Little Rock, Ark. (News Release) – Leading race directors across the country, Little Rock Marathon Race Directors Geneva Lamm and Gina Pharis announced Friday the official launch of National Finisher’s Medal Day. 

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed Finisher’s Medal Day to be observed annually on the first Sunday in March.

Lamm and Pharis founded the day to celebrate endurance athletes and their competitive spirit. They encourage all finishers, whether you are a runner or a walker, to celebrate Finisher’s Medal Day, too!

“The idea is to recognize the long hours, days, weeks and even months of training thousands of men and women across the country have put in to achieve their goals of completing a race,” said Geneva Lamm, Executive Director of the Little Rock Marathon. “Some have been athletes all their lives. Others are just starting out and want to see if they can do it,” Lamm added.

“Finisher’s Medal Day brings recognition for a competitor’s accomplishments. It reminds them of their dreams, their personal goals and even those bucket list items,” said Rick Nealis, Race Director of Marine Corps Marathon. 

“Physical courage, dedication, and perseverance are the hallmarks for an athlete. When you strive for a “Finish Line” in running or any of life’s other finish lines goal you as a person will learn to be flexible and adapt so you can overcome and succeed. Wear those medals proudly because you are ‘The Few, The Proud, The Finisher,’” added Nealis.

“Every year, cities around the United States and the world hold half and full marathons, triathlons, and other endurance races,” said Pharis. 

“Most of the competitors are everyday working people who train before or after work, after caring for their families and keeping their other commitments. They remain on a schedule despite rain, snow, wind and sometimes injury,” Pharis added.

“For many athletes, a finisher medal is symbolic of so much more than just checking a competitive distance off a list. The addition of Finisher’s Medal Day is a welcomed opportunity to remember and celebrate those individual achievements and triumphs. Today in Houston, we’re joining in the celebration of all those who have taken on a challenge and triumphantly crossed the literal or proverbial finish line,” said Houston Marathon Committee Executive Director, Wade Morehead.

“It doesn’t’ matter if you’ve finished a lot of races or just a few, it tells me that if you can cross the finish line, it tells me that no matter what you want to do in life, you can do it.” Chris Olsen Russ Vegas Foot Races Foundation

Finisher’s Medal Day recognizes all racers who cross the line. Whether they cross it once or many times, earning that medal is a lifetime achievement.

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