Page 1 of 1 | 435.792.4700 | Logan , UT

Measurement Range 15 to 115 kPa (approximate)

Maximum Pressure Exposure 400 kPa (exposure beyond this limit may cause permanent damage to sensor)

Sensitivity 45.9 mV per kPa; 0.459 mV per 0.01 kPa (approximate)

Calibration Factor 0.0218 kPa per mV (generic slope; reciprocal of sensitivity) and 11.4 kPa (generic intercept)

Measurement Uncertainty ± 1.5 kPa (with generic calibration coefficients)

Measurement Repeatability Less than 0.1 %

Non-linearity Less than 1 %

Warm-up Time 20 ms

Response Time 1 ms

Temperature Response Less than 0.002 % per C for temperatures greater than 0 C; -0.015 % per C for temperatures less than 0 C

Operating Environment -40 to 80 C; 0 to 100 % relative humidity (non-condensing)

Input Voltage Requirement 5 V DC

Output Voltage Requirement 0 to 5 V DC

Current Draw 7 mA DC

Dimensions 16 mm diameter

Mass 5 g

Cable 12 cm pigtail

Warranty 4 years against defects in materials and workmanship


Product Specifications

High Accuracy and Stability

Accurate within ± 1.5 kPa across a pressure range of 15

to 115 kPa (4.43 to 34.96 in Hg). Long-term non-stability

has been measured continuously indoors and in natural

conditions (with sensors mounted inside a datalogger

enclosure) for multiple sensors and is less than 0.5 %

per year. Temperature effects on signal are less than 1 %

across a wide temperature range (-20 to 50 C).

Low Power, Large Signal

Pressure sensor power requirement is approximately 35

mW (7 mA current draw at 5 V DC). Voltage output ranges

from 0 to 5 V DC for a pressure range of 15 to 115 kPa.

Small Size

Sensor is small and lightweight enabling easy deployment

within a datalogger enclosure, protecting the sensor from

the elements.

Features Dimensions



Rev: 9-Aug-2022