Solution to most deadly diseases and survivor maintenance. (Cancer) 


Either You are a cancer survivor or facing any health challenges, most especially, the ones related to heart diseases or physical disabilities. kindly give your time to read the whole article, I promised it will help you a lot because many people have been set free from sicknesses that are supposed to be a death sentence or entire life in prison..

Illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders

Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning (Don't click off this Article yet, READ WHAT I HAVE BELOW)

Do you hear me right, it's the government arm for disease control that released these, and I felt every human being really need to see this.

According to the CDC, People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including the following: 

1: All-causes of death (mortality)

2: High blood pressure (Hypertension) 

3: High LDL Cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)

4: Types of diabetes 

5: Coronary heart diseases

6: Stroke (this one killed my DAD early this year! RIP to him)

7: Gallbladder disease

8: Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)

9: Sleep apnea and breathing problems

10: Many types of cancer

11: Low quality of life.

12: Mentality i

If you can answer this question, then you will definitely know what next to do.

1: What about you? (what is your health status)

2: Do you currently have symptoms? Or

 3: Have you been diagnosed with one of these 13? 


Let's discuss briefly Cancer (although the WORD CANCER was not used) was discovered in Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC. It's called the Edwin Smith Papyrus and is a copy of part of an ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery. 

Though our discussion here is not about history But ways to keep healthy and safe from untimely death. There is no argument for the fact that Cancer is a deadly disease but not a death sentence. This Article is essential for Cancerous and non Cancerous patients. Every Issue has been critically addressed and suggested solutions have been linked. As we have aforementioned, Cancer issues used to be critical and required experienced health personnel and recommended pharmacies for supplements. check the attached link for the supplement from the popular Nuvia lab for all immune boosters, we have a high record of their performance from the survivor that has taken it.


Diagnosis and treatment can be frightening and draining, and even after you have made it past those challenges, you have to learn how to make your way through life as a cancer survivor. With modern medicine, though, millions of survivors are not only living longer, but they’re also learning to live better. And one of the best paths to doing that is to take steps to take control your health.

It’s almost never too early to start. Whether you’ve just been diagnosed, are going through treatment, or are post-treatment, these eight behaviors can help boost your health.

It is advisable you observe your doctor's prescription and follow their step-by-step guides in terms of dosage and health advice. visit your doctor from time to time to run a proper check-up at all times.

Avoid Smoking Cigarettes and Flaming Environment

If you smoke, the first best thing you can do as a survivor is to stop because it will drastically reduce your risk of developing second cancer as well as heart disease and stroke. Making sure you observe this, will improve your immune system and heals a lot.

Health Tips

1. Keep trying! It often takes six or seven tries before you quit for good.

2. Talk to a healthcare provider. It can double your chances of success.

3. Call 1-800-QUIT NOW or visit for extra help.

4 Join a quit-smoking program. Your workplace or health plan may offer one.

Avoid Flaming/ Smoke-Food

It's obvious many people are not direct smokers but indirectly. If you don’t smoke and even if you do, stay away from a flaming environment. It’s not as bad as smoking yourself, but spending time in smoky places can further raise the risk of cancer as well as heart disease.

Health Tips

1. Avoid smoky bars and restaurants.

2. Try to work in a nonsmoking workplace.

3. Make your house nonsmoking and don’t allow it from, brothers, sisters, spouses, uncles, and friends.

4. Use a Nose mask when necessary or in public places. 

Exercise Regularly

It’s tough for a lot of people to fit exercise into their schedules. For survivors whose regular routines have been so interrupted and who may have just gone through treatment, it can be even tougher. But the benefits of regular activity make it well worth the effort to fit it in, even for those in the middle of treatment. It not only boosts health but also improves mood and helps counter cancer-related fatigue. Regular exercise may lower the risk of recurrence and help cut the risk of other chronic diseases.

Try to get at least 25 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, every day. If you can do more of it, it will be better. It is also important to fit in strength training. Build up to 2 to 4 times per week.

Health Tips

1. Do an exercise or activities that suites you. Many things count as exercise, like walking, gardening, Interval training, Squats, Lunges, and dancing.

2. Make exercise a habit by setting aside the same time for it each day. Try going to the gym each day at lunchtime or taking a walk regularly after dinner.

3. Stay motivated by exercising with Friends and Families.

4. It is easier if you appoint your activity time with a college of the same challenge. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

With the stress, treatment side effects, and changes to life’s routine that a cancer diagnosis can bring, it can be hard for survivors to keep their weight in check. Still, maintaining a healthy weight — or at a minimum, not gaining weight — is an important goal that all survivors should shoot for. Next to not smoking, it’s the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and quality of life.

