When Cryptocurrency Meets OPSEC

The Jimmy Zhong Mistakes & Lessons: How To Nail Good OPSEC (Part 5)

The Other Billion Dollar Crypto Scam vs. The Blockchain Myth ⬆ Images Hyperlinked

Every once in a while, everyone — not just hackers or entrepreneurs, or Bill Gates — must drop everything so as to

invest time in self-awareness, security and the acquisition and elevation of wisdom, OR pay the price, sooner than later. This is why successful people get coaches and/or trusted advisors while smug, aloof techies and others seek

cheerleaders. One carefully, patiently reads this blog, and so, follows the argument. The other, probably already

frustrated, wondering what the above words have to do with OPSEC, is probably murmuring or banging things

right now. Yet, as it is, OPSEC is hard enough. Regardless whether one has the positive naïve temperament of

Jimmy Zhong, autism or not. Hence, despite having relatively sophisticated (cryptocurrency) security skills,

he still lacked basic good judgment. AKA, wisdom. This is why there's Cryptocurrency: Good, Bad & Ugly,

Part 2Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, and #iTHiNKLabs episodes featuring crypto to

stimulate strategic decision-making. Because, if not committed to sophisticated paranoia — always in learning mode  plugging holes, in your Self Defense, Situational Awareness, Physical, Digital and

Social Media Security you could find, as one hacker did in Part 1 that taking OPSEC lightly can be

deadly. On the one hand: “Paranoia is a skill.” Yet advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and its

weaponization will probably render OPSEC impracticable as full-spectrum dominance comes

to mass hi-tech surveillance in Orwellian police states, like China. It's hard enough to blend

in. Ask ex-CIA Chief of Disguise Jonna Mendez. So, although Zhong flunked OPSEC 101,

crypto OPSEC in the free world is as porous as in ChinaDe-anonymization? In vogue.

DNA privacy? Dead Law enforcement exploit genealogy data to match suspect DNA.

Strategic Deception IQ helps. Hackers who ignore OPSEC and cybersecurity basics

face it all: Law enforcement trapsPhishing/Spearphishing/Smishing/Catfishing;

for businesses: Sophisticated BEC scams and fraud — that gets CEOs fired. Bad

compartmentation exposed ex-FBI head James Comey. Good OPSEC enabled

Russia to weaponize Social Media to tilt the 2016 US Election. Good OPSEC

avoids contact with shady people/those with bad judgment. From chat, to

encrypted emaildata/home/IoT security acumenGood OPSEC adapts

to the virtual Panopticon we live in fully aware that anonymity is like a

counterfeit good: Sell for money than use personally. Don't trust Tor.

Journalist, activist, lawyer, senior exec, celebrity, company, or just

an average Joe or Jane? Don't be naive. Be threat smart. Don't go

slapping your real name especially as it appears on passport or

critical official documents/credit cards everywhere. Although

Grugq in Part 1's right about powerful nation-states having

the resources to get you if really determined, reading up

on privacy, securityfollowing the right people; invest

-ing in your own security will teach how to think and

live like a situationally aware 007, Ethan Hunt, or

Jason Bourne, registering locations upon entry,

being as elusive as boxing legend Mayweather

— evading detection, law enforcement; and

practicing top-notch Account Security and

Twitter security for activists/HNWI/HVT.

High net worth individuals & high value

targets that is. Plus, Responsible Use.

In the age of the leak, OPSEC is also

about not being on tape, or letting

hacked IoT devices eavesdrop or

data farmers/advertisers track

you. OPSEC is not just about

encrypted communications

but about TNO (Trust No

One), zero trust, access

goverance & Zhong's

nemesis: discipline.

Your smartphone

is a spy, parties

& living large,

dumb & only

LESS noise

makes you


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Zhong is pronounced JONG. Apologies to 大陆人民 & 中国人民.





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