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8 Effective Tips on How To Take Care of Your Car Properly

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message 1: by Amelia (new)

Amelia Grant (healthy_living) | 10 comments Mod
Regular maintenance of your car will not only save you money but also prevent unexpected damage. No one wants to be sidelined at night in the midst of a thunderstorm. Keeping up with the needs of your vehicle is critical to the long service life of your car. In order to properly care for your car, you don’t need too much cost and effort. In this article, we have gathered eight effective tips on how to take care of your car properly.

1. Repair the car after accidents
If you have been in a car accident and your car was damaged even slightly, it is essential to repair it as soon as possible. The best way out is to visit an auto collision center or other car specialists to evaluate the condition of your car. The reality is that even minor damages can cause severe complications over time. For example, scratches on the body can start to rust and misaligned wheels can even lead to another accident.

2. Change the air filter in time
The air filter prevents dust and sand from getting inside your vehicle's delicate engine. Disposable paper filters are quite cheap and should be replaced regularly. Replacing the filter is a simple procedure and an easy way to ensure that the engine will have a good supply of fresh air. If you want to improve performance a bit and help the environment, you can purchase a more expensive washable high airflow filter.

3. Check tire pressure
Tires are the only part of the car that is in constant contact with the road. Moreover, they are the only part of the car that should do this. It is essential to understand that correct tire pressure is critical to safe driving.

Traction and stability control can be compromised if the tires are not sufficiently or too much inflated. Having a good pressure gauge on hand is the only correct way to keep track of your tire pressure. You can purchase both a simple analog pressure gauge and a digital display. Any of them will do the job and won't hit your wallet.

4. Swap tires
Swapping tires can help extend their life. The point is that the driving wheels wear out more than the non-driving ones. Accordingly, if you have a front-wheel-drive car, then replacing the worn-out front tires with rear ones will extend their service life. All you need to do this is a wrench to loosen the nuts, a good quality jack to secure the car, and be patient as all four wheels will have to be removed and replaced.

5. Change the drive belt
The drive belt operates all the accessories in your vehicle. Through the crankshaft, it takes over the rotation of the engine and uses it to power other parts such as the water pump compressor, generator, and air conditioning compressor. Without this belt, your vehicle engine would most likely simply overheat, the battery would brake, etc. Replacing the drive belt is easy and can be done within minutes. Additionally, the price of this rubber belt is very affordable, so you can't have any excuse to neglect to replace it.

6. Repair your brakes
Every driver knows that brakes are critical to safe driving. Some car drivers who want to save money can do all the brake work on their own and relatively easily. To do this, they only need a set of a few basic tools. With proper instructions, the job of replacing the brake pads is very easy. But you can also visit a car repair shop to avoid future problems.

7. Change the oil regularly
Changing the oil in an internal combustion engine is one of the simplest and most effective car care procedures that will help extend its life. A good quality lubricant will protect internal components from the harmful effects of friction, high temperatures, and other side effects of the combustion process. Premium filters prevent any small particles from entering and protect delicate internal engine components from damage.

8. Flush the cooling system
Old worn-out coolant will not protect against extreme temperatures but fresh coolant can do this. In addition, if you never flush the cooling system, dirt and rust can build up in the cooling system, which can clog the small holes in the radiator and block the thermostat. As a result, this can cause vehicle systems to overheat.

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