Health Tips

1. Limit time in front of the screen or digital devices, such as TV, phone, and computer.

3. It's advisable you are eating a rich diet and fruits such as vegetables, citrus, and whole grains.

4. Choose smaller portions and eat more slowly.

5. To balance your weight, Go For A Supplement of this such as we have positive results from the survivor that used it.

Eat a Balance Diet

As a survivor, it can be tough to know how you should eat. Books and articles and websites spout “wonder” diets, but the reality is that healthy eating is the same for cancer survivors as it is for everyone else. A healthy diet can help keep weight in check, and give your body the nutrients it needs and the energy you need to make it through a busy day.

You should focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and keep red meat to a minimum. It is also important to cut back on bad fats (saturated and trans fat) and choose healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats) more often. Many of the survivors give testimonies of the supplement 

Taking a 100 percent DV multivitamin with folate every day is a great nutrition insurance policy.

Health Tips

1. Add fruits and vegetables as part of every meal.

2. Add fruit to your cereal and grain. Meaning; (Eat vegetables as a snack)

3. Make sure you go for Chickens, fish, or beans instead of red meat.

4. Choose whole-grain cereal, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread over their more refined counterparts.

5. Choose dishes made with olive or canola oil, which are high in healthy fats.

6. Cut back on fast food and store-bought snacks (like cookies), which are high in bad fats.

7. Follow food safety steps to avoid food poisoning.

Avoid  Alcoholic Substances if not necessary

Alcohol is a very complicated substance, especially for survivors. Moderate consumption can be heart-healthy – but without health benefits. At the same time, it can increase the risk of later cancer. On top of this, alcohol can become for some an unhealthy way to deal with the physical and emotional stress of cancer. If you don’t drink, don’t feel the need to start. If you do, keep away from it completely. Those who drink more should cut back.

Health Tips

1. Choose nonalcoholic beverages at meals and parties.

2. Replace the Alcohol with Fruit juice that is full of citrus and rich component

3. Avoid occasions centered around alcohol.

4. Talk to a healthcare professional if you feel you have a problem with alcohol.

Share Life with Friends and Families, if possible Other Survivors.

Laughter increases oxygen intake and helps regulate heart rate and breathing through the relaxation response that often follows in the wake of a laugh,” Janssen says.

This relaxation response lowers your blood pressure and can release muscle tension and the physical clenching that often accompanies stressful situations. Laughter can also release feel-good chemicals called endorphins in your brain. Endorphins reduce your perception of pain. There is also evidence that laughter can boost your immune system. There is real power in staying connected with friends, family, and other cancer survivors. Keeping up and building on a social network can significantly improve the quality of life – and possibly even prognosis – in cancer survivors. Even in those with great support from family and friends, cancer can seem isolating, so it can take some effort to keep up these relationships.

Health Tips

1. Schedule a time each week to get together with friends or family.

2. Go regularly to survivors’ support groups, which can be great places to share feelings and concerns with those who’ve been through similar things.

3. Use technology to your advantage. Social media, real-time video, and good old-fashioned telephones and email are great ways to connect with family, friends, and other survivors.

Go to Your Regular Check-Ups

For every survivor patient, either cancerous or any other, the best thing is to always go for regular check-ups and diagnoses. Your regular post-treatment check-ups with your primary care doctor and oncology team. These visits are not only key to your health as a survivor but also great places to share any concerns or questions you have about your health. Become a team with your doctors to manage your health needs. furthermore, for any follow-up tests specific to your cancer, it’s also important to keep getting recommended screening tests for other cancers and for heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis risk factors. Talk to your doctor about tests that screen for: Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Cervical cancer, Lung cancer (for smokers), Hepatitis C (if born 1945-65), High blood sugar, High blood pressure, and Unhealthy blood cholesterol.

Doing proper tests will reveal 95% assurance of positiveness, and will remove the fear of uncertainty.

utrigo Lab Burner is a food supplement addressed to persons who want to lose weight and shape their figure.  The product contains 6 ingredients, which are considered to be natural fat tissue reducers.  The Nutrigo Lab Burner food supplement is especially recommended for athletes who want to quickly lose excess kilograms and expose their muscles.

Nutrigo Lab Burner helps to reduce body fat and prevents its storage.  Regular use of the capsules helps reduce the appetite and maintain normal blood glucose levels.  The effectiveness of the supplement is primarily influenced by the SINETROL® Xpur component, which increases the rate of release of fatty acids and glycerol.

It is worth noting that the formula of the supplement was created based exclusively on natural plant extracts and minerals.  As a result, the product is safe for the body.