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Dare to be BOO-tiful Cruise

Girls' Night on Smith Mountain Lake

4.3 stars

200 Google reviews

Su Sunday
M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
Th Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
Sorry, there is no online availability for March 2025.
Please call us at (540) 297-7100.

Dare to be BOO-tiful Cruise

Girls' Night on Smith Mountain Lake

4.3 stars

200 Google reviews

Grab your girls and join us aboard the Virginia Dare for an evening of beauty and wellness with Smith Mountain Lake lifestyle blogger “J Bohn” Bishop and Young Living Executive and wellness advocate Aundrea Smiley. Door prizes and refreshments provided, cocktails and beverages available for purchase.

J Bohn will have jewelry, handbags, clothes and women’s accessories available for purchase. Aundrea Smiley will have clean, vegan, chemical-free makeup, skincare and essential oils.