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One of society's biggest lies to men is that it’s ok to be average.
They will make songs, make movies, say it on the news, and even women will tell you… 
  • That it’s ok to not be in shape
  • That you don’t need a lot of money
  • ​That you don’t have to improve your personality
  • That you don’t need better style
  • ​That you don’t need to assert yourself
  • That masculinity itself, is TOXIC

When you have so much of society all saying the same thing, it can be hard to believe that they’re all lying to you but that’s what the Matrix is

If you haven’t seen the Matrix yet, Neo is given the option between taking the red pill and the blue pill.

The red pill gives him the option to pull back the curtain on the world and see it for what it truly is so that he can actually do something about it…

While the blue pill will keep everything just like it is, he’ll forget the red pill even existed and he gets to stay asleep.

And if you take a look around you, MOST people prefer to take the red pill because they either: Don’t know any better or they’re in such extreme denial that they refuse to accept reality for what it actually is.

And who can blame them?

It’s tough to find out the whole world is lying to you and 99% of guys will refuse to change because of how difficult it can be especially if you’re starting as a totally beta guy.
And who can blame them?
It’s tough to find out the whole world is lying to you and 99% of guys will refuse to change because of how difficult it can be especially if you’re starting as a totally beta guy.
I know because I used to be one.

Back in high school and college, I was super skinny, I didn’t really know how to talk to girls, I didn’t have a lot of confidence, and because of all of this, I was constantly overlooked.

Not just by women, but everybody.

No one saw the potential in me because I was approaching life from a place of complete average.

The only thing I had going for me was track and because of that, I did manage to keep a couple of girls here and there, but because I wasn’t truly alpha, I ended up losing them.

One even cheated on me the entire time which is what really red pilled me in the first place.

But the thing about these situations is that most guys will continue to go through life just being average instead of changing anything about themselves because they’re comfortable being average.

But Albert Einstein said that,  "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result."

Yet, most guys will continue to live their lives in the exact same way and just get mistreated by every woman they ever meet without ever making any kind of change...

But there's a small percentage of men out there who will look at their lives, look at the results they’re getting, and decide that it’s time to do something completely different in order to get a different result.

And this is the approach I went with.
I was approaching all of this from the frame of mind of, “wanting to get more women,” right?

But in the end, what I ended up figuring out was that I was approaching this all wrong… 

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get women. It’s only natural.

So yes, you should absolutely learn about female nature, how to talk to girls, and all that stuff that’s directly related to this, but this is only like 20% of it.

That majority of your energy should be used to improve your own life and creating a much more attractive version of yourself

You do this through improving your mindset, changing your behaviors, improving your work ethic, finding your purpose, improving your style, and so much more.

I can’t stress enough how important all of this is for your personal life just in terms of increasing your level of happiness and self respect.

You actually become the prize instead of having to convince yourself that you are one and feeling like a phony when you talk to a girl.

Because when I finally started making these changes in my own life, I was able to actually start enjoying life more.
And it’s not like it’s just about getting women…
  • I make way more money
  • ​People treat me with way more respect
  • ​The kind of guys I hang around with are much more alpha
  • ​The kind of women I attract are of a much higher caliber
  • ​I’m happier than I’ve ever been
  • ​And probably the best thing is this sense of fulfillment I get every time I go to sleep at night because I know I’m actually putting in the work to improve myself
Cause when I used to go to sleep, it used to be a stressful experience because I’m laying there, thinking about how I wasted the day, comparing myself to others, and how I have no idea where I’m headed in life.

But all of this has changed because of how I’ve changed my life and this has led to peace of mind.

Plus, the fact that I’m now able to get more women is just the cherry on top and it’s something I can do with less effort than before because now I AM THE PRIZE.

Do you see the difference?

Is this making sense to you?

You Need To Tap Into That Fearless Side of Yourself That Goes After Life Without Holding Yourself Back With Blue Pilled Thinking

And this is exactly why I created the course you see here on this page. To help guys do exactly this...
This whole thing isn’t just about mindset, it’s about transforming you as a man so that you can improve every area of your life through the foundation we’re going to set through this course.

Because you can’t build a house on flat ground. If you do, it will fall over.

You need to actually dig into the earth and lay a foundation and then build the house on top of that. This way, when the weather or anything else is pushing against the house, it won’t fall over easily because it has a strong foundation.

So it’s my goal that this course can be that same thing for you.

You’ll take this course and this will lay a lot of the groundwork you need in life to finally be able to start that business you’ve always to start, approach girls without fear, get in the gym like you’ve been saying you would, or whatever else it is you want to do… 

I want this to finally give you that momentum you’ve been looking for!

