial Adelphi building over- 
looking fee Thames. The com- 
pany, then led by chief executive 
Cedric Brown, occupied fee 
two top floors in the art deco 
building behind fee Strand, 
which has stunning views over 
fee river. 

B ritish Gas was said to have 
paid a substantial one-off 
“premium” to take over the 
Adelphi offices from Euro- 
tunnel at the beginning of last' 
year, wife an annual rent of 
£I3fe on top. BG, now the 
pipeline and exploration divi- 
sion. has previously announced 

its move to offices in Jermyn 
Street, which are much larger 
th an Cent rica’s. 

Property sources said Cen- 
trica was paying £42.50 per 
square foot for the 4,500 square 
feet of office space in deal 
worth £191,000 a year. The 
building, which has been re- 
furbished for fee new tenant 
and is considered to be “mod- 
est” in size, is owned by Great 
Portland Estates, the property 
group and has a lease likely to 
fast for up to 15 years. 

A spokesman for Centrica 
confirmed that fee contacts 
had been signed and the com- 
pany would take over the build- 
mg in the autumn. “We have 
need of London deskspace for 
directors and other staff who 
come to town. Our previous 
building was not really appro- 

He said Roy Gardner, Cen- 
trica’s chief executive, was un- 
likely to have a permanem 
office in the building, which 
would be used to bold meetings 
with other business contacts. 
“It’s purely a base for people 
when they're in London. The 
executive offices are all in 
Charter Court in Slough,” said 
fee spokesman. 

Estate agents are thought to 
still be seeking a new tenant to 
take over the Adelphi offices. 

have to wait until after Labour's 
new competition Bill is passed. 
The Bill, drafted by Mis Beckett 
earlier this month, may make 
some of the duties of Oftel and 
fee ITC redundant. 

The Government needs to an- 
swer a whole host of questions 
before Ofcom becomes offi- 
cial. There is still doubt whether 
Ofcom would cover radio. Chris 
Smith. Secretary of State for 
Culture, has indicated that the 
radio industry, currently regu- 
lated by fee Radio Authority, 
would be better served by a sep- 
arate regulator. 

Neither fee DTI nor fee 
DCMS will be short of advice 
on which media should come 
under Ofcom ’s jurisdiction. In- 
terested parties have already 
wrjtten many column inches 
on the subject. Benet Middle- 
ton, principal policy researcher 
at the Consumers’ Association, 
published a paper in June say- 
ing a single communications 
regulator should merge “many 
of the functions” of fee ITC and 
Oftel, but added that the new 1 
body should also cover the 
BBC and fee Frist Office. Mr 
Middleton is to expand on his 
initial theories next month. The 
ITC is also preparing a response 
to Mr Middleton's points. 


Napoli seeks London listing 

Napoli, fee Italian football club, is to seek a Stock Exchange 
listing in London in the near future, according to the dub’s sole 
ad min istrator Giamnarco Innocent! “There are fewer restric- 
tions there than in our country,” he said, adding that the dub 
will this year show a profit of 5-6bn lire cut turnover of 65 bn 
lire. Napoli's Serie A rivals Lazio recently announced similar 
plans for a London listing by December, while Bologna is also 
expected to follow suit. Rules for a listing in Italy require com- 
panies to show a three-year profit record. 

Albert Fisher to sell seafood operations 

Albert Fisher, the troubled food group, yesterday confirmed that 
it intends to dispose of its seafood operations. The company said 
it “has decided to concentrate on the group’s expertise in fruit, 
vegetables, salads and sauces and dressings”. Albert Fisher said 
the will enhance the group’s leading postion in “these high growth, 
healthy eating markets”. 

Fisher said last week it was likely to sell some businesses af- 
ter the breakdown of talks wife a potential buyer for the whole 
company. Like many UK food makers, Fisher faced falling de- 
mand and increased competition in the recession of the early 1990s 
after it had spent heavily on acquisitions and expansion in the 

News Coip results disappoint market 

News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate, dis- 
appointed fee Australian market after posting lower than expected 
results for the year to June, But the company softened the blow 
by announcing a good performance of some of its key UK and 
US operations and its intentions to buy back some of its preferred 
limited voting stock. One analyst said the results were “very dis- 

The company reported a 2i» per cent rise in underlying net 
profits to AS1.295bn (£602m). UK newspapers such as The Tones 
exceeded expectations, but the HarperCowns publishing division 
reported an abnormal loss of AS575m because of restructuring 

lonica customer base grows 

lonira Group notched up almost 10,000 extra customers in the 
three months to fee end of June, the company said yesterday. 
Its customer base rose to 24,595 at the end of June from 15,832 
at fee end of Marcb. The company, floated fast month on the 
London Stock Exchange and on Nasdaq, said customers in the 
Eastern region grew to 19,957 from 15J23 while Midlands re- 
gion customers grew to 4,595 from 509. Nigel Playford. chief 
executive, said: “The funding we raised last month has given us 
financial stability and allows us to plan for fee future wife 

600 Group dampens interim expectations 

The 600 Group warned yesterday feat profits in the first half 
would be unlikely to match the “exceptional levels” of the first 
half of last year. The company said its total order intake dur- 
ing fee first quarter is broadly 'similar to fast year, with a grow- 
ing order book for second-half delivery. A reduced order intake 
at fee company's UK manufacturers was compensated for “to 
a significant extent” by increased orders in the overseas busi- 
nesses, fee company said. 

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BET saves the 

I t has taken Sir Clive Thompson, 
chief executive of RentokU buri al, 
almost IS months to admit what 
everyone always suspected - that with- 
out BEX the business services giant 
bought for £2.1bn in March last year, 
he risked failing to honour his self-im- 
posed contract with the City to grow 
earnings by 20 per cent a year. 

But while Sir Clive remains fixated 
on m aintaining Rentokfl's 15-year un- 
broken earnings record - after a £14m 
currency hit, earnings growth for the 
half year to June scraped in at 20 3 per 
cent - the City has been more pre- 
ocuppied with whether RentokD de- 
serves to keep its fancy rating following 
the BET buy. 

Swallowing BET to compensate for 
a slowdown in growth in the old Ren- 
told! businesses is all very well, but to 
do it RentokD has had to take on lower- 
quality businesses. Compared with old 
Remold! businesses like pest control 
and tropical plants which enjoy oper- 
ating margins of over 30 per cent, BET 
has brought in a number of commod- 
ity-type operations - like back-end of- 
fice cleaning - and highly cyclical and 
capital intensive activities like US 
plant hire and conference centres. It 
is right then that Remokil’s shares, 
which stood on a 65 per cent premi- 
um to the market before the BET bid, 
have been downgraded. Shares in the 
company have underperformed the 
stock market by 14 per cent over the 
last 12 months. 

The question is whether the current rat- 
ing. reflecting a market premium of 
about 30 per cent, is appropriate. Un- 
fortunately these interim results offer 
Little guidance. The results reflected a 
full contribution from BEX against to 
two months last time. But RentokD re- 
fused to spell out the BET results. 
The concerns are simple. What in- 
vestors really want to know are what 
exactly are the sustainable growth 
prospects of this company. By how 
much are the old Rentoldl businesses 
slowing? Are they growing at all? 
What about BET? On the one band. 
Sir Clive admitted yesterday that Ren- 
lokfl's UK pest control is mature. On 
the other, prospects for BET'S elec- 
tronic security operations, though a 
small part of the total, look positive. 
What is likely is that Sir Clive won’t be 
able to meet his 20 per cent target for 
ever. Yes. there can be adjustments on 
investment levels here and there to 
bring the figures in line. But the City 
is expecting a a bigger slowdown than 
just a per cent or two. What no one is 
dear about is whether Rentokil will 
slow down to 10 per cent earnings 
growth a year or 15 per cent. Let's not 
forget that Rentoku is a tightly man- 
aged business. It has good growth busi- 
ness, a dominant market position in 
areas like cleaning and hygiene and a 
great geographical spread. That means 

The Investment Column 


the company is more Hkety to settle at ness is in services rather than exports. 
15 or 16 per cent annual growth than Only about £100m of the group’s UK 
10 per ^nt ln these low inflationary ^ ^ mited and the currency 
nines, that is good. RentokD probably hereV limited as the bulk is 

does not deserve a foiKyrating, but 21 gripped to dollar markets rather than 
Lunes tins year and IS tones 1998 on to fence, Germany and Italy. 

MemD Lynch forecasts, looks fair. The Q-,y» s of the company 
. perked up yesterday when Weir 

Weir presents a 
brighter picture 

foil-year forecasts by around £3m to 

W eir Group, the Glasgow-based JESSm. 

engineering company which The half-year figures were flattered 

specialises in businesses such by a kind comparison with the first half 
as pump and valve production, may . last year which was affected by prob- 
finally be on the turn after an extremely , lems at the Devenport Dockyard, hit 
poor run. . by a refitting programme, and Strachan 

Weir's shares have underperformed & Henshaw, its materials handlin g sub- 
the FTSE All-Share Index by 44 per sidiary, which had contract problems, 
cent over the last 6ve years as the group The company is sticking to its policy 

was hit by fierce competition from Swiss of not taking on low-margin contracts 
and German rivals which were prepared and is finding that German competi- 
to take on low-return work. tors are starting to come back into line 

The impact on margins and more re- on prices. Weir’s US order book is 
cent concerns over sterlings strength strong and the business is throwing off 
has led to the City marking Weir’s cash. 

shares down. This seems harsh, as half Net debt of £26m at the half-way 
of the group’s turnover is manufactured stage last year has turned into a cash - 
abroad ana large chunks of its UK busi- pDe of nearly £10m this time around. 

reported half-year profits well ahead 
of expectations at £27. Sen, a 44 per cent 
increase. The group’s shares surged 
13-5p to 279.5p and analysts upgraded 
foil-year forecasts by around £3m to 
jE58m. "W""% odycote, the acquisitive metal 

The half-year figures were flattered 1-^ treatment specialists, has matte 

by a kind comparison with the first half JL-J impressive use of the £U7m it 
last year which was affected by prob- raised in last November’s rights issue, 
lems at the Devenport Dockyard, hit Turnover in the first half was 63 per 
by a re fit ting programme, and Strachan cent up on last year at £100m, and 
& Henshaw, its materials handling sub- profit before tax grew by 82 per cent 
sidiary, which had contract problems, to fttm. It could have been even 
The company is sticking to its policy better, but for exchange rates which 
of not t aking on low-margin contracts reduced profits by almost £2 4 b. 
and is finding that German comped- Ongoing businesses contributed 
tors are starting to come back into line £1 6m, an increase of 30 per cent, but 
on prices. Weir’s US order book is last year’s acquisitions made £6m, 
strong and the business is throwing off recording im pressive improvements in 
cash. profits and margins within months of 

Net debt of £26m at the half-way being snapped up. 
stage last year has turned into a cash ■ Margins in most of the group’s 
pDe of nearly £10m this time around, businesses lie between 20 per cent and 

30 per cent thanks to a combination 
of tight cost control and £120m of 
capital investment in new technology 
v price 217.5p (+3p) over the past eigh t years. The City bas 

— — been wondering when the company will 

S 1996 1996 1997 reach the limits of its growth. . 

at Htfyear But Bodycote has only just scratched 

— — % r — : * 1 the surface of potential markets ac- 

cording to John Chesworth, chief ex- 

" k ecutive. The company is.the biggest of 

mm iOA its kind in the world but it has less than 

5 per cent of the global market for sub- 
... : - contracted work and much less of long- 

term contract work, which accounts for 
less than 15 per cent of its existing 
JL53 0.74 0.89 business. 

Share price pence UK, I^ U §randin^a a and western 

___ ■ Europe and between the automotive, 

, aerospace and power generating 

240 : — ~ - industries. The fact that Bodycote 

~ _i_ ' • ■■ . ‘ now has more than lOO operating units 

2201 • ' in 13 countries poses no problems over 

200 : JPff " controlling the beast, .Mr Chesworth 

J claims. The company stDJ has £21m 

180 -JP-*.-' ■; ■■ *• • worth of cash from last year’s rights 

,gQ • -m issue, which could fund a sizeable 

T acquisition. 

140 ■ v M , ; ■ . / ; Several brokers upgraded fall-year 

'•vjjj f'-.'v-- y-.'Mw '-a i- : forecasts yesterday from around £48m 

..1Z0. . - to £50m. Williams de Broe is looking 

tog — raM *T " ‘ ' . ' — 1 for £54.7m pre-tax. Bodycote’s share 

' . o price has doubled in the past year and 

' -V '* rose a further 35p to 9425p yesterday. 

i-r i r _ & ■ Howinrer, a’ prospectfce rating of BO- 
SS'S? 92, 63 .• $4 66 urfe'T ft . 21 times looks high enough for now. 

Further bolt-on acquisitions are esc-; 
pected, though the company is. befog 
deterred' by high prices, especially in 
the US. - ■ 

Weir's shares have been swinging 
wildly over the last 12 months but 
analysts are encouraged that the com- 
pany may have put the worst behind 
Lc&yeaerdays closer the shares trade 
on a forward rating of 13. At these lev- 
els, a safe hold. 

Bodtycote puts 
its cash to work 

Rentokil Initial; At a glance 

Martel value: £&74tn, share price 2T7.5p (+3p) 

Five-year record 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 

FuRyear Hdfyra 

/'^rnmrwr^CEriii : - ! 7IT' "i. 1 : 

Pre-tax profits (£m) 177 215 318 135 194 

Dividends per share (p) 1.73 2.1 

Interim operating profit £21 0.2m 

Total group operating margin: 13.8% 

S rgiene & Security Property 

Bailing 8.4%-. . 10.5% 

38.7% 1 Martin 1 Martin 

00.170 1 

W I 

•Hant-'v : ; 

V 53% r-~. 

v l Control 

r — V'wJJfje T— — . — 

leaning and hygiene and a . » Mattfo. • .“ritaftjfc- •, -Marabi 
iphical spread. That means *r V; 

Saroewa Atenad 

Hays, the logistics and business 
services group, is poised to ex- 
pand its commercial services 
division with an acquisition of 

Speaking yesterday after the 
group announced its biggest 
acquisition to dare, the £93. 4m 
purchase of two continental 
European logistics businesses 
from An&ralian transport group 
Mayne-Nidjdess, Hay’s chair- 
man Ronnie Frost said the 
group’s commerrial division re- 
mained the focus of growth. 

. Hays was looking to add a 
new activity to the commercial 
side which includes high-mar- 
gin businesses like mail order, 
billing and supplying surgeon’s 
operating packs to hospitals. 

Mr Firok quashed speculation 
that the group might consider 
a hostile bid for rival Christian 
Salvesen, having bad its friendly 
approaches rebuffed last 
August. “It really has gone. I 
would have loved to do a deal 
if we had got a recommenda- 
tion. But as soon as Salvesen 
went public, they killed it” 

More such deals m logistics 

are likely over the next year, ac- 
cording to Mr Frost, including 
: a. move info Italy, possibly to 
support a French customer . 
looking to expand*- and later 
Spain: Hays is also looking to 
make asnaQ acqirismon, prob- 
ably less than £5um, in Goman.; 

frirvt riwtjihminn teCO BI pIqT M t- 

its Mordhurst business. 

Though Hays has low gear- 
ing, Mr Frost emphasised the 
importance .of finding the right 
opportunity. ... .. ; 

Analysts were positive on 
this -latest deal, but preferred to 
see the group expanding in 
faster growing areas. Andrew 
Ripper of Merrill Lynch, said: 
“Td rather, they do this kind of 
small acquisition than bay 
Salvesen. Hays has performed 
well in distribution, out the lo- 
gistics sector generally hasbeen 
abysmaL If Hays were a pure lo- 
gistics company and not in ar- 
eas like personnel, they would 
not have such a good rating.” 

Mr Frost said the acquisition 
of FDS in France and the 
smaller Vhn der Heijden dis- 
tribution business in Holland for 

£ 72 m cash plus debt would en- 
hance earnings byarotmd 3 per- 
cent in the first year after £5mj 

bined profits of fS.Sm and 
“substantial” growth projects: 
could add at least £5m to prof- 
its. Priorto the acqursitionsran-i 
laiysts hadpeariHed in £1 80m for; 
the year to June 1998. i 

Mr Frost said that the new 
businesses, which have ; cont-l 
bined saJe&^o£ £l50m were ai .. 
good fit with ; the group's exist-: 

that adffingFDS, which 'eft-; 
tributes non-chflled food and j 
other goods to Hays’ Frils busi-; 
.ness in France, which is mainly 
a chilled goods distributor^ 
would ofifer customers in both: 
businesses a greater choice. | 
Van der Heijden adds £35mj 
of sales, to Hay’s £llm Dutch" 
distributor, malting the com-, 
parry a key player in Holland. 
Analysts said the stre ngth ening' 
logistics on the' continent rela- 
tive to the more difficult UK 
market, where margins have 
been tinder pressure from the 
supermarkets was positive. ; 

Speculation over Wassail as 
it sells General Cable stake 

Share price pence 

• Clifford German ' 

\H fegSall, tiie mimiifaftiTTTng mn- 
glomerate, yesterday triggered 
.speculation about a possible 
£500m acquisition qpree after it 
sold its r emaining 193 percent 
stake in General Cable Corpo- 
ration of the US for almost 
£10Qm. It has now raised almost 
£5 00m from demerging the 

Speculation immediately 
turned to WfessalTs publidy dis- 
closed holdings of 5 per cent in 
Thom lighting group, Europe's 
second-largest lighting group, 
which is capitalised at £175m, 
and its 2.9 per cent stoke in 
McBride, a quoted company 
making own-label and mino r 
brands of soap powders, toi- 
letries and personal care prod- 
ucts. McBnde is capitalised at 

WkssaD would look for one or 
possibly two acquisitions cost- 
ing £400-500m which fit its ac- 
quisition Criteria, preferably in 

the UK or US but possibly in 
Europe, said David Roper, 
deputy Chief executive. 

It was looking for quoted 
companies which were cur- 
rently underperforming or trade 
sales of subsidiaries of larger 
companies which no longer fit 
their owners' criteria, he said. 

RfessaJTs interests include 
the manufacture of suitcases, 
bottle tops and sealants and the 
preferred sectors would be light 
engineering or manufacturing 
rather than specialised or high 
technology businesses. 

The planned disposal of the 
remaining holding in General 
Cable was well flagged, but the 
price was ahead ofexpectations 
and was completed earlier than 
scheduled. Wassail’s majority 
stake was floated in New York 
in May at $21 a share. The re- 
maining 5 million shares were 
placed yesterday at $31 each, 
just 25 cents below the closing 
price on the New Ybrk market 
on Tuesday night ' ’ 

WassaU had announced its in- 
tention last year to float the en- 
tire company in the US, but the 
minority stake was retained in 
order to avoid depressing the 
price of the float 

At the time of the float Was- 
sail had undertaken to hold its 
re maining stake for at least six 
months, and had expected to 
take as long as 12 months to re- 
alise it But in the light of the 
recent strong demand for Gen- 
eral Cable shares, Wassail’s i 
New York advisers agreed to re-^s. 
lease the company from its un- " ' 
dertaking and place the shares 
ahead of schedule. . 

The successful disposal im- 
mediately: raised speculation 
about Wrssall’s plans for its 
newly acquired war chest Mr 
Roper said yesterday WisSall 
had more than £300m on de- 
posit in the. bank earning 
around 6 percent and the mon- 
ey would be reinvested as soon 
as posable to maintain the re- 
turn on capital. ’ / •->■■■ 

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Sunday Business Post sold to Trinity 

Trinity International, the UK’s largest regional newspaper group, 
is buying Dublin-based Post Publications, publisher of the Sun- 
day Business fbst, for Ir£5-5m. Post Publications' main shareholders 
are chief executive Barbara Nugent, editor Damieu Kiberd and 
deputy editor Aileen Olbole, each of whom own 20.8 per cent, 
and private German publisher Verlag Norman Rentrop. Trini- 
ty's chief executive, Philip Graf, said Trinity would operate the 
title on an autonomous basis, protecting its editorial independence. 

LlG buys new condom concept 

London International Group, the condom maker, has acquired 
the Topaz condom brand from Monaco's Motech SAM for £1 3m. 
UG said Topaz was an innovative condom concept with an ap- 
plicator ring and packaging which correctly positioned the con- 
dom for use and acied as a disposal unit. Tbpaz would te relaunched 

in 1998 under the Durex brand name and would be marketed ini- 
tially in selected markets as a premium-priced product, UG said. 

Tie Rack acquires Knot Shops for $2m 

Tie Rack, the ties and scarves designer and retailer, has bought 
The Knot Shop, a Chicago-based tie retailer, for $2m (£1 ,25m). 1 
The Knot Shop deals in ties and other accessories and sells them 
in 21 stores in 12 states in the US. The stores will complement 
Tie Rack’s 39 stores in the US but will continue to trade us The 
Knot Shop. 

Conrad Rrtblat doubles profits 

Conrad Ritblat, the property investor run by British Land boss 
John Ritblat, doubled pre-tax profits to £3 3m for the year to May. 
Rental income rose 60 per cent to £Z76m, thanks to the upturn 
in the London property market. It said prospects for the current 
year were good and the company was well placed (o continue to 
benefit from the strength of the commercial property market. 

Ziemniak new chief at Airsprung 

Airsprung Furnitures, the furniture manufacturer, yesterday ap- 
pointed Peter Ziemniak as chief executive, replacing John 
Pierce. Mr Ziemniak was fo rmerly managing director of Airsprung 
Beds and chairman of the beds division. 

Pound boosts steel stockholder’s profits 

Richardson Westhgarth, the sted stockholder, lifted pre-tax prof- 
its by a fifth to £2.9 6m fo the six months to June despite steel 
prices foiling to their lowest level for several years, due to the 
strength of the pound. The company said there were clear signs 
of price increases holding in all products and it expected market 
conditions to continue to improve. The company is increasing its 
capital expenditure programme over the next three years. 

Quintain buys five properties for £11 m 

Quintain Estates, the property investor, said it had acquired a 
group of five properties in the UK for £1 1.4m. The properties 
together generate a rental income of £ 1.24m, reflecting an ini- 
tial yield of 10.84 per cent. The largest purchase is a 42300 square 
feet office building in Aylesbury, north-west London. 

Regalian to 
redevelop dd 
air terminal 

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Clifford German 

Regalian, the specialist resi- 
dential property developer, and 
three Singapore-based partners 
yesterday bought the former 
West London Arr terminal buDd- 
ing in Cromwell Road for £60m. 
They plan to spend a farther 
£fiflm to convert the buDdii^ into 
400 residential apartments and 
build a 25,000sq ft leisure cen- 
tre over the next two years. 

The 500.000sq ft property has 
been unused since the Under- 
ground line to Heathrow 
opened nearly 20 years ago. 
Plans to convert the offices to 
residential use were beset by fi- 
nancial problems and many po- 
tential purchasers paid deposits 
for properties which were nev- 
er finished. The resulting law- 
suits have now been resolved 
. and the Regalian consortium 
has purchased the building from 
Famdalc international free of 
any claims. 

The growing demand for of- 
fice conversions and the sharp 
rise in London property values, 
especially in West London, have 
made the project viable again. 
Further work to complete the 
conversions and build the 
leisure centre would lake up to 

30 months but the fiist flats were 
likely to go on sale within a year, 
Roland King, Regalian’s de- 
velopment director, said yes- 

The apartments will sell for 
between £80,000 for a studio 
apartment and £2m for a luxury 
penthouse with air conditioning. 

London Underground holds 
the freehold of the building but 
leases for 125 years will be of- 
fered for sale, and purchasers 
will be allocated shares in the 
management company once 
the development is complete. 

The venture Is the first to be 
finalised between Regalian and 
its Singaporean partners, al- 
though other projects are under 
consideration. Regalian will 
hold a th/rd of the equity, Wa- 
terbank Properties another 
third, NalStcel Properties, a 
subsidiary of the Singapore 
Steel company, will have 233 
percent and Ossia Land the re- 
maining 10 per cent. 

This is the largest single pro- 
ject Regalian has tackled. Its 
best-known previous venture: 
was the £26m development of’ 
Peninsular Heights on Lon- 
don s Albert Embankment, 
which involved a Hong Kong 
partner, the Sincere Group. 

. B J. *: 

: * ~ ■** 
t 2 ■*« j. : 

- 3 - i 5 

1 ; «t.. • 



• t > :• 

: * 2^ 

Nichols sales boosted 
by August heatwave 

Interest Frc« Option 

Offer Must End 30 'August 

A 01282 777 111 

lISfeppB . 





Company Results 

Ifiim 1143m) IjSm 1602,000) 14EpH0.fipl 2JppSp) 

9aB{61^H) Zl54m 112.56m) 206p(13Sp) (?.6p) 

arm imam 32 m p 56 m) iB4p{&3p) fMppjaS" 

W a BM ID E35ffl 379J00 {4r3.0M| 1 0» n~9p> rti 

" 1.86m B6JD0) -30Jm (-1 JBm) -J6.73P l-1^49p) 

36.1m s«m) 4.T9BI (3.BM) Mfy (644pj 2.7(1 (2 45p) 

(3W Offip (0.740) 

318.6m t314ml 27 .Bm f!9 5m) I00p(68p) 2.M« 


JN Nichols said yesterday that 
sales of its Vimto and Tizer 
drinks were held back by wet 
weather in June but soaring Au- 
gust temperatures have seen 
business take off again. 

The company said sales in 
August were running at around 
15 per cent up on last month. 
u We've probably sold as much 
in the first few weeks or August 
as we did in the whole of last 
month." said managing director 
John Nichols. 

Purple Ronnie, the cartoon 
character featured in the 
group's advertising campaign, 
was boosting brand recognition, 
ihe company said. More than 
£lm is being put behind Purple 

Ronnie as pan of a £3m total 
marketing spend this year. 

June was poor with the wet 
weather causing the overall soft 
drinks market to fell by around 
20 per cent compared with the 
same month last year. 

The company is considering 
a farther buy-back of up to5 per 
cent of its shares after the 63p 
fall in the share price yesterday 
to 1933p. u I think the shares are 
undervalued," Mr Nichols said, 
fn the past vear JN Nichols has, 
repurchased 700,000 shares in' 
five separate transactions 
between J82p and 222p. 

The company yesterday re- 
ported interim profits of £43m 
compared with £3.8tn the pre- 
vious year. Sales edged ahead 
to £36m from £35-3m. 

HS? . ' 


**;•>: ■ 

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tkJ* 6 - /iSa, 

gj AUGUST 1097 



tioof: - .; 7 ' 

F250 Tv^: 



market report/ shares 

The digital factor could alter Granada’s prospects 

2? r r!? “ arket is wrong 
believes thl 
Weinwort Benson 
investment house. 

] ej Jj 1 ir 5?“ pbeat session the 
S«H™«P couJ d only rnan- 
towjge ahead 3p to 805.5p, 

DKB does not expect the 
pnce to reclaim its peak but 
suggest the shares should at 
least be around 940p. The sec- 
“““* group's calculations ac- 
P™? produce a figure of 99lp 
but we sense the market is in 

tne mood to apply a discount”. 

It believes the value of 
Granada's 50 per cent involv- 
ement in British Digital Broad- 
casting is being overlooked. An 
impressive example of valua- 
tion creation" is worth, it says, 
£313m or 37p a share. 

Say DKB: “What is clear to 
us is that whereas the invest- 
ment community is by now 
used to adjusting the Granada 
rating to take account of its 

significant but low-yielding 
stake in BSkyB, adjustments 
for BDB should also be made 
to reflect its present value". 

Granada has had an event- 
ful time since last year's epic 
£3.9bn struggle for the Forte 
catering andnotel e mpi re. Dis- 
posals have not come as qukddy 
as expected and not all the bus- 
nesses Granada intends to re- 
tain are performing to plan. 

The leisure group has con- 
tinued to expand, taking over 
Yorkshire-Tyne Tees TV. And 
DKB wonder about the possi- 
bility of a big contract catering 

Still, despite the sluggish 
display since this year’s peak, 
Granada shares have put on a 
splendid show since chairman 
Gerry Robinson arrived in 
1991. when they were bumping 
along around the 130p level. 

The market continued to 
recover from Black Friday’s 
upheaval with Footsie ad- 
vancing 44.2 points to 4,958.1. 



stock market reporter of the year 

No change in US interest rates 
helped although the exuberant 
pace of retail sales raised some 
questions whether domestic 
rates will remain for long at 
their present level. 

The generators powered 
much of Footsie's charge. A 
climb down by the industry’s 
regulator, with price-cut de- 
mands being sharply reduced, 
caused the excitement. With 
the generators cutting costs the 
proposed 7.5 to 10 per cent 
should be comfortably ac- 
commodated Such thinking 
sent National Power up 23p to 
539.5p and FowerGen 35p to 
761 -5p. ScottishPower bright- 
ened lip to 431 Jp. 

British Petroleum gushed a 

Salomon Brothers put a 775p 
target on the shares; Boots, 
unchanged at 802_5p, was 
accorded an 875p valuation 
and Next, off 12p at 7725p, an 

further 34p to 893p on its in- 
volvement in what could be a 
significan t o3 discovery off 
Angola. Estimates of the Daha 
field’s reserves vary from 500 
minion barrels to a remariabte 
2 billion. BP has a near 17 per 
cent stake. BG added another 
5p to 259p. 

Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch 
giant, encountered favourable 
analytical comment from Mer- 
rill Lynch and NatWest Secu- 
rities; the shares rose 38.5p to 
l,85Sp. NatWest said: “The 
earnings picture is looking 
very robust ... the next change 
in numbers is more likely to be 
up than down”. 

Kingfisher hardened 7-5p to 
742p as US investment house 

Financials and drugs lad a 
firm session but engineers and 
other overseas earners were 
constrained by a relatively firm 
pound. GKN tumbled 45p to 
l,192.5p and Sfcbe 2&5p to 
l,096-5p. Gtynwed Interna- 
tional gave up 9p to 239J5p. 
BXlfs heady revival came to an 
abrupt halt; the shares fell 8L5p 
to219p nr the suspicion the re- 
covery had been overdone. 

