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Do you want to be able to finally stop being manipulated by women?

Do you want to be able to understand them to their core?

Build a rotation?

I get tons of questions everyday from guys asking me how to get with some chick or a lot chicks so make sure you watch this video until the end because I’m going to give you the resources you need to do all of this and more.

But before we get into that and it makes sense...

I need to tell you a quick story about a time when I was still acting like a Beta.

So basically, back with I was in college, I was going in with the mindset of “being the best track athlete I could be” AND “f**k as many b***hes as possible.”

That was all I wanted to do.

Those were my ultimate goals and I was doing perfectly fine at first until this one girl came around that everybody else liked…

I wasn’t really too caught up with her at first but one day we were all watching a movie and then somehow everyone left and it was just the two of us… 

Then I took one look at that ass, saw how fat it was, and from that moment on, it was over.

We started messing with each other and she would do cool stuff like take me to practice, pick me up after sometimes, we’d eat together pretty much all the time, sleep together most nights… It was like a whole relationship.

I thought I was living the life…
UNTIL about 3 or 4 months later…

So… I never actually made it official so she started pressuring me to do that.

Basically she was saying she would stop f**king me unless I gave her a relationship and me being the beta simp I was at the time, I caved in a gave it to her even though you already know that’s not what I wanted.

I broke the #1 rule of game and got so attached to this chick that she had the power and I gave into the pressure because I was afraid of losing her… and this is when things started to go down hill… 

Christmas break came around and we didn’t do shit but spend all of our time with each other… So I broke ANOTHER rule which I’ll get into more later but just know that spending that much time with a chick is never a good idea.

We started arguing a lot just because we were basically frustrated with seeing each other all the time so we took a little break for a week.

This was around the time Christmas break was over and track season started… 
When I came back, I felt like something was off and I knew a LITTLE bit about female nature at the time but mainly just that they can be conniving and back stabbing - So I asked her roommate about it… 

And her roommate just straight up told me that she had been going on dates every time I left the city for a track meet.

Then I did probably the most beta thing in my life and I STRONGLY suggest you don’t do what I did…

But I went through her phone to confirm it and it was true.

She was talking to some guy and they were talking about fucking and all this other stuff so I screenshoted it and then showed it to her later.

We got into this huge fight, yada yada yada, and it was over.

Suuuuuuuppppeeeerrrrr Beta. I know.

This is the girl that broke my heart but this is also the situation that pushed me towards way more red pill knowledge because I saw this situation as clear proof of 2 things:

1. I didn’t know everything I needed to know about women

2. I wasn’t even close to being the Alpha Male I thought I was

So I started doing my own research to actually learn about female nature and soak up knowledge from others!

I bought books, watched youtube videos, and even read a few blogs just to get as much info as possible and see what the “experts” were saying about the subject.

But I knew this wasn’t going to be enough cause a lot of guys tend to get stuck with just learning and that's it…

So the BEST knowledge I’ve gained over the years came from my actual experience dating tons of women from all over the world.

I was able to test out theories I had, learn from actual interactions, learn from more failures, and learn from my successes…

This is how I really learned the truth about things like Hypergamy, Preselection, Seduction, how attraction works, and everything else about female nature.

Instead of just THINKING I understood how women operated, I actually knew because I saw it first hand

And with this new knowledge, I was able to use it to my advantage and get the results I wanted.

I was able to get tons of girls and I continue to meet new women every single week.

I actually have the freedom and abundance that comes with having a lot of women instead of having to fake it.

But I knew a lot of guys out there were still struggling the way I was just because they were ignorant of this red pill knowledge the same way I was…

So I started a youtube channel where I share everything I’ve learned and continue to learn to this day.

Next thing you know, the channel started to blow up and that’s when the DMs started rolling in!

Guys were sending me messages thanking me for helping them get women, get their ex back, get out of a manipulative relationship, and some guys would even send me random pics of girls they were messing with

It was so exciting to see because I know exactly what it's like to be beta and ruin your chances with women you like and then to finally break through those beta habits then you can finally start seeing success.

You can't help but get a huge boost in confidence and start to enjoy your life more.

There’s a huge peace of mind that comes with this too.

But to this day, even after making hundreds of videos, I still get messages from guys who just don’t seem to get it and it’s holding them back.

So I finally got the idea that if I managed to package all the information I had in a way that took a guy from being completely beta with women and taught him all the main things he needed to know in order to get any woman he wants, then that would most likely have a bigger impact.

So I did it and that’s exactly what’s on this page... 
This is a comprehensive guide that will show any man all the knowledge he must have about women and the steps he needs to take in order to attract high quality women into his life without dealing with any of the BS that beta males have to put up with.

Understanding Their Nature

Society has brainwashed everyone into thinking women are something they are not and it’s ruining the lives of men all over the world.

There are guys out there who pay their divorced wife, hundreds of thousands every year just because they didn’t have this knowledge and I don’t want you to be in that situation.

So I will break down all the different false beliefs most men have about women, the difference between their actions and their words, what hypergamy is, what shit tests are, what value tests are, and so much more!

Using Hypergamy to Your Advantage

The whole point in understanding female nature is being able to use this knowledge to get what you want. It’s really that simple.

So if you know women are hypergamous, and you know exactly how and why they are attracted to men in this way, then all that’s left for you to do is put yourself in a position where you become the guy she’s attracted to.