So here’s what you’ll get when you start this program:

Fearless Mindset

I know it may be a cliche at this point but the reason why everyone is talking about it is because of just how important it is.

Now the problem is that a lot of what you learn about mindset tends to be taught like it’s straight out of a fairy tale and leaves a lot of guys stuck in their beta ways but we’re not going to do that over here.

Over here, we keep it realistic and we keep it redder than a chinese flag parade.

So in this part of the course, I’m going to be stripping away those beta mindsets that have been holding you back for so long and replacing them with alpha mindsets that can actually help you get further in life with fitness, business, friendships, and women.

Alpha Male Behaviors

Usually the mindset stuff can take a while.

But something I learned as I was going through this process is that you can still get results as you’re improving your mindset. And the key is to behave like an Alpha Male regardless of the way you feel.

And the reason why this is so powerful is for 2 reasons… 

On one hand, you’ll be practicing what it’s like to be an alpha male even if it doesn’t feel natural and over time, these behaviors will just become 2nd nature to you…

On the other hand, people will begin to SEE you as an alpha and because of that they’ll treat you like one too, so this will help push you into making these behaviors a habit because why would you want to go back to being treated like a Beta??

You won’t!

Fearless Work Ethic

Before you roll your eyes and blow air out of your nose, hear me out…

There isn’t a man on this earth who you admire for what they’ve accomplished who didn’t put in a certain level of work to achieve it and this includes me.

You guys DM me, leave comments on my videos, send me emails, all asking me how to get some chick or accomplish some other goal and I can give you the answers, but at the end of the day, it’s going to take you getting up off your ass and doing something!

Which is why I included a whole section in this course where I teach you about the importance of work ethic and how to develop it over time because I promise you, if you can manage to create this for yourself, this will benefit EVERY area of your life!


Because most guys are LAZY and AVERAGE!

So if you can out work everyone by even a small amount you’ll be the guy who gets that promotion, you’ll be the guy who gets that raise, you’ll be the guy who gets that girl, you’ll be the guy who starts that successful youtube channel...

And the difference between you and everyone else who tried, will be that you simply outworked them.

Fearless Purpose

This is probably one of the biggest things that makes up an Alpha Male. His purpose.

Listen bro, if you want to go through life with some sort of fulfillment and happiness, the key to doing that is getting a purpose and sticking to that.

But in order to achieve this you’re going to need to know what it is, how to find it for yourself, and then most importantly, how to MONETIZE it.

Because the world may tell you that money is just a social construct and it doesn’t buy happiness but this is just “poor people talk.”

Money pays the bills, money pays for dates, money buys you a car, money is a TOOL that you need in life and if you have a job that gives it to you, thats amazing.

But the best position you can be in, is to find either a career or start a business that falls in line with your purpose so you can bring passion and fun to your money making process because this is the path to making TONS of it.

Body Language

This is so important.

Scientists have figured out that over 70% of communication is non-verbal. Meaning it’s the stuff you don’t say that matters the most and this is done through body language.

So all these questions about what you should say to a woman is irrelevant for most guys because it’s HOW you say it that matters more.

It’s all in your eye contact, your tone of voice, the way you walk, and your posture.

All of these things communicate for you without you needing to do anything else. So if you want a woman to see you as alpha, you need to show up a certain way.

If you want men to respect you, you need to show up a certain way.

And I’ll show you exactly how to do this.

Hygiene 101

If you walk up to a girl and you smell like sh*t do you think that increasing your chances in that interaction or hurts your chances?

The answer should be obvious and a lot of guys know this but won’t actually do anything about it and I’m convinced it’s because some people just didn’t have anyone show them how to properly take care of this basic life skill so I’m gonna do it for you!

And Idc if you feel like you got this part handled, watch this part anyways just to make sure. Don’t let your ego stop you from getting some info because the thing about smell is that when it’s coming from you, you don’t actually smell it because your nose is used to it.

But women have sensitive noses and if it’s their first time meeting you and you smell like shit, you basically blew your chances before you even had a chance to open your mouth.

So take the time to watch this and make sure you’re taking care of your hygiene.

Fearless Style

This is the part of the course that I’m most excited for you to check out because it's such an easy way to set yourself apart from other men.

Most guys have no clue how to dress themselves and it hurts their chances in every area of their life.

So you can easily be one of the few attractive men in your city by just getting a handle on your style.

So in this segment I’m going to be teaching you about different shirts you should be wearing, pants, jackets, shoes, and even how to accessorize.

All depending on the occasion so no matter what you’re stepping out for, you can be ready to be probably the only guy who looks good and have all eyes on you.