Cable & Wireless Commu- 
nications fell 13p to 252J>, a 
low, after Merrill Lynch 
seemed to struggle to place 8.9 
milli on shares at 249p. 

Hun tingd on life returned to 
mar ket at 46J5p. The shares 
were suspended last month at 
54p following worries over its 
controversial drug testing, 

ML Laboratories, onoe at 


rational investors at Pammire 
Gordon today. 

. The Booscy* Harass 

sic group, where takeover talks 

are onwith at tost Pi- 
ties, jumped 165p to 1 * 06 J^P- 
Vfewfan, tot year al m 
600p, fell 5p to 52-5p, a low. 
The company, providing on- 
line information systems for 
hotels, 'said last month it 

needed more cash and was “in- 
tensively” seeking further 
capital. At the last count 
Viewlnn’s service was being 
used in two hotels. 

Other once high-flying 
stocks to have slumped into 
deep despair include Tadpole 
Technology and Bakyrchik. 

400p, fell 0.5p to 9p and 
Baiyrchik, seeking gold m the 
former Soviet Union, was off 
4.5p to 32Jp. In the past year 
it has swung from 589p to 15p. 

Taking Stock 

n Stockbroker Henry Cooke 
Lomsden make an intriguing 
case why shares ofGoIden 
jrase Communications should 

nudge 300p- They closed ip 

higher at 73p, pricing the 
company at approaching 
£10 Jm. According to analyst 
David Gorman a recent take- 
over deal puts a possible val- 
uation of £39m on GRCs 
jazz Radio franchises. The 
company, which is edging into 
catering, has cash of £2.9m. 
Mr Gorman soy* *“* calcola- 

tions may be unsophisticated 
but GRC is “massively under- 

□ A shake-up at Chemical 
Design. Founder and majori- 
ty shareholder Keith Davies 
becomes technical director 
with Nick Bateman, ex- 
Zeneca, replacing him as 
chief executive. John Lambert 
is the new finance director. 
The shares, placed at llOp, 
rose 5p to 165p- 

a* h,^ ^ 

Alcoholic Beverages as', w? iy~ , 

2“ “KJftmcq «3 «V i7 u m a»SB«B 


We stab 

**5+5 43 TO zee TIB M6V km 
a «+i 43 130 sm 75 ft Fom/nHctj 
m 43 tS SOB B2\ 3ft FHiBM 

S . • *3 2SB5 96 '. m fif#iH«*Cn 

ft 39 t» am fees nas hm 

tOf'-MfZi', 3B 3GB 2X7 B5 *5 08EM 
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®ft -H 44 MB 305 333 8ft (Synod 

OS - 06 132 3Z3B MOV »V Qui n 

3Q<> - ZZ 213 BBS TMV 04 SSTltajH 

K3 • BO W 3323 301 *8 MBg 

<5> - 58 60 3*0 W» ObV tMm 

Prtoa CK 1M ndSaS m^Um tack Prtoa TO* W ndcredre Snell Na Cut *4 PIEcSS 

TOV - 31 2M 28 8875 3*5 Btafcfftas) 3035 -1 * SD4 *44 S2SV 2B5 UMtard 3IBV -¥2\ « 237 3BB 

2’. ■ ■ 293 2B0B BBV »\ Cntetiam - - - 23J* 32'. 21'. MBGtWOM 35 2B3 46 KG 

845 ■ is «a asm « a CMnCom « . aa tu 2tae a aft utaHocoov zt\ ■ as « at 

83 r+1 3* « 30* 2045 BO 5 OomMinr n5 - S S3 3800 V05 fiBV ItyGMBwfacttft +T 46 SB WE 

TB - U 1M am 425 2Z5 COKMn S5 ■ > - 2273 095 BB UBnfemrCb 875 +5 CM - 3003 

21 - 89 SI 2m 320 2» MPM 2225 *25 22 S2 TUB 03 «BV UvOSnCU B25 ■ ■ -107 

til «■ 50 03 2871 MS 96 J*nOoe MS +1 12 22D 9331 230 30 Mfxfchl 2BB5 + 5 31 3*7 3290 

2905 « ea bo m n zb 5 jouemr so - 32 m am «5 m mmicuai tsr'. +25 a ■ mu 

+ 43 nt 20DB »■- S' rrr ra • « ® m 

?5- BmS I mi 43 V . m «. Hck son 75 . «a am 

« Ssjsy* Oft - * M » TO 2“* «'» "7 5 39 130 200 *05 TC5 m ^ 

W ei QMKf 5705 *0 32 S? *’ D071.+ffi5 30 3BB 2967 

£ Su f* ton,aB 5705 +2 3fi « a® +2 42 262 3B2 

2?- £.* i*»« D » • 32 B2 mo «2 ^ iff ? ^ - 11 « MB »85 339 875 Opind 2985 « 

®*‘ ‘ SH5+225 12 - TO m 5% t fr*” « - S 02 3B1 *V 365 Sun 445 -5 

55- “““C** >36 *+1 127 » ^ «L 2k S£f25n 55 S ■ 22 “3 868 W5 W rtdrnltah V +1 

f ™ » Martini 605 * 64 MB ® n « - 60 TM 3323 an as rtBErO 2275+6 

• 25*5. 215 Seggnm 122 n - « S l .* w * ,n « J - 5a M 3230 W. ns 5 Htn t» *-1 

Banks, Mercha n t *j 1( ^ ^ &> sa 

®25 360 QnrAlen 572 - gg Tin n| 69 B 2iW,i Ai n m m mi. ■ . . 

s. I" "SSs ® K 5 s « ^ « s r 8 »5 .v5 

“/ *5 SB5 +1 5fi 202 2888 **, *5, 'tirtnQp TSB5 +45 SB - 4861 805 605 'Hr B75 - 

m 2 M J5S*, « 221 » 1 “5 HUB Odd 3505 . 32 ® 4587 0605 4M SnonS W5 >* 

JjpSSl S ^ Distributors 

i> W 5 gSm *5 :r . &5 » 5 «£SU Z 5 ^ T a SBW ?U 

: 3«s & a : S m 

Banks. Refad 390 as **im& unarms >+e'> b si m 3B *? * -’ D * 

« 3565 Onhg 
3BE .' 290 Gnxl 
2B85 ZO Hmn 
an 485 IMPOUJ 
Kft 305 Rnta 
w BOO Srara 

49 80 2500 *5 545 lip 

21 262 4BBI 005 545 HIOMh 

34 CS 9896 615 315 HnvQoua 

64 SB 4H2 805 C05 Hi*g 

445 -5 ea 29 w W5 835 ftmoodftv 01 +6 3* 482 882 

8 +1 32 80 Z7B0 B 75 LMmI B5 - - - 

2275 +6 41 69 aeoa B05 855 OrfonlU 630 - 38 OB 

80 *+1 30 89 2000 533 443 Amonfech 446 +5 93 18 BBSS 

885 v 48 143 OT 4 B 377 PZImtoZA 8765 - 82 M 3B0B 

695 y- 80 81 2M 2» zm Pkn 2B5 +15 38 

585 ■ 40 UP 4621 2B8 « Abe A sot +15 97 

W - 41 - 2942 940 430 ftnmftn 

3565 -05 45 140 2832 ttB EBB AxMMC 



ratal ■ 

.. _JM C , ... . . 

W5 - 53 401 3001 4*05 3965 (tagoi 4305 +9 20 2U 2905 735 575 UnkCaoh; 045 - 240 50 2647 

6475 »6 31 02 3062 3725 2V5 Stairfal 36 +6 40 K7 400 ZB. W. Uiy&aCUM SOI 5 - - 2BZ7 

295 *■ 84 52 3098 23V *5 Stattad tft . <7 21b 40 485 387 IhyIMn 4075 +1 48 S28 3447 

cs • » am m is a - s w or 55 6V nm«m 95 - - ■ -MB 

085 - 28 M 040 82 76 Vtanfe 05 - 37 113 4401 4365 3835 OMtalw 4325 +95 B ■ 

4454+15 49 84 33H 72 40 MHvGBtrt 645+5 » 09 4422 2Bt 865 OtarakwWk 2535 - - - 

235 - 33 - 3432 87 *5 MtavttVhctj 67 +5 IS 4W 865 865 RnpiUi&f 805 - 07 

1645 +1 21 143 3280 . 3635 2425 (taC>UC9m 3045 +2 89 212 

« -o5 53 82 3321 insurance av 234 ■ nrevov csb 5 +1 ob - 

?. • S S™ m'V IX 5r Aim EM5 - GB -871 rn' SSSST" Si !!' 5 ffl 

405 - 54 88 mm sa4,ABw^,0p effl^r+5. ZB - - *1. “ ^ 

m ' A «" Sn 81 BmhUh 31 X+1 88 IB 861 Sv Sa Sa « 

W5 a m n MB K3 ‘ > Bao ' 1 tzb 5 *65 « itz ter. ££|vmn £& tT 1 m Sb 

5 ® ® Cwknx » - « SB 2082 m 

*5^ S “S 2 ®™ &“***% ; 2 ^ +v 5S 

205 - 06 « 35® S to ” - i « m ^ 835 815 SoBtarCaa BB « 32 384 

384 *1 D a ID Si ^1 « SS ^ 2225 095 TROvUIn 221 '« +5 36 

005 63 Lafcl Km CO 875+5 CM - 3883 
2225 *25 22 22 W IB 885 LbpaSnCta T225 - - -007 

mS+1 Q 220 9331 280 342 h^ktai 2885 +5 S 327 3220 

SB - 32 OB 3061 865 MS MrtiCUAl 87'. +25 07 - 8803 

0 +6 34 462 882 3285 S3 M uiiPil 321 5 +25 46 235 3346 

8085 8365 MKUy S775 +75 2S 227 8086 
oA 875 lfacuvB*oFtW5 +T 22 367 96341 

446 +5 53 IB 2809 7*s5 SH Mata 78 1+5 17 BB2 3404 1 

8785 - 62*04 3806 005 185 MfyEMQtiN 82 +1 9 366 3MB, 

2B5+15SB am 4275 364 Unw Korea 4225 +05 43 a® 9M1 I 
204 +15 37 3380 40 «B5 IfevIM 48B5r+Z 38S9 3442i 

430 - » V W 88 « Un9a*MQi«4 ms Em 3*45 

Era +95 28 ® am amv »5 u^sptexp aw +4 - - 2645. 

735 575 UiraCaote 645 - 240 50 2847 
ZB Oft Mny2a®rfWa»5 - - - 26? 

3805 3D M4«ua 3E7V - 48 80 4331 W 

Banks, Retafl “ 

S'a (ft, AW Amo WVj 21 2D Bn Q0 . 

W1 TO AtturNa B32'«+8 41 ffl Jo J 

695 S32V AkmcaALoc 021 5 +5V 33 144 5800 SK . 

583 3BBi AUktai 534 +3 34 8? 054 ® 

H 2C j An^Dban 67 • 46 E9 8G5 

S0_ 335: AreM 46B5+M5 08 - 3048 ® 

486 . 3635 P*aMZ 471 +11 5 40 .3®, 

64* 66*sBancMl> C73’*- 3 . U . 2202 ™, 

V» 95 EtamOn nv, h . . ® 

B 8 r tSnadiSn CT7'*-V 2A 89 

1462 9735 BodlpBk US61+3Z5 28 86 854 S 

46=5i aft aAnwra Ec5 -5, n 8J4 

36* 37; Ehnand 765 - 21 atn ? 

49 31'.- EkflfStce 4S -SV 25 C7 DG 

t2’i bvbiW£»o«b row. 04 . . ™ 

65 StOreMiK C2V5 DU - - * 

43'r S'a EWtiaft C9B5+> 16 ■ «57 22 

8 7S Bo Sm> ebVi ao - w 

947’: »5 FtaBvk 5*0 +V*. 05 - 

22565 UK lOCOtQ 2Bl'a+3B5Z7 83 2798 

- 3432 87 It 5 «ta««m 37 

143 300 . 

«5 * 34 94 2337 Ji' gSg 1 

S9AV an M sreu “> 225’ Amoo 

380; 879'.- KS8Clfc0 2ZB5a+35 36 89 TIB 

— UoxhTSB 

as'; MCAaiBb 
0635 nUMfeM 

666 906 A|IBl&ta 904 45 41 

4365 2935 Satan Ehrfc 403 +85 8 

B935 681 SMOwU W7'*,Ot IB _ 

OV S^SaMOtt PD'b+V 04 

3075 3B‘; Hk«K 377 +3*. « - 

373"; a* MBOMtl 2945 8 34 83 

46 89 WO SB BwinarK 568 +1 30 MB 806 

□0 - sola W5 805 MAtaiog B75 +35 49 B7 VB 

40 . 380, 300 CHflyiB 34) - 40 M 2031 

M . 220 °9 - W5 PnmMl 83 V f 38 77 3844 

g . SB. 485 CocA DC 47 - 68 ZZ31 

2t 89 ®> 005 DAfatan 855-13 B 4864 

M Hfl TJS4 356 !' 15 (fcaatacn 775 ■ TS 50 5037 

« tM ™ ’ tE ; Ctamana fev » 34 94 2337 

a ta M 400 231 «*>™ 2255 - 80 89 <954 

25 C7 uc ** Bacaoccnpa 466 >2 20 ZB BOB 

S . 2265 075 EuodbBBOme'i - SO aw 

M ®5 WV Euopnttaa 915 a- n a 3022 

TO . ft, ZD 26 EtaBHataw Z8B5 +»5 77 - Z0B 
£ . 2£ 330 23S UaRM 535 -0 63 87 3857 

£ . w 635 305 Ha htn 42V +1 97 BS 2SB0 

77 ID 7KB 24\ CMner Z ■ 40 91 4887 

~ m m. w 1 * 57'-- Ontaatn 68V - 29 00 ZSB 

S Wffl 330 aM5 ItatanGb 320 - 23 20 2800 

a. as <£?! S835 40 horftiGp 4325 -2 5 43 02 3875 

S ™ 5W5 045 BAM ES -5 24 CD 3008 

-a 3085 3105 Mopi 280 +45 45 27 2BM 

47 w tan 35 SM5 KaAt F4 3055 - 23 2® 3M 

« m ta 4905 3BV LeaSenca 430V+45 40 196 3«0 

, “ B O UHMn tt *4 BB 72 32B 

m 4oJ 9 s - Moamhie 75 a- 17 C7 305 

8B5 Cl 5 MagoB 
_ . „ 05 81 V Mtataa 

2>. . . . ^3 O'* MMflMl 

^5+5 S 2W SI w?5 Sv ItaStaiCTO 4B5 « 
see +1 30 wo 808 “J 1 

ur5 +35 49 XU CD 415 ZB Muonl S65 . 

«5 ZB Ttawnl 
285 B5 0114 

CBS. 547V Am 

S'. 25 Ain>aa ta 

-£> 64 Qatan 
2ZB5 70 Qadtai 

738 +45 25 220 9931 
730 *1 24 215 OZI 

92ft -6 03 - saw 

6BS5+V5 47 IS 
793 4-15 47 05 3483 
004 45 41 C6 3671 

? a “ S2 znv 2*’ uSva* 

5 * ££ SSL 

s’ m 87 m W5 B7V OataBc 

+1 m m fm 7se5 m 9M 

1 H ™ SS arav wav sntavkdi 

Hi'- 70 hd 9«a WV SK Bt fay &p 

- a a MO 

«5 -25 « m » “ « 

5®^ ® «C SSS 

SS « : : zzi’i rev pwv 

Breweries, Pubs & Rest 

ai®. M3 nnqa an ++I +0 uj tart —f _-v- 

311 2M5 MMiFI 3055 - 23 2S 3B3 ’JJ? 

*905 3BV InSenra 4S05.+45 48 06 3® JD 

82 CO UXMm n *4 as 72 326 ^ 

9 S’. Mddmhie 75 * 17 87 205 

085 H*V ttrtwnbo 82 - M B 3BS “ J*®. 

2235 825 Ptav 80 - 80 S 36*0 S 

79 448 naretanml 5*4 -IV 29 » 3SC f“u S? SK“ 

®5 025 dubfcsQ? 835 +1 71 « 3*8 

■83 BE warm 

878 ; 7175 Ban 
ZE T42t BflWttU 
65 5 fa 5 OyCvta 
*4 ; 596 Cancan 
305 - 250 BAOpP 

& Dtaar| 357 3075 REAFttP 3485 

TOal m 85 Rnon v 

6405 +25 30 60 1772 4 I 1 . ftaaQap 25 

®5 »- 49 1C 2082 825 30 So** 375 

KJ +45 22 222 808 271 5 2085 StnAnaiBrt 221 5 

8Z7 a-5 U ZO 687 3525 2725 8pmn Z75 

ZB85 - 24 69 ME 337 22B LICCO 30 

485 -25 .30 H5 OS43 3S2V 2675 1 tally JtefJ 28* 

If SS ®gvS.SfiS£ 

mV *6 62 80 3K2 Sf £y n5Zr 

346 -1 27 Ol 3858 SS? 

as »- 37 202 an 

885 - aa cm SJSST 

146 - 33 201 2BS 52 11*5 

CB65vflB5 15 2U 400 «5 a5 Aetata OT 

S i 2 1 « 23 "■'»**** ^ 

3Bl5*-C5 30 «S 4227 tnWl M rt fr nnfcl 

355+1 - 83 cm iMiwiiim 

CSV -1 ZB 60 2080 « 28fa«*aBLlt 

885 »- 49 65 438 *3) S> AnarEnpi 

9 - 49 OB mas 27^* ZlV Anlo Am I 

26 -35 42 80 4288 2B ■ O^ATlT 

200 06 Cottnca 86 - B BB 2082 « 

2905 OBO QomAGwH TOO - » 07 9063 « ■*? 

m sS rS „ . SJ « 81ft ®5 Bacall Scot u +5 

to TO ” - «v t m S fS5 OB5 815 SreatarCm 8B +8 

3s M5 tai S g 2S 2225 Bft -movuti 221 ‘«+V 

Si £££? £\>; S S “ p &. 

CV5 5035 Mmnta Ct7V+a5 16 CO 3381 S? +1 * 

206 625 JMnoLoidTTi ug . . • 300 * ? }22fflL » 

68 005 Lanital Fm 03 - 02 ® 2782 Sl ^ 

46V 305» U taa O Ml ji DBS+S 28 ■ 3SB ^ 

av 8B5 Odtan 78 • 34 - 400 « ® SSSaa, 

05 05 awm v *> 4i ont * S'. S' 

561 42B5 nnoOaaiAl S40«+C5 49 a 404 

1*4 0*5 » » SB 0 38m s ™. -k 

148 »5 StSnaA 14*5 - * 10 - f®. ?*" -. 

335 215 Ska* Burl 27 • BB H 40 S. 

645 825 TO, Corner «5 • 67 80 OO ® V " V ^ m * nk1C nV * 
23 H5 Wtadaar 8 - 62 • *50 I .J.„ia ft lliMa 

Stack PM Ct« ™ 1 
8BS 046 tanuEv* 7S5 45 01 
68ft SB 1 . AacarOI 60 +9 63 
1 705 485 te&HM 72 +1 
Oft E UbaOi «5 + '« - 

OH, Integr a ted 

0*5 862 BP OBOm+3* 29 

106 9655 aimfiChM C675+85 42 
40% af*bBonn CBV+% 20 
JB 0 * 38*a UMCtap 047S*+l52fi 
36la 2B*<* MataH(d(0 E3^*+5> 17 
O'. a^aOoGbM WV5 42 

865 Oft BM 4»5 +6 33 

Other Fbnncfal 

SK SO Antmeap 385 W+5 18 

22% tSAnbAor £20WS 40 
86 t»5 am 8i »+5 6* 

TO5 8*3 cowan 688 • 30 

285 27'. r.1* L C2B5 - E 

W5 ft CMM n5 . _- 

3735 263 COM 382 +9 2b 

2375 805 OnMre 2E -5 22 

«5 4Z5 QM^i S *■ 0 

045 1295 BTGfe W5 - 17 

6B 44)5 EdnFttMDA **«5 - TO 

685 375 Eras 40 +5 W 

405 205 UmR zr - as : 

1430 ns HmMaanACCZ75+2B 42 
IB 6*5 1—1 11 Oo CO » 30 

Share Price Data _ 

I K-‘.-K«W»£S 
1 fctgs^jffia.'aasgag.taP-re 

, pp Partly Paid pm Sham* AW Stodt Source. FT Infennation 

I IKS lliuqiciiucia* , . .. ^ 

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Ewftange Sirs* Sal MM raaa&Mto when 

[Hinted rwdfOTOCh share, to access the latest Aranda! reports dal 0891 •E33totawed 
by ana otthelWHlg# codes below. 

1 FTSEttO-ReaHhw DO StortngRetes M « 

: UK Stock Martet Report 01 BuHon Report 05 WWarSharo^ « 

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1 Market leaders Tbp 20 volumes 

a BB ten 2575 2055 BaySOn* 
m 323 3077 2*5 875 JtaWau 

■ V mftdbSp oft - 07 - 

“ 481 8775 5B*ta*r *47 +5 47 251 

„ ™ Wi B ItURti 60 -5 a 317 • 

“ a»5 283 WMn 385 +25 27 440 4528 

S rn *00 295 teonaiGlp 390 +25 - - 450* 

J5 ™ 835 715 teentalHC 735 » 2* 47 <565 

« 29®a«twiut» na«+5j 17 
aft 875 lYai r.iiwi £Er5 +fl a 
27V 2i 5 AMoAmtak C27*a ■ 27 
2SV 8VA74T C2S5+V S3 

586 CSV GnmtaGp 4315+25 40 82 2168 
no 642 GtareiaKPg 808 a-15 30 09 2« 

50 80 2888 885 *865 WFBKX 

*0 82 zno 41 S5 wen. 
30 09 2780 025 mV WytaGp 

2375 62'; QCtawnrtTa 65. +25 53 336 x , . 

M 205 GpGhacGu 271 5 +«5 i» aa? 408 Diversified industnats 

- 40 OS 

a 2D -so 

24 452 as 

IwfS “"hSvavmw 

298; 2S> 7tad(*fcH 271 n S 80 3Bl « nV ArCblMtaO 1 .40 OS 

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■8 to mfttaCM to -V 31 C* 3B7 32) 232 2B -3 2* 452 2B 

357 317 UataoU *■ » 1« SBC jBB 605 BIB 20 -65 59 05 887 

3S5 Z2 ftonc T zm +1 SB 80 am ooi S B*w 5SV+V 39 B 

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ra C He S' n ™ w 16 ‘ r amCtaitalB 66 *+5 98 67 ZZ» 

<375 3375 RMtatataft) Wi ^ ™ ® W 5 ci5 MrantC mV -5 ta CO M 

2785 2*5 Rognta 300 -l5 O *7 ZOO jpi, HtfZiVWnn 6265M35 a 258 

271 *■> 51 80 2B8i _ 

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^ +t 5|ET 

SB\ . 32 02 3TO 

eM na •** nl reprlll *■ *■» 111 

T3 - MD 888 m W *" BB* +4 25 200 4483 

« " 3 S Engineering Vehicles 

27 94 366 740 87 A0M8 C9 - B6 S3 SO 

a m 4089 07 w Mta 179 - 9 W 636 

22 203 4619 757 985 Anoftttta OH - 40 129 1713 

34 03 5346 205 2275 BTOH 275 • 32 84 1133 

« 4497 BB BB BteaM CB5 - « MB 920 

SB 4BB TJ5 0575 FWOtfl 775 - « BIB 

20 TK)5 807 GKN IS2W« 27 . 3886 

405 3ft 0<*l MOBS EBV+I*s 32 ■ CB0 

405 385 tteti 3675 -12V *1 02 383 

„ 226 *0 l utaMtit* 885 -l5 3A 200 3ZE 

atom VB5 m Mwtanr TO +1 a 60 4300 

S iS « 865 875 Snme Eft - 52 92 4» 

« 55 W 83 TBN 985 2 B - 401 

E775+15 25 05 4401 86'. 00'. AsCBXGa Cft +7 1 

7MW+35 « 87 46M 865 855 %HeM - C?5 » 

ZE - a 80 440 8* !™ a*to» £75 

395+85 37 85 4*3 716 4*5 D tatataffl 777 +8' 

aft » BD a 4457 358 213 Bkndlta.PI 335. +2 

tt m 

« Leisme & Hotels 

805 TV Ann 1035 +«5 16 2t* 0*0 ! 
95 305 AMLah 315 - 33 -02 46*3: 

— J Bft 375 Antai <25 +1 35 04 482; 

““ B75 ta\ BSQae 825 - a • «si 

1125 95 MMl 95 - 44 IQ TO9l 

2005 165 BtaUMlM 6e5 • 82 04 EB 

™ 05 4ft B aro Ol Ma C625+C5 V 380 W3 

S ft 15 MHItar 15 - - - W 

«5 255 Breretan 28 * 80 87 208 

475 Z5 Ca*panCkx« 2s’. -5 - 330 

. - 5312 

335 85 BuaM 
947 1645 BNnW 

8N ftSuMct 

m5+5 - - 

ides as ftBmte eo*v* - a - no 

„ «» «• cn On* teoi BftMUl 

™ • S « S 2^ Otym 1BV+5. 40 

S ' S 89 OT ==> Zft’ Q tititMSp £52*a - 22 ZD50 

5? £ ™ S *“> S, 9taon wft+47. 08 - cm 

Si. 5 25 «5 W5 aw5 C«u Pk 3885+05 • - 8063 

CB5 - « HB ^ «S BOV Qfcop St'. +15* 17* 

IS, -- * . S5 £5 2ft>0«cn<te 0O“»+l5 a 204 

Sf, 2 ‘55 17% 8*. CcomreB* C0J5-V 26 - CM 
Sv 5 J, TO 46 , » 46 « temnMk wtf« -67 • CS6 

“i ® ” BO 330 BOO B5T. - 33 83 a« 

885 TO5 & J*piUb f 895 - C 37 HO j 

. 3S0 80 Badowp 226 

95 ft FrnCal 8' 

165 725 FMObMH BB 

. 3105 29)5 FMUbin 321' 

s m £• sa™ S' 

50 «5 2B5 Kadi 38' 

“SS HI 205 rt*aSp«1 43 

£3 3B05 212 JretaHTO aW 

51 a 2i 5 hunkh .. 23 

zn 2V5 LMbrete asi 1 

2265 » 80 81 288 ! 

85 - - 36 mm! 

BB - 33 - 36R | 

3215 -7 34 is am, 
TO a. a 286 2637 ] 

HSltK+3 21 Z1 2B3 j 
335 - 6* 03 an 

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an5 ms son 

23 - « W 48BB 

25)5 - S 217 sm ; 
30*5+4 36 348 MBS > 

2065 875 Mwav Hl5 +85 36 

26 23 UiRitav M - 42 I 

466 2995 btikitn 466 +25 33 
2295 075 ImbincCc 2085 -V 67 
mV 855 imanBi mV • *a 

ME7V ter v waane isav+ss 37 : 
WO 1225 BMU 871 +85 41 1 
285 TO5 BBmEDOF 20*46 64 
885 185 Ftepi TO5 • 20 
3B 22B0 FMpHta SZ75+3S 82 
8EB5 EDO RwFW 8685+6 »'i 

3M SB Moans Baa 8« +7 *2 

0*5 9 ROTO 545 . 32 

449 SB SID »5 ■! » 

*0 0225 fiaanlkM 5E -43 
4 25 OaHoUnm 3 • 

285 285 WaafctMtahtfBV - 37 


S5 a Mono* 95 - . 

