Western-BALKANship - Companies Registration Form
The WesternBalkanship project aims to carry out about 50 cross-border mobilities of students from the Universities associated with UniAdrion at companies located in the countries of the Adriatic-Ionian Area.

This registration form is aimed at companies/institutions established in the countries of the Adriatic Ionian Area included in the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR): Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, the Eastern regions of Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia, and Slovenia.

The associations of Chambers of Commerce (FORUM AIC) and Universities (UniAdrion) of the aforementioned 10 countries, thanks to a project financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII), will implement student mobility for internship in companies/institutions in the Adriatic and Ionian Area.

The cross-border mobilities will have a maximum total duration of 90 days (3 months), depending on the choice of the student and the availability of the host company. For each selected student, financial support will be provided by Forum AIC to partially contribute to the student's livelihood during the mobility period.

The students will also be covered by insurance for civil liability, for accidents at work and medical health through the University of origin or through the implementing partners: no costs will therefore be charged to companies that, in addition to participating free of charge, will have the opportunity to acquire new human resources and test their skills and efficiency for possible future employment.

The objectives of this project are many: strengthening international cooperation between countries, promoting structured cross-border mobilities, creating new employment opportunities for young graduates and recent graduates, providing companies with specialised personnel and increasing the economic development of the area.

In order to create a complete database of the hosting entities participating in the project, we kindly ask you to fill in this form with all the information requested.

This will only take 10 minutes of your time.

Do not miss this opportunity!

Should you need any further information, please contact us at the official project email:

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