You’re going to be surprised by how simple a lot of what I’m gonna teach you is but the point is they work.

But 99% of guys still won’t do it because it’s either “too simple to work” or “too much work” or they literally just don't know.

Which means, you won’t have very much competition.

Preselection 101

This is going to be one of the most powerful tools in your game.

But even with how well it works, a lot of guys tend to screw this up and end up driving women away because of it.

They come off as trying too hard or trying to compensate for something and women don’t like that.

So in this part of the program I’ll show you how to make sure that never happens and you get the results you’re supposed to get from using pre-selection which is having more women become attracted to you with very little effort on your part.

Maintaining Attraction

Now… With all the knowledge you would have gotten up to this point, you’ll be able to get more chicks already.

Sure, you may screw up here and there but that’s normal. As long as you actually actually follow all the advice I lay out for you then you’re bound to see results.

Not SOME of the advice. ALL of the advice in this program.

Then all that’s left for you to learn is how to maintain attraction after you’ve already smashed because yes, there’s an art to that too.

You just heard my story of a girl I was smashing who cheated on me…

You know there are countless guys who are in relationships and marriages who are getting broken up with or cheated on.

So clearly, f***ing a chick is not enough so keep a woman’s attraction for you at a high level.

But there are 4 main things you need to do and in this part of this program, you’ll learn exactly how to avoid the kind of mistakes most beta males make whenever they do finally get a girl they like.

That way, when you get her, you don’t end up f***ing everything up like I’ve done in the past.

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Basically, by getting this program you get to learn directly from all of my research, wins, and even my mistakes so that you don’t have to go through all the same trouble I did.

If you actually follow this advice like I said, you’re bound to double the results I got or get them twice as fast!

So let's get it man!

If you’re ready to get this part of your life handled then invest in yourself by clicking the button below so you can get started with this program.

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Once you sign up, you’ll be given access to a private membership area where all your videos will be waiting for you and of course, you’ll have lifetime access!

That way you can watch the videos again and again and again so the knowledge basically gets burned into your brain and you can be Alpha without even having to think about it.

It just becomes part of who you are.

But more importantly…
  • Your confidence with women will increase
  • Your self esteem will increase
  • You’ll be happier
  • ​You’ll get more women
  • ​You’ll have more time to focus on your purpose because you aren’t distracted by your lack of women
  • ​You’ll save a ton of money on child support and alimony
  • ​You won’t have to deal with your baby mama trying to manipulate you using your own child
  • ​Soooooo…. You basically get to avoid all the BS that 99% of guys have to deal with while you get your pick of all the women you want

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Bonus #1: Social Media Hypergamy

Total Value = $67

Your most effective wingman these days isn't your good friend that went to college who was just a natural with chicks...

It's your Instagram.

A female's attraction for you will either go up or go down when she takes a look at your profile.

And don't think that you can avoid this by just not trying at all. That will have an effect too and usually, it will be a negative one.

So the best thing you can do, is learn how to use your social media to help you rather than hurt you. Which I'll show you exactly how to do in this Free Bonus.

Bonus #2: My Secret Weapon

Total Value = $35

Pre-Selection can be done in so many ways but I have a way of doing it that has gotten me the best results ever.

Not only does it immediately sexualize the conversation I'm having, but it also completely removes the idea from a woman's head that I'm some Beta male who might give her a ring or something.

This is a super powerful and advanced piece of game I've been using and I'm excited for you to try it out too.

Bonus #3: The ‘0 Flake’ Secret

Total Value = $25

There's a flaking epidemic going on and if you've ever tried to go on a date, you already know what the deal is.

Women have gotten an inflated sense of ego about the value of their time while also, having no respect for the time of others.

This is probably one of the most frustrating and common things guys deal with but there's a way to drastically reduce the amount of times this happens.

And I'll teach you exactly how to do that with this Free Bonus.

Bonus #4: How To Get Her Back

Total Value = $47

Now the most common question I tend to get in my inbox is something about how a guy is losing some chick or already lost her...

And now he wants to know what he did wrong and what he needs to do to get her back.

I don't think you're gonna guess what advice I have for you in this bonus but trust when I say that it's what you Need to hear.

Bonus #5: The Escalation Secret

Total Value = $99

If you're following all of the advice in this program, you're going to start going on dates and getting girls back to your place.

This is awesome but most guys end up dropping the ball because they don't know how to escalate.

This either makes them do it wrong or they get so nervous that they don't even make the move.

Now all of the work they did to get that hot chick back to their place just went right down the drain because she sees that you're too scared to even take what you want.

So in this Free Bonus. I'll tell you exactly what you need to be doing to make it feel natural and actually work.

The total value of this program comes out to $749

But you can Invest in it Today For Just $97 $45!

Click The Button Below To Get Started:


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And always remember…

There’s a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you don’t like the way this program is completely transforming your life for the better then by all means, shoot me an email and my team will get that handled for you as fast as we possibly can.

But if you do like the program then keep in mind that you will have lifetime access to this program that will help you transform into the best version of yourself.

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Make no mistake, the kind of stuff you see happening to most beta males can easily happen to you if you’re not equipped with the right knowledge or doing all that you can to put yourself in an alpha position.

Why do you think celebrities are always losing millions to their wives in divorce?

Ball players, actors, entrepreneurs?


You need to be red pilled in order to move through life safely and get the kinds of results you want.

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