11 % o'Vatoab ssV+'b 12 : 

OB 92V HBtatati «5 -1 
nc m Cta ta O B BnmTg +fl - 
4435 2295 Ofctaftne 2* +2% - 

MOV 8855 qu oWM a n a OMte+17 S3 s 
815 415 Mv&l 485 *75 - 

3305 87 Katas 228 »45 20 * 
ae 1445 HLltiM TO +35 - 

life 52% Man Nor B 0 B*b«-5i 05 
403 ZB5 ftftkix 387 +35 - 

2025 »a5 Rwted 80 - 

92 *5 PtctasM 405 > 

04 SB RmonW B » 20 
7375 2625 SaUtate^P ® - - 

AS 6*5 SiwRwim 71 - - 

□SV «5 SKBwA 9354+30 O i 
220) to 5V am am +a 23 : 

STB Pormn BT DeoaOD LuaMiiy 900000 WFP 790000 

MMHH 1440000 ScotttlFtiMr 180000 MftnIGtid 900000 WxMn 770000 

S«s 030000 STOIteniport 860000 NsrafaiUni 950000 MU WOOOO 

OotadBaeL wcy mi aiNBmdam V40Q00 AttarMaorte SOOOO UoyckTSB 700000 

rttxUPo«r 1220000 BG 800000 Ftayd&acAfadOOOOO BteabBtagy B9QOOO 

ol 12.*% 
‘ II Jf ka,- 

FTSE 100 Index lung 

Optn 49547 op 405 
OOJXt 48467 up 325 
10J0 48550 up 409 

11.00 48505 up 384 
1X00 48442 up 300 

13.00 4847B Up 33fi 

14J30495U Up 369 
1580 49445 up Z73 
1500 4957A Up 432 
do— 48684 w» 442 

39S 340 EjpConp 

mfe cfeRaa 

**'« 295 QbiBbUS ECfe+lS* B 
Hfe OVGfcOB tS45+1*5iD 
2B2_ BIO'. Honda Uosr 862 +3ft M 

1605 827. SoaSNsoB 7m5 »25 * « 50’, 331 JkTOHBO 4BB5+3B 1 . 33 

i Jl t 4 * •« - • 

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■p • J. 

t .i •* 

300 248: UasQOup 300 +4 

202': «5 WMMnpnJD CB75 - 
803 738V Mum —5 +2 

S S ^25 BB5 965 Loreto TO5.-5 48 

“ 55^ 1*5 TO PKflEDirlop TO®, +3 28 

S S ® ^ itataOtaCn 225 » 42 

g ^ » Extractive Industries 

SB 97 279 ID mfeAneAmCW £3*5+'; 38 

EB 86 2640 »fe 31"aAli0ABiOap ES3fe+4 28 

* 353 - 4Bfe 315 MknGati £34fe-l5su 

■■ - sft ft tetoiii aft • 

6 % eViTOwd 

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ft ft BUMMnhB 
D65 43 ConalAtar 

roV-5 26 82 30* TO 


807 fife 36>BU 

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809 afe vVthao 
3529 4ft S5 MgnUyndl 

ft A- - - 2C8I 

455-5 - - 

CS5+5 32 8* 6322 
w.+i5 - -am 

2B x+2 90 - 202 

TO. Mta Cop 

20t, m4 OlSntai TO5 -1 

05 « Pmx b* +5 - 

23ft 81 Ptaogr 221 5 -15 38 

cSa aferVtetaCWa ssi’i+v 23 

afe 145 OhAtaB cefe+v 30 

725 a®»ta*m en5*+2^32 

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mi « 2*5 LntaiCUs 36*5+4 2$ 2M 486 > 

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2 M 91 . ^5 MretantMi 715+15 56 -j 

» « 405 333 lafcOoptl 3*5 • 22 82 2323 

* H 1 IH 15 ► ■ - (961 | 

-55 ao 815 MrtmnW 295+5 28 2» 905i 
. » 475 POAEudWtaluSa - B 9X0 

m raV ra v POtoUw TOta+i h BS am ; 

SSL 85 85 QaaroUM 85+5 - ■» 

■SS to W5 OtaUUaitfi 2B - 13 90 20* 1 

. 85 ft IfcesSBtoB 45 - - - 0*1 

«5 -1 *■ - 302 

B* +5 - - 3646 

221’. -15 38 TO 871 


■* 325 BV AAFICa 85 +1 

_ GB5 +2 36 82 44* B B V ItataQtatai 225 * 42 » 3864 ft ft 0U»*4f*B ft *■ - - 30* O . « Pwra 6* +5 - - 3B4B 

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002: SED CnOs 975 - 32 235 MB* gne Sknnren 6Z -5 B - 386 **5 2065 D B n ta re ill 2D x+2 SO - TO 7ft g*taTrereeo DlVtiftB - 

1 „ **5 4«5 teiPto 6475+3)5 TO - 2075 81 BpOTOOv 2425 +1 M 269 2* 485 ®35 TtmPWta 2B* - 53 CB TO5 

CtlOn W5 OT5 tTSS ST+V 2A 81 <333 *5 E5 r£sm*» *5 - - «5 ***«> -ft . 20 - W8 

al . .-V - JB'. J325 9ai8 i ni 8175*0 *0 92 TO* 09 805 *TOBf TO +1 . 93 21 MSB ■ ■Ilium, , 1 fnmnmln 

TO . 33 tob «' so JEtaSrn 3H5 - Bs to 4*31 »v mv onra »^i - - « hwestuieut Companies 

S 3875 asv Mata 395 - » * ** ®. * *’' SSL*. s£whV £ - "i •JtaTnta EBBfe+ft. - - 42)6 

S-. . 27 m *8* ffi'j 305 Way 3*5 - « - *«* “J* to®. WtiM 3M«*T5 « 9 Ife JFUmi E75+’« - - 294 

M - 23 3055 26*5 Mama 3»5 -3 52 62 4506 Bre C IfcBW X ™ rest' 2B0V ^MtSmBnlr 2*5 +25 03 - 6GB 

teJv 1 tt S m 885 825 WWW* tB5 + 51 TO 446* B B «B » »5 *M Wta» 6C> -4*. TO 3B40 

e . S 2 S - a. S £ SS** « - £ _ ' 5775 M7 Mm 5495 *l'. V 3061 

£5 * 2? B* 52 Bectnoty 1 « » «£— > +.; JS « m . *> * > ?«-»«»> - - “! 

S r - TS I nvestment Companies 

s&l w ; WPf : 

30 ™ ' StoV 86. GcrtSnSn+- 2*5 +25 03 

S * - - w* s»5 «»5 Maoo 6C'. 4'. TO 

*GSV ZS5 Raife 844 +65 6* 2D am • 
mm * 3BV fregd Morel 47 -5 27 Cl SB- 

™ 935 4ft FfcanWMfe *5 » 42 tt) 9*; 

SS coo ms BreayHU mss - tt - mast 
9>5 *5 Stare CB *5 20 m 40821 

' 331 a*5 Statar 2*. * 17 33A mjB \ 

__ 4V 15 Sinhpi |5 - - 1M 4W: 

9 45 tetiren T +5 • -2* 

M » 3* to**V to® • « 217 - 

IS 20 82 BtaKta W +15 32 93 8* 

MS n Tatartrem * - X 80 4200 1 

875 94 TtadM 18 - 20 « VB 

40 3395 Malta 3* - 0B 87 *#4 

«H> C35 *5 2WtaS W - TO <530 

2 gb UfeAsumce 


f 1 1; ^ I, B assss ^1™ ^ w : ^ ^ 

i 5 aa«sa& sisss;iS T*. Z aa &“83 S a “ 5 r=r 

46'.- a5 Mania 42 ■ ? H 52 Flurtriatv «s am hjb am ■ u «2» 5 SL^i- SjjfL ” .« « » LtataSGrei 4*5 +« si 82 3» 

9*; B iw rHmi 635 «■ JJ M W BetUTCIiy 30ft « Ftatebtei 855 +1 87 C* ■ 2*5 ScaAreT* 1 m'Tvr, . . Sb «85 LlredyH 5E5»1 42 2B6 28* 

«5 <8'.- Breoom *■, 21 Si *73 BS5 BrEnon>'+ 885+«5 ® * ® ffl m itellto C0B5 +3 33 2U 3660 Bk ,, ~ w *62 3B6 tmtiBHn 4075 -l5 02 US 3TO 

ai'i 23S Bra Ota ZU'i -45 40 82 «S eav 4*5 EneavUap 0®V ■*. J 2 5! S2 8** 75 fkjsmug EC5-1* « 3800 ^ M5x+ 36 380 TOi jji, NotmULWji 333 ■ 40 83 

TO e*'.- Bmsar 03 -^ « * ® rn « 3B.X+25 S2 TO «06 Ol»«+5 a — - tararfiroata T wta 005 4675 fetiBnU » -3 39 88 3733 

Si S9 bS 3545+5 26 TO D» Sov 4*5 Witonr 5*5+23 SB «* 4M ^5 aSST 385 ■ ■ - *08 ,n ““ 3475 4H ItoAnnre *4* 45 31 83 — 

*5 B5 S3* 85 - ■ 89 800 W5 3=5 Ntotatand 437, x+2 » ® «® ft « SW 31 5 +5 - - - 3385 4575 3Qnp 400 425 23 317 446? 

JW5 SX Safety »,«» * ® « 7B75 5*5 ftrefeGai *B5+* « ® 47% ZBfeVtaBflnta CD'S. -5 TB • • JO to £^®tanU«aCB5 +5 13 - 4BB IfeJa 

*0 flMcBkn SQp «CV 47 52 J»V ScctHMto M - 51 tQ M 4* « wfi 338 • +a * S3 293 a3 3/ MteilNtat flB *• II 7D 4SN ^ m .1 — iwi m m 

« ta. 22,**“*’ 2ft - 2* MS SB33 M5 fo-SPMr — te+8 5A 93 M * 231,0 375+C5 40 97 *434 Vft W5 AtamlW «5 +1 B7 326 B4B *S«. ^ 2 *£ 2K 

Printing & Paper 

702 (BB AROn? 6315 
0* 5« AdreaPtttc 000 

* 475 AoitiHlbgi B5 

202 fli AqaVKnaAp 8* 
201 85 tareily itrv 

MS 442 BrayCm 5085 
4905 3*5 Brereota 3*5 
2295 TO Bgdgnb »V 
33fe eVfeHtata Dfe 
845 85 BrTtami 95 

96 4B Otai&a 015 
2H TO and 2« • 
3*5 2*5 OoppvJ . *B5 
6)35 SB Da La Are 3BZ5 l 
Cl 5 95 Mai Goo sr5 
3375 8B5 oStiPk 2325 
2» 87 fiaiprem 875 

8B5 84 HUta 905i 

2185 1775 MM 80 
«2 206 UtaftBoita DO - 

8B5 795 M1i***W 855 

TO5 975 MKtaim 805' 
875 *5 Ndsaom *B 
OirV +085 RMBHOi 935 ■ 
825 TO5 «. 

371 2225 ROAM 2MW 

955 ®5 BUta 165 - 

2475 +05 - -ZM 

M5x+1 30 380 *321 

tl n « ra *> »5 SaAtai 5*75 +05 - . me ™ v g 

” *» »'“ +1 »>»»«" Sv S 

^ hw s fan eu t Trusts fR « 

31 5+'. • ■ - 3365 4375 3Qap 460 +25 23 317 4« 

ED">-5 IB - - to. to *tadtalEuf*lTO5+5 13 -46* NUdUl 

bnestnMnt Trusts 

BB5 78 BtafTte 895+1 42 242 8B4 

06 363 UjpSGan 405 +0 31 82 3)0 

3*5 065 Lltalytal 9E5 »1 42 2B6 29* 

«2 2B6 UntiBHn 4075 -l5 62 ID » 

975 365 NDmdiltan 333 ■ 40 03 

095 <875 ftodorta EBB -3 33 C8 3733 

5475 4S IMAtane* 44* -65 91 83 StB 

» «■. Btaa to*' • 24 ^ «5 3»'» ScatoDPta «"»♦; « ® 22. 375 8 WtattaC W5+D5 « 97 «3» VT5 W5 Atoryta TO5 +1 «5 «5 ACtareV +*» ™ 

3W 23D oaattanl 2*5 ■ 30 W » 02V 3735 Scu»wn 40 »+7 ffl fflSW 480 4* VWMreBn <20, - * W Mr MB mV tara *3 +5 TO •« TO K* taSaa 

m ST: *VKGe TO -5 « ™ ®e ■' B yto “’ W r6 wf ' 57 * - a m BB TOB a®5 »5 SSo 3»V - D MO 96 

995 CAtA 185 - « «to( Electronics & “> “ ncu M ^ 20 BXtnrhta 2BV - B 1B0 

6'. 2\- c«7i**4 & a s +i 3«j5 w iev -i - - to Food Mamnacuuers »v ms grtjjgw » «*’ * ** w tSS 7 ft *wwoi» zv - - mo* 

G9V 96 QwlK 55 ' S «5 «V »5 Altai » - » ® 365 2715 Ae**»**n 206 - 4* 2*9 80 w B0V £j 2«^S V +5 U TO W 4085 3D75 BadgrTV SB • 23 223 WB 

O'; 33': CtatatU 705 - 8D TO 2TO « AnoPSR) 80 -1 5 9 85 89* ItaV 34 AbwRM 40 +*. 97 BS 2381 JE 5?^ +3,, i ,« S M « BteltM 4* - 4* 207 854 

«G 46 COM 46 re ■ ■ 230 -TO5 +1 6* TO US fi0 ' i 0 l AmBIMt 98 - 5 36 MB m 5 JJi ~ 5 SSL 6065 4Z3V BBtaB 4* ti 17 257 46S3 

tt n aumre sete+5 to « zw ^ S o^aHra 95 -i m <s m ™ « mkMR9 msv»+ 5 a n m £ 2 +<v £ S » *° 416 raM wv +a * maw 

TO"- ac'i OretNtai CS ■ 2 ® to® si 4>. MMyBa 6-5 - ■ S® 555 jjn j *cmoi 270 20 83 TO mi n-^ a-ivjai l ^.ji. •• w am 6775 fflk CreMaiQnre S»5«5 29 El 2073 

9*' S’- StuPTO 035 +B5 S5 TO 2X KS. 485 -15 ® 5=9 *9 ™ ^ SlSsSlC 2875 - S) C3 W ^5 « SSSlStaW +05 m S m ®=5 H1Z5 Chymt. 5* -TO - 204 

» « ' SC <8 ■ IS Btt 2V5 * B) 8* BE ^ ^ £5cT 385 W05 » W «B !? . 5S ». ■> C0«ta« flDV <5 8 -88* 

“> »5 l-Wp ® *1’® ® ®5“ ev bSkm» »«'<»«« to * L OreireiMQW- E +15 « » SI * ISS’S Sft - - - *£ ^ ft gSfiSfl., " SS™ 

24 8V Cretan a ■ S TO Dm W5 875 Cte.*w »■ “ 80 an OT «5 - *• aeon m \, a y Etotoreno 375+5 m is jam ' 15 *“ ' 

932V 057: OtaT iW ? S m *5 ®V CtaireH fr *. i E « «S 2“, “re *?. S w m EttiJoWta 82 +1 - 2844^° “? 

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^ - IBB §s^ Sv+^5 1 51 ^5 ^ lEST ^ : | «a si £i aasssoAX s - & mm 

s«k.S : gag? ft III siSS** at« -sjasasSS 

TO. ta M*re*««n 

rei'l W. renv 425 +1 (E D* 907 
■£ m’i SB'; 04 o 210 3050 

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re* cb'i retaionJ * JiS to am 
2* 256 t ta» 're»” 2S ■ +Z " ^ S . 
tt TO (Metre S A £ TO 9087 
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72V a-! » £ E75 4M £ta*uySB« 

BSD 25 W 3® *k m CM 1*8 

7B25+17S 0* W » fflV 515 Cre^TO 
2* 4 ^ £ 52 serV aaV crenwtt 

" S S 25 to/5 Oreurev 

685 BtzV 

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430 385 
ae 7E5 
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2ft S’. Sww» 

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3285 +. « “J SE 035 IB'r FatyJ 

i J45 +<5 « 96 a* 23 t 95 GWtaOC 

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480 ■ 25 25 *° a* o*““" 

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60ft - « *2 eft Hta*X» 

405*5 0* to* «B 77-j 35V JJGWUP 

® w *B5 rniiftnr T s5 * 67 cs aw j 393V as95 dho 3*5 i as 

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£ 25 5£ ®5 E5 Doa*4j3Wta 9> +*V M fl6 OT I s S', acted Oo « - » 08 m *B5 2B5 FaHvBiaiVHS* +35 02 

S ^ £2 3W 320 DntaH*. * “ “£ ?g I «5 gaterem- t*v £ D3 2a»i +8. - 

5 V 4* om *1. -EanrtareTttr toV+5 . - - 8BB ™, 

3“ ■ S ™ 2S w. »> HnMCU WV+5 03 . 306 ™g* ” 4 

“ 51 22 2065 CT5 EOUX-nVCXBGOIx+5 33 3*396 ™, 

S V t « 3B Btausa .441 +75 O 755 fi* 

£, "i ~ ™ 221 5E 4205 Bure 42V+25 2* 442 307 “? ™ v 

ag, i 28 TO MB TB05 945 BrsAftt* 055 41’. 2* 404 302 *> 

50 » RMy J91IH 43+1 - - m 

■075 - BB 93 822 

aft - c os *451 

3315 - C M0 DC 

BCnW+BV 26 a 2073 
» -0B - 204 

13)5 15 * - 88* 

aft - B 807 22* 
Wre - 15 320 
2* - a 223 «0B 

6385 +1 O 20-2177 
60 -05 32 SB7 42» 
«65 +75 28 226 ■ 

BOB - 37 20 a* 

631 5 - - - 2007 

208 ■ 33 . 27S 

Uifs £.s 3ES5i.- ■ 

3675 2B05 Ftadbre 3685.42 22 «B 

4B5 2775 
2075 a»5 

SB 3n. nmoa&v 4* +2 0 

- m ami —g’ c ft nr ITT- a» 


05 337 «B 2 _« UTLM «* 

21 5 - ® ' SS <965 »5 Mrefclumpr J*!* S US 

3B3 a+7 <3 200 2BO ,-53. «• Lam AaV +IB5 +25 SO CZ 

2075 - 40 TO 20« M to UOareB 165+2 ** ® 

005+5 07 ' ' 2B5 1775 MWfcVto »5 -65 « ® . 

* ' 04 5S S toV B Nti*re*nFd 1ft - « * 

171 37 OB 4094 ZQV to 5 tamSCDdl 225 * 52 91 . 

2* «- 3? 96 *5 PretareW £v 4 ' S ™ ' 

e .5 a ■ as* to 4 r5 PHaaiae* *v »■ w • 

cWWV 06 • Tt7'.- C05 ftwlj rea 805 - 45 CD - 

3ft.uwcta BO"ia+fe 06 - ■ 

BO'f+95 tO - 3*57 
" TfiVifri, aa v - as ei 8BO 

as 8 .s 

w'r TO5 B wE rei 
41 5 255 sure 
406 4005 Mi 6*1* 

<85+25 Sum 
3335 *1. <7 OS *8*4 
*55 +365 22 22fi « 

MSfe earn UntareW MSta+OfeO TO ■ 
aa5 *9 UtiStata 21ft - 5B 97 TOO [ 


*05 60: 

57 +5 27 88 3717 a v 8 V VMtireaM 05 - «5 
B^SSite Distribution 

+ .; ® 2 ^Sb HeaHh Care 

taw wren aft *5 • • ■ 

flOiMi CSV +25 • 

Anita 3205 +3 BO 347 
n re a go— a* - +25 « - 

FWUMEn* waits V+15 ■ - 

RTOCca&4 015+5 20 SOB 
FdOCd&rei 3*5+2 (K - 
FDOCKOan ®5 - OS ■ 
fcOCdhi «J +5 * 002 

FafCd Pe C2 1 . +35 u 7» 
RdCd&iC 025+5 ora* 
fodCdisBreie +1 - - 

Ftartata 95+5 03 SB 
ItaliMt 365 - 243 <3 
Roof TOO SC 105+5 S 3* 

GTtaQaMti Oft -5 34 40 
Q7 Japan 3M5c+S 08 

QarTSn 239 425 08 - 

SwCtnCp 2*5+15 - - 

Gan Cm n IBVrV TO 65 

36*5 295 
4075 28ft 
MS * 

2S5 025 JOT atm 

*5 WM00 


ok am 


TO 6S1V 

7955 3*5 
4&V 88B. 

3775 +1 ■ 31 W 2907 { 
405 425 17 90 L 

265 +3 W ae 42* 1 

« -5 ra ISO KB 
94)5+05 22 *0 3(6 

SSS? is 

3*5 - 31 « 

’ *5 55 afetaoPLb ft - - GB 4ffl 

375 48V tataMAxn 375+1 20 Ml OB 

eav «65 naireoiCp m5 -ft a so zsh 

I,- *«% 

39 *55 MM! - 20? a-O SI 67 40*4 

i 0575 48*5 MtaaPl 461 +15 Z7 SB «*B 

TO5 *0 Trteynotar *85 re 82 *4 6K8 

1 *6 225 Wk* 27 -1 OB - 446 

38B5 240V WMTO0M 2765 » 47 TO 446 

448 177 WterexOaH *85 + 5 63 * 44« 


87 *5 AML* m - B TO 656 

m 05 AadlPCp 67 3 39 20 OE7 

7ft 49V BreW E * 55 OB OBI 

2035 2385 ta 2365 . SB SE *31 

0615 OB Etbnd 022. »5. * 3BG OB 
3075 2965 EtaOM 2615 * 36 223 *00 

2SB *65 fttnm 20 -5 SS IS W0 

TO 1C &atad TO - 22 40 40* 

art zo5 capSFkgi zo5 - e man 

4085 3*5 Cv9tepga>3* feiv 2B 3U HE 
2135 OS era 2*5 - W 30 2071 

— SBO Q» ta rf i *T 305 - 27 2BD 

405 QaSta 405 . - X 2M& 

*5 OCIta. 725 - SB 00. 200 

» OmrelMM »5+*5 84 4CE5 
OK Ctajan tbzV . a 229B 

* 185 » * 07 2827 

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44)75 Dnretvta ao • O 30 ZM 

*E5 OMfeiSre 3*0. • 14 *4 200 

445 DreyreEM »5 - S S NX 
ErewBAgan 46 - 46 86 ■ 

Brens teed* 945 » 28 *0 299 

Bwt SS - 38 TO 2SO 

H o Oita 31, . 34 *9 SS* 

ROW** E -5 36 48 260 

From 505 45 4A TO 28SS 
QtaBvte 282 V .30 -2100 

ttnrftar in5+V -aw 

Oiyra CS. +*15 m 285 2777 

aftrtatf 265 . £2 2B 2W 

HCLreC 3ft +9 5 » «B 

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Malta 34ft re 12 C2 3867 

M OIWPO) 365 ■ ■ 6 220 

Janyire TO - 37 322 

iredta m -1 30 ZB 303 

LOT tar Sen CSV +2 B m *03 

NBC «5 4 63 225 SS® 

lUCaytei ®35 - 4* 3» 

Malta M SZV - 66 3d 330 

MM 118 +4 IS 

Moorittl 27 +1 23 ■ 46* 

•Buwtar Eft - 63 TO 

MuttawAJ *0 - 83 *8 303 

Oktafep *5 - 22 *2 am 

ObBra 54 - - - 3070 

jar TO B+1 ED *0 SSB 

tareg- y- smv - « am. 

Treptata a»5 . 42 BO 3)27 

0ta>ta»£Hj » GO - - 

Uitapi V » M CD 3TO 

ngtiret 405 * a bs wc 

ftyvErere- *05 . 20 2* 033 

405 325 Am 37V +1 a 61 EBB 

6ft ■ 315 tatoGontn 39 » 64 39Z7 

* 1ft acctlta *5 - 43 TO 30*1 

LOT Mortal 

Malta U 

rare Mm cut 1 
825 465 Ratal 455 » 

rft ao Pf«u * »• 

3* ta Gaol SCV -4 
*00 « Oregte *00 - 

*05 05 ktandft 64. +5 

*5 65 OTnbrely 95 - 

3375 2* MSH 3S A 
025 045 MtW TO5+1 
«5 94 MataiW *0. .- 

075 44 ItekRnk 465+5 
2*5 B7V taWtatan IB re- 
430 amv staM« ®5w4 
4555 ar SHndxay 4«5+5 
■mV «5 axwfet TO 5 » 
438 327 taco 4S5 +4 
3435 *65 Itaure 2335+75 
« 336V WtaooBP 4»5 • 

Retalers, General 

2*5 *65 Afeen *75 - 

Eft OI5 Akta 222Wt2 

3* *05 AlodCrepm 2565 • 

»5 9*5 *o« 64)5+0 

4015 6445 Ann 8Sft -5 
*6 m Artta U 975 +2 
2565 2005 Arelntati 220 - 

675 Ml 5 M*U «B *25 

&IS5 *15 Bre ifei M i 2175 re 
«V TO5 tat S75 - 
*35 87 Ouw ra u *5+5 
02 3*5 tadswre 4&5 -*5 
206V M85 Body Shop 03 - 

8*1 9075 Bom 8025 » 
<05 315 OoreM 49 +1 

*5 05 BwiOJrefc *5 -5 

B25 ia’« bum ub 1 . A 

BMV 43*5 OtaQI E375 - 
asv 2315 Qfetal 2*5 2 
*0 4* Quota Co 4* - 

94 Sft CttalCdl 94 +S 

3*5 2B CdtaMyw 301 +35 

0 * spV cams 60S +75 

275 05 Dm* E ta 175+5 

am 482 am 6»«+*5 
6 35 Cm Op 35 - 

*65 995 EnreRo 70 - 

*7. thV Ban *35 ■ 

885 2375 OfBArtDor 3* +25 
2»5 1B5 Ffedta* 2365 - 
MOV H5 ftrettar 16 +5 
*5 485 OreatOtx 465 - 
0*5 E*V Gddwta 3735 43 
1065 BIB aife 03B5 -85 
395 2315 HKFbn 2Ete+1 
SB 89 NadFrerer *6 re 

SS 208 JJBSpa* «Z5 4 

TO B&5 Khotaw » +75 

337V 3B5 Lfarere SETi - 

200 465 UmV* 19 +25 

2005 TO. MR *85 -5 

001 5 4665 HnfeBta *3 -15 
645 46 tentaJ 417V - 

to 1 . 2ft itadwaR 2S5 . 

*7 22(5 McmBm 2335 -8 

U S'<W 7725 'O 

4Q 275 CtarOp 385 - 

SOS 4625 Otan 4075 - 

ft ft Onnllam TV - 

405 * V OStUtw 3* .5 
8ft *5 ta a. +1 
<ofe sefeSomnDM nrt+S 

9ft 285 tareCoo s 

48*5 8335 SrrTOWH *35 -2 
no 6ti SaMyre ce5 - 
3*5 *4 BfcMnre* 2Z7 »2V 
eo W Sab os »S5 
2025 025 TBS 9BM TO5+C 
3*5 M0, Thom *65 -5 
2035 B75 Tantai . W - 
5435 4*5 teretaalire «Wl 
2B 45 WEWQap ft . 

4*5 025 Mta « +45 

305 2S5 WyretaQdn Z7D • 

Support Services 

SB OSS ASAtafnobgy4» » 
«ZV 3* AOTM 487V - 

W * AWreAiptre *5 - 

48 3(5 Atfenreb til • 

SB *5 AntoQp SB5 - 

8875 2S4 AUreNO » +15 
TO5 105 BtBRa TOV - 
4575 *lV OV <325 - 

*5 *5 BnireSrev B5 - 

3D <C takmtag 4565 - 
TOO 840 C34G MG75 -t?V 

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! mV «v cape Op 2*5 -5 
<35 35V CHetiDrenp 375 ■ 

*0 *25 CapataSus *0 

9SV 275 CaoreQate) 895 - 

349 2175 OCSOop 2965+2 

KZ5 2925 DwbSrev Pea's +1 
| » 98) DaUf WW27S 

*5 37 BVF«1 44 
CO 875 Bao CM Pc *5 » 

! BE 4J9 now sWoHreV 
6ft »5 Sorey 365 ■ 

*5 275 Malt 3(V - 

©35 96 Hfeiea* 6005+05 
3S5 *45 HooBftabn » » 

*75 *0 Man *6 
*06 KB JMHekfeDt BC +35 
W5 BD KtaMMOqilSV 1+ 
847 0215 IMBy* 009 *- 

*25 TOV LUM 96 -25 

MV S71 DgcB 710 h 
*95 77 L+ntfetre 605 - 
S 20 MOS 3*5+5 

2045 tov ore *65 +3 
C*5 - 15 IfiDtatal 97V - 

4E5 SB taao< SB - 
B5 375 MatacmAfetara re ' 
29*5 605 UtaeFbare 3025 25 

TO5 mV Hamm mV * 

*80. CEO tay* TO7>»+5 

*5 905 NmOob *5 +15 
SB5 4275 Italy SG5 -295 

Tel ecommuni cations 

EQ25 3*5 BT 3B3'j>+* * 

B* 468 CtttaAVtt SB >+«'; 24 
0)5 81 HCMtenm MV +fiV 42 
SBfe mfemtex fanfe+V: « 
ZZ7 **5 Omto a* +1 

338 605 Sreuecr S90 *■ 07 

045 «5 TOM B - 

83)5 90 Uxttzn 3* 4+75 19 

Textiles A Apparel 

TOV 775 AtanMW »5 • TO 

2055 TOV Mad fed TO'; - 93 

an »5 Bari(M4 TO5 • BB 

TO5 *5 »ureor 07V - fi* 

aft aft aaxno mV +2 si 

*0 * C fewu l 395 ■ *2 

925 TOV r p ta Wytai m -15 03 
EB zn Curefefe 32B • 59 

76 97 DrereonM 79 t- SS 

227 TO DmMaQp 2*5 • 24 

31 5 S35 EMM *5+5 E 
43 35 QumurelQp 39 X-l 63 

TO n HOop B • 28 

105 025 French 325 • 6) 

BO *5 Bre*p0 * 

TO E Hagpa J * . * 

05 75 taremCp ft » 77 

3*5 B55 HdangP 2875+35 32 
75 3 feta 35 - 

*5 *5 JbquatVM 9i5 - 

3* 2* Jkitated 30 - 44 

TO ID Lantren hfevOT MB - 63 

TO TO LamnlCd * ■ 122 

03 ** UaCbQl 16 - 72 

*5 9)5 latfawba 25+112 

*5 65 Lrerer *5 . 

3i5 Imm m *5 -5 17 

02 <7 lyfaaa 46 - 20 

ft 75 thdngMi *5+5 24 

86 285 NMK1M Z7 . 51 

2075 *65 FtataodOb *85 <■ « 

« W FtatadGp *5 - 49 

TO 165 nORh TO - 41 

465 35 Ratal 385 4- 84 

455 *5 nura 22': - m 

«V 295 Sanaa! Op 365 +7 1M 

MtV TO5 MOT *35 - 40 

72 V 575 Snfe 95 • TO 

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*5 ft IKGtav b5 - 

*3 . *r UtarFart) 005 • Bi 

675 * Ntaflon 57 n- a 

205 M5 yttyfe TO - 65 


BMV 4B EWTBOT 5095 reft fi* 
305 905 Gakhar 299’.- -1 5 80 
4*5 3B fepaMTSn 364 -3 G3 

Tran s p or t 

3*5 247 A B Pan 2195 - 39 

2S *65 AtLcndOT ZB - 38 

B5 « MM Gireva 985 2 28 

I BH <77 BAA 5»5 ti5 27 

I 1*5 583 BrAnay* 645 +21 29 

95 1)5 OteatiM H5 - 

E5 6 Carstilmpt *'. - 

«5 an CfehniH oft - a 

*75 W5 Orel 

*7 D6 FWarJ 
BB SO Foot flora 
SB5 04 Osretaad 
til »5 enoOTOnt 
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440 366 UnayOOds 

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230 CaBtaUpIMr 2875 - 46 

40 DaaVBayiMi 440 - a 

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5 TO WM 0654+75 53 

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445+5 48 
2* *fl 27 







This parallel economy could 
be a model for Tony Blair 

T he fearsome Alan Green- 
span took over the US 
Federal Reserve 10 years 
ago this month, and it has been - 
if you believe Fortune magazine — 
“10 of the best years in the history 
of monetary policy”. Newsweek, 
meanwhile, has beat praising US 
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin 
as “the best in memory”. 

