June, 2023
How to Achieve a High-Performing Risk Adjustment Member Engagement Strategy: 4 Steps to Take Now. Enhance risk score accuracy, improve care coordination and achieve better outcomes.

Medicare-Medicaid Plans to Undergo Performance Measure Validation for 2023 Cycle. CMS will select a subset of MMPs to undergo validation to ensure reported data are reliable, valid, complete and comparable. 

The plan had not conducted provider appointment availability surveys for several years and the pandemic increased demand for access.

ATTAC helped the plan achieve a 20% increase in member access to timely care and increase provider survey participation by 19%.
NY Steps Up Mental Health Parity Enforcement & Penalties
For 2021, the state assessed penalties to three NY plans; collectively, the plans were required to pay $2.6M in penalties and return $473,565 to consumers for violating the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. 

Taking proactive action now may help your plan avoid significant negative compliance findings and fines. We can help reduce the complexity and risks associated with your plan’s Mental Health Parity compliance. Our experts have worked with major national, regional and Blue plans to fix NQTLs to meet documentation requirements for state DOIs, CMS and the DOL. Contact us to learn more.