To be truly ready for lifelong love, 

you must master these three keys:


Raising Your Expectations

At this point in your life you're probably settling for men that bore you, are unattractive or simply NOT at your level. And all of your friends are telling you that you are being TOO PICKY.

Don't listen to any of them UNLESS they are currently in the type of relationship you desire... and I'm going to bet you all the money in my bank account that they are NOT!

I'm here to tell you to RAISE your EXPECTATIONS and then give you the tools to meet (and keep) those new HIGHER caliber partners. 


Letting Go of Control

This one is going to be hard for a successful, Type-A woman like you. But one of your biggest struggles with meeting the type of caliber of men you are looking for is that YOU are trying to control it all. 

A powerful masculine man does NOT want to be controlled. He wants to be respected and trusted. He wants to lead the relationship. Which means YOU need to learn how to trust men and trust that what you want exists. 

Learn how to be successful in letting go of the obsessive need to control your dating life and men. 


Mastering Feminine Attraction

You're so used to going after and getting what you want... how can you just sit back and wait for what you want? 

I'm going to show you how! It's exhausting chasing, pursuing, texting, talking, dating, swiping, scrolling, going out to singles mixers, etc. 

You're 'on it' in every other area of your life. In your relationship, you deserve (and let's be honest, desire) a safe space where you can be supported. 

You no longer have to DO IT ALL, but can sit back, put your feet up, drink a glass of wine and allow what you desire to be delivered to you. 


in mastering the 3 keys listed above so that you can finally call in that high caliber lifelong partnership you desire! 

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