Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA) is a comprehensive program to help SME to assess their capabilities and readiness to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies and process. Using a pre-determined set of indicators to understand capabilities and gap.

The objectives of this Outreach Program are to promote Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA) Program, to strengthen the technology adoption and reduce the Industry 4.0 gap among industries.
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Bilik Seminar 1 & 2,Level 1, Menara MITI,Kuala Lumpur
A) Participant Information
The Road Ahead With Industry4WRD
Name *
2. Designation : *
3. Organisation Name *
4. Contact No *
5. Email *
B) Business Activities

Sectors :
2. Are you interested in applying for the Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment Program? *
3. Are you a Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment Recipient? *
4. If YES, have you received the  Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment report? *
5. Have you applied for the Intervention Fund (IF) program? *
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