There are no two ways about it: 
although they look nervously at 
their sky-rocketing share index, 
many Americans really think they 
have finally got the economic prob- 
lem licked. 

It depends how you work it out 
of course. If you measure the gap 
between rich and poor children, for 
example, the USA would be 18th 
among IS industrialised countries. 
Or carbon emissions, or energy con- 
sumption per head, or number of 
children killed by gunfire. Indica- 
tors - even the strictly economic 
ones - are particularly ambiguous 
when it comes to the US. 

The strange thing about modem 
economics is the way abundance 
tends to rub shoulders with serious 
need. Mr Greenspan’s economy in- 
cludes Bill Gates - who is $18bn 
(£1 l-25bn ) richer than he was a year 
ago - as well as Memphis, where 
one in 23 households are bankrupt. 

But then the UK economy does 
the same. You can find empty 
hungry people in any British city, 
or desperate summer sales to get 
rid of surplus stock which rem ains 
beyond the pockets of most of the 
population. We have British inner 
dues packed with people who have 
time and skills available, sur- 
rounded by tasks which desperately 
need doing - but no cash to bring 
them all together. 

We have long ago solved Lhe 
problem of production, in other 
words, and we have yet to manage 
the problem of distribution. 

But one idea from an American 
dty might show us all a way forward 
— if it works. The Commonweal pro- 
ject in Minneapolis aims to find a 
way of linking over-production 
with the people who need it most. 
It is Lhe brainchild of former po- 
litical activist Joel Hodroff. and it 
launched its pilot programme in the 



We have inner 
cities packed with 
people who have 
time and skills 
surrounded by 
tasks which 
desperately need 
doing - but no 
cash to bring 
them all together 

Minneapolis inner dty neighbour- 
hood of Lyndale in April. 

It works like this. Jane, an un- 
employed carpenter, does some 
work for a charity or local agency 
which can't afford to pay her in dol- 
lars, but can afford to pay her in 
“service credits" - a land of vol- 
untary sector version of Air Miles. 

She can use these in a range of 
restaurants, shops or on other ser- 
vices around the dty which have 
agreed to take them- usually at off- 
peak times. So a restaurant which 
has to employ cooks and waiters 
and heat the place all afternoon for 
the benefit of a handful of cus- 
tomers, can fill their tables for ser- 
vice credits plus enough dollars to 
cover their costs. 

The businesses signing up indude 

Camp Snoopy, the theme park in 
the middle of the gigantic Mall of 
America, the biggest shopping mall 
in the USA, just outside the dty - 
Charlie Brown happens to be from 
Minneapolis. Camp Snoopy has to 
stay open through busy Saturdays 
as well as quiet Wednesdays. 

They can dear their excess stock 
without expensive marketing, but 
at the same time the businesses are 
underpinning a parallel economy 
where people can “earn” for doing 
the kind of community tasks the 
government now seems unable to 
pay for itself. 

It is early days yet for Com- 
monweal, which was launched with 
the backing of the local council, a 
couple of local banks and some big 
thinkers like Alvin Tbffler and 
Paul Hawfcen. 

There are too few participants 
yet to launch their patented dual- 
track credit card known, rather self- 
consciously, as the “Community 

“But we mb using the world’s first 
dual-currency service slips,” says Mr 
Hodroff with enthusiasm. “It is go- 
ing well, which means we are find- 
ing it easier to talk to major banks 
and retailers about taking part." 

If it all works out, it could be a 
bonanza for Commonweal - they 
take a percentage of each transac- 
tion, like a credit card company - 
but it could also be an interesting 
new model for Tbny Blair, and other 
politicians looking for new ways of 
unleashing the support of volun- 
teers while their budgets shrink. 

Hie options before most gov- 
ernments these days are pretty 
meagre to get local needs met They 
can print more money - but that 
would cause inflation and scare the 
international money markets. They 
can cut the budgets and hope for 
the best, but then they get votki out 
of office. 

The Commonweal idea is to use 
the economy’s manifest over-ca- 
pacity to put purchasing power in 
the hands of people who don’t have 
it at the moment. 

“We have work to do, we have 
plenty of people with skOK we have 
sufficient technical and manage- 
ment capacity, we even have ade- 

quate energy and raw materials. 
The only thing that's getting in the 
way and preventing that work from 
being completed is a lack of mon- 
ey,” says Mr Hodroff. “That’s ab- 
surd. Money was created to 
promote economic activity, not to 
inhibit it. Vfe have outgrown the old 
scarce commodity money and it is 
time to introduce something new." 

Commonweal's credits are a 
new twist to the phenomenon of 
computer money, which - unlike 
pounds and dollars - is infini te. 

Air Miles or Sainsbury's Reward 
points are limited only by the cash- 
flow and productive capacity of the 
company issuing them, and because 
they don’t want to be over- 
whelmed. They come from 
nowhere and, when they are spent, 
they don't go into the bank vault - 
they just get deleted. 

Private sector finances like these 
do not circulate in the traditional 
way. They exist to encourage peo- 
ple to act in a certain way - nor- 
mally to buy more. So why not 
invent some corporate “money” 
which encourages people to get ac- 
tive in the community. 

The idea of “service credits" or 
“time dollars” paid to volunteers 
has become a familiar aspect of 
American life, though it has yet to 
catch on in the UK. You can earn 
them in well over 100 US cities now 
- but Commonweal is probably the 
first time big business has been in- 
volved in the idea. 

But if they want to offload sur- 
plus stock in a useful way. Com- 
monweal needs to tackle poverty. 
“Participation will be totally vol- 
untary,” Mr Hodroff says. “But my 
guess is that people will flood off 
welfare to earn 10 community ser- 
vice dollars per hour." 

It is early days yet, and many peo- 
ple might prefer welfare. You don't, 
after all, want to build a second-tier 
economy for poor people -palmed 
off by participating businesses with 
their second-rate stock. 

It is a legitimate concern, but 
Commonweal is an exciting idea. 
If Tbny Blair wants to find ways of 
regenerating the social capital lost 
over the past generation, this might 
be a good place to start looking. 

Nineties - small is 

it the business 
equivalent of a black eye when 
her 1980s creation. Sock Shop, 
went und er, but her enthusiasm 
for her new business venture, 
Trotters, a children's wear retail- 
er, is undimm ed. 

“New” is a slight exaggeration 
sinc e she founded the company 
with her husband, Richard Ross, 
in 1990. Their first shop was in. 
King's Road, Chelsea, and the 
second followed 18 months later 
on Kensington High Street. Now 
they are la unching Tbotters Direct 
- a lavishly illustrated catalogue 
offering designer kids’ wear by 
mail oraer. 

“We've had a fantastic number 
of enquiries, with requests for the 
catalogue from 81 countries,” 
says Ms Merman. “We called in 
Fiorella Massey to make the cata- 
logue attractive for children to 
look at, with lots of bright pic- 
tures and watercolours.” 

So can we look forward to a 
rapid expansion of the shop 
chain, followed by a float? 

“No. I know you should never 
say never, but I'Ve got three small 
children and I want it to remain a 
relatively small private company. 
More shops and you lose exdusiv- 
■ ity.” In what could serve as a 
warning to entrepreneurs starting 
out today, Ms Merman concludes: 
“Times have changed. Small is 
beautiful now. I want any pres- 
sures on me to come from myself, 
not from the Gty.” 

Good to see To tty in the news - 
Totty the Bradford-based con- 
struction company, that is, which 
formed part of a consortium 
which reversed into listed 
company Shorco this week. 

David Bram well chief execu- 
tive of Peterhouse Group, the 
company which led the reverse 
takeover, explains that there has 
been a Totty family business since 
1864, and there was a member of 
the Totty family in the company 
as recently as 1989. “Since then 
the company’s changed hands a 
number of times,” says Mr 
BramweU. “Despite the novelty 
factor of the name, the company 
is very wefl known from Newcas- 
tle to Leicester." 

Take care you don’t stand in front 

People & Business 

Sophie Merman: Doesn’t want pressure to come from the City 

of Zeneca's headquarters in Stan- 
hope Gate, Mayfair - you may get 
buried in the stampede of execu- 
tives fleeing the building. 

Yesterday Nick Bateman be- 
came the third suit at Zeneca to 
leave the drugs company m a fort- 
night He follows John Mayo, 
Zeneca’s finance director who de- 
fected to G EC two weeks ago, 
and Dr David IPPrichard, who 
jumped ship last week to join 
SmithKEne Beecfaam. 

Mr Bateman has joined drug 
database software provider 
Chemical Design Holdings as 
chief executive. Also joining the 
fast-growing company in Chip- 
ping Norton is John Lambert, a 
freelance healthcare consultant, 
who will be finance director.' 

Mr Bateman will have plenty of 
work to do. Chemical Design's 
share price has slipped this year 
from a high of 265p in February 
to close at 160p on Tuesday. 

There’s no one with a harder 
heart than a London club door- ■ 
man, as Ted Graham, BTs chief 
spokesman, found out to his cost 
this week. 

BT is about to move into posh 
new premises in Berkeley Square, 
Mayfair, just next door to swanky 

private clukMortqns. Otir Tbd, 
min dful of the amount of good 
business he could steer Mortons' 
way, assumed he would be al-. . 
lowed into the dub free, -gratis 
and for nothing. Not so. Cough - 
up £375 or stay-out, club staffhi- 

Philip Randall has been elected : 
the new manag in g partner of the 
UK side of Arthur Andersen, fol- 
lowing the elevation of his col- 
league, Jim Vfhdia, to the post of 
managing partner of the world- 
wide accountancy behemoth. 

Mr Randall tells me it wasn't a 
terribly tight contest: “Mine was 
the only name on the ballot pa- 
per.” It follows a period of in- 
fighting at the giant firm during 
which tiie accountancy side was 
unable to agree with the manage- 
ment consultants about who 
should lead the overall global 
firm. Mr Wadia just missed the 
top. slot. . 

. One of the things which will ex- a 
erase Mr Randall in his new job V. 
is the impending 40tb anniversaiy ' 
of the arrival of Arthur Andersen 
in the UK from the firm’s native 

John Wfllcock 

Foreign Exchange Rates 

SterHng i Dollar 

Country Spot 1 month 3 months 
















Hong Kong 

Now . 

Saud Arabia 

15825 22-20 
22185 71-68 
29568 97-90 
28783 02-14 
18807 104-100 
15021 35-31 
61070 21-C 
33 291 06-98 
11051 8-2 

1220 360-290 
24970 37-26 
12B57 3D- 240 
2430 04-105 
2.14S5 39-34 
12327 18-2 
44223 34-51 
24861 28-36 
59727 37-33 
23991 49-44 






















Spat 1 month 3 months 























39- 38 













40- 50 


on no 























- 0804 







































South Africa 











Other Spot Rates 





Ftormrd rates quoted high to low are at a discount subtract train spat raw 
Rate quoted kw to high are at a premium: add to spot rate 

•DoSar rates quoted as reciprocals. 

FPrthslatam foreign exchange rates call 0891 123 3033. 

Calls cost SOp per minute. 

Stool W Buy 

ABN AMRO Psabrato Ud 

J7-01 Mart flaw. LoadaaWCIRUt 

PamftoMttlAcc 1M03 rasaj 

rmriiiHurJirri 21*12 
ltonM*iqfnam 1H.HI vnSO 

Interest Rates 






















Fed Binds 














10-Dav RapoS2S% 











Repo (Are] 




Bond Yields 

HSBC rwi— eh 

Country 5yr yteldx 






10 yr 


UK 7.00% 








US 6.63% 









Japan 5^0% 










Austrafa 10.00% 








Getmaiy 800% 









France 4.75% 





6 00% 




VMkaeoiUKl an km bob 


Money Market Rates 



1 Hanoi 



1 rmm 


6ii 7v 6°»i 7^» 


71 7i 



7'a 7N 

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80 ii 



Local Mdhanty Deps 







Discount Uarfcst Daps 











60 * 




ECU Linked Dep 



4*1 4 

4+« 41 




Tourist Rates 

£ Buys 

AustrafatDollara} 2-1160 

AunfeHSchOngs) 20.1600 

MgtumtFnmcs) 593100 

Canada(bolare) 21725 

Cypius{Founds) OB3K 

Denmwk(KronwJ 108830 

HotantHGuStas) 32150 

Finland (Marks) 86*00 

£ Buys 

FranoKFrancs) 9.6350 
GermanyfMarKB) 28850 
GrnecefDrachfnei) 491.7500 
Hong KongPcOara) 120775 
IretandfPunte) 1.0680 
ttetyfUra) 2820.0000 

Japan (Yen) 1862500 

MaBafLrl) 08240 

£ Buys 

Now Zealand (DoBani) 244Q0 
NonrayfKrnrmr} 11.9450 
PortugdfEscudos} 2902000 
Spam{Pesstas) 240.6000 
Sweden (Krandr) 126900 
Swftrarfarid(Francs) 23680 
TmhBrtLka) 253600.0000 
United 9tates(Do6ar8j 15710 

Liffe Financial Futures 




lor day 





LongSB | 

[Sep Bin 




5393 * 


Goman On Bd 1 

Bap 97 ) 




157461 -' 


bHni Band 1 

Sop 97 } 






Joan Gvt Bd I 





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SapB 7 ) 


EC. 78 




92 £2 





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43 ra 


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Sep BJi 






U 6 C 97 i 




3 G 950 


3 MBl Euroyen 

lDec 97 i 






3 MB) Eooantea 

feap 97 ) 

96 M 





Pk 97 ) 






3 Htti ECU 

Sep 97 ) 



95 . Si 


T 0 S 75 

Dec 97 ) 




7 H 2 


FTSE 100 

Sep 97 ) 

49 B 80 

4 SSS.Q 




FTSE 250 

Sep 97 ) 


47 B 02 




Industrial Metals 

London Metal Exchange 

Liffe FTSE 100 Index Option 

SnUtomant price: 4858 

dosing offer price 































Branl Crude 


Gas oil (S/ton ne) WT1 

Products f 


IPE 520pm 

*chg Yrego 

PE doss 



Spot OF NW Europe 

Oa 1903 

•a 18 

Sap 171.75 

+000 Oct 










Oct 17125 -050 
Nov 17540 4150 

VoL 17963 Mac 18.11 Vofc 11217 

Nov 2035 Naphtha 191/193 

Dec 2040 ECGesol 171/173 

Jan 2040 FualOi 61/83 

k gag* iCBH/naai CiHipm 

Commodity Indices 

Baaa data WohgDay 

Index 1970-100 19458 4-121 

Aafcuttura] 1970=100 23758 +102 

Energy 1963-100 7106 +109 

IndusnMetab 1977-100 18021 -108 

UvestoeX 1970-100 189.68 +002 

Precious 1188191973=100 41600 +004 

tCkmocol t9Aug97 

GSCI Imdcm 

91 Dac WoBfl YTD Year ago WefcgYr 
21526 • -907 204.15 -454 

23123 +207 26701 -11-02 

85.88 -1653 73.78 *85 

169.79 +078 16303 +1013 

191 03 -0.71 20005 -018 

48354 -9.69 485.01 ' -1544 

S/tarwe Cash 

3 rrths 


. LME Stocks 


Atenkiwr HG 

1684 0-66.0 





Aluminium AOoy 


1465 0-700 



- 120 

Copper A 


2177.0-78 O 



+ 4075 





- 118400 






' 58008 

+ 180 












- 512S 

SofflemsdConvaenn E/3 

i S/Dm 


Skidk intents S ctonpa in 

Bxctnngs mas: ii>943 1.8511 


■raws ai si TVs 18 Aug 

Precious Metals 



6 r 


S C 

s c 

Platinum 405.50 25425 Britannia 

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Sawn spot 45100 26240 Brtmmta25oz 

Gold Bubi 32205 202031 Britannia. 10 or 

350 220 K/utfrands 322/338202/211 

183 121 Sows 75/86 47/54 

« 55 Nodes 404/420! 

38 24 UapleLad 327/350! 













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81 JO 



















Whitt Sugar 

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UFFE SmWrpl 







AIA GU /Idlg 





Dec 324.40 
Mar 327.10 
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Sep 1410 
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88 45 


Sep 264.50-28225 28325 

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2X AUGUST 1997 




^ YORK EBOR MEETING: A 33-1 shot keeps a top prize in Yorkshire while today’s Lowther Stakes can fail to the Chesham runner up 

Eyre on cloud nine as ■■■ cape Verdi can boost 

Ear Ahead steals show her u,neas 


reports from \brk ^ 

"I to1 ? “V wife when I left this 
- I'd be back at six 

• o clock, Les Eyre said in the 
winners enclosure here yes- 
terday, “but if we won the 
Ai Ebor, she could expect roe next 
■ Last night, you sus- 

> PccL Mrs Eyre did not bother 
to wait up. 

Bora in Barnsley and based 
ai Hambleton, Eyre is as York- 
shire as they come, and as Far 
Ahead, a 33-1 outsider, was led 
m after beating Media Star in 
the last strides of the Ebor 
Handicap, he was a trembling, 
teary mixture of pride and de- 
ughL “We had a dinner last year 
here at the Ebor meeting and 
I thought that was the dream 
come true " Eyre said, “but to 
win this, it's the pinnacle, it will 
never be surpassed.” 

For the tens of thousands of 


punters crammed on to the 
Knavesmire. there was rather 
less to celebrate. Media Star, 
who set off as the 5-1 favourite, 
and Puce, who finished third at 
11-2, were their most popular 
choices, and the latter in par- 
ticular was unfortunate not to 
find a gap when he needed one 
with less than a furlong to run. 

Ahead, though, more than 
deserved to win thanks to a 
beautifully-judged ride bv Ty- 
rone Williams. 

. “He's a very difficult horse to 
nde.” Eyre said. “When he 
gets to the front, he thinks he’s 
done enough, so I told Tyrone, 
when you think you want to go, 
count to 10 first.” It is a good 
job he did not tell him to count 
to either eight or 12, for Far 
Ahead arrived at precisely the 
right moment, leaving Media 
Star no time to recover. 

Media Star runs in the pink, 
green and white of Khalid Ab- 
dullah, who owned the 

favourites for the three princi- 
pal events on Ebor day but 
watched as all three were beat- 
en. Most disappointing of all 
was Reams Of Verse, the Oaks 
winner, who was long odds-on 
for the Yorkshire Oaks but was 
unplaced behind My Emma, 
who became a credible con- 
tender for the Prix de l’Arc de 

NAP: Celestial Chow 
(York 205) 

NB: Wasp Ranger 

Triompbe in the process. 

Rae Guest’s filly is 20-1 with 
Hills and Coral to win at 
Longchamp in October. Given 
that she has already won at 
Group One level over the same 
course and distance in last 
year’s Prix Venneflle, her odds 
should contract “We always 
said that she only had two tar- 

gets this year, this race and the 
Arc,” Guest said. “The only 
thing gets her beaten is tf there’s 
no pace on, but there was plen- 
ty of that today.” 

There will be no trip to the 
Arc for Reams Of Verse, how- 
ever, and while Eyre and Guest 
enjoyed their success yesterday, 
the most familiar figure m 
British winners’ enclosures was 
in full retreat. Reams Of Verse 
was Henry Cedi's second odds- 
on loser of the week, following 
Bosra Sham’s defeat in the In- 
ternational Stakes, and her 
trainer will not ask her to trav- 
el 12 furlongs again. 

An Oaks winner who does 
not stay a mile and a half is a 
rarity, but Cedi believes 10 
furlongs to be Reams Of Verse's 
maximum trip. “She was can- 
tering two out but then she hit 
a stone waD,” Cedi said. “1 think 
it was only her class that got her 
through in the Oaks.” Bosra 
Sham, meanwhile, emerged rel- 

‘ *k >v- 

Les Byre: Items Far Ahead 

a lively unscathed from her race 
two days ago, but wfll need time 
to recover from a bruised foot. 
The Champion Stakes at New- 
market in November is her ob- 
jective. A little over an hour 
later, Cecil decided he bad had 
enough. Bold Fact, his runner 
in the Gim crack, started 
favourite at 6-4, and while his 


The second Earl Of Lonsdale 
died in the arms of a weD-known 
opera ringer and a rakish de- 
scendant the fifth Earl also 
proved there was something 
twitching in the family genes 
ffa t ri n g a lifetime of womanising. 

Hugh Lowther, the Yellow 
Earl, was a flamboyant figure 
who took his entourage every- 
where in a fleet of canary Daim- 
lers. While he was admin- 
istering his Cumberland and 
Westmorland kingdom which 
mpiiiAvl the substantial puddles 
of Haweswater, Grasmere and 
Windermere he also developed 

habit of veering to his right in tfae reputalion M England’s 

the dosing stages appears - sportsman. Lowther’s era ted spectacular gamwe 

partly, at least - to have been «v- Since 1922 die race has been 

cured, he could not nass Car- and the Nm 

ago, Harayir- Tb»*j nst in- 
cludes Embassy and Shuhrah, 
who bold high rank in the ante- 
post market for the 1998 1.000 
Guineas, but even shorter than 
them is Cape Verdi, 12-1 for the 
Classic with Coral. 

Deftetwas not consdered an 

option for Peter Chapple- 
Hvam’s Sly at Royal Ascot, but 

she ran into Central Park m foe 

Chesham Stakes. As that win- 
ner has since landed Good- 
wood’s Champagne Stakes and 

Cape Verdi (Z35) is worth an- 
other chance. 

The day’s Group One race 
began life at York as the Nun- 
thorpe Selling Stakes in 1903. 
when two-year-olds received 
generous allowances and gen- 
erated spectacular gambles. 

cored, he could not pass Car 

There are plenty of trainers 
who would throw a party to cel- 
ebrate finishing second in the 
Gimcrack, but for the master of 
Warren Place, this was a disap- 
pointment too far. “That’s it,” 
he said. “I'm going home.” 

en to enduring boxers, and a 
race for two-year-old fillies at 
the Knavesmire, both of which 
carry elements of his name. 

The Lowther Stakes has pro- 
vided future domestic Classic 
winners such as Humble Duty, 
Enstone Spark and, three years 

2JSS Dantesque 

2- 35 EMBASSY (nap) 
&10 Compton Place 

3- 45 Jo Mefl (nb) 


4.15 Naughty Blue 
445 KaBana 
5J5 Poteen 

■ Left-hand, U-shaped roun*. Flat and Ideal Tor the powfiil galloper. 

■ C«a»BlmSnfekyonAI030.Torkaiaita,Ini.ADIIlSSION:Co«inyStaitfS:l2fl8- 

yBMUsi W); TaMfsallsS! 5; SDwer KtagS5 lOAPs Gonrae EndowarS3 lOAPfc 

iifO'; Under. IGs ftw bU enclosures (no under 12s in Couffly Sand). CAS part. Cre. 

■ UUDDM 1HAINERS: B Cedi 27 winners from 104 runners elves a surrm ratal of 

M Suwte 27 from 130 (20.8%); J Gotten IB from 0B ( 10.8%); J Danlop 18 from &8 
X H— t on 10 fr om 15!) (10.5*1, P Cole M from 104 (13.5%). 

■ LEADING SOCKETS: L Denari -IS wins from 201rides gives a success mio 

PW Eddery 35 from 211 (16.7%); J Reid 23 from 162 (14.2%); H Roberts Ui from 132 
(II. Mil: K Halloa 19 1mm 148(1-19*); BJ Tb.« 16 from 94 fl7%). 

■ P AVOL 1 KITES: 163 wins tn 469 raws (:«.!%). 

BUNKERED FIRST TIME: Darcy fvtsnred) (205). 


LONG-DISTANCE KDNNEBS (within Britain): HnM House (3.45) A » ■— 

1X45) sent 276 miles try Gay Kefleway from WhiKombc, Dorset 


Embassy'a NeMratel maiden win Irom taped Tu stifan and Znlnmla was boosed by 
the pfeoadhoreecsconuaftBraraifc and 4sritarea>¥ that may bom raoppose Dadd Lotto's 
smart Mly. EroeaTo SHne finished well at Neranaritet and duy ^safed fewurtfem In a 
nluabn Goodwood marten nest trma. She wfl be closer to Embassy mis time. BBSS ZA- 
FOtaC also has anomer crack at Embassy hawig been beaten two lengths by her In the 
Princess Mar&rot m Ascot. Richaid Hannon's fifry, out of Jersey States vwnner Mas S*ca 
Key and half-sister to Centra City and Sica Supreme, was impress** m baaong Dodo and 
ID others at Wfcndsor on her debuL The pound went sgBbtt Mss Zrionicai Max and she 
failed to quieten with Embassy m the soft £*«. WRh fast ground and a 3b piM, she can 
prevaiL Cape Vanfi. vrfw just hafl to be pushed out to baai Trans Island two terete « Mere- 
maw on tier debut, were rtf tawune far The Chesham at Rgal Ascot but codd not meich 
Oaranri (fork. That was over an extra furlong tn today's op and, aaftoufji she Is by Caerieon, 
it could eel be that ihe drop to sat wa sut Certainly, Central ftrtft three-tengBi success 
in Goodwood's \ftraaga Stah88 made the Royal Ascot tarn look srwt. Staafii beat the wefi- 
i exited Asfrraatet m what may turn out to be a good Ascot maiden. The Dating f*y ml im- 
prove and is weft worth her place m this fieri. Selection: MISS ZATONIC 


THE PRINCE Sopped when favourite for nte handicap debut here in June but can be ta^- 
en that rwi on soft pound and mer a loref mp, as he reported^ swafcwrod Ns tongue. 
His ttvaa rnns In maidens at NewnBdiet make much better roaefine. io Mel pxstaa four- 
toner after toe wins at Newcastle, HaydocK and here and has every chance of pmffvsnhg. 
am end defying a further 3b rise. Hewkrtey KB hod no tuck In turesng behind Danish 
Rhapsody at Goodwood last tone having landed the Hong Kong Joetey a ub Cup « Sandown. 
He had Conoer Un and Red Rohbo eel m amass, but both pose a big threat today. Con- 
cer Un t a pound to«r than when winnire This race last year, wftfe Red Rotoo Is reurwed 
wqh Olnnr PBsIrer. the sliccessta jockey in the RoyM Hunt Cud. CnawWa HV, who fin- 
shed fBst m ei0itn n the Hunt Cup. went an to be second to F)y To The Stais in me Gold- 
en rae and should agdr 0> weft. The return to a mite should sut fteat CMd. a dose 
second u Joroefcs at Goodwood (Wasp Badger tairtft). whfte KmrttTs DM) » Baatawnp 
King st Doncaster, beaten a head and the same, wes a good effort at the we&its on tos 
first start for David Loder. Selection: T>C PRfNCE 




£300000 added 5f Penalty Value £77,684 


£20,000 added 1 m 4f Penalty Value £17^20 

•54402 -MfIfiMCUflQ{GKni0ttPHans4 9 15 

260301 CQE5IUL CHOB (14) (CO) (Ms Can* SyKBfij J L Eyie 796. 
•23211 DANTESQUE (m (Mcftere ftaOTg) GUtegB 4 95-- 

611012 TESSAJ0E(14)W Way RartnershgiU Camacho 595- 

512 -CO OOFSPEITEn (M<sDMbcitoe)HsJCeci495 

0143 DAHCr (Cheney ftnXStLtOUStDUK 391- 

J) lorttar (51 2 82 

Often l 99 

KMs7 84 

_LQnmodi 15 99 
1 Canafl 13 95 

00235 BBUftMSUN(L4)(CS|niBVDrBatadMU9her590- 


R Street 10 97 

8 500202 HAZUDABCSS{D(C) P) (Qmulcoll0)DNctom79O MnBenesU 9? 

9 -60101 MAinMEDpBDlMsUonca Keq0OAiM4 813 

10 632246 MY LEARNED FRED (ft (D) (Mrs J Roberts) A rtde 6 8 12. 

11 362132 HON(XDMBlEt22](BF) (SheMi UohamwtlH W htete 3 8 6 L Dettori 14 89 

12 323121 SHAFHSHAVB(55)D)PDairt3oivBRw*ilUsMitaeiay5B4_DMiMEKeiiiB3 99 

13 04)132 IftEWAtASAIWIHBI (39) 88 BF)(H CDomell D Hc^toi Jonas 6 7 12 — Aliadcqf 9100 

14 220021 PBISMN RID H IQ ISephenj Curtis) UWEssrety 3 711(4ao IO*»*l0e 

15 4-2115 SIEPNG0(gQpnacrtfe«S5hOitiMsJtamsdOi3 71D P fttsay (3) 12 95 

-13 derived - 

iSoniro se®ht: 7S lfle. True franricap ee^c Stt» N Go 7st Tfe _ 

BEnwec u-a DeetoMpw, 1M Deny, 7-3 Oofie Petlle, 8-3 Criestiei Cfeofr, 9-1 HowomUe, 10-1 
Tewafoe, 12-1 MaUbneo, (Woe Fund, Step N Go, 14-1 StalHiqM, My leaned Friend, Hn- 
art A Guess. 38-1 Remaari Sun. My lewida, 20-3 MeetolaeaDribin 

199* Celestial One 6 9 3 0 ftaa (3) 14-1 (J L Eyre) dwi<2} 22 ran 


Coleettal Chair boat 21 others in ttos race a yesr ago anS Mho's tossy she cant win It 
agon (nfloMng her two- tengh ftmtefract win from TESSAJOE I3fo pufi) (Resiascl Sib fifth!? 
Consistent Tessajae may have what It takes, howwrw, as he's better than ever at five and 
CjflB a few of the others may not be as effective as he at at Ms Dja tenaari Sun has 

mraatened more than once 0ns season to win a decern nantficap. aAUe frto iaanwrt Friaad 

comes into the rechonfo& as he had Tessajoe. Ramaatfi Sun and Celestial Chow behind when 
second » Zartoaska m the Old Newton Cup at Haydoric My Learned Fnena has been touid 
wanting twice In the meantime, however. Consrterlng me was having her first run o f the 
season. Oopa Petll e did weftin the Bessborougi at Ascot and is bach In a harOcap aWBr 
tr^ng a Lgffid race at Satebury. With Can uwtfier talang off 5(b. My lavrid afe big wegit 

causes less concemman the tnp. vtach ahe tries for the first nma. MatUmeo also seems 

best over two fijrton& less but goes weH for Kevin Dartey. on board when Matomeo v«n at 
Newcastle and Ascot. Dmrteaqoe's recent wins in uncompetitive txes msobeena 
ten tawnfp Srtmrooo: TESSAiOt 

0-3100 AlftWY (2^ (Of OBF) (P D Sert) J Godm 4 99. 
144451 AVOI1(23)(D)(DJDeB)WMi*699- 

330054 B0Um(23)(n(MsDartBRM»JBny599 

11-510 COASnLBUFF(19iai)IM8DE9Bni)TOBmon5BS 

0-1000 CROFT POOL (23) (D) Cartryvkie daacs UmaerS 1 Clover 699. 

