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The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The last days of Mixer

(Washington Post illustration; Mixer)

Lindsy Wood was driving when she learned the news. Everything that she had been building over the past two years was about to vanish, a sea change signaled by a tweet from one of the largest companies in the world.

“Mixer Partners, streamers, and community — today, we’ve got some very big news for you,” read the tweet, shared on June 22 by the official account for Mixer, Microsoft’s streaming platform. “While we’ve decided to close the operations side of Mixer, we’re officially partnering with @FacebookGaming and we’re cordially inviting all of you to join.” It was abrupt — half announcement, half advertisement for Facebook Gaming. It was also the first indication to streamers on the platform, and to many of the community managers and engineers working on the platform within Microsoft, that Mixer was shutting down.