Erectile Dysfunction Medicine in Pakistan: A Complete Guide

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent issue that can lead to low self-esteem and quality of life issues, but treatment options exist that can alleviate its symptoms. Medication or alternative approaches may help with treatment; other techniques may also work.

Herbal extracts and dietary supplements that promote improved blood flow are commonly used to treat ED. Furthermore, lifestyle modifications like exercise, healthy diet and stress reduction techniques may help alleviate symptoms.

What is Ajmal medicine?

Ajmal offers Unani medicines for both men and women that can be purchased on Pushmycart, such as Masturin, Zamad Shabab, Arusak and Sharbat Mudir. Each product is created from natural ingredients approved by the Ajmal Institute to ensure its effectiveness.

Hakim Muhammad Ajmal Khan was known for his keen knowledge of medicinal plants. With this information, he developed natural remedies that were safe without side effects – something his family still owns today and continues producing quality products under this brand name.

Ajmal has long been known for its beloved syrup, an integral part of Pakistani households for generations. Additionally, they offer other natural products, such as herbal tonics and skin and hair care products designed by experienced physicians using only natural ingredients.

Outstanding Physician and Philanthropist

Hakim Muhammad Ajmal Khan was an outstanding physician and philanthropist who dedicated his life to serving others. He created a network of free Ajmal clinics (mastabas) across Pakistan that helped thousands with health problems; also wrote numerous books and articles advocating Eastern medicine practices; was an avid reader who brought 300 books with him when migrating from his native Iran in 1948 to Pakistan, later donating these volumes to Ajmal University library as donations.

Ajmal is a well-known brand name in Pakistan for its extensive line of herbal and health supplements. Established in 1906 and currently located in Karachi, Pakistan, they boast an impressive variety of health products.

How Does Ajmal’s Medicine Work?

Ajmal medicines work by increasing blood flow to the genital area, which in turn can enhance sexual stamina and life satisfaction. Many of these medicines also contain aphrodisiac ingredients to increase libido and overall sexual performance. Furthermore, natural ingredients in Ajmal medicines may help reduce stress and anxiety, which contributes to erectile dysfunction – leading to happier sex lives that improve overall quality of life.

Ajmal Laboratories of Pakistan is a pharmaceutical Company that produces herbal and Unani medications, including its flagship brands. Additionally, it is associated with the Ajmal Foundation, which serves as an educational charity trust.

Traditional Healing System

Unani is a traditional healing system originating in Ancient Greece and further refined across the Middle East and South Asia, evolving over centuries of practice. Based upon balancing four humours (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile), Ajmal utilizes modern approaches to Unani medical practice by adhering to World Health Organization guidelines for quality control and standardization, offering free clinics called “Ajmal mastabas” while disbursing its products nationwide.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a severe and embarrassing health concern that affects men and women of all ages, often leading to embarrassment, discomfort and other related health problems. Luckily, natural and herbal treatments can effectively address this condition; Ajmal medicine has long been recognized as a safe and effective treatment for such issues.

Additionally, the university boasts a research centre specializing in herbal and Unani medicine. Researchers utilize scientific methods to develop herbal supplements and pharmaceutical products that treat health issues like erectile dysfunction medicine in Pakistan; furthermore, they conduct clinical trials to test their products’ efficacy.

What Are The Ingredients In Ajmal Medicine?

Ajmal offers an expansive selection of natural medicine. Their natural ingredients have been thoroughly evaluated to ensure they work effectively, and there are multiple dosage forms to meet individual needs. Ajmal medicines provide an excellent opportunity to enhance health and overall well-being.

Hamdogen Vitality Capsules for Men are herbal capsules designed to increase sperm count and help treat problems related to low libido, premature ejaculation and other male reproductive issues. Safe for both adults and adolescents alike, the capsules also help combat fatigue while increasing vigour.

This medicine includes sandalwood, fennel seeds, cinnamon and saffron as ingredients and works by improving blood circulation and stimulating genital organs. Both women and men may take this safe and effective medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and it can be purchased from any reputable online pharmacy.

Unani Product That Helps Soothe Cough and Cold

Joshina is a Unani product that helps soothe cough and cold symptoms. Additionally, Safi acts as a natural blood purifier, while Roghan Badam Shirin is designed to moisturize and nourish skin, whereas Ajmal Diabeat supports normal cholesterol levels.

Products by this Company can also be found at various general medical stores, and their prices are very reasonable; there may even be discounts or special offers available on their website.

Ajmal has expanded its traditional medical offerings with contemporary herbal products to meet the demands of today’s world. Their latest medicines strengthen alternative treatment methodologies of Unani medicine with products for fever relief, blood purification, liver protection and other joint disorders such as fever.

Liver Health Capsules from Ajmal have been clinically shown to effectively reduce inflammation in the liver and protect it against various forms of hepatitis, including viral, chemical, drug-induced, and alcohol-induced hepatitis. Made of natural herbs standardized for quality, these capsules offer safe and effective solutions for treating all forms of hepatitis, including Hepatitis C.

How Should I Use Ajmal’s Medicine?

Ajmal medicine is an all-natural herbal treatment option designed to address premature ejaculation. Comprised of herbs and minerals known to improve sexual function and increase stamina, it offers safe yet effective relief without chemical additives or steroids being present – making Ajmal medicine an excellent way to combat early ejaculation.

In addition to using Ajmal medicine, practising healthy eating habits and regular physical activity is essential. Such lifestyle changes may help reduce stress levels that contribute to erectile dysfunction, while exercise can increase blood flow to the penis, which in turn improves erections.

It is also recommended to visit your physician if experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction, as they will be able to identify and treat any underlying causes of it. Furthermore, discuss any medications or supplements taken which could interfere with achieving an erection or interact with any medication prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by medical conditions like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, which damage nerves or blood vessels necessary for an erection. Furthermore, certain medications – for high blood pressure or cancer, for example – may also lead to its development.

Traditional Medicines

Ajmal is an iconic brand of traditional medicines that has been around for over 100 years. It is best known for its famous syrup and other herbal remedies but recently expanded into women’s health and fertility products. Their goal is to offer top-quality products at affordable prices while their consumer range contains ingredients that are both high in quality and safe for consumption.


Ajmal products contain ingredients sourced from all over Pakistan and manufactured with precision and care, making them more effective than other over-the-counter drugs. In particular, their treatment for digestive ailments has received rave reviews from consumers; furthermore, other Ajmal offerings are also highly acclaimed by consumers.

Men of all ages can utilize Ajmal medicine. Before beginning use, it’s essential to read all label information thoroughly to ensure the product meets your individual needs and dosage instructions. In doing this, you can confirm it works effectively for you.

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