-61410 CTKANySLADIBS) IQftIM Rk4gS)CDirgerB99 

12046- W« OWES 04«(D) (Rob todies) J Beny 599 

0- 6201 SRUJfflER (18) TO ftrrfl UsjrWAeOben D Lotte 5 9 9 

510140 W MAUK 09 n (Caine RgnioiaaJDilchGi 899 

22-201 COMPTON PLACE {4QAQUcriDewnrito$JTofer3 9 7. 
000211 DMQllE(19)lu1atnr&MsJchnlfegMHCM««397. 

1- 0562 EASS(CAU.07)mEas)C3aP3RnaUr>)BMeetBn397. 

10-533 08»NROaET(23)(IMNgieg«JDiJiicp397. 




_J( Dwiey 8 305 
1 13 99 

£15^)00 added 2 VD 6 f Penalty Valua £10^673 

6252 aaftSHASWMG (22) fttaed Pesaxfl R Hamm 90 IIM47 

BMWiG[NMafenPMrKnhriPafe90 Pri Eddery A 

3 DESW9? tUSA)(191 (BF) OeWt tf3tarmerl>JGosdEn90 0 Praia 2 

2 BMBUB[lB)0fonl»AIMMuTaB1E90 RMtl 

6HUUS (H R H ftne FM SSneil P Cafe 9 0 . 


6 PORTOFORK9OS(UM)0Z)(BF}OtathosFamMHCecf9O. 
6 TWDCMMTDWNraX(19] (GWtoOderi B UrMhon 90- 

. Dettori 8 

Heftnd 15 112 


JHer & nvei4136 
Eddery 7 208 
H TefrtMtl 12 307 



,10-1 Tor- 

-55410 DOfTT WORRY K (2^ 0 Fahororxfl GHemtofTtb 59 6 
216-00 W— P BB U R MMCI (23) W (Ms Dart aacttun) H Carey 6 9 6— CRritor 1UQ 
031340 !EVBtaotFROSE08)|QmptatotafogCUi)TJNau0nai698 — IRaMlBlO* 

BEniMGt 4-1 Dmiftae, 9-3 Comptoii Ptow. 5-1 CoeeM Bftit, 10-1 fodtoi Bechet. Mfed Camis, 
foerti, 12-1 Ya Matafo Aknty, Derit Wony U^ 14-1 Easy Cal, Beriotforfornmica. 20-1 Strug- 
gtr, 2SA Komt Got Roea. Botekot, 50-1 Clril Pool, 9G-1 Qraws% Ud 
1996: PMttt 3 9 7 G Outlet! 1IXK30 iSe M ftescoo) dram (9 8 ran 

Remaps ALMATY can reproduce Ms running at Kempton In May. when he made afl in course- 
record time to beat Compto n Place two and a hair lenghs. The easy pound was a&inet 
tom when na was weft beaen brivnd Dorit Wony Ma ei the King’s Stand and he could not 
dominate when tasted 35 behind Awrti m the King George Sokes at Goodwood, ft wN be 
hod far hen to git on top a^ln Today, but Frankie Datton is back in the saddle for tha fea 
tone since Kampton and Kvrtl be im arasongto see ha» he ftoas from staft two. vftthBranlug- 
performance way m gee him a gpod lead tom the lowest draw of aft. Compton Place must 
be feared afmr tos sunmse July Cup aiccea (fcuSaa Rootat, Coastal BbMF and EaqrcoB 
betond). which agyufcsnOy boosed Almaty's Kempton win, but he B short enough In the 
beab%. fiftid Games is very much one to fear despbe Ms lan®hy absence due in naMon 
duties. He had Away (trntnad than by Con CoOns) three and a hell lengths bahtrcJ when 
runner-up to Pivotal ki last year's King's Sand and brbui ran weft in tf* race a be fount) 
to PhatBl, who beat Evenlna»fortnance a short hood. MM Games goes best fresh. Stew- 
ads' Cup victor Danettee may not prove as effective at this Dip. a comment that also ap- 
ptte&to Coastal Bluff. Indian Rochet may also lack the pan for tna tnp. but both Airenfs 
best lunsltoE season hwe been at five ftjrion^, booting Afttwy at Bath and when lantfing 
the King Gaotff States last tone. S el e c t ion: ALMATY 


BETTING: 2-1 OmAth, 7-2 Ns^oy BN*, 4-1 Bfottofc 7-1 Deri0MT, 8-1 Btombi 
iMo Prfoee, 12-1 Porto FWros, 164 GhMb, 28-1 Tbs Domdoao Fox 
1096: MOM 2 9 0 L Dedon 4-1 (D Urisri ®3wn (7) 8 ton 

EDmfaub gave plenty or enoouragamera in second to Temarttk on hb Goodwood debut and 
is fended spin id have the measure of Deri0>ar, a length and a hail back in third having 
drifted from 6-4 to 33-4. and stah-placad The Dowrtnwn Fda. Bemsho Swing is by far 
tha moH otoertenced In the field and Unwed Improved form lest One at Goodwood to be 
a dose second to Adadian Hero (Porto Forioos only soth). It may be best to ride with a 
newcomer in the shape of NAUGHTY BLUE. The Godofoton runner is bred u> be a smart Ju- 
uenfie, being by DenehR out of Bkie Nora and therefore Mated to MrirSa F’ari: winner 3- 
eten and Cheveiey Park worn er Blue Duster. S o lecl fo a : NAUGHTY BLUE 


GALIRES STAKES (Listed race) (CLASS A) £25,000 added 

lm 4f Penalty V^ue £17,463 

203137 B00KATBB>IKPQ(RMQcBriC(Vzsr388 DHoftmdS 

011-42 EIGBEffB) (Iff) (Gcdolctml Sated ttiSrsoor 388— 

5-6211 GRACBlJLLASS{43)68iAMnifeKI)D(ddar388> 

Q MUANA(3B)(HHAMKhan}LCiinen3B8 

21 UA»Am(38)(HBnttoiNU*oum>WHesi388^ 

43085 URSIBNWBt{USA)(U9HLMAIftitalPKMeway38Bw 
1-053 HEFMMNXVHB(B}(AL0ppertcmri6MBBl38B>. 
- 7 1 

— L 




__K ftftm 7 

— MHMsl 

m E35J000 added lm Panaftv Valun £23339 

|rtg-00 { (CLASS A) £50iD00 added 2YDGF£45y407 

11 EkBASSY (2Q (0) MtfBrrmaS D LDder9 0 

131 NADWRHjUSA) (84) [Hamdgi wUahowni PWMiiyn90 ^ 

12 CAFE VERDI WWffD (HE Stored POM4fift4^aii 8^11— 
3122 CRA2HE MHIML (44) (M (HcdiODonne® D^rti ta*s 811— 

21 DAXBWiAOT(33)(P) Wft&tGKnglGGrtfitlAPHarsBll. 

21 EXPe3TOSWE(233(Dl(k«&^AJUaK^SHfc^~ 
a iBSSZftFONE{2GJ(J2<BF)(M8*mxmAiMakwmiRifinnon811 
1 SHUHRAH (USA) (27) (D) IGoOoiptni 5aeed bn Sunxr8 11 

52 SIMXIAPS) 'Sl^ine 9aongLttf' p U*¥i sl J 

321 2ELANDA(£9909(ShdiftMofianrned)JGosden811 
-10 — — ■* 

—) Reid 10 114 








HTTOG: U-4 Erab»*y. 3-lttope W*rcO, 9-2 Mta Ztrtefc, 5-1 Stabreft, 10-1 AtaAraft, Expact To 
IMBtok. 25-1 DraSyo Lady. 50-lStatt 

1996: Stova N«a 2 8 U K Data 6-1 10 iflOen da««u6) 9 ran 

J Fortune 2 89 

-21010 IUIMBUyHU.(ZS){D)IT , RCMon«on|l*Ojnfflsden497 IFMwwUVim 

453043 RUSSUlf MUSIC (26) (Sowth Ha*en Perewaho) Gay keftway 4 9 3 _J( ftton 9 1Q3 

•00341 MNODCXq{qeanNonsn)MCsnds790 ; — L Oanwefc U 99 

303002 acn*KtnU(tSim{UBulttBr^S9BlmBtiTDBm3BlUCm*7 97 

30-010 RED R088O 83415(38) (C5(D?(Lics|Bn Stud) RAIeliiri 4 8 12 OftMer2106 

-04002 04UWniRHlL(21)(D)(THClBrhBf)HGBhBTi5812 M Robert* 33 107 

000111 JOfiBL(4DfCfl)(CHNMDnJrrllATEaserty4811 1 MSB 97 

00-360 UUSXXH0USE(R3){nieManeyMBUGgyKe8a^4a9 SSarte»5iai 

331-03 KDMAIT{USA) Ul) (Ltodeun M Ifottun) D irdw 3 8 B LDritoriSlOO 

BETIBIB: 84 Katana, 2-1 Brtca, 81 taaeeM Ian, 81 Book At Bedttne, 104. Ilnatarfir, 12-1 
Tbe ftmny Ttoe, 281 Mra MWw 

1996: Be lira 4 9 4 Pbc Eddery 100-30 (H CkKI dtoMi (71 10 on 

KAUANA impressed men beating Utartin It QMrUor winner ante) three and a half lenghi 
at Chepstow on her debut and ajpln ran weH when upped rto Usted Ctess at Newmartet 
to be second to Anno Luce having been set pierty to do. Ehttca, second to FfafBn to the 
Nassau at Goodwood. 6 the dangar but har riafity to stay this lon&rtrtp b a doubt. Sta- 
mina wffl be no problem for Book At Badtkna, but ft will be e surprise If toe ts good enouffi 
and Graceful Use, stepping up In class after handicap wtos at DngWd and Chepstow, 
looks a better bet for the minor place. S e l e ct io n: KAUANA 

CITY OF YORK STAKES (Listed race) (CLASS A) £20000 
added 7f Penalty Value £15010 




005006 CONCSIIM{20)(CS|MssLJVM}SCWbbbi 587. 
012064 MIASPBANGBi(USA)mm(CtotraMwVfi9i)PC*38B. 
-10004 OtUPSO ouwr (20)08 (Ms PW Unto Pteto3B 5. 

4215 THEPSMCEf6^m®RaR4toftoOGWsjg3a5_ 
•03202 SREATOaDpH) W (SaredSuhaO M SM48381. 


COadeyl 90 

:towttar(96 96 

M Ms 4 309 

— F lynch 14 105 

320134 RAM002(DSft)PQ(q(D)(nal Stand 
-33011 IMmB(33)(HBrnfenNMtoaxiTUPWakqn39 
-10104 WDBfMEAD0W(S4(Qfl816a>8SSbtabrid^|IBattng390. 
61836 SMIEWB(RD(UmpiauiitacngUEDWsJRan«kn590— 
4-2102 TREGARON (USA) (40) (D) ID ftanJorw)RAIatua690. 

-JtFkftoa 9 
J. Dettori 6 
J Fortin 4 
— Ftyocbl 

A licfitaae 2 

564-54 REET8WM0Et2l) H5 (D> (Ed WBetman R Hcftnshead 4 9 0 

512-00 HUStoALftRSITIBSI (RSronrtF8odne()MT<]mpNn5389 

12-135 P0IEB((|SA)(65) (DHUadVfesiey) LCunanSSfi 

1-2214 toROS 01SN) (21) 0)) (KAbCktal HCed3B4 


BEHM& 7-4 Meao,'«-2 tfettab, UrtTregMae, 81 ttttai Handera, 81 Rsooee. 183. bans, 
12-1 B feafi A Mi mt a, 181 MaNcal Paraft. 281 Staatlag 
1996: Rumara 3 8 4 W Canon 4-1 (B Hta) oaan (7) 8 an 

ae^ 8a 7b r^ 8a 3JU Trc fraodbap Cbncer Lb 89 4I>. 

BETT148: 11-2 to Weft. 6-1 fteat Chad, 7-1 Bad Rctha, 81 C«^ 9 «o grant, Uw rtil tyW, 81 ftwap- 
toa fML ObKor Ui, 30Ot Tta lUKe^ 32V1 M NbA Rnmafo 181 tayta; 181 Roataar Ato 
de, Wasp Rtoger. 281 Hub* Hdbm 

1996 : Oner Ui 4 8 10 K Darisy 181 6 C Mtaare) toawn (8) 38 ran 

POTTO! has the form to van the. having finished ttord to Entrepreneur In the 2,000 Gtaneas. 
a race *i which Uddes Meadow put In the fas of his betore-par performances and Musi- 
cal Prato* was rafted off after tos saddle slipped. It's more a question of whether Poteen 
is fir enousfii. as ha's been absertf smea fiqjo/ Aoox where he (Wed to get dr e blow be- 
hind SrarborouMi. Poraen Is the sortto do weft fresh, however, having won first time out a 
two and three. Sotocttoo: POTEEN 


2 iS Jota Bums Z45 Canonfou 120 Brotgitons 
Hjrmofl 3*55 Mashhaer 4*25 Harmony H afl 4.55 
«n Cvdone 

eOtSG: Good to Finn (wuered i. 

STALLS: Far skip. 

■ SlWicc to^se- ADMISSION: 

l5f3iS«ri£i l lOfol. 1 Baldtag !*■ tom 120 (IS-SW. *«««- 
Pet BdrteT 2Sftoml13 (21 IN.), LDrt- 

8 004406 B«»«RHJaWEClSm(BBRGuBd490Juqrta»tl2a 

9 00006 CLASS DfSTWCTWI (12) R H»won3 89 PDeM*»7 

10 <0062 CEIAIOBCCWSR ATun*i485 

11 -60000 GEORDB LAD (l^JBenrai 3 7 10 RBtatatfrai2 

12 406060 VHSIETJO)feS(6}GOaies-taes4 7 10 CO*p0)l 

-12 declared - 

liftman we#* ?a 2«»- ^ Gecfrte VW*« 

CebtolSne, 81 Emit, toprdsff, 81 Hopesay, iO-l Clato IXftlaciioa, 32-1 
Sloes Qnean, 20-1 rifcea 

2JtO\ (CLASS Q £4025 added 2 YO fif 

20 BBtRHJABOT W B Ketaan 8 12 

OS iH5MBI)GaE|33)RHar«ian89 FWHJy4 

0 BH«MI10N |S^ W^rvB B 8_ 


■ S 



G Pairitoef *Y 

_A Eddery (6)5 

SS , &3B^IZs£ mmn 

J Forte (5) 3 
Roberts 8 

H SsMgsss 











OWD6 OF ftUfftf R Oratton 86. 
SWMGWHSIR Hannon 86 — 

02 TON (38) S Dow 8 6 

3 CANDM2 (I7J J MM85 

C) £8000 added lm 

1 0-6024 STOOD (21) Bp) lady Hades 4 100 RCodmo4 

2 -UXS5 KAWUT(19) BHfc394, — Marita Days (3) 5 

3 -04200 C0MVCU0US(Z3)LG0ml7 94 ADriy(6)l 

4 04100- MOSCOW M5TI32S) 09 BPafegS92 — PRabarta^8 

5 QS3U0 SaMXD MM (2Q) (CO) R ChaAon 3 8 11 T Strata 10 V 

6 -03200 OMNSE PLACE (B2) BUen^nSSll IWtofoMa(7)2 

7. 013300 BROOagDKS^MOI.C13)nBRMtoen8&9jeHBpn(E)3 

8 4-0000 CH.tSEMY(34)(D]GLaafc486 Pari Briery 9 

9 0011115 SAKYANA|USN)(18) (D) 8 Hartuy 6 8 3 GMadfi 

10 011210 BUIERWBMLPQ(21)(CD)jiai38] M May (3) 7 


BETTMfo 81 Sfcam, 4-KtaO]deaoea, 81 Swart Arw. 182 Brie toper- 
laf, 81 HbmA Safety Ana, 3381 BMMfiaH Tbnwoft, 124. CM Ltaabr, 
34-1 Oren0i Place, 16-1 Hoacaw Iflst 

I added lm 

Q3S413 «IEBBGNCRESrnmCHavn4812JtodBfttaySB 

000050 SSbOUS TRUST (Z) |Q tos L tad 4 810 CDeBaitf 13 

15000 CONDUCT BfBDGE (27) Ptorfy4B8 S Drama 8 

235036 COURAGEOUS HBBtr (9) PHtyton 88 4—11 Haaqi (S)U 

8000 T0UMTC00PERaQUsBWung6712 ItxartXB 

302056 RONQUSDl DDR (47) G Hon 3 7 12 FNcrtoal 

050230 SFStAL RYBI (27) M Ueha 4 7 10 I Forte (7) 14 

40060 SHMrSI£GACf(15)DArbutfinoil0710 X Adams 9 

2-3004 aRAA(53) J toSTB671fl_ SR«KDa(I}6 


64 JUMBE STOW PR W PW»fi085 RftatawalS 

0 eONB*S«WW»(SMCrravicn84 — -PP Marring)! 
3 caS£F«E(12)MBJCBri8a Merlte Pa yer (3) 1 5 

na g AHMWDAW BRfln B 02 

40000 BEBOUBBt (DSA) (9B) J Gasttai 4 9 2. 

1-2 MASHHABl (USA) (IQ M Sauta 3 B 10 
1030 SHOWBOAT (B9) SHM38 

MNMftEJ0ie9Ueeha)82 — 

33 DOWHSOUL{18)mP»«"81 


£52250 insnCBMOTCftnan81 

0 ZAMAM»P)DOtapM«0. 

OMBRA Ol NUBE (RQ Ctam 7 13. 
-17 derierad- 

S Drown* S 


Start 33 


— I Lawn S 

18 TtaSW (3g) H Ca ri 38 10 
BETTBWb 811 Matohaar, 74 Grata. 81 Showfaaat, 81 








-16 Mated 

Affnimifn ve&c 7 a 106. Trua tmteap wtjffK Spiral %ar 7a Sft Ssarts 


BEITWft 81 Kartaoay Hal, 81 Ctaeslo Dm, 6-1 CoatariL 13-2 Sonr- 
dpi Crest, 9-lTKSc CbU, 10-1 Catoageaoa Kdtat 12-1 Aiakrta, Sari- 
oaaTnst 144LSptal Flyer, Certiart&MBe,1ta DMfey. 1810*8, RamaL 

|twpq| D j £ 4^900 added 3YO 7f 

04 BWCK10IE (USA) (10|C Briar 90 WJtTCanmrS 

00 ttOBBTSEMTIUTlWUrSO e wriMtoy? 

O0243 R0RDCRNANBa(17)tosJGecl90_nrttaDwyar(Q6 

04 SAWVSADDtHt(U)SDw90 JFEgaal 

4-302 SHANTMSHE (33QCVlal90 
5 5WFT SOVERBGN (89) J (foseton 9 0 


46533 55Sr»S6“SftS£ l 

«52o6 w*-T^7«i?MVSaBne391 

dcttmC: 82 Stvettctoa. 100-30 Csamtia, 11-2 Boroofta Bay, 6-1 ta»- 
10-1 Arira Or, 32-1 

J81o£ta0fa«y.7— n.fi6-3Sadta<WBtoi;28lolbto» 

2^25 Tfatu Sixtystx 


«Sg;, ' -«-**'»-”*■ 


***** Efriri'irf*®™-? 


Su* fjSSlfan 



E) £4025 

a wn*— 1 * 


6 4WQ13 JtqwncqgBHiq «CD>y 333 

7 0065Q2 MMOBMACra W 
a G004tr B0SEHJBI(M34MO«»tol78 


10 300302 WTOSBOKSKWElnoraeriO 
- Iff ctotiiraa- 
iMhnBtfifr w i0fc.I»Beftagftcra*ftgC7ig* Sfo>ta 

*81 Maceas Hraara. 581 Itora Ffcra 


|2v05j D )£40SO added 2Y0 6f3yds 

6 pwea u swscH g ffpQC^wanso-.-Jfift^a 

05 RjBHT(lQLCanra90 . EFiraa ai 

jvfl. ■ aaxMffL t22MOBglPr90^— ^atoaPl» 


300 uPT«8ML{H)»n0eiy9O— — “S"? 


0 SRBCHESWIftSftinSS--— ****** 

6 WBRAH|W(ia»Wc3aSflp89 

SASSY lAPTCPqg 69 — -• rc^«—p 12 



Up The Wei, 40-1 ottw* ‘ 

E) £4025 added lm Gf 

00000 HE8B(27)KQnafort8911 WJCTComl 6 B 

00603 CUSSBUE(47)(D)MF)JDufcp395 ISpnta128 

0R23-6 OOUBABl(20)mMPipeS94 MwttoDfow<3}3 V 

006-30 DEDBDftr(liqtoBUJones394 GPartfe(3)15 

030 AUWMR(CAI«(17)ASMiT393 S«Jtwrrth7 

106506 TASKCHM(0SA)(24)P0ta392 IFQRb4B 

00042 HffiM0WH«ipfl)iFariwe390 JtCedmlO 

(CLASS D) £4000 added 7f 3yds 

065401 HCHMUHEtl3)(C0)CQBr3913 WRyralO 

245006 ARIH«BPCE 5 (Z2}WUheaton^4 913— ACtat2 
200000 IU1CD mUIC TO (Q Dr ) Sob^P a 9 11— M RtatoarB 

232300 E7BU0H(7){BBCMran798 ISotobad (7)8 

003050 BUEFDBinmHlngvr496 MFrateol 

60003 mMEf22)WHages49 5 ITWaB 

663466 «BDMIH(13)nnW0T3DaBa594JSFfeBata(95B 

01375? ■mUC60U>nnB)ar693 IDSMa&S 

611211 CUnHAU8LLAO(6HD)JUBraSay688r7feOCBartwel4 

00460 H7MGFEM«Nrf«7)(D)jMfaaey4B7 Da gg»7 

003012 MF77flffAiari ( 12 ) )C 0 ) Kilaga 5 85-lP to— (7) 13 V 

054023 0N1HEGflSiIU)AHdB471D M8*ft(3)UV 

- 12 riKtaad- 

Jtaftnn mHc 7st UMl Rue tareficep Off Tta Gean 7a 6 &. 

BETTMfe 100-30 Ctytha HS lad, 81 Heft la Loae, 81 Wld Pata, 7*1 

llniiiriiiiifii ft T nmi " * •" 1 mill rtpir n 1 nnrrtnri 

Grid, Qalba Grtta. 181 HMM. 281FVngParaart, 381 DaBaodfea- 

(CLASS £3000 added lm Bfl7yd8 

1 306015 (WWSEWWYMCE85m«8U7JtoaERaBWria7B 

2 flgpns HBBYFf(M»(D)j|ta41O13JtaaEMaanllia0iM6 

3 100046 NOSEY NAIKE 02J (QJPBBCB 41011 UMaFctoM2 

4 000033 OftBSSIftD(20)(CD)BMflflhBnSl06_Jra« AfconlB 

5 23«3§3 ACDONJAaQOH(QBMcMta5l01J«itoSSBBMrtb3 

6 006132 DNSMMGIMDR P3 (D) Ptes49C0ari Am lifc »8 B 

7 433041 ASnSDUlCStll}nMO«pT«690jacSBBday« 

8 00000 AUSURAtra DTton4 9C— HslftldraSV 

-8 deriaced- 

505 CMI BOUCHER (USA) PTO 0 Maris 8 9 
5 DUSF(70) lortHriCneknB9 
04 ItaBWEA (13) G Baking 89 
033 KMKMB(72)PVWqn89 

0000- DCWRM0CIBL(2M) J&<lpr89. 

-12 riactonrt - 

BETma 9-4 Krawtb, U-4 Norttani Arsrt, 110 Bfot^deoe, 8-1 Dnwt, 
S«4R Sawratav 12-1 Sarty SBdMa^ 181 Mbanic^ Staniaafita 281 

(CLASS D) £4000 added lm 2 T 23yds 

1 DOUBLE ST4H (J68) J L Hanft 6 9 6 ^TEDtoBra»2 

2 OCX) 434 SE4M7 SPLOCOLR (* 7 ) ( 3 F 1 Lxff Vsnes 4 91 — A Owk 5 

3 03 M WDUHCBHCl5)JSogfan38l2 Atarthl 

4 5 JOUST PtaC Man 3 a 12- MBmrwf 7 

5 MYESUI J L Karrs 33 12 DB«M 

6 04 4CM)ElirsnR(UtoJF«toa«e3B7._— -NYartqrfl 

7 4042 LOVE mflURE PZ) S Wbode 3 8 7 WRjraft 

8 0 PMfOnUM (12) LO«nBni3B7 RftwcbWS 

9 06 3 H MmP » g9MGcsdB>3B7.. M a ttw l 


BEIttoE 3-1 Band ffldtotaw. 7-2 J—L 82 Pancnmi. 81 lava Van- 
tare, 74 MtataCfeg, M Aeadray Sta, Ooubit Sta, 20J. afees 


£3,300 added lm 2f 23yds 

515412 KHBN3M(U)(CD)MaHnrai795 S Canon (7)6 

154(00 COWTTOI«[20)Sitads3Bl2 W Ryan 4 

0020 BOWl»OOaUS(«B)JfartBw3810_—JICtak3 

08O3U FKI«UOR(US4}B7]mBW3610_)DSnHin2 
00301 80081 (U)fflTI»3 89 RRmcfana 

42550 fiMSBDGEBML(73)MJotatan387 JFaotogS 


BETIBn: 81 Rfa itafee, 81 Sodea, 81 CtoaR Tbay, 5KL Kbristra, 8-1 
Bad, 01 

conditions event and the Nun- 
thorpe Stakes has developed 
into the leading five-furlong 
contest in the country. 

The most interesting runner 
today is Mind Games who re- 
turns to the racecourse after 
covering 62 mares in his first 



covering season. It was discov- 
ered that once the five-year-old 
had finished bis post-activily cig- 
arette be became rather bored 
with his lot, which just goes to 

prove that even the best jobs can 
become wearisome after a 
while. It may be though that 
Mind Games' mind may be on 
games of another nature when 
the stalls open and a conspicu- 
ous fact is that no animal has 
ever returned from the boudoir 
to win a Group One race. 

It looks best to rely on the 
favourite, Compton Place 
(3.10), the mount of one of the 
nation’s most industrious jock- 
eys, Seb Sanders. 

There are possibilities too 
about Wasp Ranger (next best 
3.45\ but the bet of the day is 
2.05), who won today’s race 12 
months ago and is just coming 
to the boU judged on her Pon- 
tefract success two weeks ago. 
The mare worked with yester- 
day’s Ebor winner Far Ahead on 
Saturday and gave him a stone 
and a ban and a beating. Get on. 



2M: DANTESQUE, who battled 
on gamely to beat Meteor Strike 
by half a length in a lm 2f limit- 
ed stakes race at Yarmouth, 
promises to slay this distance 
and looks fairly handicapped. 
Pension Fund, wbo beai Double 
Flight by half a length with the 

third beaten seven lengths in a lm 
2f handicap at Beverley last time, 
should go well despite a 41b 
penalty, while Honourable looks 
capable of better than he has 
shown in his most recent ventures. 


245: EMBASSY, wbo heal Miss 
Zaibnic by a comfortable two 
lengths in the Group Three 
H Princess Margaret Snakes over to- 
day’s distance of 6f at Ascot last 
time, an Quifirm those placings. 
Shuhrah, who created a 
favourable impression an her de- 
but over 6f ai Ascot, may pose 
most problems. 


3.15: COMPTON PLACE, who 
improved out of all recognition to 
beat Royal Applause by !*/• 
lengths in the Group One July 
Cup over 6f at Newmarket last 
time, ommiifiiiii p larinps UTlfr In. 
(Can Rocket (thirdVC^alBlnir 
(filth) and Easycall (seventh) 
over this fu r lo n g s horter journey. 
Dluietiiiie, who landed a b(g ante- 
post gamble m the Stewards’ (Sip 
Handicap at Goodwood, looks the 

chief threat. 


3 AS: JOMELL, in great form erf 
late, showed he is no mere mud- 
lark when beating Therhea by 1 V: 
lengths over course and distance 
on good ground on his most re- 
cent outing last month and re- 
mains leniently handicapped. 
Caviar Rnyale and Cramp ton 
hilt both look weighted to gp well 
wldJc the KghtJy-raced The Prince 
should also figure prominently. 

1 . \brk-i05 1 










jy t_ 

















# 11-3 






















11 * 








_181_JM _181 _»1 

MrU— rtfttad 281 I4-I »1_ 
Wlltalllllliai za 281 16-1 


| £adi*t^a»o»recttfep0ce5l,a 3 j 

| C-QraLH-WtamHU-taDdB.T- 

to j 

































tart Berra 


















~ — — 







lfi -1 




201 141 







toft Pori 









EacftMKa «fi Be a*t {rices 1 2, 3 
C-Dxst H-*tenHU-UtKte;T- to 

! York — 345 1 

























































.581 _ 








tort* Bomb 





EaJ:rt».a/WiiJlPcrtS.nBcesl23 J 


-LatnMs.T-loe j 


6&>>Sa5 ^ 88 89 90 91 90 93 M 

jfewrafrnr A 1 1 1 4 1 3 10 






(fitepeMtfota 2 4 1 X 3 10 o 




2*1 5-2 H- 10 8-11 81 B-U K>-1 181 



Be* . 

