Petition update

Thousands of voices speak out – Abuse of defenceless sled dogs no longer tolerated!

PJ Yukon
Whitehorse, Canada
Apr 16, 2018
In the last update I mentioned a plan to have this issue raised in the Yukon legislature during the spring sitting by tabling a document the following afternoon. Unfortunately everything was in place and all set to go only to be thwarted at the last minute by ‘someone’ with an obvious bias. Although disappointing this didn’t come as a complete surprise. It has become abundantly clear that both the media and the government do their best to try and muffle me. - Animal advocates tend to be seen as a threat to this huge cash cow. Yukoners continue to let me know they support my opposition to the Yukon Quest however many remain hesitant to identify publicly for fear of reprisal - the Yukon Quest really is that big. -When did speaking out for the protection of a defenseless animal become a thing to fear? For decades the media has brainwashed the public into believing the barbaric Yukon Quest is just ‘an exciting adventure - great family fun!’ and stake-holders including Yukon Quest mushers are actually invited to go into the schools and teach our children that it’s all just ‘a big fun event!’ Presently this petition continues to speak out for change with the voices of 5,316 people from 101 countries around the world. Combined with an earlier petition that number is actually 6,531. Comments made on this petition make it clear that this is an issue people feel very strongly about. As the Yukon government continues to fund, support, and promote this barbaric event in which animals continue to suffer and die, our voices continue to grow in number and the eyes, ears, and hearts of the world are slowly opening. Young people are becoming more involved wanting to be heard and demanding change and urging the Yukon Government to stop funding animal abuse. I invite you to share the following article with other caring people including school teachers who are in a position to speak for these defenseless animals right in the classroom and teach our children that as stewards of the creatures with whom we share this planet it is up to us to honour, to respect, and to protect them. You can also help by taking an active role and emailing, letter-writing, making phone calls and sharing on social media or by contacting Yukon Quest sponsors and demanding that they stop funding animal abuse. Every voice counts to help save the lives of these sentient beings from the cruelty they face every day. We are the cause that speaks with thousands of voices from around the globe demanding change and telling the world that the blatant abuse of defenseless animals in 1,000-mile sled dog races will no longer be tolerated. We must continue to stand up and speak out both as a nation and as responsible citizens of this planet. There is a big difference between mushing and racing. “Just say NO to sled dog abuse!” #BanIditQuest. Until the last sled dog crosses the last finish line, - pj johnson Poet Laureate of the Yukon


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