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Bro, if you actually take the time to watch all of this material and actually apply everything that I teach you, and never give up

It’s going to be nearly impossible to fail at anything you set your mind to.

How could you?

Most guys will never do anything it is that I teach in here and to take it a step further, they wouldn’t even take the time to read this page or even invest in a course like this that could change their lives.

They’d rather circle jerk with a bunch of guys that tell them to just love themselves the way they are while they all get fat with their fat wives who they don’t actually like very much.

But that’s not going to be us.
You’re already different if you made it this far in the video, so just take it one step further and click the button below this video or wherever else you see on this page so you can invest in this course and get instant access to all the content inside.

Anyone who makes these changes in their lives has seen improvement all across the board.

I’ve seen it in my own life, the lives of my friends, and the lives of my students.

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You Also Get 5 Fast Action Bonuses For Free if You Sign Up Today!

Bonus #1: Alpha Inner Circle

Total Value = $77

The reason why humans are so powerful isn't because of our massive brains or our opposable thumbs...

It's because of our ability to unite for a common cause, create tribes, and bounce ideas off each other.

This is why it's important that you surround yourself with other high value men or at the very least, men that aspire to be.

Because that whole cliche about you being the average of the 5 people you spend your time around is true.

So in this Free Bonus, I'll teach you about what you can do to make this a reality.

Bonus #2: The Black Sheep’s Guide To Life

Total Value = $45

The thing about being red pilled is that most people you know, won't understand your thinking.

They won't understand why you have to live life and think so differently and it's going to make them uncomfortable.

So they're going to try and put you back in your place, make little sly remarks, and who knows what else just to get you back to being blue pilled.

It can be tough especially when it's your family that's doing it.

So in this Free bonus, we're going to talk about how to handle being the Black Sheep in your family and friend group.

Bonus #3: Winning Over The Friend Group

Total Value = $197

Women are natural born followers which means that in some cases, you might have her friends as your main obstacle to getting a girl.

Or, they can be your biggest helpers.

It's all a matter of how you handle the friends and in this Free Bonus, i'll show you what's been working for me and my students!

Bonus #4: The Jealousy Switch

Total Value = $97

Most guys are so pussy whipped that they do everything in their power to make sure that their woman knows where they stand at all times.

But the weird thing is that this actually turns a woman off. (Why do you think most marriages end up sexless?)

A healthy amount of jealousy is actually good but ONLY if you know how to use it in your favor.

So in this Free Bonus, I'm going to share some advanced game should start using ASAP.

Bonus #5: Alpha Fragrances

Total Value = $39

For a woman, it's not enough for you to just look good and have money.

They care about everything about the experience of you because all of it engages their emotions which means...

The little things matter!

Like the way your smell.

So in this Free Bonus, I'll be share with you the idea behind smelling alpha and even share some of my personal favorite products that have gotten me complimented by a large amount of women.

The total value of this program comes out to $697

But you can Invest in it Today For Just $67 $37!

Click The Button Below To Get Started:


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"But you can just learn all this stuff online for Freeeeeee....."

Sure, you can go ahead and try to figure all this stuff out on your own but what exactly would be the point of that?

There’s no real benefit from figuring all of this stuff out on your own and I know this because I had to do this.

All you get from doing this on your own is you're forced to go through trial and error and you ruin a lot of opportunities just because you’re making mistakes that could easily be avoided if you just had the right knowledge.

I WISH I had someone to tell me everything I know now. I would have saved so much time, energy, and money if I just had someone give me the answers and I could just follow those steps to get the results I wanted.

But instead, I had to try stuff, watch it fail, try some other stuff, watch it kinda work, and do that for years until I finally figured out what actually works.
And even though it did end up working out for me in the end, this is the worst way to try and solve any problem in your life because it doesn’t turn out like that most of the time.
The reality is that most guys spin their wheels for years, not getting any significant result, until they decide that it just doesn’t work for them and they settle in every area of their life when all they needed to do was get some help!

So don’t let your pride and ego lead you down this path.

I’ve managed to succeed and it’s put me in the perfect position to help other guys get the same kind of success that i’m having in my life but in a shorter amount of time.

I WISH something like this existed when I was on my come up so take advantage.

Use this course to speed up the process of you becoming alpha and getting everything you want out of life.

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And always remember…

There’s a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you don’t like the way this program is completely transforming your life for the better then by all means, shoot me an email and my team will get that handled for you as fast as we possibly can.

But if you do like the program then keep in mind that you will have lifetime access to this program that will help you transform into the best version of yourself.

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Do yourself a favor and take a chance...

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