^■*•-•.'•-■3; 5 4 .3 3 2 5 3 



PMOt or Is 

etoSlrt^Ttaertlira -40.04 Seoood Frtioarttae -£700 

PerieetaaRB tfemeratfitaed lrt, 2nd or 3rd in laat ace: 708 

»rtite»f>rfei«f rtartcDsjjur Ufi9CM»ne ftretay-llSWtB4l 

taRtaftlitalrtwai Pfoooio 14-1 (1994) 

tap trafaT A Scon - CSdeeuc Generam (1988), Shettti ABrartou (1991) 

I Cop JocirtyKP* Eddery - CBdsw Gnarera iM6«. Sheriff) AKradou a09lj 

- L Dotted- UctaarM (19931, SoffeouM (199S) 




2M: 1_ AMYAS 04 F«sl 1&-2; 2. Sond- 
n»ar Cbamfany 20-1: 3. Harry VMtm 7-1: 
4. Game Ploy 17-2. IB ran. 13-2 fev ta>- 
■on. vh. 2. <B hfc, LranbounD.TatK £830: 

E2-0a E5^0, £2JK). £2-50. Dual Forecast: 

£3»7 JO. CSF: £14631. Tncasc £L02l3L 
Tito: £348.50. 

235s 1. MY EMMA (D HctancO 7-1; 2 . 
to WtawUi Aflrtr 7-1; 3. Crown or Lfehi 
12 - 1. 8 ran. 4-7 fnr Reams 0# Vase (Afffl. 
Ys 1 ¥». (R Guest, NawmarteU.Tota: £7.60: 
£130. £1.70. £230. DF: £29.00. CSF: 


3J0:L FAR AHEAD (TWiBsinsl 33-1; 2 . 
Matat Star 5-1 tar. 3. Pttca 11-2: 4. Fur- 
ttfor FHit 25-L 21 ran. nk. hd. U L Bre. 
TtWrtO. Tota: £6430: £930. £2.00. £130. 
£430. DP. £247/40. CSF: £16632. Tncasc 
lljOOOflOLTito: £3SZ6a Mt Town Derosr. 

3^5: 1.CARROWKEEL (Fat Eddery) 16-1: 
2. BoM Fact 6 ^ tac 3. Headhunter 81. 7 
ran. V*. 3. (B hfifis. LamOcuni. Tote: £19.00: 
£4.40. £130. DP £2840, c&: £4025. 

4J3: L CHtNADER (K Darky) 81 : 2. 
Cranbrlan Cadet 14-1; 3. Deva tidy IO-l 
19 no. 11-4 few Classy Cieo. IV* l‘U (M 
Pipe. WBUaiODn). Tata: £8.10: £2.60. 
£4.70, £A40TbF: £97.70. CSF: £103.79. 
NR: Sfflffify Faww. 

4-4S: 1. BAY PRINCE (J Canaftl 16-1: 2. 
VtoMra Bey 20 - 1 : 3. Iha UtopfoRCat 20-L 
7 ran. 8-11 tar Ttanc I 6 thj. lV>.4JMaan- 
non, Upper (jnboumi. TOta: £18.60: £450, 
£4.40. DP £65.70. CSF: £2^40. _ 

5l1S 1 . BAKAfifiAN MAUTY (0 Peskfifl 
4-1 tar; 2. Straiataybolr liM: B. Plrtnce 
Dorn 5-1. 13 ran. £, 9B OWnNta 
nrataO-Tolac £4.60: £2^20, £33O£2.50. 
DF: «R IM CSF: £5436. TncssC £20341. 
Tno: £86.60. Wfc Siurat Far “L, _ 

riSroot not won (poof of £10735352 ear- 
ned farearri to York today). 

Ptacepot: £7,199-20. Quaftpot: £388-70. 
Place B: £10381-48. Place S: £3.4443a 


2 J 0 c 1 U£ DisnNCr (E jQhnsonl ovens 
enee 100*1 7 rac. V*. 8 . (Mrs A &sintenk. 
Rktimandl. Tote t2Mr. £130. £110. DP 
£3.00. CSF: £2.71 

235:1 DONA nUFA 10 Rears) 15-2 2 . 
ntbear 3-1 3. Wttoper low 12-1. 7 ran. 
15-8 few Suck FBQ Dancer (5thl. IX 2 ’A. 
fiites L Srtdaa. Tartcastert. Tot»: £9.70' 
£2-10. £150. DF: £830. CSF: £29.1 2. 

330: 2. ORIEL GRR. U F Egan) 5-2: 2 . 
Heybumer 94 tav, 3. Coamlc Ceaa 10-1- 
7 ran. lv*. -A. IP Evans. WfeWpaM. Tg*f 
£2.60: £130, £1.60. Cff: £430. CSF: 

«jxk l. b. pmiape u f Ee«) 84 few 

2. Corntec'e letfand 11-4; 3. ntaonea- 

«-&S , S3L N E 

JO UF Egrt 13 ^ 

2. Bench Conoacttan 11-4: 3. AWSta»6-4 

fav. 8 ran. 5. 3 tP Evans. WoWfooog- Tota. 
£230: £110, £140, £110. DP £430 CSF: 

53 ft 3. BNPULSWE AM IDrieGUSOn) 5-4 
tan 2 . Don't WHry Mfta 10-1: S. Faarlesa 
eraser 7 2. 6 ran- 5, 3. (E WByrnaG. Ley- 
toSZ. Tote: £130: £110, £330. DF: 
£4.70. CSF: £1434. 

Pteoapae £830. Qaadpet £230. 
poor & £9.01 Ptaoe 5: £739. 

Last ni^ifs results, page 23 



0891 261 + 








m 1 

All. COL RSrS KtSUlTS | 

0891 261 970 ! 





The contribution made by men 
of escaping from the darkness 

saw sport as a means 
not to be forgotten 

An old collier was once asked on 
television for his views about the vi- 
olence then evident in Welsh rug- 
by- "When there is always a chance 
that the roof will come in on your 
bead, you don't worry about a boot 
in the face on Saturday," be replied. 

A legend in the North-east or Eng- 

land is that any position in a foot- 
‘ “ Idb “ 

ball team could be filled by shouting 
down a pit shaft. From the coalfields 
of Lanarkshire and south Ayrshire 
came three of the greatest managers 
football has known: Matt Busby, Bill 
Shanfcly and Jock Stein. Shankly’s 
small village of Gleobuck' alone 
sent out 30 professionals. 

Numerous rugby and football in- 
ternationals and such notable fight- 
ers as Jimmy Wilde, Tommy Farr, 
Eddie Thomas and Howard Win- 

stone were bred in the Welsh min- 
ing valleys. The most feared of 
England’s fast bowlers, Harold Lar- 
wood, was a Nottinghamshire col- 
lier. Rugby league recruited many 
of its stars from the coalfields of 

Doubts about the long-term fu- 
ture of Britain's mining industry re- 
calls its importance in British 
spoiling history. From the blackness 
of a working life underground, the 
perils many first endured at only 14 
years old, came many heroes of the 
sports fields. 

In many cases, one of the most sig- 
nificant things about their influence 
was understandable social aware- 
ness. "The first thing you must do 
is join the playecf union,” my father 
said when I left home at 17 to fol- 

low him into football. At the same 
age he was offered a professional 
contract of £3 per week by Me rthyr 
Town, who were then in the old 
Third Division. “When Merthyr re- 
fused to pay the extra 10 s h ill ings 
[they rdenied a few tours later] yous 
grandfather thought 1 was worth, I 
cried all the way home,” he said. 

“Not because I wasn’t going to get 
a living from football but because it 
meant going back down that black 
hole, going to work in winter when 
it was dark and dark when I came 
up again." No wonder that he was 
a committed socialist and, until the 
horrors of Stalinism were revealed, 
a member of the C ommunis t Party. 

On the face of it, you might 
think that people of my generation 
and beyond dwell too much on the 


past, but it was from mining com- 
munities that British sport drew 
much, of its impetus. If we look back 
only briefly on those times, men who 
had escaped from the harshest of 
working environments were every- 
where in football, some nimble, ■ 

some hard, all seeing thing s in the 
alternative light of derivation. 

Nobody in my life has conveyed 
a more distinct impression of gen-, 
uine toughness than Wflf Copping, 
who played in Arsenal’s great team 
in die 1930s and made 20 appear- 
ances for England. A Yorkshireman, 
his craggy, blue-scarred face could 
have been cut from the coalface he 
worked when little more than a bey. 
Losing blood meant nothing, cow- 
. ardice appalled him. 

The story goes that Copping took 
on Italy single-handed in an infa- 
mous encounter at Highbury fa 
1934 that saw three England play- 
ers injured seriously after only 20 
minutes. If the work of Coppmg was 
hard but fair, he quickly restored the 

The broad philosophy that es- 
tablished Stein as perhaps the lead- 
ing .manager in British, football 

in his nature. 

Stein, who worked' in thepitsTor 
11 years from theageof 16, said: “I 
knew that wherever I 1 went, whatever 
work I did. I'd never be alongside, 
better men. It was a place where 
phoneys and cheats couldn't survive^ 
Tor . long. Down there* for eight 
hours, you're away from God's 
fresh air and sunshine and there's ; 
nothing that can compensate for 
that. 1 think everybody should go 
down the pit at least once to learn 
what darkness is.” 

If those of us wfaoserootsare in 
old mining co mm unities must guard 

agains t an overkill of sen t imentali- 
ty, we are entitled to argue that no 
environment has given more to 
B ri tish sport, if the pit-head wheels, 
.have almost stopped turning, the 
legacy liveson: : .\ s \ 

/ ■The tone of sport in the 199Qs r iS ; 
^by the glite corps, that is to say. 

■ by therichest gamesmen - the starj- 
- who have sweated their way up fo" 
prodigiOas salaries, are admirajgjty . 
mterriewed and receive On television 
and in ^popular newspapers the 
same adoring space as royals anc^: 
rods stars. V r . 5 - 
- The impulse; to take up a game ! 
is now vay often the. impulse to eam- T j 
a fortune. In that c^te^ tto'cbln- 
triburion made; by men' who saw j 
sport as a means i^eaaphigfrcna 
darkness eughfnot to. bei 





John Roberts finds the world No 1 in 
confident yet nostalgic mood as he 
prepares for the start of next week's 
US Open at Rushing Meadow 

Pete Sampras bad travelled lit- 
tle more than 50 yards across 
New York's Rushing Meadow, 
from the US Open’s former cen- 
tre court to the new one due to 
be inaugurated next Monday, 
and was already feeling nostal- 
gic. “I kind of miss the old sta- 
dium," the world champion 
said, “that's kind of where I 
made my mark in 1990.” 

Asa 19-year-okl in 1990, Sam- 
pras became the tournament's 
youngest men’s singles champi- 
on. In the process, the Californ- 
ian defeated the last two men to 
win the title three times in a row, 
Ivan Lendl, in the quarter-finals, 
and John McEnroe, in the semi- 
finals, and overwhelmed Andre 
Agassi in the final. 

Success over the coming fort- 
night would bring Sampras a 
third consecutive triumph in 
his home Grand Slam event - 
a three-Pete according to the lo- 
cal media - and a fourth in all. 
It would be the Uth Grand Slam 
singles title of his career, putting 
him level with Bjorn Borg and 
Rod Laver and one short of Roy 

seems pretty medium," Sampras 
said. “Pretty much the same as 
the other court in the other sta- 
dium. Pm playing in the Arthur 
Ashe charity match on Saturday, 
so I'll have a good feel of what 
it’s going to be like with the 
Linesmen and the ballboyS-’ 

During a break in training to 
participate in a media confer- 
ence call organised by the ATP 
Tour, Sampras was questioned 
about the current decline of po- 
tential tennis talent in the Unit- 
ed States. 

Was there part of him that 
thought if Arthur Ashe was 
spending all that money (around 
£234m), he would have spent it 
on grass-roots tennis rather 
than a stadium? “Probably,’' 
Sampras replied. “I didn't know 
Arthur well but that was some- 
he was much interested in. 
think we have some good 

charge again 


reports from Worksop 
Essex 319-4 v 

The strength of Australian 
cricket can be measured in 
those players left out of this 
summer's Ashesparty as well as 
those included. Stuart Law, the 
28-year-old Essex batsman, was 
among those considered not 
good enough, yet he has plun- 
dered runs handsomely around 
the county circuit. His omission 
might not have pleased him - 
but his county could not be 
more delighted. 

Yesterday, Law overcame 
the handicap of a slow, green- 
ish pitch here to record his 
fourth Championship century of 
the season, and his sixth in all 

first-class matches, equalling 
)ied Essex. 

Martin McCague (right) is ordered out of the Kent attack by Alan Whitehead yesterday Photograph: Richard Austin 

his 1996 tally. It enabl 
still title contenders even in 
eighth place at the start of this 
round, to establish a promising 
position after their captain, 
Paul Prichard, had won the 
toss on his return after injury. 

The wicket here has a histo- 
ry of assisting tbe spinners and 

Essex have come weD equ^p«l _ ; 
with Peter Such, who began his - xl 
career with ■ Nottinghamshire; 
bringing local knowledge' as RQ 
well as his other attributed. ' 

- Fluent strokeplay proved dflr 
ficult but the' Queenslander v 
. was prepared to take pn . this - ■ : 

. bowling and take a few ri^ks. It ^ 
paid off wheat the second of two- - 
sixes off the left-aim spmn&ri ■ ■■■’■ . 
Usman Afzaal, sailed towards; ■ 
the caravan park at midwfcket - v - 
to bring him 53 off 79 balls/Law : - 7;. 
scored his second 50 off only 38 • * 
balls, moving to three figures V ‘ . 
when he -hit Matthew Dow- 7 V 
man in the air over extra cover ' 
for the 15th.of 18 fours. 

After Prichard and Dairen 
Robinson had put on 94 for the 
first wicket. Law was well sup- 
ported by Tim Hodgson, playing 
in only his second Championship 
match, who revealed himself as 
a sound te chnician of some 
promise before Nathan Aslie den 
ceived him with a slower balL 

Law added 94 in 23 overs 
with Paul Grayson for the 
fourth wicket before the Aus- 
tralian skied the first ball of 
Afzaal’s post-tea spell and was 
caught in front of the wicket by 
ie keeper. 

the keeper, Wayne Noon. 

Long hot summer reaches boiling point Knight’s nerve tested 

young players. I don’t know if 
" have the i 

Boris Becker has withdrawn 
Grom tire US Open following 
the death from cancer of his 
adviser and dose friend. Axel 
Meyer-Woelden, tournament 
officials announced yesterday. 

The 29-year-old Becker, a 
former world No 1 and winner 
of the 1990 US Open, had been 
expected to make his fin al ap- 
pearance in a Grand Slam at tbe 
event, which starts on Monday, 

Albert Costa replaces Beck- 
eras tire No 16 seed, becoming 
the fifth Spaniard to be seeded 
in the men’s singles. 

Emerson's record 12. More- 
over, Sampras would have ac- 
quired three of the year's four 
major sangles titles. The last man 
to accomplish that was Mats Wi- 
lander in 198S. The Swede was 
unable to win at Wimbledon 
while the French championship 
has eluded Sampras. 

Acquainting himself as much 
as possible with the fresh envi- 
ronment of the 23,000-seater 
Arthur Ashe Stadium, named 
after the late champion of the 
United States, Wimbledon, 
Australia and manifold causes 
relating to freedom and digni- 
ty, Sampras is practising on 
the new court this week. 

How did it compare with the 
adjacent, much-criticised Louis 
Armstrong Stadium, the seating 
capacity of which is scheduled 
to be reduced from 20,000 to 
10,000 after this year’s cham- 

“It’s going to be a pleasure to 
play in the new stadium,” Sam- 
pras said. “It’s beautiful very 
well put together. It’s a great 
impression just walking in there 
and seeing the new seats. The 
locker-room facilities are much 
nicer, and it will be a lot more 
convenient to get around. 

The concrete playing sur- 
face at the US Open makes it 
possible for competitor s to 
practice on the show courts. 
“The speed of the new court 

they'll have the impact of what 
I’ve done or Andre [Agassi] or 
Michael [Chang] or Jim [Couri- 
er]. I think it goes m odes,” Sam- 
pras said. “Spain has been a 
country that’s stepped up. al least 
in the last couple of years. I still 
think the interest in tennis in the 
States is very good. Who knows, 
in 10 years’ time we might have 
four or five young Americans. 

“I think all the players are 
happy that the new stadium has 
been'builL It brings a whole new 
feel to the US Open. You know, 
Arthur Ashe was a great name 
to use for the stadium, so it 
should be fun. 

One reporter was curious to 
know what Sampras’s reaction 
was to people who say that ten- 
nis can be a victim of his suc- 
cess, that when fit and in form 
he is too good for the rest. “I 
have no reaction," Sampras 
said. "Really wbat I want to do 
is just go out and try to play arid 
win. That's the way I’ve always 
approached the game." 

That, plus the ability to over- 
come numerous setbacks. “Tve 
always bad the confidence that 
1 can come back or 1 can kind 
of deal with some tough stuff,” 
Sampras said. “I felt my year 
was a little bit up and down till 
basically Wimbledon, where I 
really played about as well as I 
could. That kind of set the 
tone for having a good s umm er. 

“Just when Grand Slam time 
comes around, tire juices start go- 
ing and Fm ready to go. I just 
have the confidence that if things 
aren't going wdLi have the game 
to come back. Fve never been in- 
secure about my tennis. It's al- 
ways nice to have that” 

Not to mention the ability to 
channel his emotions on the 
court. “A lot of it is just my per- 
sonality. I’ve always been land of 
laid bade, don’t get loo bothered 
from things. You know, bad line 
calls are just going to happen. 

“rve always handled than the 
way I am off court You know, 
just tty toplay the next point Fve 
always tried to be someone that 
doesn't lose his composure. It 
helps me tea better player. Thai 

was kind of the way I was raised, 
the way Tm sure TU always be." 

Until the goings-on of the last 
seven days distorted public per- 
ception, cricket and hot tempers 
were not concepts that were 
readily associated with each 
other. But after last week’s 
argy-bargy during an ill- 
tempered NatWest semi-final 
and yesterday's first-innings ban 
on Kent’s fast bowler Martin 
McCague, for deliberate intim- 
idatory bowling, cricket’s fjristine 
image has begun to tarnish. 

McCague, bowling for Kent 
in the first day of their County 
Championship match with 
Somerset at Taunton, was tak- 
en off after just 2.1 overs. Hav- 

Derek Pringle says that pitch battles 
have long been a part of the game 

mg received a warning in his first 
rdoing the bouuc- 

over for overdoing 
er, tbe umpire, Alan Whitehead, 
then ordered him off in his 
third; his final sequence being 

bouncer, bouncer, beamer, the 
last two being called no-ball. 

Under Law 42& which deals 
with short-pitched bowling as a 
means of unfair play, the um- 
pire, having already warned 
the bowler, is quite within his 
powers to order the captain to 
take him off Whitehead had 
previously warned Ian Botham 
for much the same thing against 
Australia during the Heading- 
ley Test of 1985. Botham, how- 
ever. did not transgress further, 
as McCague did yesterday. 

With tins and skirmishes in 
general on the increase, due to 
the recent hot and humid 
weather, it would be tempting 

for cricket to lay the blame on 
the same doorstep. Convenient, 
were it not for the fact that, hid- 
den from television - an option 
not available to Mark Dott’s and 
Robert Croft's shoving match 
last week- it has been going on 
for donkey’s years. 

Before the stripey ties at 
Lord’s and elsewhere choke 
on their gin and tonics, aggres- 
sion is not something that can 
be turned on and off at the flick 
of a switch. Unlike other team 
games, cricket can be distilled 
into a series of one to one du- 
els. Unsurprisingly then, it can 
get personal especially when 
one party is gettrag'humiliated 

- as McCague was when Rob 
Turner took 22 runs off his first 
two overs. 

While no one condones per- 
sistent law-breakers, there are 
punishments available and 
cricket must not get its knick- 
ers in a twist every time some- 
thing out of the ordinary 

As a game that was not so 
long ago described as elitist, ex- 
dusionist and dull its recent no- 
toriety will probably come as a 
relief to those who probably 
thought you first bad to enrol 
at finishing school to play it. 

Nobody wants to see yobbish 
behaviour on a grand scale, but 
if cricketers cant occasionally 
show they are human, how on 
earth are we going to popularise 
the game? 


reports from Edgbaston 
Warwickshire 252 
Worcestershire 20-2 

Wells makes Cork and Derbyshire suffer 

The Leicestershire opener 
Vince Wells, dropped by Do- 
minic Cork when he bad made 
25, made bottom of the table 
Derbyshire pay with a magnifi- 
cent 190 at Grace Road yester- 
day. Wells' third century of the 
season helped Leicestershire to 
373 for 7 at the close. 

Kevin Curran made the high- 
est score of his career to heir 

Northamptonshire fight baclt 
against Gl; 

i lam organ at Aber- 
gavenny. The veteran all- 
rounder came in at 51 for 3 and 
hit an unbeaten 159 as bis side 
closed on 302 for 8. 

Yorkshire have re-signed the 

Australian left-bander Darren 
Lehmann on a one-year con- 
tract as their overseas player for 
next season, and he repaid their 
faith with his 11 th innings of 50 
or more in 19 Championship in- 
nings to put Yorkshire in com- 
mand against Sussex at 

The Australian left-hander 
built on the advantage forged by 
the scamcrs Chris Silverwood 
and Paul Hutchison, who 
shared the honours as the visi- 
tors were bowled out for 157 af- 
ter winning the toss. Lehmann 
was unbeaten on 63 at the close 
as Yorkshire reached 174 for 5. 

Some things are easier to fore- 
cast than others. The rain, for 
instance, which trimmed yes- 
terday’s morning session by 22 
overs was not foreshadowed by 
the experts. David Houghton, 
Worcestershire’s coach, was 
much nearer the mark when be 
said he expected a scam 
bowlers’ pitch here. 

Neither side would have want- 
ed it any other way.Unevenly 
grassed, the pitch provided 
enough movement and, from 
time to time, variations in 
bounce for any self-respecting 
seamer to have a birthday. War- 
wickshire's bizarre batting display 
tended to suggest they expected 
an unplayable ball any minute. 

Alas for Worcestershire. Phil 
Newport, who would probably 
have made the ball do every- 
thing excepi talk, was unfit and 
the new ball was in the hands 
of Ihe relatively inexperienced 
Alamgir Sheriyar and Maneer 
Mir/a who. in their anxiotv to 

exploit the conditions, found it 
hard to put two successive de- 
liveries in the right place. 

Even so, there was enough go- 
ing on for Andy Moles and Nick 
Knight, both recovering from 
broken fingers, to be justifiably 

apprehensive against the new 

; Knight's innings was prob- ^ 
ably no better, though certain- T) 

ly no worse, than be feared after 
a seven-week absence. 

Unsurprisingly, he found tim- 
ing elusive. Once he even hur- 
riedly look a hand off the bat 
He prevailed for 17 explorato- 
ry overs, helped by a fair amount 
of bowling at his legs, and when 
he perished it was to an at- 
tempted cut off a ball that 
bounced more than be expected 

By now. with the ball starting 
to swing more than earlier in the 
sultry afternoon, the bowlers 
had no doubt relaxed and Sberi- 
yar often went past the outside 
edge with splendid deliveries. 

But Warwickshire had long 
since embarked on a cheerful i 
roller-coaster ride in which 
everything off length or line was 
heartily thumped away, typified 
by Neil Smith's 40 from 67 
balls before he fell to the best 
of Sieve Rhodes’s four catches. 


Britannic Assurance 
County Championship 

First day of four, lLOtoday 

Durham v Mhfcflesex 

CHESIER-LErSTREED Durham (2ptS) «a 
2SS for 6 In tfuir first innings against 

Durham non toss 
DURHAM - First tanfngs 

J J B Lewis Ibw b KsfliS -38 

S Hutton c Brawn b Johnson .29 

JEMomscGatangb Johnson 0 

*D C Boon e Dutch b KalDs 

tM P Spe&it c Gatnng b KaBs .. 
RMS W6ston c Gatttng b Kale , 
MJ Foster not out 



— 22 

M M Setts not exit 

Extras flbT. to5. w2, nM6J — 
-fetal (for 4,933 mam). 


Ffcfl: 1-65. 2 -63. 3-131. 4-153, 5-239, 6- 

fo bat J Boftng, S J E Brown, A VWsfkar. 
Bowling: Fraser 22-6-47-0: Hewn 15-2- 
69-0: Kalte ±5568-4: Johnson 17-540- 
7i Dutch 123-2-2S-0; Wsehas 9-3-21-0. 
Ganna o A Shah P N Wastes, tK R Bnam. 
K P Dutch, D C Nash. R L Johnson J P He- 
wftt, ARC Fraser. 

Umpires: B Dudtesun and M J Kttchaa 

Henman’s tough draw 

DJ Roberts bwbWaq* 

R J warren e Shaw b UMon 

i Henman has been given a 
zh draw in the opening 
ad of next week’s US Open 
lushing Meadow, 
be British No 1 , who missed 
ig seeded because his rank- 
has slipped to 20 in the 
Id, wifi play Thomas Muster, 

No 5 seed from Austria. 
,reg Rusedski the British 
2 , has been more fortunate 
he will play the American 
id Wheaton, a wild card. 

Wheaton was ranked as high as 
12 in 1991 and reached the semi- 
final of Wimbledon that year but, 

after an Achffles fa juiy last year, 
he dropped out of the wodtrs tty 

100 and is now ranked 142. 
However, his form has been 
improving recently. 

Etete Sampras, tne No l seeo, 

faces a qualifier, while tbe No - 

seed and feUow-American 

Michael Chang wDl play ihe 
Swede P&trik Fredriksson. 

A Ranfcwn c Maynanl.g Thomas 
•R J Bailey c Jamas b Craft — 
K M Curran not out 


D J G Sales o Maynanl b Waqar . 

J P feyiar e Shaw 
M AKram run out 

M K Davies not out g 

(fc4, n&2) — 

fefolffora a2orew)... ; ' TV ' J” ? 

RaB: 1-08. 2-18, 3-51, 4-123. 5-176, 6- 
182, 7-261, 8-298. 
fe bat J F Braun. _ 

aqar 19-4-74-3: Wktfan 1^6- 
38-1; Soft 24-3-02-2: foam® 15- 1-80- 
Ji Dale 4-0-17-0; Cosker 11-2-27-0. • 
GLAMORGAN: S P Janes, * W BaniA 
Dale. M J Ftawe*, P Maynard. R P B Cn A 

f A D S»W Waqaf feuns S O Thomas. S 


Umfrires: G I BuffieR and A Ctertson. 

Leicestershire V Derbyshire 

LSCESTBt Leicestershire (4pt9) are 373 
for 7 in their first innings against Der- 
byshire (3L 
LekxstBrshbe won toss 
LQCESTERSHRE - First Innkigs 

V J Wefts b DeFrsitas ..190 

0 L Mad* c Harris b DaFrertss ........ .33 

{ J Stflciiffe C & b Cork ~—2 

’J J Whitaher c Krtrhen b Hams 61 

8 F Smith c Oarive b Harris B 

A Habib c May b Deftatas -5 

fP A Nixon nor out ......... 34 

□ J Mttns st KrMen b DeFrertas 1 

Extras {b4. RH3. nb22J * 39 

fetal {for 7, 102 ovwra) 373 

faa 1-144. 2-175. 3-264, 4-280, 5310. 
6-367, 7-373. 

fe bat: G J fisreons. J Ormond, ARK Pler- 

Bcrefin* DeFratas 31-13-87-4: Cart* 15- 
3-77-1; AMiHJ 17-5-600: Hams 154-BB- 
2; BackweC 9-4-24-0; Clarke 11-5-20-0. 
DERBVSMRfi: A S Rofens, M R May. C J 
Adams, KJ Barnett l Blackwell. VP Curie, 
tKM Kllkkan. »PAJ DeFrams. DGCvk. 
A J Hams, P AkJred. 

Umpires; J H Hampshire and G Sharp. 

WORKSOP: Essex C3jrts) are 319 for 4 
ki their first innings against Nottfo* 

hams MrattL 

gcsK won toss 
ESSEX - Fb*t loninfis 

*P j Prichard c Noon b Oram ...... 46 

DDJ Robinson c Astte b Evans 40 

T P Hodgson llMb Astte >-44 

S G LatfC Nom b Aftaal — 115 

A P Grayson not out -35 

Extra* <blD, KG, w4, tA6) ~26 

feW (for 4, 1CU overs)-. HU) 

Mb 1-94, 2-101. 3-194. 4-288. 
fe trab tR J Hours. G R Napm A P Cow- 
an. M C Bob. P M Such. 

BcwtatfOianj 14-6-51-1: Bans 14-5-26 
I?**? 20-534-0; Boren 1&4-5&0; te- 
tle 1&4-29-1: Afeaal 16-4- 57-1; Dowmar 

a n ->D-Q 

rjowmarv N J Asite *P Johnson. U AttW L 

AAM«calfo. C M Tic^. Hooa KP 

Evans, M N Bowen. A HO*™**** 

Umpire*: D Constant and JH Hotdet 

Somerset v Kant 

TAUHTQffc. Somerset « 

kt Uwimiat infllflg* «0NMH *a« W- 

Somerset non rose 

SOMERSET - First tenlnga 

tR J Turrwr c Cowdrey b Eaftram —.144 

P C L Hoitowry c Ward b Phillips 0 

*S C Ecclestone not out 103 

M N Lattmefl c Ward b Ealham 26 

M E Trescotfuck c Morrfi b Fterrwg ,„.0 

M Bums c Weils b Philips 11 

G D Rose c Marsh b Fleming 35 

S HenSberg not out 6 

Extras (bl. 162. nbffl 11 

fetal (for B, 104 overs) 338 

Bowflng Welch 6-3-11-0: Biomi 5-0-9- 

2 . 

Umpires: J C BaUerstone and B J Mey- 

Fafl: 1-14. 2-73, 3-76. 4-93. 5-148. 6- 

lb bat: A P van Traost, Mushtaq Ahmed. 

Bowfirtf MeGa&re 2.1-0-22-0. PfcApsJO- 
5-74-2; Eatem 24 .58- 58-2; Renting 25 
2-83-2: Strang 258-780: Wefc 52-180. 
KENT: D P Futon. E T Smith. T R Ward, A 
P Weils. G R Cowdrey M A Ealham. M V 
Fleming, t*S A Marsh, P A Strang, m j 
M cCague. B J Phftkps. 

Umpires: R A White and A GT Whitehead. 

Warwicks v Worcestershire 
BKBASrDN: Worcestershire (4pts) are 
20 tar 2 fe reply to a ftret-innhigi total 
oT 252 by WhrwfckaKre (2J. 
Vterv/fckshtre won toss 
VMRWICKSHRE- First budnpi 

*N V Knight c Rhodes b Shenyar 20 

A J Motes c Rhodes b Shenyar .25 

D L He mu c mmgwortti b Musa .........25 

M A Waghc Moody b Mraa 82 

T L Rainey c Curtis b Lampm 0 

N M K Smith c Rhodes b Moody ...-.40 

D R Brown c Rhodes b Shenyar 8 

G Welch b Mura - 38 

A F Giles (bw b Lamprtt -20 

tK J Piper not out - 4 

M A V Bell tow b Mina -...0 

Extras (04, HjB. i*8, nb20) ...-.40 

fetal ooera) 

Yorkshire v SttSMOC 
SCARBOROUGH: forkaMne (4ptsV with 

Bw flreMnnfngs wlctaots standing, are 
17 tuts ahead of Sussex ©. 

Sussex mn toss 
SUSSEX- First Innings 

M T E Peirce Uw b Hutchison 2 

R K Rao Ibw b 5<Nenvooa O 

N R Isylor b White 57 

M Newell not out -.62 

K Newell c Hamilton b Hutchison 13 

*fP Moores Ibw b Siberwood 7 

PW Jotvw Ibw b Sitoerwood l 

J J Bates ibw b Hutchison 0 

A A Khan ibw b Hurchbon — 0 

AD Edwards bS*rerwood 1 

M A Robmson b Hutchison .0 

Extras ml. toll. n02) 14 

fetal (51-2 overs) 157 

FaH: 1-3. 2-3. 3-102. 4-125. 5-138. 5 
150. 7-151. 5151. 9-156. 

Bowftng: Stfcenwad 15-3-27-4; HutctHSon 
13.2-5-48-5; Hamilton 5-0-12-0; Stamp 
12-3-350: White 50-20-1. 

YORKSMRE - First Innings 

A McGrath Ibw b Robinson .33 

M P Vaughan c Peirce b Jonns .......9 

*D Byas c M Newell b Jams 17 

D S Lehmann not out 63 

Fi* 1-48. 2-53. 3-111. 4-115. 5-133. 
5146. 7-197, 5238, 5246. 

Bowflnr Shenyar 153-453; Muza 16- 
4-51-4: Moody 16-4-56-1: Lamwtt 17- 
3-60-2: romewonh 34>-12-0; Leatherdate 


T S Curtis ibw b Brawn - .6 

W P C Weston c Moles b Brown J2 

R K Illingworth not out 5 

G A Hick not out 7 

Extras O 

fetal (tar 2. Uom) ISO 

Ft* 1-8. 2-9. 



C White c Moores b K Newell 34 

8 Parker ibw b Ro&nson 0 

C E W Sherwood not out .8 

Extras Ilb2, nbS| 10 

fetal (for 5. 51 overs) 174 

Eafc t-23. 2-45. 572, 4-154, 5158. 
fe Bat tR J Biakev, G M Hanufton. R D 
Stamp, P M Hutch eon. 

Bowling: Jams 12-3-452; Edwards 4-0- 
11-0; Khan 53-26-0: Bates 14-540-0; 
Robinson 9-1-41-2: K Newell 4-2-5 1. 
Umpires: J 0 Bond and 0 R Shepherd. 

Third women’s One-day 
England v South Africa 
LORD'S: England beat South Africa by 
wewn wicket*. 

(South Africa won lass) 


L Oliwe» run out 57 

0 Herd Ibw b Radfem 3 

»D fcrWanche b Taylor _..0 

H Dames st Cassar b Srrethies IS 

K Lamg run out 3 

*K Price c Cassar b Smithies 0 

A Burger c & b Smitraes 1 

R Stoop c & 0 Leng 21 

Ahotzerunout - 11 

C Eksteen c Taylor b Reynard 6 

A Bezuteenhout not out 1 

Extras 0)6. Ibl. *»5. f*l) 13 

fetal (4fL3 Mm] ry 

Fsfc 1-19'. 2-22, 576. 4-86. 590. 6-92, 
7 92. 5117. 9-133. 

Bowftng: Tbytor 51-351: Redeem 51-15 

1: Smithies 10-515-3; Connor 10-1-22- 
0: Leng 51-21-1; Reynard 7.51-21-1. 


C M Edwards b Eksteen 4 

H C Plimmer b Eksteen _1G 

B A Daniels run out 53 

J S Metcalfe not out 49 

?J Cassar not out j 

Extras 102. Ib4. «d) 10 

fetal (tar 3, 403 overs) 

Fatal-a. 2-43, 3- 102. 


Did not hoc *K Smnmes. K M Ler*. M A 
Reynard. CJ Connor. S Redfem. C E Tay- 

Bowfttt Kctee 51-37-0: Eksteen 155 

0: Rad 3-1-13-0. 

Umpires: Mrs V Gtobens and Mrs A 

Howe Dunam 

2m3iM A Roseoeny 51). Sussex 86 for 0. 
•®^ 1 , ^ n ^ N ^'»npim5hK-33ifar9 
lerno. 1 D Fisher 599i York- 
"Jwel8 for O OM Traffont Lancashire 271 
J 1 H ayngs 66. R R Dibden 4- 7; v Hampshire. 

Ctoucosiersnffi 213 tor 
14 2»- Tedrflngtoo (Tbe Umz- 
fow Otab): Mdrleses 230 W W Laraman 66. 
lv» f S5 t2n « u S 587). Oamoman 

,M K Palmer 51. W LLaw 50, RA 
Fay 4«3j. 

Sta rting today 


[Bra* day of tan; including Sunday}: 

Headmpjey; EngSanu v Zmbabrei (11XH. 

fe bat: *T M Moody. V S Sotonhi. D A 

tJMtherdale. ts J Rhodes. S R Lamprtt A 
Sheriyar, M M Mirra. 

[The percentage of Sydney) 
residents who said in a sur- 
vey that they plan to attend 
the 2000 Olympic Games in 
the city. The survey also 
found that 31 per cent of 
Australians outside the city 
also plan to attend the i 






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0930 161 555 


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knifci- .• 


fofcto- • 

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Bullets ar ; 2 
Sants loo* 

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THE INDEPENDENT • THTre«n»v^ ,, T ~ TrT 




* ♦ 



Britain's Greg Rusedski, now up to No 23 in the world, plays a backhand volley in his three-set defeat of Mikael Tillstrom, of Sweden, in the Boston Opm on Tuesday 

Photograph: Victoria Arochc/A P 

Ballesteros keeps wild cards dose to chest 


reports from Straffan, 
Co Kildare ' ' 

* i i 

White Tom agonised ewer his 

two Ryder Cup wild-card selec- 
tions, only deciding last Sunday 
over dinner wilh his wife and vice- 
captain, his one consolation was 
that he was not Seve Ballesteros. 

The question of bow Eu- 
rope’s captain is going tn 


squeeze three of his best play- 
ers - Nick Ealdo, Jose Maria 
OlazabaJ and Jesper ParnevOc - 
into two positions has been 
vexing most people, including 
those likely to make up the 
team. But not Ballesteros. He 
has already made up his mind. 

Ballesteros does not have to 
announce his final two until the 
10 automatic places arc filled at 
the end of next week’s BMW In- 
ternational in Munich. Instead 
of waiting until the following 

Monday to reveal all. Balles- down to 125th on the qualifying 
teros wfl] wait only 45 minutes list can still make the team, 
after the tournament finishes, mathematically speaking. 

Ballesteros said he made up 
his mind prior to last week's 
USPGA, when Faldo and Olaz- 
ahal missed the cut on 13 and 12 
over par respectively. Unlike Fal- 
do and ftunevflc, OlazabaJ can 
still qualify and is playing in the 
Smurfil European Open, which 
starts today. With £141,660 for 
the winner here and a first prize 
of £125,000 in Munich, anyone 

More realistically, itistbepos- 
abflifyof his countryman, who is 
12th in the standings, making the. 
team automatically that Balles- 
teros was clearly referring to 
when be said: “One thing is for 
sure, I expect the situation to 
change in the next two weeks. 

“If the situation ends as it is 
right now, I have already made 
up my min d. And if the situa- 

tion changes, I have made up 
my mind. It is a secret until 31 
Avgust. It is not a dilemma, it 
is very simple." 

Asked whether he would be 
taking into account Faldo’s per- 
formance in the World Series 
this week in Ohio, Ballesteros 
added: “Whatever happens, it 
is not going to make a differ- 
ence." Having swapped his play- 
er’s hat, the one he can’t hit for 
toffee, for his captain's som- 
brero, Ballesteros was in much 

improved spirits. When probed 
further, he replied: "Do you 
think you are Col umbo?” 

Unless Ballesteros, who con- 
firmed he wfll definitely not pick 
himself and named Miguel An- 
gel Jimenez as his vice-captain, 
was all red herrings, there were 
enough dues for even Dumbo to 
work it out What he would like 
is for Olazabal to qualify auto- 
matically, leaving him free to pidc 
Faldo and Paraevik. If not, it 
could be Faldo and Oliie. 

Should Faldo get the nod, 
Colin Montgomerie expects to 
partner him after Ballesteros 
paired them for a shoot-out at 
Wentworth which they won. 
Montgomerie beat Phil Mick- 
elson in a made for television 
match in Colorado on Monday, 
then flew home on Concorde on 
Tuesday. But his luggage was 
lost flying to Dublin yesterday 
and he went to the pro shop and 
spent £120 on a shirt and 
trousers to play in the pro-am. 

denial on 

Rugby League 


Halifax have denied reports 
that they are in talks with Hud- 
dersfield aimed at basing a 
merged dub at the McAlpine 
Stadium. .Marriage brokers 
have hinted at a wedding be- 
tween Halifax, with their Super 
League status, and their West 
Yorkshire neighbours, with 
their state-of-the-art ground. 

Halifax announced on 
Sunday that their match against 
Oldham was “probably" the 
last league game at their anti- 
quated Thrum Hall ground, 
but that says their chief exec- 
utive, Nigel Wood, is because 
their plan to move in with Hal- 
ifax Town FC at The Shay is still 
alive, despite repeated delays. 

"There is no dialogue be- 
tween us and Huddersfield," 
Wood said "We are going to The 
Shay. There should be an an- 
nouncement within 14 days and 
we should be playing there next 

season. We are pursuing a future 
as a stand-alone Super League 
club. We have had a bad couple 
of months, but we don’t see Hud- 
dersfield as the way forward. 

“The delay with The Shay has 
been to make sure that we will 
be moving to something belter 
than we have got now." 

A Rugby League rescue 
squad of three arrived at Cen- 
tral Park yesterday to help 
Wigan through the crisis trig- 
gered by the resignation of the 
dub’s chairman. Jack Robinson. 

The RFLs vice-chairman and 
finance kingpin. Roy Waudby. 
along with the finance director, 
Tony Eaglelon, and its legal ad- 
visor, Ronnie Teeraan, were 
assessing the situation. 

Among the financial com- 
mitments they may look at 
askance is the huge contract 
under which Denis Betts is due 
to return to the dub next season. 

The League's chief executive. 
Maurice Lindsay, has already 
been highly critical of what it will 
cost to bring Betts home from 
Auckland and the team from 
headquarters could argue that 
it is irresponsible in the club’s 
current plight. 

The first tour of the United 
Slates by a British representa- 
tive side is to take place next 
month when Great Britain Stu- 
dents play three matches there. 

Players from all four home 
nations are in a squad that will 
play two matches against stu- 
dent opposition, followed by 
one against the fill! international 
line-up. the USA Tomahawks. " 


Bullets and 
Giants look 
to States 



Manchester Giants and Birm- 
ingham Bullets hope they made 
their last transatlantic transac- 
tions of the summer yesterday, 
when they completed their ros- 
ters with new Americans for the 
Budweiser League season be- 
ginning on 13 September, writes 
Richard Thylon 
The Giants' new coach, Jim 
Brandon, who left Sheffield 
Sharks earlier in the summer, 
hag signed the 6ft 4 in, 22 -year- 
old guard Brett Larrick, one of 
the leading scorers in the top 
college division with Charleston 
Southern University. The Bul- 
lets’ new coach, Mike Finger, 
fag signed H L Coleman, one 
of the top 10 rebounders in col- 
lege basketball last season. 


te Soa5 Tororv 

S® 5 [fas game); Cfacaga White Sat ! 
ta 3 (second): Botamore 12 Kansas Guy 9 ifcs 
game): Kansas City 9 Batamqie 2 isecond): Da- 
re* 8 Minnesota 2 MrWautee 8 Te*as 2-. Ana- 
hean l2Ne*/loiKVwilee»4: Qewoland 7 Seanfe 
5. Postponed: Soslan v Oakland. 

NATIONAL LEAGUE: Ftemda 8 Chicago Qite 1 ; 
CncnnaU 6 Colorado 5; St Lour 12 Montreal 
5: San ftenesco 9 PWadeWna 5; Pntstnwgh 
5 San Diego 3; Log AngNra 4 New YOdi Mots 
2: Atlanta 4 Houston 3. 


thing): Fares championship aemi-faafc.' 
SMndon Westeeot IM t%*r. T Samson. M Big- 
as. S Warren} bt Ctovedon. Somerset ts With- 
ers. R HedreK. P BranfiekL G Uteri 28-5; 
Bnd 0 WKr BO. Somerset (B SmrttL M Oases. 
R Bfe®on, D Fwfcaw ta Ranowth Mines Wel- 
fare, Notts ID Thompson, R Swenson. N RAa- 
phv. R Denes) 23- 13. Final: SwwJon weatecct 
bt Bnd&rator BCL 19-15. 

poeQ Fourth round wtanere: S Couoe (Waton 
iaDalei, B Wettfr 1 (WaongmnX S Ctap eland ifty 
toni. M Chapman (Btochbumi, J Rtcftarason 
(Startorth). J Gurney (NoniMClij. J Dodgon 
iFdnnbyJ. F Adams l Btackpooh. C SWer 
ley], T Johnstone iWamnponi. 


Onfonl United, who were hoping to mow 
into a new £20m stadium this summer; 
will have to wart at least untfl next Au- 
gust after an unnamed financial teeter 
pulled out Robin Herd, the chairman, 
told the club's AGM: "The stadium win 
be built - 1 Just can't promise when.’ 
Napoii, the Italian Fret Division cfcii, are 
to seefc a Stock Exchange listing m Lon- 
don in the near future. The dub's ad- 
ministrator; Qanmarco Innocent, said: 

"There are fewer restrictions there 

than in our country.' Ha added that af- 
ter ysaxs in the red, the dub was in the 
black last year. 

Span G&20; 3 Derma* 61 -S3: 4 Genrnrre ; 5 Ruus 60.41; 6 Nanedanda 6039; 
7 England 59.92: 8 Italy 59.45: 9 Menco 5906: 
ID Colombia 58.77. Selected: 28 Scotland 
52.67: E5 RepuBbc of Ireland 44.01; 71 North- 
ern tretano 3&S7. 91 Wales 33.05. 

FA CARUNG PR£MERSHH> Rearranged Bx- 
tuw wad 22 Oct Derby Ooirty v WmHedon 
itiCTn Wee 13 Augj. 

TRANSFER: Grey Clayton inreJfteMert PMnoilh 
to tpujuai ifteei. 

proposal tabled by the amateur ckite 
suggesting a format by which their sa- 
nrormenberscouW process to the pro- 
fessional The talcs ««re endorsed 
by a special meeting of dubs last 
Wednesday and wifi present the first 
pro-am competition in the game's 

Rugby Union 

land SchoobS 


Schoofe IS Group 54. 


Johan Muses uw, the Bdgan world 
champion, is to miss Sunday's Grand 

Prix of Switzerland World Cup race be- 
cause of poor form. Museeuw is to re- 
turn to competition in next week's four 
of the Nethertands and graduaHy gear 
up for the World Championships in San 
Sebastian, Spain, m early October and 
the Paris-fouis World Cup race on 5 Oc- 


CHAMPrOHSWtSaoa on TOKjrel 

(Den). 72 LIa|tfTC*re(Nt«ticMW.E Wrote Mid*- 

!«l. 73 H Monagsin ilrettHtty). 74L Mack- 
ay iGofc^ei. 78 P SoMfen rNZl. 



Men: 100m buUrerty. Heat On* 1 M &*x®) 

IPod 57.09SOC: 2 M Bacas Him) 57 38; 3 P 

MacCanhy m 57.43: 4 Iflwda (CzRep) 

57.73: S dearth IW) 59-86; 8 GOgiz Hurt 

5SD8. Hoot Foot: IFEspoaWJ (ft) §3.45:2 

T Rupprafli iGert 54.00: 3 M Keczmarek tPofi 

& 43 a 4 E C Greumi Osrt 54SU E S Pany (GB} 

5438; 6 J«ckmar(GBI 55.03:7 JRFoman 

t*s (Sp) 5627. Hn«± 1 L Ftolander fEkm) 5235; 

2 0 Stanoat (Urt S3Z7: 3 F EacuutJ tHI 53JB: 

4 V KiAov mus) 5184: 5 T tappratfl IGert 

534W; G D PBnimw (Rusl 5400: 7 M Racr- 

msrek (Fog 5449: B P Honetn {HiW 5451. 


4:15^8: 2 FHwd iSp) 4cme8: 3 R SettttGert 

420.43: 4 X Marfatsnd fFrt 421.64: 8 1 Bat- 

tan (Hun] 421.93: 8 U Vt* IGert 4-23.76; 7 

J Srernen (Fin) 4^459; 8 K Cac iCroa) 

43536. «wttaH>ww;iareaBn 

7S15C ip Palmer, A CJoyton. G Meadow. J 

Sasert; 2 Nethertands 7:1734: 3 Germany 

7:1836: 4 Kaly 7JSJ7: 5 Maria 731.45c B 

Swzertano 73877. oteq ue M otf- Suieden. 

(Dan) 23230: 2 A BUSChSChufee (Cart 2TO2L53: 

3 jafem (Sue) 202.14; 4 S FtaMs (Frt 

203.79; SV Homer (GBI 2TO4 J* 8 SPapuHr 
(5Mt) 20&28: 7P StokJes (Nah) 2D9J& Ft- 

nafclUDe Bhin Ori) 1:50.93; 2 N Oiemeai- 

wi (Rus) 1*9^7: 3 C Roiec (Romj 2faU7:4 

M Moravcow) (Sta*l 20034; 5 KHetpss (Get) 

2TO038: 8 K PUemg (GB) 2K3L02 7 0 la- 

punoua (llto) 2:01.11c 8 J Ut>w&> (Swe) 

2Dl-4a glHHn liiueetiuta lnat 1 A to-acs 

(H«i) 23490 lEuropem record}-, 2 A Reczak 

(POO 23BD4 3 B Beeue m 23a90; 4 1 Moth 
na (Ufa) 239.76: B J King KSbr) 23032; BA 

Pakula (Gert 230.40: 7 K Bramend (Ft) 

230.65: 8 L Hntnanh (GB 23L68. 3m bean! 

qmdiKMlsed Mof 1 C Bochner and C 

Scnmalfuss (Gar) 287.94xc 2 1 Lasfao and Y 

PoUhaflra mo) 26424 ; 3 i Cub and D S«* 

(Sp) 24420: 4 J 5chgaaef and C MaBev Aiao- 

W (Smq 23409: 5 J Sirarti end K 5nwh (GB) 

22CL&5; 6 F iTOrbno and P Elo (tu 225_15; 7 

5 Por«hiB_anC jCFeiMay ffW 2130avWterjiol<K 

: Cteaace 6 Spen 7 Q-2 : 

L-2 ewra tana period 1-21 

Biodanan (Swe) bt C Coda (Sp) 6-2 6-0: M Goe4 
nor (Gert fct M Woodtaide (Aua) 3-6 8-4 8-2 J 
Alonso (Par) bt C Ifeud (Non 3-6 &4 60; M Roa- 
set IS**} tt 0 Vaoeh 4-6 6-3 6-2; N Lapentd 
(Eu bt J StemeiMi (Nedi) 7-6 6-4 

(Attaadai} SMn,tnt retted: Y BasUo 0 ndon) 

K M Bad iGar) 6-4 7-6; 0 van RDon (Bel) M 

A Miter (IIS) 6-1 6-3; S Fanna (It) tx M hblee- 

«a (BU) 6-3 7-€c H Tfaraat (FH H A Carfeeon ISw) 

&4 6 J; P Schmder ISwit) M F Labot (Arg) 6-3 

8-2; B ScfajItz-MoCarthy (Netfi) tt P Hy-Boutais 
(Can) 7-6 7-6. 

LXA SUMMER SAmUTE (Have at} Sk«hs, 

qaerteruBaaM: C VMonson (GB) bt L Buuiacota 

(Aus) 6-4; j Fm (GB) H A FMW(AU81 4-6 

7-6 7-5: N Gotid (GBI la C SneB (Aua) 7-5 7-5: 

P Hand (GBI lx A Renner (GEO 67 7-6 6*3. Dou- 

blet final: T fcftchell and A Patntar (Am) bt B 
Cown and C Mhnson (GBj 7-6 1-6 6-3. 
(NottbigbB^; Begs IS and wdan Dtd rmnd: 

R Alexander (HaiB wdshw ii 4-6 Ml &-0; B 
McLaren (Sco) fat 0 Haldenby (SufWW 6-5 1 «. 
Blrta 18 and under: Tfatfd raundS J White 
(NtxttBmptDnshlrei fat L CwtMCft iVtaiwctefaBe) 
7-5 63:Sl4XtaRlSonianeubtCStrr«(]Budi- 
■^Jfaamfihffel 6-2 6-4; C Coombs (Kent) bt K 
Vjmwa) ISurey) 4-6 7-fi 63: T CaloHr (Ltd- 
dtesert bt N Wontnae (Hortofli) 63 61; C 
Sad (Loceseerahisi bt H Farr (Surrey) 3-6 62 
62; H Rteesby (Ncrasi bt E Metcantame (MA- 
dhseO 6-1 67 M: L Herten (CWontetwe) bt 
KGfioa (Hens) 62 61; H Cottn (Sumy) bt L 

TidTjchbantfi iEssbi 6^0 63. 14 and under 
IXrfn] eomfe M Beey 'Sufic*} tt A Bkw< ile<m 
wramrei 6-4 64 ; } Smcn I Surrey i m E iTTeto- 
fe^Smah (Gkxttesierelarei 60 2-6. 62 C Gunn 
(Hampslwei bt G lore (Sune,-i 62 64; j 
OUancighue HancasAnei re A Sorer. iWJVine. 
62 64; K lyietal (Surey) K L Oaeoer i StaBonJ- 
shrei 61 64: A Barnes iCambndjeshaei b: ' 
A Hawtuns (V-torueT 6-4 6-4: L Deeter/ irort-si 
fat H Trenbua rionnumDerlandr 63 61: A 
textarong (M>d(nese» K L Remn&He iHcrs,- 



Hundred 5elacted men'a Am* (seeding and 

Senens OIS) (U w preMec V Spodeo 

D Sherwood (Ytortahra) bt M Tiudaon iCom- 
[Ctedawbt D Kier- 

Konta (Cz Rep)J15)r G Kuenen IBre) 

“ (FSvCMoyalWB): 

(US) w 

(9) v ksMbt, G Rboik 

G hremBeinc (Cme) (4] v D Pescerti (Romj; G 
RwadEio |G 8 ) vD Wheaton (US); FMsntMa ISpj 
02 ) u J SnotartWE (Aua); M Rosaet (Sant) vA 

Bpt MJi Mreter (Are) 15) y 7 Henman 

t *** iug wTQreret^MB) Hi); PMer 

(Aus) Ll3tvA Medvedev (Uo): OueMervYKMd- 

> (Rus) (3); S Bruajera (Sp) (7) ir 


racing results 



BJO: LKiraDIIBW (RSrran) 3-ljtfai7 
2,-ffcst^hAan 4-1; 3. ZWfO 3 m lJCJ&»7 
3-.'- (R Ttennom Trtf* 

- £2 00, £2-50. Duai Cbrecssc £5-90-. Com- 
surer Snag* Fo •ease £13.6 3 - 
t»imi DE DANSE (R 
2. MtoUes PMi lO-L' 3. SatMeM* »» 
w.T»*l U-4 tn Da B«s- iU 
mil Tire- £15-00. £3^0- 0-00. 

. pc- £tfid.fiQ. CST: £ 1 49 - 10 - Tivr £166.40. 


£Hj 90 . CSF: £17.82. Tncasc £77.K. Tntr 

a iAOi 1. PHYliDA li Qusnn) 3-1 tt fav; 2. 
Superbeffe 4-1; 3. Rhw ofFomnre3- 1 TI 
STs ran. l l U IP MaWil. To!*: «£: 

S-mTa.™: £L5a of: £730. csf.- 


aX is m. v.. tx « 

MG UUtt £1-30- ta - 30 - 

Hme. Nonhea5tBmao- U*«e ^ ^ 

bm. deducwn5£4ifte put*.' 


620: 1. WfiH LOW (l* C Banned 11-8; 

8. 5. (M HammontP. ~ta»: 10- 

ft in. df: £10.60. CSF: £17.40. NonRun- 

'*5^1. < E^YMt»MNe UOm (ADOD- 
tvD 11-4; 2. Sabot 7be Boy 5-^3. B *,° f 
AP h— ll-l. 8 1 ma. 7-4 tai'Andr&W- l^ -. 
■/j. (G Richards). T*te £3^0: £1.70, £1.90. 


16r4“raiv 3. 20. OQ-Sheal- Trt*s £130. 

**** CL7 °' 

1. 12i*ft-Mt.Z r-ja 9Q. CSF: 



QQBKAE (C loather) 7-1: 2. VSO- 

nr. ti Try CSF: £3.70. 

soni 10-1; 2- Bondoanw 4-5 tw: a. csbk 
jjriUAurtttt 7-2. 4 ran. 'A. to**™ 1 

To«k £8-50. DF: £B3Q- CSF: £1939- 
7j2tt l. FBNnarwre «WIHBR 
Guesu 2-H 2. KaowWto U-IO** 1 
Brook. 161. 5 nan- JVs 
7MK £2.90: £1-80. £1-70. OF: £190. CSr . 


®£2 sSamse 

| Singspiel must master US star 
Gentleman before he can be 
crowned world champion as far as 

•J* ~ - uoRin* 


Z£so.£UO. £1.70 jOF: 

an MR Fbrer- 

I --SKSE anriNreaflo-" 1 ' 

lu8,on '-- - «ffBREE2E tfLMaWl5 ' lff 


dKarokm of the wodiT bv Franl^ 

Dettori after his victory th the Juo- 

dmonte IntemationaL betas on^ 
advanced to joim-top in the offi- 
cial ratings. Siogspid shares pole 
it 6 SiMt-ra 'cid.WfSLW- position with his Kup George \ i 
1rtcr And Queen Elizabeth Stakes con- 


X 2. of Desert King, Bemrv The Dip 

'S^iS^SSL w- 90 - * and Basra Sham on Tuesday. 

6.40: 3. 


'£4nn,aht-M r*. >P 


VERNONS: Treble Chance: 24pt» £6703400. 
23 £77640. 22 £68.50. 

ZErratS: Treble Chance: 24in £21067. 10. 
23 £10445. 22 £7 00. 21 90p. 

BfOTTENS; Deble chance: 23pts £2D7JO. 22 
£2.45. 21 £0.40. 


s (Gtt) 30004KK 2 1 loJiwNn and A Var- 

r tkus) 273M-. a G Ernptt-lacota and F 

LSmhh (Aus) vM RosTCtide) (U»: A Coaa ISpi 

UjBi v a Boetscti (Fh; P Fredrfhasm Mvu 

Chang (US) (2). 1 

lamov mo) 272MK 3 G ErnploMacota end I 

Plena (W 252J2; 4 L tajtcr and P Warerfleld 

iG8) 24R2S: B N Marconi and C leone TO 

243J5. Water polo: Stb-lOtti place play-off: 

Gremany 7 Nethertanos 10 (63 3-2 2-2 2-3L 

' - - ' " 1 5 Greece 4 (2-0 0-11- 

A Oonena (Spj bt F Oarer I5p> 63 6-4 F Man- 

tfla CSp)M J A Vdoca (Sp} 6-3f 

ta DHitay tSkneh) 62 6% G%«edM Iffl) 

K M Tasman (See) 61 3-6 63: D VtaiSchep- 

P^n^fNath). ta F Uet^nijEka) 6-4 6-4; J 

Rugby League 

The First and Second Division fieaoa- 
atron is to stage its first formal meet- 
ing wttti representatives of the British 
Amateur Rugy League Association on 
28 Aiigis t when the focus win be on a 

3 2<tr. Hjngary 9 nsfaS 162 61 2-2 2-3): Rus- 

sa U Skwalda 6 (2-2 4-2 34) 2-2R Yi«Bta«re 

10 Span 9(1-1 l-l 3-3 63 < 

1 - 01-11 

Worean; 200m heMtyfcE Hast One: 1 M de 

Boren Qit) 2mm 02JSsoc; 2 P Bunowc iCroaJ 

20705: 31 WaKMMtStoreU 20708; 4 CGI>- 

ney (in) 2rt»07; 5 Attanna 2*9.98; 8 

E Baser (Turt 20L484 tlMt Ttaere 1M iaouasi 

cre« ' lu ^i l r imm G 

(Arg teXmSpfl-eM S^XC^n 
Oen) HA Chanc (Can) 6-3 62; R Furtan (It) tu 
P Haartiuta (Neon) 4-8 64 61. 


remttGluroRic (Creel t*Rte^*(PBrt7-5 

6d;ABoaach<n)btYXafeln3w?ta)64 7_ 

C More (Sp) H J Sanchez (Sp) 0-6 7-5 62; P 

RMtar Mus] ta K Hucara (Storek) 63 3-6 63: 

T Woodbndp (AuO ta J Oncns (Br) 8a 64- J 



BO. 82) Wales 0. 1 

World Cup Group Fdar 

Estonia rfj) ° Austria (0) 3 

L6OT PDfaer 47,69.88 

far Kat&ag sot&m, Tattmi 

lArene 1 AUw O. 

): Fbreum 2 Maceaxw 0. 
: PonufflSAnneraa liOdw): 

• Faroe tales (0), 

Group Six 

Credi Rail (2) . 

Kuha pen 14 
Bezel 27 
fat Na SStnatUxb stxtrn. Tepficej 


Spain 8 6 2 ° £4 20 

^ntavta 8 S 1 1 23 6 19 

D toedeen 3 (Dodds 17, 0L N**NI 79C Rann 1 

iwnjra 54) Hem 2 flaw 5G. Adair S41; Rangna 

4 Wctteaca azjrei. Swreas 7UFalBnil Oanre 

36) Si Jrtnswna OCaae 1 (Dome* oen 105) ut- 

arerea dmei. 


(Ebbti 50 vkoj 75i Hares l (Banks oc&i: Lae* 

0 Sourpot 1 rF tanty9Q):9up 2 

SSI DMr 4 (RantaU u 33. Wtaon 

wore l m*ii 6b; SotfS^P 0: Mbit 1 

wch 3 Perenore 1; BoUrNre St Mcnam 2 Rusnal 

OMfaic 0; icngx Ncnon 0 sarereei Bonarei a 

Knypootey wanna 3 SaperM 1; 0Mbwy2Haio- 
jpaani Hrelan 0: Petal mob 0 Wes Mdtendz Po- 

fea 2; Rocaner 1 Cnawnnwi Ot SrafCrd 2 

WBeWM 3: WadnesMd 1 Bhdpnm 3. 

BAI ScortK ltaimni 1: BreneriM Keren 4 

Bw^rnfareazawndareh OTorenO: Ammni 

Ml 3 Rjda Spans 1; Threctarn 1 Basnemouh PC 


lOcftj pw 16) Wowig 1 (Panne i 

Bun ft: Hawse » SaailPd 1 Darechreni 

t aenrev 0 ttawnd HeraWl:Cachreini 1 

e^ttEnaaBOnrem Haired aawgandSBMta- 

am 4 hendon 0: Hetfmcw SmOs 3 {OM Cay 0; 

I O Hngaonan O: & 

Group Eight 

Lltchtanttin 'Oi-O taftnd £2* 

can DanMsssn 28 

Jonssan 61 
GtftanaxtSB o n S3 
to & 5 hefl-«ai*pi Soortpartt 

BefiJiaiwajd 1 Ma^ar S: Oia g qf 4 

Group Nine 

Ukraine iff. 

Be!»»87 33.000 

(H Rtsut&ar- staften, Kn.< 
MIBMXnONAL r«BOa ISt Patw^e): 
Russa 0 YUgMtana 1 Jaanows par. 86;. 

I i: G.-3M i Cioydsnl: Haancn 

fora 3 ure—el: Threw 1 Hrearej: Wanree^p 

Vir.ifaeeSe a Wxmwg 2 AWW Z S arered 18- 


Xre 1; Canre» KMid3 TcmngA Mastam ft E0 »b 

2 wnenroe T. hoasarn 2 OibMium 3: Hungertad 

i 33-CTad I; hfe-TTCOQKflr Pascr 2 TTCin, O-.ffcnh- 

wad 2 1 Weatasar* 2 Uspsnn t WWv- 

»r. 1 Oodare 1, Tl*d OMdon; Awwr 1 laresa 1: 

Caccn 4 Easom & Eart 2: Uortmg 3 ftsnnran 

^SzFtata»aSH«taOcaU'Itatre*3:Heinel i 

vMoo: Dureton FB 2 Uunon 1. 


J. .tantawy, 3 S anta Q: 2 Bojr g 


ifltutr sussex coumv uacic m dmhok 

hacrirerei ATracanbc fEastajmetowi bAng 

Haasreraa tiresre fehantad a 

1 Cso/aanutmcO. Wredan Chart* SMettl 




OR RARIEHS UMUE Premier OMafare Assort 

1 Delias Bum 4; 'Aiasfcs^ari DC Utl 2 TarrpS 
Bay Misrsy 0. 




res OstredreBi IwJ^ 3 • Sas — *1*8 2aar - 

2 iMartfrei wuwe - ipwj): BnrnptM 
3 Baai Csy l Buon Apgn 0| l ^ | l jl™ 

4 Seaway Fitness Z Carrdvan 2 Lorenood 3: 
Rama gre a 3 ChaBirenl: State Green 0 Beat 1: Tuv 
bnd» Wefl* 3 Hyttw 1 WWsaU* 4 SMppiy Z 
POKIWS IEACUE: Httes 1 ft* VMe 4 

0 ; Crenacac Ccr 2 Tanwonh 2: 

SDiryO: j reuneucBi an**' » . 

DMAb: B«Dn ’ Siapstad Owvnnfl Z S 
ZUcsan X:Gran!ham3Pa8*t RsnwfaO: 

Ptrtstt 0 RaaScJi l srean.CotfgM 3 Ewanam 

3. mxa*tz afataton: i 

War- 4: GrtnaretOr 3W1 

A=C 4 : p» 2 am A Be&rewe 1: icreretgB 0 

Aoenai 2 ftsnsmoutn 2: Ojssi Paa» i HUH 
3: UM 2 West Ham L 
UEAOE OF WALES Bangor C« 5 DWUpodl. 
dutch uncue D*n» Ensenada 4 Utaman 4ft 
77. 8X p«m» 6» Rimw smrt l (RtM pen 741: 
Am G (ft* a Babre«4a 20. Ota*h 51, AireWre 
62. Xiaak 08 BS) VB8S» AMMB a 
R8EM0lflSSe Mren 3 (Man Cruz 54 XkMrt GO. 
Mteab B2) Juremis l Cores 301: Pisa 0 ireenvcS" 
arata 2 iRwredo 5. Meaano 45). 

wB) 6-2 7-5; D Belcher 
nan (datum and Oavetand) 62 7-5: J 
Pankhua (Sco) bt B McManus (Kami 7-6 6-0; 
M Hdmn (Cbestanu K D Ctawtey iNreM)62. 
6-1; A Mad* (£coj taJ AucMand (NortA) 7-5 
0-6 6-3: S Dbon (Cheshre) bt B Fufctiar (Nor- 
t*) &3 67 6-1; R Green (BreMree) M A&ae- 
son (Bucte) 7-5 6-2: A Gerland (Sco) ta I Bates 
(Hampahire] 64 63. 14 and under: ThM 
round: 8 May lYtakshftj bt U Ouwnw (Mri- 
(flasart 62 62: T Pocock Sussex) bt R Btoore- 
fteM (NtHfelW 63 6-0; A Banfcs (Ytatefaw) ta 
C Erena (Walea) 61 63: KSInosW ^ancs) bt 



7.30 unless sated 

DhMkree Queen's Partt Ran&m v Luton (2Ab 
im Hamm Borough). 

v Hornsey. 

LANO CUP Flrtt rouKfc Watertoro v Kilken- 
ny Guy (7.45); Bray Wanderers v Unmeraty 
Cole®B DuWm (7^5i; 51 Patnctfs Atfieuc v 
BohemianB (7^5). 

PREMIER LEAGUE: Sheffield v flemoon 

Rugby League 

Pont Featheretone v WaLefteld 1 7.30i. tan- 
i Pool: Leigh r Swmron {730). 


EUIE LEAGUE Ipatnch v Coventry 7730). 

Other sports 

BOWLS: EMBA National Championships 
iwonrang); AUamc Rim Wortd Charewmshni 
(Llandrindod WeOsi. 

GOLF: Scnwfn European Open IK Chjb, Strai- 
ten, CO Kridarei; Bmrsti Women's Amateur 
Stroheplay Championship iSiHoOu- 
TENMSc LTA Satettw tournament fHavanU. ; 

BT’s ISDN lines can send a 

document direct to another 
computer, so you 
don’t have to 



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Boys from the biackstuff 

Ken Jones on the contribution made 
by miners to sport, page 22 


TTTTrRgnAY 91 AUGUST 1997 ■ m MWMT 

Homeward bound | 

Pete Sampras looks forward to the i 
US Open, page 22 { 

Atherton aiming to end Ashes series on a 



With both the series and the 
Ashes gone to Australia, it is 
inevitable that the final Corn- 
hill Test match starting today 
at the Oval will be dominated 
by speculation over the un- 
certain futures of the two cap- 
tains. Contrasting as their 
teams' fortunes have been, 
there remains a distinct possi- 
bility that after this lest neither 
mU lead their country again. 

Which just goes to prove 
that win or lose, cricket, for all 
its sepia-tinted nostalgia, does 
not discriminate between 
victor and vanquished. 

This summer could not have 

progressed more differently for 
Michael Atherton and Mark 
Taylor. The Australian captain 
and his team began in the dol- 
drums; the leader, according to 

3 at the start of the tour, had 
er form nor a future. But 
while his team struggled and 
eventually lost at Edgbaston, 
Taylor plumbed the depths of 
his inne r resources and ca up 
with the hundred that would buy 
him the tune to get his side back 
to business. It did not take 
long and, once they remem- 
bered how to win, their effi- 
ciency was almost surgical in its 

Atherton, on the other hand, 
saw England begin their cam- 
paign deed perfect, as Aus- 
tralia were dispatched in both 

the one-day series and the first 
TfesL Suddenly, though, expec- 
tation caught-up with them and 
the true pressures of Test crick- 
et - the need for relentless con- 
sistency -were brought to bear. 
As in the past against sides that 
can exert constant pressure, 
they were found wanting and 
three Tests were lost in succes- 

But if the paths to an un- 
certain future are divergent 
ones, Thylor has the most to lose 
by being stood down. Captain 
or not, Atherton is still Eng- 
land’s most reliable and tech- 
nically proficient batsnan and, 
injury permitting, has at least 
another three years of Test 
cricket in him. On the other/ 
hand, Taylor, without the cap- 

taincy and Dearly 33, will almost 

certainly never play for 

Australia again 

However, if his own future is 
something Thylor can contem- 
plate at leisure when he gets 
home from this tour, he could 
still empathise with Atherton. 
“1 have a lot of feeling for 
Athens,” Thylor said after net 
practice yesterday. ^Whether it's 
right or wrong, the captain car- 
ries the can. What I don't as- 
cribe to is that by changing the 
ca ptain, or changing the coach 
or the team, you are going to 
change the way things are go- 
ing. Cricket just doesn't work 
like that.” 

/* These will be heartening 

’ words to Atherton, who will 
contemplate his own future af- 

ter this Test is finished. With 
England’s good record at the 
Oval - 13 wins to Australia’s five 
- many will be hoping a repeat 
of England’s victory there 
against the Aussies four years 
ago (coincidentally, Atherton’s 
first win as cap tarn) will help 
persuade him to remain in 
charge for this winter's tour to 
the West Indies. 

**A win here will be the best 
way to finish the series,’' Ather- 
ton said yesterday, although 
he added that it would be dif- 
ficult to say whether it would 
have any bearing on his even- 
tual decision regarding the cap- 

After the coach David 
Lloyd's frank criticism of his 
team’s performances on Tues- 

day, England nevertheless have 
a good chance of saving some 
face and recording their second 
victory of the series. 

Stm, it will not be easy. Tay- 
lor admitted that, with the rub- 
ber dead, theirs was not a 
“must-win situation 7 ’. That said, 
his side, despite the absence of 
two frontline bowlers, were 
professional cricketers who play 
for Australia and would still be 
“turning up". 

Being a Test match, the oc- 
casion will not lack for com- 
bativeness and both sides have 
new faces who have much, to 
play for. 

If Shaun Young, Glouces- 
tershire's Tasmanian oversea s 
player, and Mike Kasprowicz 
get their chance to mate a be- 

lated point to their tour selec- 
tors, England’s returning play- 
ers, Mark Ramprakash, Phi 
Tufnell and (should Dean 
Headley’s bruised ankle still be 
painful) Peter Martin, all have 
. tour places' to compete for. 

For Ramprakash, a stellar if 
frustratmgly . under-achieving 
talent at Test level, the stakes 
could not be higher. After .19 
Tests, he will know that few are 
granted the reprieve of resum- . 
ing a Test career with a batting 
average of just 16.6. , 

As he captain said yesterday: 
“He has to play for the here and 
now as well as the years to 
follow." . .... 

. With the positive endorse- . 
meats of all those around hftn, 
Ramprakash must convince 

Rowell leaves 
red faces at 


Rugby Union Correspondent 

Jack Rowell, the most success- 
ful club coach in the history of 
the English gam e and no mean 
performer at Test level, yester- 
day called time on bis three and 
a half year career at the helm of 
the national team and left those 
Rugby Football Union officials 
responsible for a shabby and 
squalid high summer 
denouement to face the conse- 
quences of their actions. The 
chastened inhabitants of Twick- 
enham's corridors of power 
must now conjure a replacement 
bora thin air. haring failed to 
find one in the shadowy spaces 
behind Rowell's back. 

Rowell informed leading 
figures on the national playing 
committee yesterday afternoon 
of his decision to relinquish his 
position with effect from 
Sunday week, when his current 
part-time contract expires. 

Almost exactly 48 hours 
previously Ian McGeechan, the 
former Scotland coach who 
guided the Lions to victory in 
South Africa in June, had re- 
jected an official offer to fill 
Rowell’s shoes, leaving his 
Twickenham tempters almost 
knock-kneed with embarrass- 

Having failed to lure their 
preferred choice and lost their 
incumbent as a direct result of 
their hole-in-the-coraer tactics 
- it would be stretching creduli- 
ty to suggest that the approach 
to McGeechan did not hasten 
Rowell's departure, whatever 
diplomatic face the Twickenham 
spin-doctors attempt to apply to 

the situation - the RFU find 
themselves in the prickliest of 
positions. England are sched- 
uled to play 13 internationals 
over the next 10 months, start- 
ing with gentle aut umn run-outs 
against New Zealand, South 
Africa and Australia, and unless 
Bob Dwyer, the former Wrila- 
by World Cup-winning coach 
can be persuaded out of the re- 
maining year of his contract at 
Leicester, they will be forced to 
place their farth in an untried, 
untested rookie. 

Dwyer was sounded out dur- 
ing last season’s Five Nations' 
Championship - a tournament 
Rowell came within 20 sloven- 
ly minutes against the French of 
winning in Grand Slam style - 
but there was no follow-up. In- 
stead, the RFU went after 
McGeechan and Graham Hen- 
ry, the hot-streak tactician be- 
hind the Super 12 champions, 
Auckland. Rowell was fully 
aware of both initiatives and 
opted to keep his counsel, but 
private conversations with col- 
leagues and acquaintances on 
Moadav left them in no doubt 
as to the depth of his anger and 

Phil de Glanrille. the Bath 
centre appointed by Rowell as 
England captain nine months 
ago, was saddened but not re- 
motely surprised by yesterday's 
news. "He’s been thinking this 
over for some time," he said. 
“He’s a shrewd man." Like 
Rowell, De GlanviHe diplomat- 
ically kept the lid on his feelings 
but along with most of the Eng- 
land squad, he quietly articulat- 
ed bis disgust at his mentors’ 
treatment on more than one oc- 
casion during the summer. 

The RFU will almost certainly 
attempt to explain Rowell’s de- 
parture by citing his unwilling- 
ness to compromise a 
spectacularly lucrative man- 
agement consultancy career by 
taking on a full-time role with 
England and, indeed, Rowell 
may seek the quiet life by fol- 
lowing that particular line him- 
self, at least in public. But as one 
England insider pointed out on 
Monday before McGeechan ’s 
decision had been announced: 
“There is nothing to stop Jack 
combining the two halves of his 
life. That is not the issue. The 
issue lies at Twickenham with the 
people who have undermined 
him. They know who they are.” 

If Fran Cotton, Bill Beau- 
mont and the rest of the new 
RFU hierarchy decide against 
reopening negotiations with 
Dwyer or, indeed, Henry or 
McGeechan, they may opt to 
appoint a senior and well-re- 
spected rugby figure as manager 
and pair him with a young, en- 
thusiastic coach. Roger Uttley, 
a member of Beaumont’s 1980 
Grand Slam-winning side and 
a key figure in the coaching 
team that led England to the 
World Cup Final six years ago, 
would be an obvious candidate 
for the management role. 

Among the coaching con- 
tenders. Clive Woodward of 
Bath would bring the most 
visionary qualities to a job cry- 
ing out for an ideas man while 
Richard H3L who played under 
Rowell at Bath before starting 
a successful coaching stint at 
Gloucester, is highly thought of 
in RFU circles for his deep 
commitment and strong work 


No. 3383 Thursday 21 Angus* 


Wednesday's solution 


n n in ii u n d ti 

HEiiinu camnnauHu 

□ a bus a b o d 
H onas naoHriESEKJ 

□ a h a □ e e 


a 0 b s o is 

n a h □ a □ 0 

□00000000 0QO0D 

n a 0 □ ana s a 
is □□□□□□ on HumnH 







I Carp about piano in work 

unduly devoted to fashion 
(7) ™ 25 

5 Meal’s recipe is German (7) 

9 Beats paths out of East (5) 26 

10 Set up academic function 

and procedure (9) 27 

II The symbols required by a 

dictator? (9) , 

12 Plant from mountains round 

Uruguay (5) 

13 Sprinkle plants seeding to I 

be coaxed back (5) _ . 

15 Spider worker s joining 2 
Union, note, after rejec- 
tion of scab (9) 3 

IS Tuning up prior to medley ^ 

19 inundate Exchange, invest- 
ing millions (5) f 

21 Audibly criticise entertain- o 
ment (5) 

After a time, politician’s 7 
one who’ll join the papers? ^ 

A J French shanty on the 
French release (9) 14 

Six and King fit, making a 
‘bouse’ (5) 1® 

Ray’s the one likely to get 
fired (7) 

FhmSy title reinforced by 17 
grand political status (7) 

Sources of timber for end- 18 
less trestles (7) _ 20 

One used to carrying a 
load? (9) . . 22 

Addition to dress produced 
by pins, etc (5) 23 

Lady’s fate, interwoven with 
HM’s future (9) 24 

Cook fish that’s strong (5) 
Birds with shiny features 
pecking plant (9) 

Hawk’s snaffled river fish 

Foreign article appended to 
old literature {/) 
Extensive drink pickles 
(they say) up top (9) 
Ticket holder pockets small 
amount, fifth among prizes 

Uniform and shirt removed 
from laundrette, crumpled 

SL for work (7) 

Stage pro wearing artificial 

hairstyle (7) 
Shield agau 
mainly (5) 

inst one’s eye. 

Floor reportedly has old 
look (5) 

Black storm over North (5) 

The unstoppable Michelle de Bruin celebrates victory in the 200m freestyle in Seville yesterday Photograph: Reuter 

De Bruin’s sour success 


reports from Seville 

Just as the European Champi- 
onships burst into life on the 
second day of competition in 
Seville yesterday, Ireland’s 
Michelle de Bruin, formerly 
Michelle Smith, threatened to 
suffocate them. 

Britain won their second gold 
in the men’s 4.t200m freestyle re- 
lay and set two British records 
but the con novelty surrounding 
De Bruin continues to dominate 
the championships. Yesterday 
she won her second title in the 
women’s 200m freestyle and 
appears unstoppable in her 
march towards an unprece- 
dented five gold medals. 

Such is foe speculation of 
drug use that national records 
of other participating countries 
have been overshadowed. De 
Bruin, who has always denied 
using drugs and has never foiled 
a drugs test, has been foe cen- 
tre of controversy ever since 
winning three Olympic gold 
medals In Atlanta. It has also 

been suggested that she is a pup- 
pet to her husband, Erik. 

The saga began here on Sun- 
day when Erik was called to ex- 
plain to LEN , foe European 
governing body, why he fraudu- 
lently gained access to doping 
control in Vienna two years ago. 
On Monday. Michelle was not aF 
lowed to enter one event (her en- 
try was after the deadline) and 
withdrew from another. On foe 
same day. aD her entry times were 
thrown out because they were 
done more than 12 months ago, 
so she has to swim in the slow- 
est heat of each of her events. 

Then Erik, himself banned 
from international athletics for 
a positive drug test in 1993. is- 
sued a lengthy solicitor's leuer 
to a Canadian journalist de- 
manding an explanation and 
apology for remarks made on 
radio m Ireland in July. 

Then after her first gold medal 
on foe opening day of competi- 
tion, she foiled to turn up for an 
official prcs» conference which 
is required of all medallists in 
Seville. Hers, however, was a 
spontaneous crowded gather- 
ing outside doping control. 

When Erik had decided enough 
was enough, be picked up her 
bags and pulled her away. Her 
mandatory meeting with the 
press after her victory yesterday 
was banal. No, she was not sur- 
prised by foe result, and yes. she 
was delighted by foe win. It was 
swiftly wound up by her husband. 

The reason for foe controver- 
sy is thal her spectacular progress 
since meeting Erik de Bruin in 
1993 has been beyond foe belief 
of some observers- In foe 400m 
individual medley, for example, 
she improved 532sec between 
1988 and 1992 to a modest 
4:47.89; after meeting Erik, in 
1993she improved by 1 727sec in 
less than two years to become 
Olympic champion. In a 26-year- 
dd who has competed in two pre- 
vious Olympics it is unheard of. 

Added to this she refused to 
comply with out-of-competition 
drug-testing protocols, failing 
to provide details of her where- 
abouts and was unavailable for 
testing in October 1995 and 
again in 1996. After a written 
warning to foe Irish ASA in Jan- 
uary this year, speculation grew 
that she would be banned when 

it happened again in February. 

No doubt Michelle de Bruins 
clouds will have a golden lining 
this week, and there is a golden 
glow breaking over foe British 
squad, too. The men's 4x200m 
freestyle relay team were jubilant 
after Paul Palmer added the 
team gold to the one he won on 
Tiiesday. Before the race, Jamie 
Salter, who missed an individual 
bronze by one-hundredth of a 
second, said be would be giving 
everything to win a gokL His phe- 
nomenal final leg of 1:48.45 
overhauled a deficit of almost a 
second to take Britain's first 
medal in this event since 1938. 

Also in record-breaking form 
was Jamie King, Palmer's team- 
mate from Bath, recording a 
time of 2:29.91 from foe heats 
in the 200m breaststroke. 

The man of foe day today will ; 
be foe Russian, Alex Popov. The j 
first man to retain the Olympic 
100m freestyle title since John- 
ny Weismuller, Popov is re- 
turning to international 
competition after nearly losing 
his life when stabbed in a 
Moscow street market last Au- 
gust nearly took his life. 

himself lie is the wotid-dass 
player everyone else believes 
him to be. To dothat bftre. be 
must not only conquer twtyof 
the world’s best bowlers, Shane 
Wame and Glenn McGrath, bat 
those -forces; that conspire to- 
deity him from within. It ;rsa fosfc 
onty a man desperate to do him- 
self justice would relish. JPor 
some, the future starts here/ ; 

ENGLAND (from): M A Atherton (capt), M 
A Butcher; A J Stewart (WM), N Hussain 
G P Thorpe, M R fempnksdl A J HoBoate, 
A R Caddie*, PJ Martin, PCRTutheD,D 
E Malcolm. 0 W Hearsay; B C HoBtooha. 
AUSTRALIA: M A Taylor (capt), M TG & 
Rod. G S Btew«C, M E Waiigh, S R 
RT Pontinft I A Heafy (wta), S taing, S 
K WBme, M S Kaspnwkz. G D McGrath. 
Umpires: PWSkey, L Barker (West Indies) 
Third onpires K E Palmer 
Match rejsres: C W Smith {West mated 

County reports, page .22 

acts over 

The Kent pace bowler, Martin 
McCague, was removed from 
the attack by order of the um- 
pire Alan Whitehead in a tur- 
bulent start to yesterdays 
County Championship match at 
Th unton. 

‘ Whitehead stepped in during 
McCague’s third over which 
began with two bouncers and a 
chest-high beamer to the Som- 
erset opener, Rob Turner. The 
umpire called the second and 
third deliveries no-balls before 
summoning the Kent captain, 
Steve Marsh. McCague retired 
to the outfield with figures of 
2.1-0-22-0, including four no- 
balls, and Mark EaUiam com- 
pleted the over. 

Wfr faheflrf ins isted that he 
no option but to order McCague x 
out of foe Kent attack for unfoir 
bowling. had no choice in foe 
matter," Whitehead said, “even 
though it was accidental and 
McCague apologised He had al- 
ready received a final warning 
before a- chest-high full toss 
and I have to do the job." 

A shaken McCague would 
only say: “I'm still getting over 
it. I hope people saw it as 
accidental because that was 
certainly the case." 

T3ie Kent coach, John 
Wright, was also saying little. 
“The umpire is in control of foe 
game and that’s all I am pre- 
pared to say," he said. 

If it was McCague’s intention 
to Intimidate foe batsman, it 
failed Turner justified his pro- 
motion to opener with an4 
innings of 144 as Somerset^ 
dosed on 366 for 6. 

Turner, who went into foe 
match with a first class average 
of 56, confirmed bis growing 
reputation with a mature in- 
nings. The 29-year-old wicket 
keeper reached bis century off 
188 balls, with 14 fours, and 
maintained concentration su- 
perbly to bat for six hours nine 
minutes, adding six more 
boundaries before losing his 
wicket to a tired book shot. 

Simon Ecdestone, captaining 
Somerset in the absence of 
Peter Bowler (back injury) and 
Richard Harden (virus), won 
the toss and took first use of a 
dry pilch. After 14 had come 
from McCague’s First over, ^ 
including no-balls, Ben Phillips 
removed Piran Holloway first 
bail as he edged to Trevor Wrrd 
at second slip, Marcus Trescoth- 
ick was caught behind without 
scoring off Matthew Fleming to 
leave Somerset 76 for 3. 

Ecclestone then joined Turn- 
er, only to suffer a knee injury 
which caused him to retire on 
three. He later returned to reach 
his maiden championship cen- 
tury off 170 balls with 16 fours 
and a six, and was 103 not out 
at the close after sharing a sixth- 
wicket stand of 171 with foe re- 
silem Timer. 

Kent, who started the game in 
second place, also saw their . 
Championship chances dented 0 
by two badly dropped catches, 
which gave lives to Ecclestone on 
22 ana Timer on 110. The un- 
fortunate McCague and Alan 
'Veils were the culprits at point 
and slip respectively. 

Cricket at boiling point, 
photograph, page 22 

Lee and Clark insist Kinkladze will stay at City 

iji « i. ;un rLC.l ■~' v — *- Cmrev Wharf. Lirekm E U SOL and primed n Mirror Cotocr Pnd. Si 

OPuMWied by Ne«^*per. Back bsoo available from Hfetoiis New s pap e r. t)lWSS4Q37ll 

Albans RlllA Wslfcrd *-r* K ^am daa Hnn«pn»ll> Ibt fttcmfcc 



Francis Lee. the Manchester 
City chairman, is trying to 
dampen speculation about foe 
departure of Georgj Kinkladze 
by insisting that the Georgian 
international is staying at Maine 

“Our highest price this sea- 
son is going to be getting into 
foe Premiership and to do tHt 
without a star player of Kin- 

kladze s quality would make it 
difficult." Lee said. “I have 
played with and alongside the 
best players in the world and 
Kinkladze is in foal category." 

Frank Clark, the City man- 
ager. backed Lee by saying: 
“We’ve had no inquiries from 
anybody... We are not looking 
to sell Kinkladze." 

The Tottenham striker, Stef- 
fen Ivcrscn, looks set to escape 
disciplinary action over a ges- 
ture he made towards a refer- 
ee last week. 

The Norwegian was captured 
on camera aiming a derisive 
hand signal at foe back of Steve 
Lodge after he was booked for 
his part in a brawl that inter- 
rupted Spurs' 2-1 defeat at 
Waa Ham. However. Lodge has 
viewed film of the incident and 
has decided against asking the 
Football Association to take ac- 
tion against Ivcrscn. 

Eric Cantona will not re- 
ceive any money in his royalties 
dispute with Manchester Unit- 
ed, the dub insisted yesterday. 

The Frenchman has reported- 
ly claimed he is owed a £750,000 
share frorn the sale of souvenir 
items bearing his name. 

However, United claim he 
was paid off in full when he left 
the club at the end of last sea- 
son. Maurice Wi lkins, a Unit- 
ed director, said: “The club 
docs not consider itself to h3ve 
any liabilities to Eric at all." 

Brighton and Hove Albion 
arc still pushing their plan to 
play the rest of this season's 
home games at Mi II wall in- 

stead of Gillingham. Yesterday 
the League was meeting foe two 
elute, police and council officials 
to discuss the consequences of 
Brighton playing at foe New 
Den for up to three years. 

“We have received initial en- 
couragement from the League 
in terms of making a formal ap- 
plication for foe Mi) I wall 
ground share," Dick Knight, 
Brighton’s chainnan-cicct, said. 
“The League are fully aware 
that it Ls rhe overwhelming 
choice of all Brighton fans."